WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

bm: elimination chamber
wm: n/a
bp: the rock
wp: n/a
af: taker vs hhh should be huge. cant wait

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Elimination Chamber one!

Worst Match: n/a, this show is totally awesome!

Best Promo: The Rock one indeed.

Worst Promo: Sorry for the late review but this show is totally awesome! I do also liked the Goldberg/HHH match and the Cena/Flair match! I can't for Taker/HHH as well!


First of all that's a fantastic poster, WS can pull off some good things at times. Now, this is my third time I have read this BTB and I have to say this, I'm totally impressed this time! And here is my review for all of No Way Out, including the Elimination Chamber which was totally fantastic.

BM: The Elimination Chamber was wriiten well and the style of writing was unique. "Entry #5" "Elimination #2" the match was Awesome as well, great work on that.

WM: n/a

BP: The Rock's promo before his match with Lesnar, great!

WP: n/a

This is some of the best I have seen from you, the PPV was quite long but reading it makes me totally interested, Goldberg/HHH was written well, and the Elimination Chamber was just fantastic because of the unique writing. Keep up the awesome work brother! You are indeed the Booker of Bookers!

The Rated R CMStar



At No Way Out, Undertaker not only survived the Elimination Chamber, but won it, overcoming other 5 superstars hungry for the title opportunity at the Grandest Stage of them All. Will we see the Road to Wrestlemania's mind games by the Deadman beging this week?

Undertaker's opponent at Wrestlemania 24 will be Triple H, who will try to retain his WWE Championship. Defeating Goldberg was one thing, but how will Triple H start preparing and gearing this week toward the big match at Wrestlemania, Title vs Streak?

Shawn Michaels has a fair amount of things on his head right now. His lately rivalry with the rich snob, John Bradshaw Layfield, the relationship between his mentor Ric Flair and John Cena, and now, this week his match with Booker T. Will HBK be able to be 100% against Booker T, not only physically, after the brutal Elimination Chamber? And will he be on a full mental healthy state?

Speaking of things around HBK, Ric Flair, his mentor, has said what he thinks, and what he sees on John Cena, and Cena backed it up at No Way Out by defeating Ric Flair. This week, showing the respect side of their relationship, they will team up to take Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch.

Goldberg failed to become WWE Champion at No Way Out, however, this week he will start his way up the ranks this week as he battles the Intercontinental Champion Finlay.

The Rock brought everything he had at No Way Out, and not even bleeding in a First Blood Match stopped The Great One from making Brock Lesnar tap out. Still, Brock was in fact the one to come out on top. What will be The Rock's reaction to his loss? And have we seen the last chapter between this two?

Rob Van Dam's and Steve Austin's road have been marked as of late by their rivalry with one man, Vince Mcmahon. Big Show and Umaga were the hired guns at No Way Out to take each one out. Now, Stone Cold and RVD will have to team up to face those monsters, and another man who showed his intensity facing MVP at the PPV, Kurt Angle. Will RVD and Stone mix well together on their way to survival, or will they get beaten, and tap out?

Known Card:

HBK vs Booker T

Goldberg vs Finlay

John Cena/Ric Flair vs Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch

RVD/Stone Cold vs Big Show, Umaga and Kurt Angle

The Rated R CMStar

You might want to ask Nate757, he is "the owner" of the BTB

The Rated R CMStar

Great work, rep added, just one thing:

Remove Christian from the WWE Roster, put Mr. Kennedy on ECW and put Batista and The Big Show on WWE

The Rated R CMStar

Von Braun Center
Huntsville, Alabama


JR: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to another WWE Show and what a night yesterday was, No Way Out, and a heck of a PPV.

King: A heck of a PPV indeed, and now we know our WWE main event for Wrestlemania, Triple H defends the WWE Title against the Streak, The phenom, The Undertaker!

“The Game†breaks to the crowd to a big amount of cheers from the audience as Triple H makes his way out in street clothes, with the WWE Title around his shoulder. He makes his entrance and then enters the ring.

