WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling

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Nov 29, 2007
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Looking forward to ECW. Should be good!

P.S, I already put in my votes:)

Also, make sure to read NCW Thunder tonight.

Evil Austin


(the undertaker can see the future and the main event will be good)

you know what i am talking about ^^^^ rofl

Evil Austin

There probably wont be long until. Nate 757 posts ecw show. When he does The polls will be closed for the Royal Rumble Main event in my sig. This is your last chance if you have not voted and would like to than please do. if you want more information go to end of page 3 in my thread here and it explains all.


Aug 16, 2007
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ECW starts with a recap of last weeks events followed b y Joey Styles welcoming us to ECW.

Joey: It’s great to be back in your living rooms tonight as ECW emanates from The Hammerstein ball room in New York, New York. We have a hell of a show lines up for you.

A familiar strum hit’s the arena as Bret Hart walks out with Teddy Hart right behind him.

Joey: Well I guess that we will start out with Bret “The Hitman†Hart.

Both Harts go into the ring as Bret grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

Bret: Vince, I dare you to send Shane McMahon to ECW. In fact, I’m begging you to send him. I hope he shows up in front of these ECW fans. I bet you that he will not last one minute. Now onto some more important matters, the Royal Rumble. See, Teddy here is already in the Rumble by defeating Petty Williams last week. Vince, you want to go around WWE saying that you are going to eliminate me. You dumbass I am not even in the Rumble yet. See, on ECW we earn our shots and are not given them on silver platters for screwing the boss’s daughter. Vince, I promise you this, If I do get into the Rumble, you will not eliminate me. Teddy, you got anything to say.

Teddy gets the microphone from Bret and begins to speak.

Teddy: Vince, you better be ready for an attitude adjustment. I had to earn my spot in the Rumble after a hard fought match with “The Canadian Destroyer†last week and you go and just place yourself in the Rumble. Trust me Vinny Mac, a lot of guys in the back and all I can say is watch your back.

The crowd cheers as Bret and Teddy walk to the back still with no sign of Shane McMahon.

Announcer: The following is a Royal Rumble Qualifier match. Introducing First, The Big Show.

Show walks to the ring looking rather confident as it seems he knows who his opponent will be.

Announcer: And his opponent, Jack Evans.

Evans walks out looking rather scared and afraid at the sheer size of the Big Show.

Match starts with Jack trying to get the early advantage flying off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick. It doesn’t even faze the big man. Show picks Evans up and slams him down to the canvas. Show picks Evans back up and throws him over the top rope.

Joey: If this was the Rumble, Evans would be eliminated but this only a qualifier.

Jack then sees that he is outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a steel chair and a trash can. Big Show comes after Evans and Show gets creamed with the can, literally breaking the can. A steel chair by Evans followed by a second puts the big man on wobbly legs. A third shot and Show falls to the ground. Evans tries to pick Show up to roll him into the ring with little success. Show eventually gets to one leg, then both. He shrugs Evans off and he flies into the turn post. Show goes over to Evans and rams his back into the turn post numerous times. Evans back is sore and he has a hard time getting up. When he manages to get to one knee, Show just kicks him down. Evans again tries to make it to his feet, just for Show to toy with him again, punting him in the head.
Match Finish: The finish sees Show continue messing with Evans. Show sets a table up in the ring. Evans makes it to the top turnbuckle and tries to fly off knocking Show down. However, Show catches Evans and choke slams him through the table for the win.

Joey: What a force in the Royal Rumble, The Big Show. What a force he will be in the Rumble match.

Backstage we see Shelton Benjamin walk up to Paul Heyman.

Benjamin: Paul, last week I was screwed yet again by Edge and them damn masked men. What are you going to do about it?

Heyman: Shelton, I’m sorry but there is nothing I really can do about it. I told everybody before there matches that they would have only one shot at getting in the Rumble and you know me a man of my word.

Shelton: Paul, you own ECW. I know there is something that you can do to make this fair. You saw the way Edge and those lackeys of his jumped me before the match and after the match. This is not right Paul.

Heyman: I know I know, I just wish there was something that I could do to help you. Wait, I have an idea but it will have to wait till the Rumble.

The cameras go to Josh Mathews as he is with CM Punk.

Josh: CM, tonight is your debut match in ECW and it is for a spot in the Royal Rumble. Any words before your match with Harry Smith, next.

