So, what are your all-time favourite matches?
Here's my list:
1) Kurt Angle VS Shawn Michaels-Ironman-Raw Homecoming
Many people are going to cite this as an odd choice, but this is the match that made me an eternal wrestling fan.
2) Shawn Michaels VS Ric Flair-Wrestlemania 24
It was emotion charged and had a great story behind it. The 'I'm sorry, I love you' was truly the icing on the cake and the action was solid. If you didn't feel some sort of emotion watching this match you are not a wrestling fan
3) Undertaker VS Edge-Hell in a Cell-Summerslam 2008
An Instant Classic. Edge IS Smackdown, and this feud has carried Smackdown since 'Mania. The match itself was insane, some crazy spots we've never seen before like the spear thorough the cell and it was just awesome
4) Shawn Michaels VS Triple H-Street Fight-Summerslam 2002
It was HBK's return, not much can top that. after not competing for 4 years, Michaels and Triple H pulled out a 45 minute classic which I don't think will ever be forgotten
5) Shawn Michaels VS Triple H-Last Man Standing-Royal Rumble 2004
Another classic between the two. It was also a classic ending to a brutal match which set up the best Triple Threat of all time.
6) Shawn Michaels VS Bret Hart-Ironman-Wrestlemania 12
I'm surprised myself how much this has fallen down, I remember when it was number 1. Both men went all out for 60 minutes (well more like 62) and it was the official passing off the torch to Michaels
7) Shawn Michaels VS Triple H VS Chris Benoit-Wrestlemania 20
The greatest Triple Threat of all time. All men bled and put everything they had in the ring. From top to bottom, one of the greatest 'Mania Main events of all time
8) Owen Hart VS British Bulldog-Raw 1997
I just saw this match on the Raw XV DVD and it is amazing. It just shows how much of a loss the death of these two was. RIP
9) Mankind VS Shawn Michaels-Mind Games 1996
The greatest match of Foley's career in my opinion. Once again Michaels and Foley did all they could to be on a great show and it paid off. There was a great story behind it and I enjoyed it top to bottom
10) Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker-Hell in a Cell-Bad Blood
The first Hell in a Cell and if it wasn't for Edge/Taker I'd say the best. It was a classic and it laid the foundation for what has become one of the most popular match types ever
I've got SOOO many more I wish I could've put on, but this isn't Top 30
Post your lists people
There are only two matches I really disagree with on this list.
The first on being HHH vs. Michaels at royal Rumble 04. I have the DVD, so I've seen that match about a million times, and I must say, that match is totally overrated, and I much prefer their match from Raw from the end of 03. This just seemed like a lot of punches to me, and never that great.
Also, why the fuck is everyone overrating the Summerslam match between Edge and Undertkaer so much. Yes, it was entertaining and great, but it was by no means a classic. Yea, there were some cool innovative spots, but they didn't really sell the pain too well at all. Again, a very, very good match, but by no means a classic. I'ts only that it's fresh on everyone's mind, judge again in ten years.
And, wow, I like Edge, but saying smackdown is Edge, is way too overrated. This feud was very boring for a long time, so that didn't carry SD either.
Anyway, my list:
Now, before you read it, realize that I have not seen every fucking match ever, much less from the "golden ages" of the WWF. This is from what I have seen.
10) Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar-2004-The emotion was just so great in this match, and everything was just done so perfectly.
9) Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels-Street Fight-2002-This was just a classic, with the huge turn angle, this was the height of it, seemed like the two men HATED each other.
8) Low Ki vs. Bryan Danielson-2008-Has anyone seen this? If you have, you'll know what I'm saying.
7) Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit-2001-This Smackdown match is a must see. It just builds up so perfectly, and there is great technical wrestling, brawling hardcore spots, and it all looked nasty.
6) Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair-1989-Terry Funk just kept calling Flair a bastard, and it led to this greatness.
5) Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit-2004-Man, the way it was built up, and then this match, who you really didn't know who was going to win until Benoit did. The celebration made it that much better.
4) Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle-Steel Cage-2008-Ok, I know I'm going to take shit for this, but I shall explain. They incorparated MMA into this perfectly, as in, they used a lot of cool M<MA holds, but they kept it as wrestling, and didn't copy MMA exactly. Frank Trigg was at his best here, making it seem extremely realistic, and it just worked perfectly.
3) Cactus Jack vs. Triple H-Street Fight-2000-This was the epitome of a great hardcore match. All the spots wroked perfectly, and the pedigree onto the thumbtacks was sick!
2)Shawn Michaels vs. Breat Hart-1996-Just a classic. they went mano a mano, and duked it out for 60 (or 62 as was earlier posted) minutes, and that is why Wresttlemania is Wrestlemania.
1)Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair-2008-The emotion was the best EVER, and no one can dispute that. I actually started crying when he said, "I'm sorry, I love you," and it was the best thing the WWE has put on in years. Only problem was that it should have been given more time.
Honorable Mantions:
Angle vs. Michaels-2005
Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black-2008
Hogan vs. Andre The giant-1985
Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior-1990
The Rock vs. Steve Austin-2001