You Can Call It A Rant...

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Evil Austin

Lol good rave but i am laughing about the mods like levy.. Its up to you you have the not quiting pressure on your shoulders..


Dec 22, 2007
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Im one of the people that quit BTB's, the only reason i do it is because i like lose interest in it

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Part two is here. Okay here I will be talking about stuff that comes to my mind.


BTB Power ten: Well I tried this myself and it didn't work out and now lookn at what it has down. Of course this is well done now by TRI and Weebo. I want to get to number one. This is what I strive for.

Tournament. Originally started by He who shall not be named (or the dark lord) but there have only been two since I have been here. I am currnetly Judging one now and I was a finalist in the CMS' who I sought of despise for picking the royal rumble match.

Anigma: Well He was in the same boat as Levi but has recently stopped modding. Took a break from IWF and then returned. From then he has started dominating the BTB section with the commencement and I think he is sort of my inspiration.

XtremeBadass: He is also sought of my inspiration as well. He was and is probably the best Promo writer on IWF. He is a great writer no matter what. I always read TNA Impact and Now I try and read RAW as well.


People who give up: I hate people who give up. It just pisses me off so bad. I hate it. It can be considered as Spam. Especially when they have BTB's that look good.

Writers who don't take others advice: Oh god when I first started I couldn't write really good matches but with others help. I really improved.

BTB Mod Curse: RJC(shit) Was banned when He conaspired with other mods to destroy the forum but He had a great BTB. JMAY187 has left the forum. Anigma then left after awhile as a great BTB mod. He then returned as Levi became mod. Who I severly hope doesnt get hit by this curse.

BTW that was all the mods that I knew of. I am still thiunking of more ideas to add so yeah.

The Rant Section-

First, I think that you can definitely make it to number one if you continue improving with each show like you've been doing.

Second, thanks for the comments. They're greatly appreciated and I'm glad that I've had some kind of inspiration on you.

Third, I agree with what you've said about XBA. He IS one of the if not THE best promo writers and he is a great writer no matter what.

The Rave Section-

I completely agree with you about people giving up on BTB. It's kind of a disappointment to see a BTB that has so much potential go down the drain.

Again, I agree with people not taking the advice that they're given. IMO, if you're not here to improve then you shouldn't be asking or looking to receive reviews.

Nice column, I'm looking forward to the next one.


Dec 22, 2007
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xImpulsive's BTB Column

Well some members have a column like this but they are barely updated anymore, so i am going to make my own.

First Column:

XtremeBadAss - You make a return with a WWE Raw BTB. You are still the best promo writer around and one of my favorite btb. You seem dedicated and i bet your RAW btb will be around and as good as your iMPACT! btb.

CMS - You are doing 2 btb's and BTW is still number 1 on the power ten. You are also one of my favorite btb and you are very good at match writing and promo writing. Your two btb's BTW and ECW vs. WWE are very good, and i hope to still see you in btb's in the next year.

- The new BTB mod, you are doing a good job as the mod and you also have an amazing btb HEW. Number 2 on the top ten. You are also one of my favorite btb, i have 3 and i just named all of them lol. So i like the BTB and you are doing a good job

Nate - You start off doing a btb with DX 3:16, he leaves you, your without a partner, then you get CMS as your partner and your btb has been successful ever since. I like the concept you have and you have a good btb, keep it up.

DX 3:16
- Lets see here, you start off doing some btb's idk, then you do ECW vs. WWE with Nate, leave him and start WAW, at first i thought WAW was just another WWE pretty much, i didn't really enjoy your match writing and promo writing, but with your new ppv NWO that showed me that u improved and you are doing a nice job. Keep it up. But also, when you started that simpsons BTB i was like wtf lol, good think u stoped it before it got going. You also bump your thread alot, please stop it takes up space from other btb's that just posted shows and its just annoying.