HHH: This time past year, I was sitting in a wheel chair watching the Granddaddy of them all, my personal backyard, Wrestlemania, and I had to sit back and watch Shawn get the title opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy for it, one part of me was happy for him, but the other one, was bitter, angry, of watching someone else get the spotlight. I promised to come back and get back on my throne, and I did. I became once again, WWE Champion!

Crowd pops.

HHH: And I have carried this company, I have saved it from demise, all with my title reign. And make no mistake, that is not changing, I am not getting down of my throne, I am not losing this title against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania!

Crowd gives a mixed reaction as they also pop for Taker.

HHH: Sure, there is the streak, you don’t need to tell me about it, I am one of the men he defeated. But, this title was not on the line then, now, it’s different, I am different. So Taker, you might be undefeated, but I am that Damn Good to end the streak and retain my title. You might be the Phenom, but I am the King of Kings!

Crowd cheers.

HHH: You might be the Deadman, but I am the Game! This title is my life, and at Wrestlemania, you will find out, why…

“Burning Inside my Light†plays to a lot of boos as a cocky Randy Orton makes his way out. He has a mic on hand and he enters the ring.

Orton: First of all, congratulations, I see you are still the WWE Champion after No Way Out.

HHH: Congratulations to you too, I see you are still a loser after No Way Out.

Crowd laughs

Orton: That’s pretty funny Hunter, but I will remind you that the only reason you are champion is that you faced Goldberg, you didn’t face the Best there Is, The Best there was, and the Best there will ever be!

Crowd boos at the obvious ripoff.

Orton: Because I guarantee you, that if you were to face me, that title would be around my waist.

HHH: Is that right?

Orton is about to answer when out of a sudden lights go out preceded by a gong sound. After the lights return, both Triple H and Randy Orton are knocked out on the canvas, and in the middle of the ring Undertaker is standing victoriously. He grabs the WWE Title and lifts it up high as the crowd cheers.


JR: Ladies and Gentleman we are back and just before the break we had a taste of what the Road to Wrestlemania will be like.

King: That’s right, Undertaker just appeared out of nowhere and destroyed not only Randy Orton, but his Wrestlemania opponent Triple H!

“Lambeg†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as Finlay makes his way out, with the Intercontinental Title around his waist. He enters the ring.

“Goldberg’s March†plays as Goldberg makes his classic entrance, from his locker room all the way to the inside of the ring. The referee rings the bell.

Goldberg vs Finlay

As soon as the referee rings the bell, Goldberg shows how focused and intense he is for the match and he dashes toward Finlay, planting him with a clothesline. Finlay gets back to his feet and gets almost immediately planted by a second and even more powerful clothesline. The Intercontinental Champion gets up for the third time, Goldberg quickly measures him and in a rapid movement he plants him with a sidekick right to the jaw of the irish fighter. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…, Finlay kicks out. Goldberg, almost unaffected by his failed pinfall, gets back to his feet and grabbing Finlay by the head he gets him up as well. He sets him and then connects him with a Suplex. However, Goldberg doesn’t release it after nailing it, instead gets back to his feet and connects another one, one more time he doesn’t let the Intercontinental Champion go, and connects him with the second suplex. The routine repeats again as Goldberg reincorporates and goes for the third suplex, but this time walking close to the ropes and letting Finlay fell gut first to the top rope instead. Goldberg screams taunting to the crowd and goes to the opposite ropes and side of the ring taunting to his opponent. The Irish gets back to his feet and turns around, Goldberg runs toward him and looks for a clothesline, however the Intercontinental Champion gets out of the way avoiding the maneuver, Goldberg turns around and Finlay plants him with a chop to the chest, he then goes practically crazy landing wildly chops to the chest of Goldberg, even then mixing them up with straight right hands to the head of his opponent, however Goldberg manages to answer back and with one single uppercut knife-like straight to the jaw change the tide of the match.