Punk: Josh, I am CM Punk, the straight-edge performer. My only passion in life is competition. I have no time for drugs or alcohol. After I defeat Harry tonight, The Rumble is where I will overdose on competition. It’s 29 other men that I get to go through to be victorious and then go onto Wrestlemania and win the biggest prize in ECW, the ECW World championship. Nobody will get in my way, that is a straight-edge promise.

Announcer: The following is a Royal Rumble Qualifying match. Introducing first, Harry Smith.

Smith comes to the ring to a pretty nice applause.

Announcer: And his opponent, from Chicago Illinois, CM PUUUUUUUUNK

The fans get off there feet as CM Punk walks to the ring and gets ready for the match to begin.

Punk and Smith lock up in the middle of the ring with Smith showing off some power and shoving Punk down. Punk up with a nice running dropkick followed by an armbar. Smith reverses out of it and gets to his feet. Back in a lockup and Punk gets the advantage with a side headlock. Smith sends Punk into the ropes and Punk bounces off and lands a flying forearm. Smith on the ground as Punk locks in a chin lock. Smith works the hold for a few moments and then rises to his knees. Smith then drops flat to the ground cracking Punk’s jaw on Smith’s head. Smith up now and he puts the boots to Punk. Smith picks Punk up and then drops him back down with a power slam. Punk on the ground as Smith goes for the cover, but only gets two. Punk back up and he kicks Smith in the calf. Punk then tries a head shot but Smith ducks and grabs Punk’s leg and throws it to the ground, sending Punk to the mat. Smith goes in for the attack with a flying elbow drop that misses because Punk rolled out of the way. Punk up and he locks in a key lock. Punk wrenches it in until Smith reverses it. He locks CM into a side headlock. Punk sends Smith into the ropes and drops to the mat. Harry runs over him and off the second rope right into a vicious kick from Punk knocking Smith right down.

Joey: What a kick by Punk, That was aggression for ya.

Punk goes for the cover but only gets two.
Match Finish: The finish sees Punk continue the attack on Smith. Harry reverses a GTS attempt into a Running Slam attempt by slipping out the back. Punk slides out and hit’s the GTS for the three count.

CM Punk walks to the back to a great ovation as Samoa Joe walks to the ring. Joe bumps into Punk as they walk back and Punk gets into Joe’s face. Security comes out and clears the situation up before anything big really happens. Joe continues into the ring and gets a microphone.

Joe: Last week, I issued an open challenge to any wrestler in the ECW locker room. This week I want that challenge answered. I even put a Royal Rumble spot on the line. Who wants to face me and get kilt.

Crowd starts a Joe’s going to kill you chant as they wait for Joe’s opponent.

Joe: So, nobody wants to face me. Fine, I am officially entering my self in the Rumble.

A familiar strum hit’s the arena as the crowd goes nuts.

Joey: It can’t be. Has Bret Hart accepted Samoa Joe’s challenge here tonight?

Bret Hart walks through the ramp way to a crazy ovation from the crowd.

Joey: It looks like we will see the Excellence of Execution in his very first match tonight. The ECW debut of two of the most gifted wrestlers of their time. Bret Hart vs. Samoa Joe.

