Money in the Bank WWEF Books It: Money In The Bank

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Who Booked the Better Show?

  • RedBoy123@

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • MildlyUpsetGerbil

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Sanic

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • The Reagmaster

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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Yh thats my point. Naturally we will prefer our way of doing things
The way you worded it refers to us preferring our way over WWE's way, not necessarily our way over Sanic's way. Besides, people that didn't post in this thread are still entitled to have a vote. I imagine they'll be the ones that matter most.
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Jan 5, 2018
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The way you worded it refers to us preferring our way over WWE's way, not necessarily our way over Sanic's way. Besides, people that didn't post in this thread are still entitled to have a vote. I imagine they'll be the ones that matter most.
I meant more that fantasy booking makes you not enjoy wrestling. Cuz everything is better in your own head. Most of the time WWE do it better tho

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I just want to state that I tried to donate some forum cash to serve
as "prize money" but it was returned to me...without a clear reason

Just putting that out there.

I'm done keeping my mouth shut.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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I just want to state that I tried to donate some forum cash to serve
as "prize money" but it was returned to me...without a clear reason

Just putting that out there.

I'm done keeping my mouth shut.

When I saw you said this:

Please just make sure the forum cash/credits I donated to you
do actually go to the winner.

I saw it as you not trusting me, and since you did not, I returned every cent. Plus I already had a 7k donation from someone else, it was more than enough to cover what I was thinking for the prize range was going to be.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I saw it as you not trusting me, and since you did not, I returned every cent.
That's a fair call.

You see what you want to see...but I have to state trust was never an issue...
I is now because apparently I don't trust you...but hey...I can work
with that.

I can work with anything...

Plus I already had a 7k donation from someone else, it was more than enough to cover what I was thinking for the prize range was going to be.
That's great...

So a $5000 prize with you taking a $2000 cut?

I'm just asking because apparently I don't trust you...
I may as well play into that.

See whatever you want to see in that.



Neo Genesis
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That's a fair call.

You see what you want to see...but I have to state trust was never an issue...
I is now because apparently I don't trust you...but hey...I can work
with that.

I can work with anything...

That's great...

So a $5000 prize with you taking a $2000 cut?

I'm just asking because apparently I don't trust you...
I may as well play into that.

See whatever you want to see in that.


The $2000 will likely be a second place prize or pooled into first place.


Neo Genesis
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Who do you establish a winner?

Back to the original post. Right before the event, there will be a poll with the entries on for others to vote for the best card. :)

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Okay lets see what we got here....

Preshow Match:

Smackdown Womens Championship
vs Becky Lynch

This is the pre show match cause I wanted to put another woman's match on here somewhere. This is Lynch getting screwed out of her money in the bank qualifying because she was attacked backstage by Carmella and Billie Kay and Peyton. They also put Charlotte out of action because…Charlotte doesn’t need to be near the top all of time. Give her a break. And Charlotte is Becky’s backup so that’s harsh. Becky makes the point that Peyton and Billie will be too busy with the MITB to interfere in the womens match and that she has Carmella to herself. At the PPV, Carmella noshows. Literally doesn’t even show up because she decided not to. Awkward. This gives Becky a basis to be mad, Carmella doesn’t attempt to show up to face her, this could be a chance for her story development. Same with Carmella cause we can make her a full style diva. She thinks she’s too important to deal with stupid irish people. Some people might hate this idea but it’s better than what she has now with “I beat Asuka so that means I’m better than you” over and over again. She could do so much more with that phrase and she just simply says it, she could go over the top with it.