Goldberg then grabs Finlay and he Irish Whips him toward the ropes. Finlay clashes with them spine first hard against the turnbuckle, then staggers walking right into a back body drop. Goldberg once again taunts to the crowd receiving a huge pop from the audience. He then walks toward the corner and climbs to the second rope, where he taunts the Intercontinental Champion waiting for him to get back to his feet. Finlay finally recovers his standing position and turns around, Goldberg immediately leaps out of the second rope looking for a flying clothesline, however Finlay is able to attack first and avoid that move as he puts his knee on the way of the flying Goldberg, making him land gut first with it and hurt himself. Finlay then plants his rival with a series of clubs right to the middle section and then leg sweeps him down the canvas. Finlay stands on top of Goldberg measuring him and then lets himself fell behind first sitting on the chest and sternum of Goldberg. The crowd boos the Intercontinental Champion. Finlay stands on top of the floored Goldberg once again going to repeat the same punishment. He takes his time taunting at the crowd and messing with them. He finally goes to make the move but before he is able to Goldberg pushes him toward the ropes. Finlay bounces back and gets lifted over Goldberg’s shoulders and connected by a Running Powerslam. Goldberg gets back up feeling the momentum again on his side. He waits for Finlay to get back up but after seeing he isn’t doing so in a high speed, he goes toward him and goes to “help†him, grabbing him by the head, however Finlay counters and reacts first, throwing his opponent toward the ropes. Goldberg lands on the bottom rope throat first. Finlay kicks him then right to the side of the ribs. Finlay measures Goldberg waiting for him to get back up. Goldberg starts doing so and Finlay dashes to the ropes behind him.

The Intercontinental Champion bounces back only to get grabbed by the throat. Goldberg then gets him over his shoulders and Military Presses him, walking around the ring, before finally exploding and hitting a Front Powerslam/Spinebuster variation. Goldberg taunts to the crowd and goes the corner. Finlay takes his time but eventually gets back to his feet, he then turns around only to get almost broken in half by the Spear. Goldberg explodes back to his feet taunting to the crowd announcing the end. He gets the Intercontinental Champion back to his feet and plants him with the Jackhammer. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Goldberg defeats Finlay

JR: Well, that was just pure domination.

King: Domination indeed showed by Goldberg here tonight.

JR: And quite frankly, we could be looking at the most dominant man in the entire WWE.

We cut backstage and see Batista looking at the TV after the comments of JR.

Batista: The most dominant man in WWE. Goldberg, I guess we will have to test that.

Batista turns around and gets face to face with JBL, that happened to be there.

Batista: And what the hell are you doing here?

JBL: Hey Dave, settle down, I was just happened to be walking by. Hey, you by the way, great showing on the Elimination Chamber, although, you didn’t win.

Crowd boos.

Batista: Well, neither did you. In fact, you were the first man eliminated! And by me!

Batista grins as the crowd pops.

JBL: C’mon Batista, you and I both know that was nothing else than a fluke for the Wreeeestling G…

Batista: So, you are saying that me defeating you was a fluke?

JBL: Yes I am.

Batista: How about you back it up in the ring, right here, right now!

Crowd pops.

JBL: I would like to, but, but, I am injured from the Elimination Chamber from last night, and the doctor forbid me from engaging an action. But, next week, it will be you, Batista, facing, the Wreeeeeeeestling God!

JBL walks out. Batista watches him leave and then shakes his head.

Batista: The most dominant man in WWE!, please.


We go backstage and we see Ric Flair getting ready on his locker room, when out of a sudden HBK walks into the room to a big pop from the audience.

HBK: Naitch.

Flair: Shawn, how’s it going?

HBK: Not good, you see, I am pretty banged, pretty bruised from last night as you can imagine. But that’s not why am here. See, tonight, you are taming up with John Cena.

Crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Flair: And?

HBK: I am sorry Naitch, but I can’t help to feel something, to feel that something just isn’t right with John Cena.

