WWF 2000 RAW, Smackdown, and PPV Review thread (TAKE TWO)

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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So I took all your comments under advistment......................................and I DONT CARE WHAT YOU WANTED TO READ. New decade but like this made more sense, I'll get to 2005 in like 2025 anyway :side:

And let's be honest this will probably not get finished with me trying to be a grown-up lol. Anyway, leggo.

WWF World Heavyweight Champion: The Big Show
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Val Venis
WWF Hardcore Champion: Big Bossman
WWF Women's Champion: Miss Kitty
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Dwayne Gill

January 3rd, 2000
Miami, Florida

The show opens with the Rock coming out, "Finally......The Rock has come back.......HOME!" Home of the Maimi Dolphins, home of Ziggy Marley. He then introduces his family, which are the Millions....and Millions of Rock fans. He says seeing how this is the first Millenium RAW, and seeing how he's surrounded by the people of Maimi and he is the People's champion. He wants to answer the historians 1000 years from now, as they ask what the sound encompassing this 1000 years was, and it was the sound of the people chanting The Rock's name. And seeing how this is a new Millenium, he has 1 resolution. He will simply be the best WWF champion there ever was, but before he does that he has 1 issue. Mick Foley, Rock says he realizes he gave 15 years to this business, and the way he was put out of the WWF was the biggest pile of monkey crap The Rock has ever seen. Speaking of monkey crap, if Triple H has a shred of hair on his ass, then he will come out and go one on one with The Great One so that this Brahma Bull can take his horns, shine them up real nice, TURN THEM SUMBITCHES SIDEWAYS AND STICK THEM STRAIGHT UP HIS CANDY ASS. Triple H and Stephanie come out onto the stage (Sidebar, god I missed my time) Crowd begin chanting "ASSHOLE" Hunter says he passed an old lady in the back and she wants her jacket back (Mocking Rocks' fly ass leopard jacket) He says there is nothing more that he would want than to walk down there and beat his ass in front of his hometown, his fans, and his "family" But he's got bigger fish to try though, and Rock brings nothing to the table. He too has a New Years Resolution, its simular to Rocks but his will come true when he goes one-on-one for the WWF title against the Big Show, and he will become the 3x WWF champion. He then tells Rock to not feel left out cause he has a spot for him, he knows how Rock loves to make history. Like last week, the first Pink Slip on a Pole match. So he puts Rock's job on the line again tonight in a handicap match! And to make things fair, if anyone interferes, they'll be fired on the spot. Rock asks who he had in mind........................... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO HE HAD IN MIND! Triple H says all of Pavlov's dogs barked, so his line worked, he then says seeing how Rock has all this energy he's gonna show Rock first hand who he has in mind. X-Pac and the Outlaws run out and beat Rocky down before Hunter comes down and says first Rock will get his ass kicked, then get his ass fired.

On Smackdown the Pose and the Dudleyz teamed up and laid out the Acolytes.

Before the bell, the Pose comes out onto the stage to watch on.

Too Cool (w/Rikishi) vs. The Dudley Boyz
This is cool, but it's super short can't be any longer than 3 minutes, both teams get some stuff in before the Pose run down and attack Rikishi, which leads to the Acolytes running them off. The Dudleyz goes for the diving headbutt but Rikishi comes in and superkicks Bubba for the DQ. Post-Match: They dance. YEAH!

Backstage: Michael Cole asks the Acolytes why they got involved, Bradshaw says if you wanna start a fight with them, you better stay till it's over. Faarooq says if they had a dollar for every ass they've kicked, they'd both be billionaires and they're gonna take three punk-ass kids and even if they tied one hand behind their back they would still kick their asses.

Cut to Trips and Steph watching, Steph loves the idea and Hunter agrees and says it's fair. Steve Blackman comes in and Hunter tells him he was told to come here. He says he was told to stay out of Kurt's matches, he says if he hits Kane with his kendo stick, he's fired, and he says ok. Blackman leaves and Stephanie asks why Blackman would hit Kane with a kendo stick, and Triple H says because Kurt Angle will be wrestling Kane. Stephanie is not pleased, and H says his second resolution is to end Kurt Angle's winning streak.

During Kurt's entrance, he has a mic, he says many people may think this might be maybe the end of his streak, but tells his fans to fret not. Seeing how HE has the advantage, and it is a handicap match. He says he sees a 7-foot tall bag of muscle who hides behind a mask and does not speak because he lacks integrity and intelligence. He says he definitely has the intensity, but that's only one I. He asks everyone to cheer him on as he beats the heck out of this big lug.