Match begins with a tie-up in the middle of the ring. Joe sends Hart into the ropes and Bret comes off with a shoulder block. Bret falls to the ground as Joe stands tall. Hart back up and he ties up with Joe again. Joe again sends Bret into the ropes, but this time Bret stops short and punches Joe. He lands about 5 punches. Joe blocks one and punches Bret back. Joe with a punch that Bret ducks and slides behind Joe. Bret locks in a German and delivers it beautifully. Joe on the ground as Hart locks in a knee hold. Joe struggles to reverse the hold, however he finally finds the way out of the hold. Joe gets back to his feet as Bret goes back to work on the knee of Joe. Bret with a single leg pickup followed by a twisting maneuver sending Joe to the ground. Bret back into the knee lock, really wrenching on Joe’s knee. Bret is working on Joe’s right knee and he is working it over big time. A couple big knee drops into Joe’s knee by Bret. Joe rolls out of the way of one and makes it to his feet, severely favoring his right knee. Bret tries a single leg pickup yet again but this time Joe nails an Enziguri. Joe tries a cover but only gets one. Joe locks in a chin lock to give his knee time to rest. Bret works his way to one knee then to a standing position. Bret with some elbows and Joe releases the hold. Tie-up in the middle of the ring with Joe being sent into the ropes. Joe comes off the ropes and Bret looks in a sleeper. Joe starts to fade down as the ref checks him. One hand down, two hands down, third hand up. Joe tries anything to get Hart off. Bret eventually jumps onto Joe’s back and Joe runs into the turnbuckle crushing Bret. Bret back up and he nails Joe from behind. Joe turns around and gets punched square in the jaw. Both men exchange fists until Joe lands a shin kick to Bret’s calf. Joe tries for a kick to Bret’s head but Bret ducks and grabs Joe’s leg taking Joe to the ground. Bret grabs Joe’s knee and slams it full force into the canvas. He does this a couple of times more, then he tries to lock in the sharpshooter. He cannot turn Joe however as Joe has so much weight on him. Joe eventually gets out of the hold and kicks Bret down to the mat. Joe back up and he picks Bret up and slams him to the ground. Bret on the ground and Joe goes for the Kahona clutch. Bret blocks it and gets back to his feet. Both men lock up with Bret locking in a hammer lock. Joe reverses it into his own, which gets reversed by Joe, then Bret reverses it, then Joe reverses it into a German Suplex. Bret lands on his head and Joe goes for the cover. Bret kicks out at two and Joe continues the attack on Bret’s head. Joe with a kick to the head followed by another kick. Joe locks in a chin lock and tries to pin Bret from that position by flipping Bret onto his shoulders. Bret kicks out and Joe picks him back up. Joe places Bret on the top turnbuckle looking for the muscle buster. Bret snaps back into the match and kicks Joe flush in the jaw. Joe continues to climb to the top but Bret continues to fight. Joe eventually falls to the mat as Bret comes off with his flying forearm. Bret puts Joe in the Russian leg sweep followed by the remaining 5 moves of death. Bret goes for a sharpshooter that Joe tries to fight. This time Joe cannot fully stop it as Bret turns Joe and leans back, fully putting the sharpshooter into effect. Joe tries to fight it inching himself to the ropes. Right before he grabs it, Bret pulls him away. Joe tries again to make it to the ropes, but he is unsuccessful in doing it. Joe raises his hand to tap as Shane McMahon flies into the screen knocking Bret out with a Van Damanater like dropkick. Bret loses the hold as Joe covers Bret for the 1...2...3...

Backstage we see Carlito with an apple in one hand and a microphone in the other one.

Carlito: Kofi Kingston, last week you cost Carlito a chance at the ECW tag titles. That’s not cool. You just needed to let Carlito do all the work. You wanted to be Mr. Big Shot and you eventually knocked me off the apron. Nobody knocks Carlito off the apron. Kofi, I challenge you to a match next week. Now that’s cool.

Carlito spits his apple at the camera before he makes his exit.

MVP is seen walking to the ring, microphone in hand. He is getting booed out of the building as he gets in the ring.

MVP: Last week, The Royal Rumble got its MVP when I Montel Vontavious Porter, defeated some punk to earn the right to be better than 29 other men in the Royal Rumble match. See, MVP is going to go to the Rumble, win it, and prove one again that I am simply better than you. Thank you all.

MVP leaves to a chorus of boos from the ECW faithful.

Written by DX 3:16

Mysterio's music hits and he makes his way towards the ring same as Shane Helms.

The bell rings and the match begins.

Rey is on the upper hand and is kicking him in the back of the leg. he than hits a standing dropkick and than goes to the top rope and goes for a diving move but Gregory moves out of the way. Rey is hurt his gut landed on the mat. Gregory goes straight for the pin but does not pick up the win. He goes for a head lock. Rey slowly gets to his feet and is elbowing him in the gut and than pushes off to run and the corner. Than he crawls under Gregory and than dropkicks him from behind and he is in the position for the 619.

Rey runs at the ropes going for his finisher 619 but Gregory ducks out of it and than pulls him down hard by the mask getting a lot of whiplash in the neck. Gregory goes out under the bottom rope to go and pull out a table. He is in process of setting up the table and looks up and suddenly Rey had leaped over the top rope diving at him knocking both men down.

Rey was the first man to get up and he finishes setting up the table and places Gregory on it. He goes on the apron and than Backflips onto him putting both men through the table.