Flair: Look, I know what he did two weeks ago, I know he let JBL beat you, but he did help me, and in fact, he did help you the next week in that tag team match. So, Shawn, let the Nature Boy, Wooo!, worry about John Cena, and you, worry about your match with Booker T.

“Cowboy†breaks to the crowd to boos from the audience as the former tag team champions, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, make their way out then entering the ring.

“My Time is Now†breaks to a mixed reaction as John Cena makes his way out, playing to the crowd. He then stops on the ramps and points to the stage.

“Also Sprach Zarathustra†breaks to a massive ovation as Ric Flair comes out. He hugs John Cena and both enter the ring. The referee rings the bell.

John Cena and Ric Flair vs Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

John Cena and Trevor Murdoch kick it off for their respective teams. They circle a little around the ring before finally coming close to each other and entering in a test of strength. John Cena gets the upperhand as he quickly locks in a side headlock. Trevor fights back with strong elbows directed straight to the face of John Cena, forcing him to release the hold. Murdoch then runs toward him and plants him with a tackle. John Cena starts getting back to his feet and Murdoch measures him, he then dashes to the ring ropes behind him and bounces back looking to connect any sort of attack on the leader of the Chain Gang, however Cena reacts first and connects him with his unorthodox hip toss. John Cene sees Trevor slowly getting back to his feet and he dashes to the ring ropes behind him, then planting Trevor with a powerful clothesline that knocks him down to the canvas. John then picks Murdoch back to his feet and takes him, grabbing him by the back of the head, toward his corner, where he makes the tag to his partner, Ric Flair. Ric Flair enters the ring and he begins planting the now cornered Trevor Murdoch with his classic chops to the chest, that get the classic “Wooo†chants from the audience. Ric Flair grabs Trevor Murdoch and tries to Irish Whip toward the ropes, but Trevor reverses and instead he is the one that throws his opponent toward the ring ropes. Flair bounces to the ropes and goes right into Murdoch that back body drops him. Trevor makes the cover: 1…2…, Flair kicks out. Trevor gets back to his feet and he puts the boots on Flair, stomping him right on the head and then on the chest. He then grabs him by the right arm and drags him toward his corner, where he makes the tag to his tag team partner, Lance Cade.

Lance Cade enters the match and he lifts his own tag team partner, Trevor Murdoch up high, only to then let him fell right on top of his opponent connecting him a leg drop right across the throat. Murdoch is finally forced to leave the ring, Lance cade makes the cover: 1…2…, Ric Flair kicks out once again. Lance Cade measures the now recovering and back incorporating Flair. Lance then dashes to the ropes behind him and bounces back connecting the Nature Boy with a straight kick right to the side of the head. Cade taunts to the audience and then out of a sudden he dashes toward John Cena and knocks him down of the apron with an elbow smash. Cade then climbs to the top rope on that same corner and waits for Ric Flair to get back to his feet there. The Nature Boy finally recovers his standing position and turns around, getting on front of where Cade. Lance immediately leaps from the top rope and gets the awe out of the live audience as he connects a Missile Dropkick, landing right on the chest of Ric Flair. The former tag team champion makes the cover: 1…2…, Flair kicks out. Lance Cade looks shocked and a little frustrated. He then remakes the cover: 1…2…, John Cena is able to interfere on the pinfall as he pulls Lance Cade by the feet from the outside to the outside of the ring breaking the pinfall. He lands a series of straight right hands on Lance Cade. He then viciously Irish Whips him toward the steel steps. Cade clashes with them shoulder first against the steps. John Cena picks Cade back up and throws him to the interior of the ring again. Ric Flair there gets back to his feet and hits, after dashing to the ring ropes behind him and bouncing back, his jumping knee drop right to the head.