Kane (w/Tori) vs. Kurt Angle
Again short and to the point, Kane dominates for the most part and rookie Kurt bumps well. Steve Blackman comes out and instead hits Kurt with a kendo stick for the DQ. So, Kurt remains undefeated. Kane stalks Blackman to the back.

Backstage: Steph gloats about Kurt being undefeated still. She says if she thought that was tricky, he should wait to see what she's done with the Intercontinental Title.

Steph comes down to the ring, shes has 3 refs and the IC title with her. She says we have quite the dilemma on our hands, who is the IC champion, Chyna? or Chris Jericho? She then plays back the footage of the double pin from last week's SD. She asks both refs involved in the match who they think should be champ, they're split. Also by now both Chyna and Jericho have come out. Steph then names them co-champions and explains that if either loses the belt, they both lose the belt. The Hollys come out, Bob says he doesn't give a rats ass who is champion, he wants his title shot. Chyna says it's her so Steph agrees to the match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chyna (w/Miss Kitty) vs. Hardcore Holly (w/Crash Holly)
Jericho joins commentary and immediately starts ripping Steph. IT'S HAPPENING! :mark: Match sucks, its 2 minutes of nothing. Hardcore grabs the ropes to block a sunset flip, but Jericho punches him in the face to knock him back into the pin. Jericho then picks up the title and leaves.

After the match, Hardcore attacks Crash cause he knows deep down Crash is better than him in every way imaginable.

Backstage: Triple H talks to Bossman and Albert. He says last week wasn't fair, and this week, they'll fight Test and two of his tag team partners. Bossman says he doesn't care and they're gonna do what they do best, kick ass.

Recap of Hunter/Show from last week RAW airs, followed by Show vs. DX from SD.

Backstage: Cole tries to talk to the Big Show but he ignores him.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: The Big Show vs. Triple H
Hunter has DX and Steph stay on the ramp, this is a good time, it usually is if I'm being honest. Hunter bumps a lot for Show in the early going, until he counters a whip and sends Show into the steps to take over. He targets the head with punches, mostly directed towards the cut on shows head left from SD. Shows comeback is okay, lots of powermoves. He hits the chokeslam but Hunter gets his foot on the ropes on 2. Show out of desperation goes for the big elbow off the middle turnbuckle but that misses, he counters the pedigree so DX run down to distract the ref. Chokeslam is blocked with a low blow, and he follows up with the pedigree for the win. FUCK YEAH! Triple H celebrates with DX, Steph as pyro goes off, green and black confetti and balloons fall from the rafters. TRIPSGOD!

Test comes out for the handicap match, and his partners are...MAE YOUNG AND MOOLAH! :lmao

Test, Mae Young & The Fabulous Moolah (w/Mark Henry) vs. Prince Albert & The Big Bossman

Backstage: DX is still celebrating. WOOOOHOOOOOO!

Big Show is seen leaving the arena pissed.

The Acolytes vs. The Mean Street Posse [Acolytes' Hands Tied Behind Their Backs]
Posse attacks them on the stage, this can't be even a minute long before the Dudleyz run out with chairs for the DQ. AWESOME! 5-2 beatdown comments. Dudleyz leaves and the Posse continues the assaults and even whips them with belts.

Backstage: DX is still celebrating, Steph now has the title around her waist and Hunter says he can't wair for her to just have that belt on with nothing else later on. Road Dogg then says the Dudleyz deserves a bonus for what just happens and he agrees.

Part I of "Have a bad day" airs, it doesn't age well it's such a trips/vince comedy skit.

Steel Cage Match: Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy & Terri) vs. Al Snow
Al attacks Matt on the floor, which suckers Jeff in and that allows Al to slam the door into his head. He beats him down before trapping Terri in the cage and chaining the door shut leaving Al, Jeff, and Terri in the cage. This is okay I guess, Jeff keeps me invested due to his insane bumping and Terri's nip.....nevermind. Jeff ends up using Al as a springboard to climb out of the cage to win. Terri is trapped, so Matt comes in with a chair and attacks Al before carrying Terri to safety.

Part II of "Have a bad day" airs

Backstage: The Stooges are talking to the Rock in his dressing room, Jerry tells him good luck, cause they sure are gonna miss him. Rock says nobody's going to miss The Rock, because he's not going anywhere. He says he'll fight the entire crew, and he'll slap the yellow off of all their teeth. He asks who even let them in any way.

Backstage: Triple H is giving DX a pep talk.

Part III of "Have a bad day" airs

Backstage: Rock runs up in DX's dressing room and smacks the shit out of the Outlaws before bailing.