ME! - Lets look at my history, i start off with a btb ECW: Back in Heymans hands, i had one show then i lost interest in it. I then do another btb, ECW: Aftermath of D2D, i did two shows then lost interest. I then do EWA, which i did 2 shows, i was working on my 3rd then i lost interest in that. lol i probably pissed some ppl off that i keep forgetting my btbs and doing new ones. But i am doing a new one, ECW One Night Stand 2006, i am working on the PPV One Night Stand 2006 and i hope to do this btb and not do anymore in a while. So i hope to keep doing my new BTB.

All the new BTBers - A lot of new BTB's are popping up, some not so good, some good, i won't say any names though. I hope that some of these BTB's are sucessful and IWF has a big BTB group. Some tips for new btbers, color, organization, spell checker, and creativity. Good luck to all new btbers.

This is the first column, i will do another column about the btb people that i forgot in the next week.

CT Styles

DX Degenerate's BTB Rave N Rant

Well it seems to be the current trend so I thought I might do one.


You have showed how good a booker you are lately with great PPV's and shows. You truly are one of, if not the best Bookers on this site, you have a great BTB of yours, BTW which has practically been cemented in #1 and you manage to help out another member with ECW vs WWE. It shows how dedicated to the BTB section and forum you are, well done. Maybe a future mod? :shifty:

The Anigma: You made a return after a while and have come back with a bang. Your Royal Rumble PPV was great and had a great finish leaving us with a question of who actually did win the rumble. You are a great writer and I think you could also be one of the best bookers on this site. Your show is great and I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Hopefully you can keep it going for even longer or even make a new one if you want later down the track and I am sure it will be as big if not bigger as The Commencement.

The Leviathan: Our current mod and writer of a great BTB, HEW. Once again I think the three so far I have wrote could be the three best bookers on this site. Levi, you are a great writer and mod. You get along well with all the bookers (I think) and you give them great instructions on how to improve their BTB's in your reviews. Hopefully you aren't a victim of the mod curse lol.

The return of the BTB savior, lol. Probably one of if the best promo writers IWF has had, I love his new BTB Raw: Real American Wrestling, It has great matches and as always like in his old BTB, iMPACT! he as great promos and great storylines. But just because he has great promos doesn't mean he lacks in match writing, because he doesn't some of his matches have been great like the Y2J/HHH match, awesome match if only it was a title match. A true legend of the IWF BTB section, I hpe you stay here for a long time and hopefully RAW goes for as long as iMPACT.

This BTB Section: I think most people would agree with me that this is the best BTB section on the internet, everyone gets along and it is not just no-ones land like many other BTB section on other forums I have checked out. I hope it will stay like this for a long time.


BTB Bumping: Everyone says this in their rants but people please don't do it all the time, maybe once or twice every now and then but not all the time *cough*DX_3:16*cough* no offense man but you do it all the time. So basically just don't bump it all the time, because to be honest the more you bump it the less reviews you will probably get.

Giver-Uperers: Like in GardsJr's Rave N Rant I hate it when people who make a BTB, write a show or two and then just quit and make another one. I mean at least give it a go, write a couple of shows who knows maybe you will end up loving it like I do. Maybe if you are one of those people plan beforehand so you know you are going to enjoy writing it.

Neutral Section

Me: I'm not being cocky or anything but I feel like I have really improved from when I started with CWA. Now that promotion is incorporated in my second BTB, WWE: Big Time, which I am really enjoying writing and I hope you guys are really enjoying reading. My style, I don't know if this is a great way of writing but I don't really think of long-term storylines I sort of just start writing a show and just let my hands do the typing and along the way I will think, 'Oh wait maybe if he wins via an interference then maybe he can feud with thingo' If you see what I mean I kind of just leave it to the show to decide things.

Well thats my Rave N Rant, hope you enjoyed :).

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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New segment where I will interview someone every week. This Week SWA Anarchy GM

Q, First of all Welcome, lets get straight into this. First question, Why did you leave SWA
A.I came to a point in time where I was becoming consistantly late with my show. My imagination was not flowing like it use to. I believe I had decided I wanted to leave right after Black X-Mas. I mean I hung in there but even I saw that my product was lacking of the par it was normally at. So I felt it was time to leave for the best of the SWA.