Ric Flair makes the cover: 1…2…, Trevor Murdoch enters the ring and stomping right on the back on the Nature Boy, he breaks up the pinfall attempt. He then picks Ric Flair back to his feet and knocks him right down to the canvas hitting a vicious, equalizing DDT. Trevor Murdoch is then ruled by the referee to go to the outside, back to the apron. Cade starts reacting and getting back to his senses, until he finally is fully conscious again and he gets back up, then walking toward his corner and making the tag back to Trevor Murdoch. Trevor enters and he grabs the ring ropes. He then uses the top rope as leverage to pull himself back up, he tries to land on Ric Flair with the second leg drop of the match, however Ric Flair is able to roll out of the way making Trevor fail. The Nature Boy then gets back to his feet and leaps and fastens toward his corner, making the hot tag to his partner, John Cena. John Cena quickly enters the match and runs toward Murdoch, that is back on his feet, and knocks him with a big clothesline. Lance Cade gets back into the ring and runs toward the leader of the Chain Gang, but John Cena uses his opponent own impulse and sends him over the top rope. But, somehow Cade manages to remain on the apron. Ric Flair sees this and he runs toward him, then plants him with a hard chop to the chest that finally knocks Lance Cade down of the apron and to the outside of the ring. John Cena is watching this. He then turns around and Trevor tries to take advantage and goes for a clothesline, however Cena ducks and hits his Rotating Sideslam. John Cena then does the “You can’t see me†taunt and after dashing to the ropes he connects the Five Knuckle Shuffle. John Cena gets back up taunting to the crowd.

Trevor Murdoch slowly gets back to his feet and walks right into John Cena, that grabs him and puts him over his shoulders, then connecting him with a cheered FU. He then points at Ric Flair and as the crowd roars, Cena makes the tag to Ric Flair. The Nature Boy enters and quickly locks in the Figure Four Leg-Lock. It doesn’t take long before Trevor Murdoch quickly taps out.

Result: Ric Flair makes Trevor Murdoch tap out

JR: That’s what I call teamwork, say what you want but John Cena but he has proven on the last weeks that he respects Ric Flair.

Ric Flair and John Cena raise arms on the middle of the ring. Flair is about to leave when out of a sudden, John Cena pulls him by the arm back to the middle of the ring and hits him with a sudden FU.

King: What, what is this?

JR: I don’t know King, I don’t know why John Cena just FUed Ric Flair, but the word betrayal jumps to my mind.


We return and we see John Cena walking backstage coming from the ring. The crowd heavily boos. Then, out of a sudden he runs into Shawn Michaels, who looks extremely angry.

HBK: Look, you have 5 seconds to tell me why you did that to Ric Flair, or I am going the answer out of you.

Crowd pops.

Cena: I did what I had to do.

HBK: Look, John, I didn’t ask what you do, I am asking why the hell you did it!

Cena: Shawn, I believe your match is next, so better get going.

John Cena stares at HBK, then grins and leave.

JR: Well now I am more than confused.

King: I don’t know why Cena attacked Flair, but I bet Shawn Michaels is determined on finding it out!

“Can you dig it?†plays to a mixed reaction as Booker T makes his way out, making his classic entrance.

“Sexy Boy†breaks to a big pop from the crowd as Shawn Michaels comes out serious and angry, ignoring his introduction and his pyro. He enters the ring still mad and remains staring mad at Booker T. The referee rings the bell.

Shawn Michaels vs Booker T

As soon as the referee rings the bell, HBK dashes toward Booker T and starts planting him with a brutal series of straight right hands right to the face of Booker T. The attack sends him to the corner. The referee gets between the two men and gets Shawn Michaels away from Booker T, however HBK is just unstoppable and mad and he pushes the referee away, then planting the staggering toward him Booker T down with a clothesline. He then goes down to the canvas and goes planting him with mounted punches with no mercy right to the facial features of Booker T. The referee grabs HBK and gets him back to his feet and way from Booker T and stopping the assault of Shawn Michaels, but Shawn doesn’t want to stop and he pushes the official once again away, this time making him hit the turnbuckle. The referee, grabbing his back, gets back up and rings the bell, signing for the DQ.