Handicap "You're Fired" Match: D-Generation X vs. The Rock
Hunter announces this is now a NoDq match, so yeah. This is fun like really fun, almost mostly due to the Rock and the crowd getting sucked into Rocks false comebacks before getting cut off. It's like he makes a small comeback, the crowd goes nuts but then as soon as it gets cut off it's like all the air gets sucked out of the building it's quite the something. This goes on a bit long at 9 minutes. Eventually, Foley comes through the crowd with a chair and lays everyone out, which allows Rocky to hit Billy with the Rock bottom for the win.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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:drose:drose :drose :drose :drose :drose :drose :drose Fitting that Raw opens with Rock saying he's finally come back home :proud
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Nov 13, 2010
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:drose:drose :drose :drose :drose :drose :drose :drose Fitting that Raw opens with Rock saying he's finally come back home :proud

Sheeeit, you know that was by design.

Fab making sporadic appearances like last four year Cena.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Mo is still the man.


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Brock has shown up more times this year than this part timer :side:

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Fab, you know damn well you can dominate this place anytime you feel like it.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho & Chyna
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Val Venis
WWF Hardcore Champion: Big Bossman
WWF Women's Champion: Miss Kitty
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Dwayne Gill

WWF Smackdown
January 6th, 2000
Orlando, Florida

Backstage: Steph is talking to DX, she talks about how RAW was a good night for some and a bad night for others, she brings up how the Outlaws and Pac couldn't defeat the Rock. She says sure Foley got involved but still, says there's a warrant for Mick Foley's arrest if he shows up tonight, and then books Big Show vs. X-Pac and The Acolytes vs. Billy Gunn. But they don't have any plans for Dogg yet. Hunter, they're not the only ones sacrificing, cause he'll be defending his WWF Title against theTri winner of a lottery tonight.

The Big Show vs. X-Pac
This is about a minute of Show destroying Pac before shoving the ref causing a DQ.

Show chokeslams the ref post-match, which allows Pac to hit show in the back with a chair but he no-sells it and punches it back into his face. More refs run down which allows Pac to bail and the other refs do too.

Backstage: Jericho, Chyna, and Kat are arguing about their upcoming match. Jericho keeps telling her to just stay on the apron and follow his lead

Crash Holly & Hardcore Holly vs. Chyna & Chris Jericho (w/The Kat)
Angle match, Chyna refuses to tag in so Jericho works the whole match so at least that's good. Late in the match, Chyna clothesline Jericho on the floor before rolling him in and Hardcore hits this awful looking falcons arrow for the win. Chyna leaves with the title post-match.

FAKE Mankind is at Universal Studios, he keeps trying to talk to people but they ignore him.

Backstage: Triple H leaves as Tori comes in, she says she needs to use the bathroom Steph allows her.

Back from break, Road Dogg is now talking to Steph, he asks what his punishment is and she says she has no idea, she left that up to Hunter. He then asks where he is and she says bathroom. He then goes in and Tori screams. He freaks out and so does she. Steph apologizes and says she forgot as Tori storms out, and then she laughs.

Handicap Match: The Acolytes vs. Billy Gunn
This is shockingly entertaining, Gunn bumps around and has this awesome brief comeback before Bradshaw kills him with the clothesline from hell. They continue to destroy him until Dogg runs out for the save and the DQ. So yeah. They brawl through the crowd and to the back.

Backstage: Kane is in Hunter and Stephs dressing room, Kane demands a match with that "pervert" Road Dogg NOW! Hunter is clueless and Steph plays dumb too but she agrees.

Backstage: Hunter tells Dogg about his upcoming match with Kane, and that if Gunn gets involved "He'll have to let him go" Dogg freaks out and blames Steph for this. Hunter gets him to back off and Steph still plays dumb. SMHTrips

Kane (w/Tori) vs. Road Dogg
This gets 5 minutes, and it really didn't need it. Like at all. Kane pretty much destroys him for 90% of the match. Pac runs down for the distraction, which allows Dogg to hit a low blow and a DDT on the ramp but that's about it as, as soon as they back into the ring Kane hits a chokeslam for the win.

Backstage: The Rock is shown getting ready for his match, Steph then wonders who he will be facing and Hunter announces Rock vs. Kurt NEXT!

Back at the Universal Studios, Fake Foley is giving a rundown of his stats to random strangers on a ride but gets freaked out by a fake shark.

The Rock comes out for his match, he does his usual catchphrases before saying last week on raw triple H threw the roody poo squad at the Rock, but the great one the Rock is he came out on top declaring him the People Champion. He asks do you see it? Do you taste it? Do you smell it? IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'

Kurt comes out next and he too has a mic, he says he stands her before them tonight as an Olympic champion and American hero. A man who has done battle at the Olympic games and came out a winner, and not to mention still undefeated. And he still has his 3 eyes, which means he should be the "People's Champion" Rock says he no doubt is a true American hero, and upon realizing this he sees his gold medals.......well he can take those gold medals shine em' up real nice....................turn em sideways and stick him straight up his candy ass.

