Match #71
KENTA (c) vs. SUWA
for the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship
NOAH 2nd Great Voyage - September 18, 2005
Now is a good time to discover good wrestling. Pretty much every day is a good time to discover good wrestling, but recently in particular. And here we have a match between 2 Japanese guys with capitalised names. Let's get right into it!
First things first, I like the atmosphere of this show. Who needs pyro when you have DISCO LIGHTS? SUWA comes out with a big old case. I think it's an instrument case, I can't tell. They get Joe Higuchi out to read out the match order, but SUWA tears up his papers. Guess we know the face/heel dynamic right away! KENTA chases SUWA out of the ring, and he doesn't come back in until he's flipped off Higuchi for good measure.
We begin with what every match should start with: stiff elbows! SUWA rolls to the outside, KENTA chases him and introduces his face to the timekeeper's desk. SUWA grabs the ring bell and smacks KENTA right in the face with it before retrieving another case from under the ring. Somehow, the first time he smashes the case over KENTA's head doesn't draw a DQ. The second one does, though, and that's quite a disappointing ending to a major show title match.
But then it turns out KENTA wants to fight and win this match properly! Ah, babyfaces, as honourable as they are stupid. Well, let's restart the match. KENTA chases SUWA up the elevated walkway (I love me a good elevated walkway), kicks him hard, then suplexes him on to it! Once they're back in the ring, SUWA slides out to jaw with Higuchi some more. The sight of Higuchi taking his jacket off gets a massive pop!

SUWA comes back to take an ass-beating from KENTA, who drapes him on the ropes and punts him hard. First 2-count comes from a KENTA dropkick to the face.
SUWA sets up a referee distraction before untaping his fists and choking KENTA with the tape. This guy really does not want to wrestle. He then strips a turnbuckle pad, and when the referee complains he shoves him off before smacking him on the ass with the pad!!

Then he tosses it at Higuchi! I LOVE this. They briefly get back into elbows before SUWA subdues KENTA with an eye rake and a kick to the nuts, because clearly it's more important to him to ATTACK THE GUY THAT'S TRYING TO REATTACH THE PAD!
Pretty much the most heelish thing you can do in Japan is ignore the rules, it seems, and this guy went beyond being a heel. He's just a massive troll.
It's all SUWA for a while. Another exchange of elbows ends in another eye rake. KENTA is hit with a backbreaker and rolls to the outside, where SUWA can just whip him into the guardrail back-first. SUWA then goes for an atomic drop, but instead of his knee, it's the ring post! He briefly returns to the ring before remembering he can't get the title by countout and coming back with KENTA!

SUWA works the back, KENTA comes back with some kicks, he goes for a springboard, but SUWA pushes the referee into the ropes so KENTA falls! I think the best part is that the ref also bumped for the back of KENTA's head landing on him. A SUWA back suplex gets two.
SUWA then goes for a camel clutch, which he interrupts with a bit of fish-hooking for good measure. He then threatens the referee for... KENTA not having submitted? Yeah, he's just unhinged. He is effective though as he decks KENTA with a right in the corner, then a dropkick for a 2-count. KENTA fights out another corner with a headscissors takedown and big boot! That's the first time SUWA's been downed in a while. How has it been 10 minutes already? This has flown by. KENTA's springboard dropkick gets another two. SUWA manages to dodge another boot, and gets 2 with a flapjack, of all things! He follows up with a flying lariat and a suicide dive! See what you can achieve if you just try, SUWA? You don't have to cheat.
KENTA barely beats the count to get back in... but then gets folded up with a lariat for two! Both men down, KENTA's recovering, going for the attack... SUWA catches him and lifts him into the Jet Pool!! He then seems to be going for a Pedigree (I looked it up, and he calls it the Triple F, which is fun) but KENTA gets out with a Tiger Suplex for two! SUWA catches KENTA at speed, then goes for some more crotch-based offense... before dropkicking KENTA so hard into the corner that his soul leaves his body for a second. Another Triple F attempt... KENTA LIFTS HIM UP AND HITS A G2S! He can't capitalise, though.
Back to elbows. KENTA drops SUWA to his knees with a big spinning kick to the midsection, before uncorking some of the shootiest shoot kicks I've ever seen! This only gets two, but that doesn't stop KENTA! Busaiku Knee... some more nasty kicks to the head... and then another Busaiku Knee takes it!
That was a blast. SUWA heeling it up and revelling in it, KENTA coming right back, and a satisfying finish.