Result: Booker T wins by DQ

Shawn Michaels looks unaffected by the referee ruling and picks Booker T back up, then takes impulse and plants him with Sweet Chin Music. The referee tries to control him, only to get pushed away and planted as well with Sweet Chin Music. HBK gets the know knocked out Booker T and measures him, then connects him with another Sweet Chin Music, sending him over the top rope. Shawn Michaels then stays in the ring yelling madly at John Cena.

JR: Booker T getting a government mule beating but I believe Shawn wasn’t seeing Booker T, he was picturing it was John Cena.

King: We might not know why Ric Flair attacked, but we do know why Shawn attacked Booker!

We go backstage to Todd Grisham.

Grisham: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the Olympic Medalist, Kurt Angle!

Crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Grisham: Kurt, tonight you team up with The Big Show and Umaga to face up…

Kurt: Shut up Todd! Everybody knows that we are facing Rob Van Dam and Stone Cold.

Grisham: Well, then what are your thoughts entering into the match?

Kurt: Look, I have nothing against Austin, and nothing against Rob, it’s just about violence, I love violence, more than anybody else, you can ask MVP if you don’t believe it.

Grisham: Speaking of MVP, once has to wonder if everything is settled between the two.

Kurt: Been there, done that. MVP tapped out, yeah the referee DQ me, but he tapped out. Besides, Kurt Angle is moving on to bigger things(he moves his hands around his waist taunting title).

Crowd gives mixed reaction.

Kurt: Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!


We return and see Randy Orton in Eric Bischoff’s office.

Eric: So you are telling me you want to go one on one with The Undertaker, tonight?

Orton: Yes.

Eric: But, why?

Orton: Why? Did you see what he did to me out there earlier tonight? Just a few minutes ago and came back to my senses, and nobody, does that to Randy Orton!

Eric: OK, it’s your choice, because in my mind, that’s a hell of a match. You’re on, Randy Orton vs Undertaker as our main event!

The crowd roars approving the announcement as Randy smiles. We go back to the announce teams.

JR: Can you believe it King? Randy Orton vs Taker, right here tonight!

King: That will be sure a hell of a match, but next is the Handicap Match, that will also be a hell of a match!

“Big†breaks to a lot of boos as Big Show makes his way out. He enters the ring after messing with the crowd.

“Virtual Voodoo†breaks to a chorus of boos as the samoan comes out going savage on the ramp. Umaga enters the ring.

“Medal†plays to a mixed reaction as Kurt Angle makes his way and classic entrance. He gets the usual “You suck†chants.

“One of a Kind†breaks as Rob Van Dam comes out to a huge reception from the crowd.

The glass breaks and Stone Cold then comes out. He salutes Van Dam and both enter the ring. The referee manages to separate both teams and the match gets underway.

3 on 2 Handicap Match
Rob Van Dam and Stone Cold vs Big Show, Umaga and Kurt Angle

Rob Van Dam and Stone Cold stare at each other. They talk and discuss about who’s starting the match. Rob Van Dam is the one starting. Big Show controls Umaga and tells Kurt Angle he is starting. Both opponents circle each other. Rob Van Dam advances toward the Big Show and connects two right punches straight to the Showster’s head, but The Big Show retaliates landing RVD with a headbutt. Rob Van Dam is taken back but rolls over his head and immediately goes back to attack on the Show landing a series of kicks to his opponent’s legs. Rob Van Dam then tries to Irish Whips The Show against the ropes, but the giant manages to reverse the offense and throws RVD to the ropes instead. Van Dam bounces back and gets floored by a big boot straight to his face. The Big Show covers him: 1…2.., RVD kicks out. Rob Van Dam tries to return to his feet but The Big Show reaches to him first and lifts him back up pulling his hair and connects him once again with a headbutt. Then The Big Show grabs him by the head and throws him to the corner using only one hand. The Show then asks silence to the crowd and hits a giant chop punishing the chest of Van Dam. RVD aparts from the corner feeling the effect of the chop, and the Big Show continues his offense by bouncing and knocks him with a clothesline. The Big Show looks around with a vicious expression on his face and grabs one arm of the floored RVD, dragging him closer to the corner. He then slowly makes his way out to the second rope, and then attempts a reverse big splash, but RVD manages to roll out of the way avoiding to be trapped under the weight of The Big Show, and also makes the Big Show crash and burn to the mat below punishing himself his knees. . RVD sees an opening and dashes to the ropes, connecting Rolling Thunder and landing on the back of the giant. Rob rolls The Big Show and covers him: 1…2…, The Big Show breaks the pinfall and throws RVD away. Van Dam gets back up but he is close to his opponent’s corner, and gets connected by a club to the back by Kurt Angle.

