To be honest I think we should implement a system into the forum. Similar to an IQ test. Also with grammar and spelling involved. People who fail those tests will not have access to the forum. People who capitalize after a comma will not be able to view the forum, Feels me?
@ Mike: I won't capitalize anymore.. @ This Guy: I literally jumped off my chair when I saw my name was green.. I then looked at my section...
Sorry but if I'm really going to be tested to where I have to have EXACT perfect punctuation in even the most simple of dialogue just to access a wrestling forum, I'd take my posts elsewhere. I sometimes don't capitalize my I's correctly, I don't use semi-colon. I don't use exactly three dots in all of my ellipses, I don't even pay attention to whether or not I'm capitalizing a letter after a comma. If all of these are absolutely necessary criteria to access an internet forum than you can go fuck yourself for being an elitist prick. Just sayin'.
There is this game called Kingdom of Loathing. ( In order to be able to use their chat rooms one must confront and defeat the ghost of the english language. The basic idea of the test is to ensure the literacy of the people coming into chat. I would recommend signing up and looking at the test and seeing if you can import something similar here.