Are you blind or something? I have clearly stuck up for your side of the argument and against his the last 4 posts. n00bsville - population: you and rKoRockz.
what I ment was that you two seem to be the only ones I see posting all the time in these two threads that believe WS should have his ban lifted.
blah blah blah ok I seen things like within states where they vote on dont live in the good ole USA right This Guy...and if this is like a job then fucking pay me......but we should have some rights to vote on here...if it I ran would be better...
Well last I checked in the Good Ol USA most of you didn't want to goto War against Iraq but you went anyways. I don't remember seeing any vote across the US asking the public if they should goto war. Or how bout when Bush decided to sign a law deciding that Gays would not be protected under the hate crimes act that protects other specialty groups? Nope no vote there either.
As for the job refrence, its a job, but its a non profit organization, can't pay anyone if they don't make money....but aside from that, who said you were an employee, last I checked I don't see mod, or admin next to your name....that makes you more like the customer. So again just like if your favourite video store decides not to carry disney movies anymore, they don't ask there customers to vote on weather or not to carry them. They just do it. Sure you can voice your opinion on it, as you have done, but ultimately they are going to do what they feel is best. And if they decide that maybe its best to reverse that decision they do. But ultimately you the customer don't decide. Its the same here. Get over it. Or get out. Because I'm tired of telling you the same thing because you are too stupid to get it.