The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
This is good for a first time meeting, they clearly have chemistry but it's clear Kurt isn't what he'll become November or what he will be in a year's time. Rock bumps his ass off and really carries this. They go back and forth for like 3 minutes until Blackman runs out with a kendo stick, but Rock takes him out and nails Kurt in the head with it for the DQ.

Post-Match, Rock Rock bottoms Blackman cause yeah. He leaves as Kurt celebrates like he won the WWF title. HE EVEN DEBUTS THE STRAPS COMING DOWN :mark: Anyway, Rock sees this and comes back down. He hits the spinebuster followed by the people elbow to send the crowd home happy.

Backstage: Steph gloats about Kurt still being undefeated.

Edge, Christian, & Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy & Terri) vs. Al Snow & The Dudley Boyz (w/Head)
This is a blast, its a classic 2000 6 man tv showcase, Dudleyz do the majority of the work and Al is only really needed to run interference allowing them to his double team moves, Jeff is isolated for a bit before Edge gets the hot tag. The match breaks down and Edge hits the downward spiral front faceplant DDT for the win. Snow attacks the Dudleyz post-match. LOL

Back at the Universal Studios, FAKE Mankind is refused entry onto a ride. So, he tries to bribe him with a coin so security calls for more security and fake Mankind runs away.

Test vs. The Big Bossman
Bossman attacks Test's broken nose for the majority, during the match Albert comes out too and attacks the face. Kinda wish they got more time cause they really laid their shit in, the match ends when Albert goes for the bicycle kick but Test ducks and he accidentally hits Bossman which allows Test to cover for the win. Bossman and Albert argue post-match.

Backstage: Hunter says that was quite the upset, well it wouldn't have been if Albert didn't get involved. Speaking of upsets it doesn't matter who gets drawn, because nobody can beat him, since he is The Game, and he is that damn good.

Back at the Universal Studios, Fake Mankind is at the back to the future ride, he's trying to decide on what year to go back to. 1998 when he won the WWF title, or 1982 the last time his wife found him attractive and let him have sex with her. I mean that's quite the decision imo.

Handicap Match: The Mean Street Posse vs. Kai En Tai
About 3 minutes of nothing, Funaki rolls up Rodney for the win. LOL

Backstage: Triple H and Stephanie are in a room full of Midcarders and Jobbers, Steph tries to talk but they all ignore her until she slams a chair into the stage. She says tonight one of them has a chance to face Triple H for the WWF champion, never before has there been a champion with such honor and dignity to defend his title in a random drawing against one of them. She says Triple H will defend against all comes, he's a champion with spirit and pride and she's honored to be his wife, he's not only her champion he is theirs too. Hunter comes into the room and they all fake clap and boo him :lmao He says he knows they're all proud to have him as their champion. He looks at this to be a leader and role model to all of them :lmao Steph draws the first ball............................."Andre the Giant" He then draws Fabulous Moolah, and says he'd like an actual challenge. He says to prove this is real, he has Howard Finkel draw a name............ AND IT'S RIKISHI! Triple H and Stephanie are mad and storm off.

Real Mankind attacks Fake Mankind at Universal Studios. "HAVE A NICE DAY, YOU SON OF A BITCH"

Rikishi and Too Cool come out for the Main Event, but Rikishi sends them to the back.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Rikishi vs. Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon Helmsley)
Steph joins commentary for this, so yeah, this is the first real great match of the year. It totally still holds up. They go back and forth for the majority of the match, Hunter does a fantastic job bumping and selling to really make Rikishi seem like a threat. Hunter also does an amazing job at milking the 3 counts, it's kinda like Main Event Jarrett who just gets just the one arm up at like right before the 3, it's so good. He does it the whole match. Late in the match, Steph slides in a chair before distracting the ref and Hunter nails Rikishi in the head, but he kicks out. FUCK YEAH! She then hands him the belt and he nails him in the head with it for the 4th DQ of the night.

Rikishi continues to get up so Hunter keeps hitting him with a chair until refs come out, he begins trash-talking him but Rikishi gets up again and Hunter bails.

Too Cool eventually run out and they dance to end the show.


Nov 13, 2010
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Fake mankind was mideon.

And if this was a real Fab review, we'd get gifs :side:


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Fake mankind was mideon.

And if this was a real Fab review, we'd get gifs :side:
Part timers getting comfortable

And I love how we get to relive the Attitude Era being nothing but run ins and other dusty finishes
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