Rey and Gregory are back in the ring after the commercial break, Gregory has the upper hand and is hitting him in the back and than goes for his finisher the shinning wizard and hits it. He goes for the pin but Rey does not kick out. He looks really really pissed he goes to the outside and than gets a steel chair and than hits Rey in the head with it. He goes for the pin again but Rey kicks out.

He goes for the chair again but Rey trips him over onto the second rope and than runs and hits the 619 with kicking the chair to his face. He than drops the dime (like a top rope leg drop onto the chair onto his face) than goes for the pin.

Paul Heyman comes out to the ring and he has a microphone.

Heyman: It feels good to be back in New York City. First of all, I would like to think the fans of ECW, that has been the sole reason I have brought back ECW. ECW is doing extremely well in the ratings and it is due all to the fans of ECW. Now moving onto other things. Shane McMahon, how dare you actually show up on ECW. I can promise you and your daddy that ECW will not have this war between you and Bret Hart just fall to the wayside. It is all about the bigger picture in ECW and that bigger picture is that a war between Hart and McMahon is really a war between ECW and WWE. Extreme Championship Wrestling proudly supports Bret and whatever he choices to do, may God have mercy on your soul Vince. Speaking of that match earlier tonight, Bret, you are in the rumble match because you deserve it. And before Shelton Benjamin comes out here and talks, I have decided to make a match before the Royal Rumble PPV between all the losers of the qualifier matches to make up for any misjudges that may happen in these qualifiers. Also, tonight Edge all this masked men nonsense stops. Those two masked men better reveal themselves tonight or you will be fired.

Out comes Edge to a loud groan from the crowd.

Edge: Paul, who do you think you are? I am the “Chosen One†by the higher power. I do what I want, when I want, and where I want. And if I do not want my friends to remove their masks then they will not take them off.

Paul: Well, Edge I am the person that signs your checks. And yes, they actually get accepted by the banks now. So, if you want a job at the end of the night Edge, your friends will reveal themselves.

Edge leaves with no answer to Paul as Paul gets a “Thank you Paulie†chant from the crowd as he makes his way to the back.

Announcer: The following match is for the ECW tag team championships. Introducing first, Brett Major and Brian Major, the Major brothers.

Brian and Brett make their way to the ring to no response as the crowd is anticipating the arrival of the Hardys

Announcer: And their opponents, from Cameron, North Carolina, Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boys.

The Hardy’s come out to the ring with a insane pop from the crowd.

Match begins with Brian and Jeff in the ring. Jeff tries to have a fast-paced match with a few arm drags. Brian gets up to be met in the face with a dropkick from Jeff. Jeff hit’s the double leg drop to the abdomen area. Jeff tries to pick Brian up for a Twist of Fate, looking to end the match early, but Brian reverses into a twisting neck breaker. He tags in Brett, who comes in to kick Jeff. Brett on the attack with an Irish whip. He follows Jeff and land a reverse elbow. Jeff goes to the ground and Brett locks in a Boston Crab. Jeff tries to get to the ropes but eventually Matt comes into the ring to break it up. This brings Brian into the ring. He tries a clothesline on Matt but Matt reverses it into a side effect. Brett rolls to the outside as Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Brian. Jeff to the top for the Swanton Bomb and the cover for the three count.

After the match, Matt and Jeff celebrate their new found gold. The Majors are pissed that they lost and look to attack Matt and Jeff. The lights go out and the two masked men are in the ring with Edge. Edge spears Matt. Jeff tries to attack Edge but the masked men cut them off. Edge to the outside and he gets a chair. Edge back in the ring and he nails Matt with the chair. The masked men set Jeff up and Edge creams him. Edge barks for a microphone and he gets one.

Edge: Heyman, you told me that I had to reveal my friends to the world or I would be fired. Well, here it is Heyman. Guys, take off the masks.

As the men begin to take off their masks, The Majors slip into the ring and get behind the men. The mask comes off the reveal two no-name people.

Edge: See, Heyman you cannot tell me what to do. I revealed who the men were and you don’t even know them.

Paul Heyman walks to the ramp way.

Paul: God damn you, I demand you to reveal the real masked men to me now.

Edge: I cannot do that Heyman, It is not in the plans.

A voice comes over the PA system that Edge quickly recognizes even though it is disguised.

Voice: Edge, it is ok. Now is the time for one drop of blood to be revealed to the world. Tonight, the bloodshed of these two young men will be allowed to save “The Chosen’s Ones†main objective. Reveal Yourselves.