Main Card:


Raw Tag Team Championship
The Deleters of Worlds vs Drew Mcintyre & Dolph Ziggler
...So remember the gauntlet that happened around ec time? Yea the build is the Tag Team version of the gauntlet. This Gauntlet takes a hour of RAW Time. It starts out with Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) vs The Fashion Police (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) and Tyler Breeze will be renamed Tyler Keenan for this. I don’t think I need a explanation there. AOP destroy them. The Miztourage (Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas) come in, they are destroyed. That’s like the first 20 minutes of the match just AOP destroying tag teams in record times. Titus Worldwide (Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews) DOOMED. Beauty and The Man-Beast (Rhyno and Heath Slater) Rhyno gets a bit offense then they’re doomed. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder reunion. DOOMED. Sin Cara & Gran Metalik. DOOMED. The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) they actually give a fight back for 10 minutes. Because the Ascension vs AOP is like NXT’s beginning to NXT’s current thing. Kinda. Because AOP isn’t in NXT currently but you get the idea. AOP eventually get them but that takes a while. The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder) come in and they go to war. This is the match that takes the majority of the time because these teams are amazing and AOP actually get worn out because they’ve literally went through 7 TEAMS AT THIS POINT! 7! About time The Revival actually take a loss after twenty minutes. It’s Ziggler and Drew as the last team. This is where AOP finally go down for the 1, 2, 3. We give the final 15 minutes until it’s too much for the Authors. This puts over AOP huge. This puts over Ascension and Revival and “The Show” Which I think they’re being called now. I dunno. Also you can bet your bottom dollar Drew and Ziggler are gonna win the belts with some dirty tactics because that’s what they do best. Plus I have made it clear that I hate everything about the broken gimmick at this point so….you shouldn’t be surprised by this.

Number One Contendership for the Cruiserweight Championship

...I really like 205 Live. And these two are good workers can put on a show, they’ve proved that on a 205 Live show from about a month ago. You could literally just push the match which is happening this week to the PPV and make it number one contenders match because Cedric Alexander is busy fighting Seth. I say Murphy wins this one via dirty tactics. And I really like 205 Live.


Triple Threat for The United States Championship
Jeff Hardy vs Sheamus vs Cesaro

Sheamus and Cesaro attack Jeff Hardy after a match one night because they’re heels. Next week Hardy gets a tag match against the bar and Jeff gets a tag team partner of Tye Dillinger. Sheamus ends up getting Brogue Kicking Dillinger off the apron as Cesaro neutralised Hardy so he gets the pin on Jeff. Hardy wants a rematch next week but with a different partner this time Randy Orton. However this time Randy Orton doesn’t forget that easily what’s happened between the two and RKOs Jeff and walks off. Orton suspiciously isn’t seen since. But Sheamus gets the cover on Jeff Hardy for 1, 2, 3. So Jeff Hardy no longer really trusting tag partners (more on that to come) Jeff asks to take them on his own, Bryan reluctantly agrees to make this match. Remember Survivor Series 2009 where Taker defended his belt against Jerishow? Think that way with this. Heels team up on Jeff all match until they argue about who’s winning. Sheamus brogue kicks Cesaro and Jeff twist of fates him then Jeff swanton bombs on both of them. Nice Hardy defence.


Intercontinental Championship
Seth Rollins vs Cedric Alexander

Rollins comes out the first week and does the "I'll fight any person in the back" typical promo except Cedric Alexander interrupts Rollins and says WWE has sectioned 205 in a small group away from everyone else for too long, wwe is too scared to let us loose and properly fly and so as the divisions champ, he's gonna change that before challenging Seth for the ic title, Seth accepts the match at MITB then the rest of the build up is Cedric trying to prove himself against heavyweights (Corbin, Mahal, maybe even bring in Big Show for a match) then meanwhile Seth also wants to prepare so he goes to 205 Live and has some amazing matches with Gulak, Itami, Mustafa Ali, there are so many options to do here plus it attracts more attention to 205 Live. That's really the main focus of the rivalry, the treatment of 205 Live. And at the ppv, they have a great match lasting 20 minutes. because they shouldn't rush this match like they do with most cruiserweight matches. Rollins of course wins at the end though with Cedric missing a move off the top then Rollins capitalises with a curb stomp. 1, 2, 3. Handshake after because they are both faces.