Q. How do you feel with the current state of SWA and more importantly Anarchy
A.I feel that the state of SWA kind of fell a bit when Weebo suddenly decided to quit. But of course I just found Bartman tot ake over who is a veteran on another website. But I think in everyones eyes Anarchy fell because BKB does not match my standards. I personally think Anarchy is doing great. he is greating some great new storylines and possibilities for future story lines. So I like it, I think BKB needs some promo work but you know what, the show has benefited for him being there.

Q.How do you feel with the current landscape of BTB
A.I think that with this sort of BTB boom with a lot of new members bringing in a ton of BTBs and than guys comingin as teams than splitting and creating more. I feel it is indeed crowded. But I am sure with the test of time, time will weed out those who really cannot hack it in the section. And I think we will finally see who will be the next successors and new talent. I think right now it is way complicated to see who is here to stay and who isn't considering that the first page only goes to a day back when it use to be atleast 3 days at the end of the first page. I am glad to see new talent to come in but I feel that it is really a bit too crowded and am waiting to see who gets weeded out.

Q.What BTB's do you think have a bright future.
A.You like I said with all these BTBs around it is hard to determine who really has a bright future. Although I see some potential in WWE 2006: The Revival which is written by TRI. I mean he has some very good potential to become known by the section. Also I think Alfie, if he can stick around, he will be a huge talent for the section. He has some great show length and detail with some innovative ideas. So there is definatly some great talent coming in from this new wave of Bookers that has huge potential. I really just want to see them capture the attention of us ya know more seasoned guys.I also think Alexmoss12 has some potential. I think his shows could be longer but he has some great promos and such. I mean I cannot go to all the BTBs and read all their shows.

Q.Who do you think is the current Top 5 in the BTB landscape and who will be the future top five from what you have read.
A.Haha well it is kind of funny how quickly the top 5 changed from when CMS suggested who the top 5 were. I mean SWA was in the top but actually I think it has kind of faultered off the radar in that aspect. With certain returns and certain departures and such I think I know who the top 5 are right now. your got CMS, Leviathan, Anigma, XBA, and Gards. but regarding who might the be the next top 5 it is kind of hard to predict. If NCW came make a huge comeback and get people captivated again, it can be a huge force once again. I also think the return of Vaan can make an impact. TRI has a chance to make it to the top with a lot of work and time. I mean of course the guys now are going to cling to their spot so it will be interesting to see.

Q.What are your feeling on overloading the gimmick matches on one PPV.
A.I think there has to be a balance. And I kind of see people who overload a PPV with gimmick matches, shows how good their storyline and creative thought process works. I really want to see people realize that you can have a great match and story without throwing gimmick matches at it. So I kind of see it as weak writing abilities and I have a lot more respect for guys who can have a PPV with few. gimmick matches and just have good old fashioned wrestling.

Q.Last Question. When do you think you will be able to return so we can all see the magnificent writing from you again.
A.Hahaha. Well I actually got a lot of offers from other guys to write for their BTBs or help write a show or a match. BUt I have remained faithful to the SWA. I cannot really say "when" I will return to writing for the SWA.I am comfertable staying behind the scenes and helping with storylines and such. Although I am getting my head back into the ga,e. So I like I said, I can't give you a date but keep your eyes open because I inevittably return to give the returning guys a run for their money.

Thanks for your time. I really appreciate it
Thank you for deciding to interview me

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

very nice gards. it seems everyone is doing their own column now, so this keeps yours different

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Another great post Gards! SWA Anarchy GM is one of the greatest BTBer here in the forums and he's really a huge loss when he retired. I hope you can come back someday and continue your works and contributions here in the BTB Section.

The Rated R CMStar

Damn, these rants are flourishing on the forum, lol.