At this time, The Major Brothers kick the two fake masked men and Edge sets them up for a chair shot that busts both men wide open.

Edge: Yes, the Major Brothers where behind the masks all along. You fans will all rue the day that you didn’t express interest in the Majors.


hopefully this will not be the last ECW show but it is not looking to good

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Joe/Hart, this match is really interesting in real life

Worst Match: Big Show/Evans, you know the reason!

Best Promo: Edge/Heyman

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show, Most matches are great but my fave one is the Bret/Joe match. I wish you could continue this one as the story is getting more interesting and I want to see who will win the Royal Rumble. Well.. good luck man, Keep up the good work!


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
yea i really really want to but it would not make that much sense without WWE in there..i dont wat i should do

The Rated R CMStar


After long hours of argument with the Board of Directors, who were intend in forcing Vince Mcmahon to sell WWE to Paul Heyman after not being able to turn any profit since the amazing sank of the ratings, Vince Mcmahon has decided to continue in the hard road and refuse to sell the company.

But, the company has taken a major shake down, as it has been said that all WWE storylines to the moment have been ordered to be dropped. Also, all WWE matches in the Royal Rumble have been dropped.

ECW has kept beyond the WWE clashing and has kept intact. All the ECW matches in the Royal Rumble are still booked.

WWE will make its return to regular progamming with a 3 hour supershow. Check your local listings.

Ok Nate, obviously you don't want to drop this so I will help you until you find a partner to keep up with this permanently. I just need you to PM me updating me how weeks are missing to the Rumble, your matches for the Royal Rumble and your entrants for it.

Evil Austin

My review to Nate my old partner

Bm - Joe / Hart
Wm - n/a most were really good

BP - edge / heyman
Wp -Carlito / kofi (i sorta thought it was good but not as good as the others.)

overall great show. good luck in the future in my thread lol even though i am no longer a part of it


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
BM: Joe/Hart, I know it may look like I'm just agreeing with eveyone else but really, that match outclassed all the others.
WM: N/A, all were alright
BP: Benjamin/Heyman, dunno why but I really liked that promo, it wasn't the longest but it has people asking questions about what will happen at the ruble which I like.
Add. Comments: Nice show, it had a nice blance of matches and promo's which is the key to a good BTB. Nice one!


Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Joe & Hart

WM: Show & Evans

BP: Benjamin & Heyman

WP: Carlito & Kingston

Additional: Good show with good balance, keep it up


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Joe vs. hart. head and shoulders above the rest. great job.

WM:n/a I think all the matches were alright



AC:You did a good job. Great up and coming show I think you will progressivly get better. I will be checking in!

The Rated R CMStar


Shocking News:
In a decision took on a reunion of Vince with the booking department, Triple H has been forced to vacate his WWE Championship. However, he will be part of the Fatal Four Way match at Royal Rumble, in which a new WWE Champion will be determine.

Preview of the Show:

WWE returns with a 3 hour supershow, the last one going into the Royal Rumble PPV. As reveiled on WWE.com, this is the card for the supershow:

Winner Qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Ric Flair vs John Cena

DX and The Rock vs Dudley Boyz and Brock Lesnar

IC Title Battle Royal
Finlay(c) vs Umaga vs Christian Cage vs RVD vs Chavo Guerrero vs Mr. Kennedy vs Kane vs Booker T

Winner Qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Kurt Angle vs Goldberg

Winner qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Randy Orton vs Undertkaer

Drinking Beer Competition
Stone Cold vs JBL

Vince Mcmahon announces the 15 WWE competitors for the Royal Rumble match.


Evil Austin

good card. lol seeing that you are taking all my hard three show work off. anyway. good luck. ill be reviewing.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Winner Qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Ric Flair vs John Cena

DX and The Rock vs Dudley Boyz and Brock Lesnar

IC Title Battle Royal
Finlay(c) vs Umaga vs Christian Cage vs RVD vs Chavo Guerrero vs Mr. Kennedy vs Kane vs Booker T

Winner Qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Kurt Angle vs Goldberg

Winner qualifies to the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble
Randy Orton vs Undertkaer

Drinking Beer Competition
Stone Cold vs JBL


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM:: Samoa Joe and Bret Hart
WM::N/A they were all pretty good
AC:: Great show your really improving
Rating:: 7.5/10
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