Singles Match
Braun Strowman
vs Bobby Lashley

I hate the idea of a Bobby and Strowman tag team so let's break up that and turn Lashley the next night. No sister promo. Lashley and Braun take out Miztourage or local talents. Lashley spears afterwards and uses a chair or steel steps or the ring bell. Just something to knock Braun out. Next week Lashley reveals that he returned for one true reason he came back was to be the only true Dominator in WWE and that he only teamed with Braun just so Lashley could get some close Intel on how to take the beast. The build up consists of just brawls between Lashley and Braun, the first part Braun. Same with the second brawl. But with the third brawl, American Top Team get involved (remember them from Lashley’s heel turn in tna? Let’s use them again for a bit) and they actually manage to beat him down. And at the ppv with American Top Team at ringside, Lashley wins. Yep. That's happening. Lashley spears Braun 3 times before using his strength to hit THE DOMINATOR ON BRAUN. That's a moment.


Money In The Bank
Sasha Banks vs Bayley vs Ruby Riott vs Ember Moon vs Peyton Royce vs Billie Kay vs Mandy Rose vs Becky Lynch

Okay let’s get for the decisions for this one. Mandy Rose is here because she can do a thing where she loses, Goldust shows up and we bring that from Mixed Match Challenge because that was a stand out from that facebook program. Sasha/Bayley/Ruby have that weird rivalry going on. Peyton and Billie are here because see Carmella & Lynch match. Asuka and Moon are here to do cool spots and be potential winners tbh, at the end Peyton Royce will win. Like I said in a different thread Peyton Royce is a talented individual and she can do so much with that briefcase especially now she’s linked to Carmella. That opens so many doors for her. I would have put Sasha just because “Mrs Money In The Sasha Banks” those promos kinda write themselves but she doesn’t need it. She could get herself a title shot next ppv with how WWE creative is.

Men's Money In The Bank
The Miz vs Finn Balor vs Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe vs Shelton Benjamin vs Chad Gable vs Eric Young vs Kofi Kingston vs Rusev vs Hideo Itami

Straight out of the gate I want Miz to win this. He can do great things with this. I also want to push Zayn a bit because i really want to build the guy up so let's say Zayn & KO demand for a shot at the MITB and Angle says sure and puts them in a match against each other for a shot. And Zayn wins by some heel stuff. Samoa Joe makes sense after looking dominant in the reigns match. Balor is in here because this can be the start of a little thing for him, imagine Finn climbing the ladder, everyone else on the outside are laid out and it looks like Balor is about to get the briefcase but he stops and clutches his head in pain, he tries to clutch it again but again the headache is too much so The Miz comes in, throws Finn off the ladder and that's how Miz wins. This is the start of the demon trying to take over which would not only add LAYERS to Finn. But maybe they can go down a path of the demon completely taking over and Balor turns heel, we can even plant those seeds after the match, maybe Balor in his rage and pain blindly attacks a referee. Of course he will apologise the next night and stuff. They could also just go full split personality tho. As for Benjamin and Gable, we never saw that rivalry end and I could not leave Benjamin out of the match because when I think about MITB, Shelton is one of the first people I think of. Rusevs in there because I was originally gonna put him in a Smackdown Tag Team Championship match and I didn’t have enough space so everyone else doing 10 men, so can I! And Hideos in it because why not add a cruiserweight to this match? Hideo Itami defeats a couple of cruiserweights to win the spot because flashback to when he got into the andre the giant battle royal a couple of years back. Plus having Hideo Itami in this match adds some interesting dynamics into it. Hideo/Young, Hideo/Balor, Hideo/Zayn and Hideo/Joe all come into effect. Also I chose Hideo Itami because I disliked all other possible Raw options.


Last Man Standing for the Universal Championship
If Roman loses then he can never get a another Universal title shot for a entire year.