I agree with you, I just can't plan long time. I try on my free time at school :shifty: to post what could be my PPV cards all the way to what would be the end of my PPVs, but I just can't. I end up leaving out a lot of wrestlers. Instead, when I plan short timed, I always find time for everyone. See Brock Lesnar's role at Deathly Hallows, or hell, how about Rikishi at Rebellion with his interference.


I was mentioned in a column? I feel so honored! Awesome, thnx for the props, and great Review BTW

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Great interview. SWA Anarchy GM is one of the best btb'ers we had here and it's a shame that he retired but hopefully one of these days he'll make a comeback.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Nice column. I appreciate the kind words and I agree with everything you said including what you stated about yourself. You really have improved and as far as your styles goes, I pretty much use the same exact style as well except I have a general idea of where I want a storyline to go.

The Rated R CMStar

CMS Rant...The Return

Other Rants: Damn, we have had a lot of other rants appearing on the section. In the end, its all good as we get to hear what others think about us.

Noobs: You know something noobs, we were one of you, and hey, we sucked(not telling you did). And to your disgrace, you enter the forum with a big shade over yourselves, almost every noob comes, do a BTB for two weeks and then leave. So for you to be look seriously, you have to really prove yourself, more on this later.

My Old Big 5 vs New Big 5 Analysis: Well it was supposed to be for this column but it will be saved for the Yearbook, watch out for it.

SWA: Damn you SWA ANarchy GM, you leaving practically killed SWA. BKB is just now finalizing to fully adapt to SWA and Bartman hasn't even started. And sorrily to it, SWA suffers every time Weebo gets banned, and lately, it is practically every week.

Xtremebadass:Man, just to show how big you are in the BTB section, people who weren't familiar with iMPACT got excited, and tbh, Real American Wrestling has delivered.

DX 3:16:Good for you, you manage to get some redemption with the great NWO you wrote, but seriously, please, I think I am speaking for the whole section, stop bumping your thread!

wwerko619: Where are you? We want NCW back!

Alexmoss12: This is the main part of the rant. So, thanks to BKB I saw this. See what Alexmoss posted:

Yeah I think Teddy Long is boring as face so thats why he is now turning heel.

That is the booker himself telling the readers on his own thread that he is turning someone into a heel. Now, the veteran XB comes and posts this:

I will review this once part 2 is up, but I see you are doing unecessary bumps, you don't post in your own BTB that you are turning one of your roster members Heel, let the readers find out while reading it or talk about it in the Lounge.

I see it as an advice, keep the discussion of storyline on the chat room or heck, the storyline thread, not revealing your future storyline just like that on your thread bumping it, because yeah, it might have been on the first page, but not on the first places, and if you want to see it as forum thing, stupidly increasing your post count. Well, like I said, it was an advice, now let's see how Alexmoss reacts:

How am I bumping it???? It was on the first page anyway. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. And stop mucking up my BTB with uneccsary things just to make you look like your important.

Did he mock your BTB, Hell, did he bash it?

Now, here is my take on all of this:

Xtremebadass doesn't need to post on your damn thread to make his look better because know what, it is better. And not from a match writting standard because one could make an argument that it isn't, but just because his credibility. Who do you think the section would miss most if one of you two were to leave? He was a pioneer on the section, mantain a PPV for months and months. And he was just giving you an advice and you react like that.

And to answer the question from above, Xtremebadass hands down and everyday. Take this as you want, bashing, looking down, making BTW or RAW look more important but it's the truth


To be honest with all of you, I wasn't even aware of that guy replying back to me. If he reacts to me replying to his thread like that, than I just won't reply.

...but, I have a little Rave N Rant of my own...

"stop mucking up my BTB with uneccsary things...
With your post I replied to, that is what Bookers call "mucking" and "bumping". Hell, it doesn't matter if you topic is on the first or the last, replying with an unecessary post is considered bumping, whether getting it to the first topic or just increasing your reply number.

...just to make you look like your important."
okay that was pretty unecessary and quite mean may I add, I think he hurt my feelings...:(

BTW, great Rant CMS, keep it up :)