Big Show then goes to the corner and he makes the tag to Kurt Angle. Angle enters and measures Van Dam, then planting him with a German Suplex. Both get back to his feet, Kurt Angle still holding Rob Van Dam by his waist. He repeats his attack of German Suplexes three times completing the trifecta. Kurt Angle finally lets Van Dam go and he taunts to the crowd, getting a lot of heat from the audience. He then goes toward his corner and he makes the tag to the Samoan Bulldozer. Umaga enters the match and raises his arms taunting to the crowd. He picks Van Dam up and sets him for a quick Samoan Spike, however before Umaga is able to connect it, Van Dam reacts and counter attacks hitting a kick straight to the head of the Samoan sending him away, although not knocking him out. However Rob Van Dam takes advantage of it and he jumps toward his corner, making a very cheered tag to his partner, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Umaga and Stone Cold look at each other, without engaging any attack. Finally the samoan storms toward the rattlesnake looking to clothesline him, however Austin is able to duck the attack of Umaga. He then waits the Samoan Bulldozer to turn around, he finally does so and Stone Cold Steve Austin begins unfolding straight right hands to the face of Umaga. He then tries to Irish Whip his opponent to the ropes, however Umaga is able to reverse Stone Cold and instead he Irish Whips him to the ropes. Stone Cold bounces back from the ropes and tries to plant Umaga as he leaps looking to connect the Lou Thesz Press, however it makes no success as Umaga catches him in mid air. He then shows his pure strength as Umaga sets Stone Cold up to his shoulders and out of nowhere he explodes planting Stone Cold Steve Austin with a Samoan Bullozer. Umaga gets back to his feet fired up. The Samoan Bullzoder dashes to the ropes and then jumps planting Austin with a splash. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Austin kicks out. Umaga makes the cover again: 1…2…, Stone Cold Steve Austin is able to kick out again. Umaga gets back to his feet and he pulls Stone Cold with him. Umaga then Irish Whips Austin to the corner. Stone Cold impacts hard against the turnbuckle. Umaga takes impulse and finally storms toward him, squashing him between his humanity and the turnbuckle. Umaga then knocks Austin down to the canvas as he plants an uppercut right to the throat of Austin. Umaga looks around and then screams his classic “Samoaâ€. He then walks toward the corner and then climbs to the second rope, where he taunts Austin. The Samoan Bulldozer finally leaps through the air attempting to connect Stone Cold Steve Austin with a jumping headbutt, however Stone Cold Steve Austin, to a huge pop from the audience, is able to roll out of the way making Umaga crash and burn.

