You Can Call It A Rant...

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Evil Austin

so like once a month they have booker of the month etc.... ? (seriously how do people get them ? ) i am just curious

The Rated R CMStar

Sometime around the year our mod makes a post with all the categories of the awards. We then post nominees for all the categories, the ones that get most nominations become candidates, then we post once again voting for who wins the category

The Rated R CMStar

The Booker of the Month was a new thing, but really it is more of a fony award, as I won it with a single vote


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah that award seemed to fizzle out for some reason. No one payed any interest in it for some reason. But all the other awards, you completely earned CMS. Plus I wanted to thank you for all the praise I seem to get.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
BTW: It just had to be the first topic. I entered as a whole to this forum thanks to it. I have changed with it. Thanks to BTW, I am a BTB Hall of Famer, Booker of a Month, won many awards and all with the modicle amount of...4 PPVs. So I owe it so much to it and I hope to continue experimenting with it (The Website, the Developmental Territory)

Yeah! One of the Greatest BTB's ever here in IWF... we've come head to head since we started our BTB's last May, and now it's good to see that our BTB's are much improving as the time goes by.

Rated RJC: Damn, I mentioned him (joke for the ones who knew what he did). He was the reason I entered BTB. To be honest, for a while I just scrolled over all the BTBs, not reading him as a whole, but his BTB, AOW, I read all his shows every time before I started writting my own shows. They inspired me.

I also read LK21's (I prefer that name) All Out Wrestling and he's also a good BTBer in the forum. I hadn't witnessed that infamous incident where all of our BTB's suddenly gone in the Section because of him but I still think he's really a huge loss in the BTB Section.

Levi:I don't know what it is, but I feel attached in the BTB section to Levi. We practically entered this scene at the same time and had to battle with a BTB section with few BTBs and practically dominated by only 4 BTBs. I watched HEW grow, and Levi watched BTW grow.

Good to see I am the third one to be mentioned :love:, Well... the truth is, at the start, I dislike CMS because he just nominated HEW in the Worst BTB Category of the BTB Awards and that's one of the reason why I try to improve HEW more. So I think, I better should thank CMS for that! lol....

Mikeraw: The man I respect the most in BTB. It is true that I checked Rated's work before all my shows, but I compared my work with his. I remember an ocassion in which he just had posted Judgement Day in his thread and I was so hyped because I had also posted my first PPV, Busted Open, but when comparing works, I said to me: One day I will achieve a PPV like this.

Another great BTBer and a good IWF member. Another loss here in the section.

Rebellion PPV:Definetly my Turning Point. Maybe it was the fact that I lasted so long posting it, or the shameless spam I made on the HIAC advertising it, but I never had such an aclamation from viewers as the one I got with this PPV.

I remember that post at the HIAC lol. Well.. That PPV is really one hell of an event! That's why I nominated it on the Best PPV Category! The Team WWE and BTW thing is great and it makes me to like Rikishi! lol....

XB and Anigma: What can I say? It sure is hard to book under your shadow! As I have said before, XB got me into TNA, well, I am not lying, a little, I still hate TNA, but TNA iMPACT at least got me to watch TNA. And Anigma was the example of how a booker should post and carry himself, how a thread should be carried, it was just an example, and his BTB was another one I fully read.

What can I say about these two... :notworthy: They are phenomenal! I really loved reading their show and they are the reasons why I try to improve my promos, 'coz when I started HEW, believe me, My promos really suck and it's in a narrative form!

SWA:It just changed my way of writting. You can compare it if you like on my thread. It is a clear difference on the my way of writting matches. I passed from having 5 lines main events to having undreamed 5 Word Pages midcard pages, and it was all to not live on the shadow of the amazing, and long matches of Weebo and SWA ANarchy GM.

Same here... I also appreciate their works. Those great lenghty matches! I really love their works!

The Aswer:The example of why you should stick with your thread and the effects you can have with such a long thread.

Another BTB Hall of Famer, his BTB is one of the Most Realistic one imo, too bad it was closed.

EWO:A good thread, altough it was heavily hurt by the inactivity Wrestling God took. Its best thing was the unique main event it had, and I bet a lot of bookers try to accomplish that, to create your own main event.

The thing that I really loved about EWO is that MVP is on the Main Event scene and the Nitro/Michaels fued is fantastic.

The BTB World Title:Yeah, believe it or not, we had one. Just like the BTB League, great idea back then, terrible to pull off right now.

And the only guy who won it is none other than the Title Winning Machine himself, Legend Killer 21!

Clash of the Champions:My second BTB, I did it when I was allowed to do 2 BTB. It was a great idea, and myself being a WWE fan, it was like my goal to do a WWE BTB, so it was my chance to do it. It showed how hard it is to do a 3 person BTB.

I remember you pmed me about this but I didn't accept it 'coz I am not into doing a BTB with cowriters. Since then I really believe that working on a BTB with other people will not last. But I am also wrong, look at SWA and CWE!

