Evil Austin

Lol good rave but i am laughing about the mods like levy.. Its up to you you have the not quiting pressure on your shoulders..
Part two is here. Okay here I will be talking about stuff that comes to my mind.
BTB Power ten: Well I tried this myself and it didn't work out and now lookn at what it has down. Of course this is well done now by TRI and Weebo. I want to get to number one. This is what I strive for.
Tournament. Originally started by He who shall not be named (or the dark lord) but there have only been two since I have been here. I am currnetly Judging one now and I was a finalist in the CMS' who I sought of despise for picking the royal rumble match.
Anigma: Well He was in the same boat as Levi but has recently stopped modding. Took a break from IWF and then returned. From then he has started dominating the BTB section with the commencement and I think he is sort of my inspiration.
XtremeBadass: He is also sought of my inspiration as well. He was and is probably the best Promo writer on IWF. He is a great writer no matter what. I always read TNA Impact and Now I try and read RAW as well.
People who give up: I hate people who give up. It just pisses me off so bad. I hate it. It can be considered as Spam. Especially when they have BTB's that look good.
Writers who don't take others advice: Oh god when I first started I couldn't write really good matches but with others help. I really improved.
BTB Mod Curse: RJC(shit) Was banned when He conaspired with other mods to destroy the forum but He had a great BTB. JMAY187 has left the forum. Anigma then left after awhile as a great BTB mod. He then returned as Levi became mod. Who I severly hope doesnt get hit by this curse.
BTW that was all the mods that I knew of. I am still thiunking of more ideas to add so yeah.
Yeah I think Teddy Long is boring as face so thats why he is now turning heel.
I will review this once part 2 is up, but I see you are doing unecessary bumps, you don't post in your own BTB that you are turning one of your roster members Heel, let the readers find out while reading it or talk about it in the Lounge.
How am I bumping it???? It was on the first page anyway. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. And stop mucking up my BTB with uneccsary things just to make you look like your important.