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar

Yea...doing it again because i literally don't have another match for to place them into. Atleast this gives them a chance to be creative as Reigns is actually good when it’s no dq and this gives Brock a reason to do more than suplex. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. F5. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. F5. F5. Suplex. Suplex. Suplex. You get the idea.

As for the build….Heyman comes out at the start of RAW after Backlash, makes a nice promo. Reigns comes out and says he wants the title. Heyman argues that Reigns doesn’t deserve the title and that even the fans don’t want him anywhere near the title. Brock wants new competition. Reigns gets slowly more pissed as the promo goes along until the breaking point of Reigns literally beating the shit out of Heyman. It’s messy. Superman punch, spear, attacking with steel chairs. Anything Reigns can find he will use against Paul. It gets messy. Next Week Brock Lesnar interrupts a match, doesn’t matter who are the competitors. Let’s say No Way Jose vs Jinder Mahal. Brock comes in and kills everyone. Kills Mahal. Kills Jose. Kills the Singh Brothers. Kills everyone who danced with Jose on his way to the ring. Even the Referee. Everyone. Then Lesnar cuts a promo because he is generally underrated in that area, look at what happened in the build up to Cena vs Brock. He can talk. He demands a match against . Kurt Angle comes out like we have some nostalgia there, Kurt says Roman’s suspended and demands Brock to get out. Brock then simply says “Or what, Kurt? Gonna suspend me like the little dog, Roman? Face it, I have this company by the balls and there’s nothing anyone gonna do it about it” Boom Kimura Lock to Kurt, kayfabe breaks Kurt’s arm. Referees and Road Agents drag him off then Brock just walks away. Next week Brock shows up says this is his show and nobody else’s so I will beat anyone who even comes close to this ring until he gets the match. We have some jobbers come out, get brutalised. Then Steph comes out and says that’s enough. She reluctantly makes the match. Brock smiles and those are the main points of the storyline

At MITB Brock Lesnar wins. Reigns ain’t enough to bring him down. Lesnar F5s him off the stage or something like that.


Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Championship
AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Big Cass vs Daniel Bryan

Yea, we combining the two feuds that people dislike. Oh boy. First of all change his name to big Cassidy. There's your big ass problem solved. Easy as that. Secondly I would change his attire slightly to make it so he now wrestles with a black tank top, the simple change in attire will make the audience see him differently...I got that idea from a wrestler called Jay Washington and considering he has 15 years experience. I ain't gonna argue with him about that cause I'm a smart man. This alone will help slowly get rid of the Enzo chants and I will be happy cause the less of Enzo I hear, more happy I am. As for this match it will push Cass a bit just because he's in the ring with Shinsuke, Bryan and Styles. That can only mean good things to me. As for Bryan, I would have put him in the Money In The Bank but then I realised he doesn't need it because he's Daniel Bryan and he's only just came back. And he was took off one of the recent SmackDowns because of the health. Probably not the best idea to put him in a risky match right now. Shinsuke wins this cause it's his time to shine and Styles gets his rematch clause and they end this feud next month in a massive match like a 60 min iron man or something where they're allowed to do whatever they want.
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Neo Genesis
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Reminder, last day to enter is the 13th :)


Neo Genesis
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Voting is open, the cards are linked to the original post and the poll is open for three days.

Winner gets $5000 forum cash, second gets $2000.

Yeah, I was late on this one .-.

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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A vote for me is a vote for 205 Live.


Neo Genesis
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And the winner is @Redboy123@ Congrats!

I'll be sending you $5000 in a few, and each of the others will get $600 as they all tied for second :pokerface:

Thanks for doing this guys, although I am uncertain of whether or not it'll continue. At the very least, may do it again for Summerslam.


The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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And the winner is @Redboy123@ Congrats!

I'll be sending you $5000 in a few, and each of the others will get $600 as they all tied for second :pokerface:

Thanks for doing this guys, although I am uncertain of whether or not it'll continue. At the very least, may do it again for Summerslam.
Participation trophies! Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!