BTB Yellow Pages:The same, good idea by Anigma, but it lack of response and it slowly died.

But it's still a great idea from The Anigma!

More of Rated RJC:Some noobs might be wondering, what did Rated RJC did? He was the BTB mod, and one night, in conjunction with another member named Truth and other one whose name I don't recall, took advantage of their spot as mods, went bizark and erased entire parts of the whole forum. It affected the BTB section as Rated RJC erased all the threads, all the BTBs. It took a while before the admins managed to recover them.

That's why HEW, BTW, The Commencement, Impact and the other BTB's had been almost vanished.

The BTB Mod Spot:It's like a curse. Jmay was a good member, a BTB regular, and when he became mod, it was practically impossible to see him in the section. RJC becomes mod, and he starts failing on the section and his BTB. The say the least, Anigma has been the most regular BTB, and there is people that still complain about his large absences.

Yeah... where is Anigma!?? Maybe he'll be back in action when school ends at summer.

The Next Big Thing award:If you ever win this award, you have big boots to fill. To the moment, there has not been a BTB that after winning this award has not became a big BTB. See the previous winners: BTW, CWE, SWA. Enough said.

Hey! You forgot HEW! :(, Check out my sig! lol....

My Booking system:I book on the air. I don't plan what's going to happen, and when I do, I the most I plan is 3 weeks, and half way I probably change what's happening. Some of my feuds created on the air were: HHH and Christian teaming up, WWE vs BTW and MVP and Hardy being co-champions.

Well... I planned a storyline for a whole year already! lol....

Horza's BTBs:Have you checked them? They are quite unique to say the least. He doesn't writes matches, he posted youtube videos of matches from No Mercy videogame. It was a cool idea, altough to tell the truth, I didn't consider them a real BTB, it was good, but they were never going to
reach a TNA iMPACT, The Commencement level.

This is the best BTB to tune with when you are lazy to read long matches. You'll only read his promos but the matches will be in youtube.

Old Big 5 concept:Boy did they hate that name. But to be honest, it was very real back then. It was used to refer WG, Anigma, XB, RJC and The Answer. You just had to agree with it, they were the morst dominating BTBs around.

New Big 5:Seeing the current BTB situation, with so many new BTBs, it's hard to point out the new Big 5 of the BTBs, but here are my 5 picks.

Weebo, SWA Anarchy GM, Leviathan, CMS, Xtremebadass. Anigma came close but he is not that active anymore. Wrestling God as well but he is just making his return. Jhar had kind of a slump with his TNA BTB but he skyjumped with the return of CWE. The Answer has been lately seen with the BTB Federations.

I think you better put SWA and Weebo in one spot since they are working on one BTB. Now let just see who will claim the fifth spot in the near future!

Lol, I remember that BTB, it only had one PPV(Starrcade if I recall correctly), and Peep eventually quit from all the posts telling him to make his matches longer, altough they were pretty long(back in the old standards, not the new SWA induced standards)

I also remember Kaedon and Montana making BTB(well, sort of)

Yeah! Peepshow is also a good BTBer! That last PPV one is huge! What a huge triple cage match for his main event! That was totally awesome!

What a kick ass thread CMS! I really enjoyed reading it, reminiscing the past and I think this could really help for our fellow new BTBers to see how the BTB Sections evolves. Suggestions: I think you should add Switchy, Fatal 55, Echelon, XtremeHighFlyer, Berrysi to your third installment.


Lol, I remember that BTB, it only had one PPV(Starrcade if I recall correctly), and Peep eventually quit from all the posts telling him to make his matches longer, altough they were pretty long(back in the old standards, not the new SWA induced standards)

I also remember Kaedon and Montana making BTB(well, sort of)

It was actually Slamboree, but thanks for trying.

And I didn't quit b/c of that. I quit b/c school was starting back up and I didnt have the

The Rated R CMStar

I actually recall you posting on a thread I make of comparing matches in which I posted one of your matches against one of XBA, one people posted he thought your match wasn't long enough for the type of match it was and then you posted that it was exactly one of the reasons you quitted, people telling you to increase the lenght of matches


^LOL, then I was lying at that point and time. B/c I honestly did not quit b/c people said my matches weren't long enough. I just didn't have the time anymore.


^Ummm, it all depends. IDK. If I have enough time this coming summer, I might, MIGHT try it. It also depends on if my parents make me get a If I do, then that's going to be a no for sure.

Evil Austin

what happened to this. my old thread a few weeks back was put into this. ?
my new one is better and half the people who have posted here have reviewed the thread.

will this thread be updated ?

The Rated R CMStar

What do you mean? I just rant randomly in this thread. When I find the topics to rant, and feel like it, I will do. Besides, it's not about BTBs I rant, heck, I talked about your abilites, not actually your BTB.

Evil Austin

ok than. i just was like nearly two week no post and i started to think you guys forgot about this thread.