I think it's hard to even say who else would have been built if Rock was there tbh, butterfly effect and all. The demand for Cena's character was larger bc Rock left I think for one. But like I said who knows really, I wouldn't be surprised if Cena never really amounted to a whole lot though
To me Cena’s came from Austin and Rock leaving (his initial character was inline with theirs, almost a mix of the two) and Brock departing in 2004. Brock was gonna be THE guy and if Brock never left, Cena is never the ace. Rock not leaving I think hurts Cena even more than Brock not leaving.
It’s hard to say how far he’d get, but I’d venture to say still about 8-10 world titles, but mostly on the opposite show as the Rock and never as long as he got as I’d say he probably stays on brand with at least two of the following at any given time: Batista, Edge, Triple H, Orton and they all still get runs. In fact, I see Triple H and Cena being one of the main push and pulls for the top spot not taken by Rock because Trips ain’t losing his reign for the Rock during a brand split.