You Can Call It A Rant...

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CT Styles

And WWE: Big Time. Well, he took a concept previously done in Xtremebadass's Team ECW vs Team WWE, in Team BTW and Team WWE and currently going on in WWE vs ECW and maxified it. His idea of CWA vs WWE is just great, was perfectly built around the slowly building CWA fed that finally exploded on MOnday Night Raw. Besides, to me it had to be one of the best promos I have ever read in that show, the matches were not great, but that promo in which Vince tells the superstars they have been sold, it is just great. Heck DX Degenerate, you have already my vote and nomination for Promo of the Year, WTF moment and if you keep up the good work on the storyline, Storyline of the Year.

Gee thanks man. Thats great to hear.

PS CWA's first show is posted.

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Cristian Cage's BTB Input

I know to some people my opinion may not matter but I'm gonna write my input of some btbs anyway. I maybe a newbie here but in I was in the Mega Standings so yeah im not actually a newbie.

BTB Atmosphere

First off I would like to say the BTB atmosphere and quality it self is much better then at WF. At WF people are constantly criticizing you for such little things like colors, match length and unrealism. People diss your show instead of trying to help you. Here at Impact forums people try to help you and have a true passion for btb not like wf where only about 1/10 btbs actually work out even less. Also here comments and reviews are not hard to come by at WF you have to rep people or review there thread or else you get no comments. To conclude this is an awesome BTB Atmosphere.

My Fav BTBs

SWA- Great Presentation, Great Shows and Great booking. Weebo does awesome gfx and the news thing is cool.

HEW-Good Booking, Ok Presentation and Awesome creativity. The Levithan has true passion for btb.

BTW-Good Booking, Great Show and ok creativity. Displays what WWE should be.

NCW- VERY VERY well made E-Fed

Other Creative threads like WAW, Razor edge Wrestling, XFC are quite good btbs. They are interesting and I like their roster.

Showing True passion

With stuff like Power 10, Awards and award banners, hand guide from others, andd the hall of fame. WF has there own versions of them but not nearly as good as these ones. There is a whole lounge for BTB which makes it very easy to communicate with other btbers and share you ideas or get peoples opinion

Hope this was a good read for what do u think

Evil Austin

its good but maybe you should make it a bit longer say a bit about each btb but its your choice ?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^what are you on about. he is just saying what he is thinking

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
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My Input on BTBs

Wwe Vs Nsa- New btb with the rival shows sort of style. We haven't seen a show yet so its hard to judge but looking at his original post the btb has a bunch of potential but the presentation has to be much better.

WWF: The Invasion: What should have happened.-His show was a big blotch of writing and it seems that he doesnt even care about it anymore

WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling-Very good and smart concept. Great shows to me its right up there with the big 3 HEW, SWA and BTW. He has improve alot sinc ethe first show

WWE Big Time: Goods shows and presentation. A worth reading btb and i'm if he sticks to it it will be great some day

SCWR: Revolutionising Pro Wrestling One Hold at a Time: Yet another good creative btb by jae. It has a nice indy roster with not to much star power and not to little. I love hw it has a certain style to it which it seem to be green. The ideas are great and the shows are decent to.

Explicit Wrestling Alliance (EWA)-Nice show with great presentation. The only thing is im not to sure about the roster it seems to congested with Main Eventers

Thats all for now


Dec 22, 2007
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Thats for the comment about my BTB, i like this little input thing you got, keep this going

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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My BTB Rave "n" Rant

Hey I have been looking to do one for quite a while and I feel like doing one now as this is the time for blossoming BTB's so yeah, lets start this thingy. Oh yeah I will try and talk about what others have not.


My BTB's: Well I had to start with this. So far for those of you who don't know I have currently had two BTB's. My first one was WWE+TNA=NWA and as you may have noticed that didn't work out well. It was my first ever wrestling writing experience. And then I have my current BTB CWA. It has great storylines at the moment and is about to go to 2 hours also with is first PPV coming up looks like I will be and Up and Comer.

Leviathan: I swear I have seen you write a column on another site but anyway, a great booker and a great choice by admins to be BTB Mod. (Although I wanted it.) He has really contributed to the section and I think since about the time the forum was restarted He has been continuing with HEW which had a great Dark Revelation as well and has taken on the duties of BTB Mod, Well done Levi

CMS: What can I say about this guy. Since I first read his shows I have been glued to the screen. I haven't read one bad show lately from this guy. His Deathly Hallows PPV was awesome. He is number one on the P10. I am just waiting for CMS too become burnt out so I can steal the #1 spot.

SWA Anarchy GM: Well he was origanally bought in by Weebo to post the Anarchy shows but has become a regular contributer to the BTB section. I would love to have seen him write Valentines Validation but BKB did a great job. IMO One of the best BTB'ers on this site. You better return soon. We need to kick CMS off the top spot.


DX 3:16: Sorry you had to be my first Rant topic but Man please please stop bumping your thread asking for more reviews. I don't. Also try and slow down abit. It is nearly impossible for someone to get the jist of Storylines that fast.

Bad reviewers: Anigma started a thread about this earlier and I agree with this. Although ti may look like I don't review probably but I red a show thouroughly before reviewing. If I can't make up my mind I go back and re read. So please when reviewing don't just do what others did or advertise your show for cheap reviews.

Speed Readers: If you can read the Valentines Validation Matcfh in seven minutes you couldn't have read it properly. If I can't be bothered reading or don't have time I don't review Plain and Simple.

Okay Part two coming to a screen near you. I will include more next time.


Sep 7, 2007
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Nice to see someone elses opinions rather than CMS's. I want to personally thank you for your praise. I really appreciate it and I am glad people still see me as a good booker.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

lol nice to know you mentioned some things that we had talked about on msn. part 2 should be good


Nov 29, 2007
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Nicely done Gards! I hate Speed Readers aswell, cause its just plain gay. Part 2 will be intesting to see! Il be back!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Part two is here. Okay here I will be talking about stuff that comes to my mind.


BTB Power ten: Well I tried this myself and it didn't work out and now lookn at what it has down. Of course this is well done now by TRI and Weebo. I want to get to number one. This is what I strive for.

Tournament. Originally started by He who shall not be named (or the dark lord) but there have only been two since I have been here. I am currnetly Judging one now and I was a finalist in the CMS' who I sought of despise for picking the royal rumble match.

Anigma: Well He was in the same boat as Levi but has recently stopped modding. Took a break from IWF and then returned. From then he has started dominating the BTB section with the commencement and I think he is sort of my inspiration.

XtremeBadass: He is also sought of my inspiration as well. He was and is probably the best Promo writer on IWF. He is a great writer no matter what. I always read TNA Impact and Now I try and read RAW as well.


People who give up: I hate people who give up. It just pisses me off so bad. I hate it. It can be considered as Spam. Especially when they have BTB's that look good.

Writers who don't take others advice: Oh god when I first started I couldn't write really good matches but with others help. I really improved.

BTB Mod Curse: RJC(shit) Was banned when He conaspired with other mods to destroy the forum but He had a great BTB. JMAY187 has left the forum. Anigma then left after awhile as a great BTB mod. He then returned as Levi became mod. Who I severly hope doesnt get hit by this curse.

BTW that was all the mods that I knew of. I am still thiunking of more ideas to add so yeah.