Stone Cold gets back to his feet and walks toward his corner, barely being able to keep his vertical standing. Umaga goes toward him and grabs him, however from the outside of the ring Rob Van Dam hits a kick to the side of the head of Umaga sending him away, Stone Cold then runs toward him and knocks him out with a clothesline. Austin gets back to his feet and then waits for Umaga to get back to his feet. The Samoan returns to his feet and the rattlesnake begins unfolding right hands, he then mixes up with straight left punches, shaking brains of the Samoan. Stone Cold delivers a kick to the middle section and then bounces back to the ring ropes behind him. However, when he directs toward Umaga trying to attack him, Umaga is able to catch him, set and connect him with his Swinging Sideslam. Umaga makes the cover rather confident: 1…2…, Stone Cold Steve Austin barely kicks out. Umaga gets back to his feet and looks angry. He gets on the face of the referee and then pushes him apart. He directs back his attention to Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Samoan Bulldozer lifts Austin back to his feet and immediately sets him for the Samoan Spike. Umaga takes his time walking around the ring showing his domination over Austin. He finally goes for the Samoan Spike, however Stone Cold is able to duck the attack of the Samoan Bulldozer. Umaga turns around and gets kicked on the gut by Austin, then Stunned. Stone Cold collapses, not being able to capitalize. He then starts crawling toward Umaga and then covers him: 1….2…, Umaga kicks out. Stone Cold looks shocked and even looks up to the referee looking for an explanation.

Stone Cold gets back to his feet and then goes back to his offense. He picks Umaga back to his feet, but Umaga counters with an uppercut. He then goes toward his corner and he makes the tag to Kurt Angle. Kurt goes toward Stone Cold, but before he’s able to grab it Austin leaps and makes the tag to Rob Van Dam. Van Dam enters and trade blows with Kurt Angle. Out of nowhere, Umaga tries to get back into the ring, however Stone Cold also enters and he reacts first, as in mid-movement he kicks the Samoan in the gut and hits the Stunner. Kurt hits an uppercut on Van Dam sending him away and then connects Austin with a club to the back sending him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Kurt turns around but he gets planted by a kick to the head by Van Dam. RVD taunts to the crowd and he then turns around, only to get grabbed by the throat and then Chokeslammed by The Big Show. Kurt quickly crawls and he covers the floored RVD, all being seen by an smiling Big Show: 1…2…3.

Result: Kurt Angle pins RVD

JR: Well, Austin and Rob put a hell of a match, but the odds were just too many to overcome.

Vince Mcmahon comes out. RVD is knocked out on the canvas and Austin on the outside.

Vince: RVD, Austin, after this match, you better get used to two things.

Crowd boos Vince and chant against him

Vince: First thing is, you better get used to this kind of treatment, because it is what you will be getting from now on up to Wrestlemania!

Crowd boos.

Vince: And second, get used to each other, get used to team up, because that’s what you will be doing at Wrestlemania!

Crowd pops.

Vince: Against me, and my son, Shane!

Crowd boos.

Vince: And there is chance in hell you are going to defeat us.

King: Oh my God JR, The Mcmahons facing RVD and Austin, at Wrestlemania!

We go backstage and see Brock Lesnar walking in a corridor.


JR: We are back and next is a statement made by this man. Brock Lesnar.

King: The man that defeated The Rock, the man that made the Rock bled!

“Here Comes the Pain†plays as Brock makes his way out to a lot of boos from the audience. He enters the ring with a mic in hand.

Brock: Before I start, let me tell you that your hero, The Rock, is not here tonight!

Crowd boos.

Brock: You know why, it’s because he doesn’t care about you. He cares about Hollywood, making movies, red carpets, but he doesn’t care about you, about wrestling.

Crowd boos and starts a “Rocky†chant.

Brock: But me, I do care about wrestling. But most importantly, I care about World Titles. And now that I have defeated The Rock…

Crowd starts heavily booing.

Brock: Now that I have defeated the Rock, I am moving on to titles. And with Wrestlemania around the corner, and with me becoming champion as soon as possible, the best way to be that, is the Money in the Bank match!

Crowd cheers for the match

Brock: So, be warned, because at Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar will be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and I will win that match and go on to become your champion!

Crowd boos

Brock: And that’s…

The Rock appears on the Tron to a big pop from the audience.

Rock: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute, did The Rock just hear you saying you beat me? Because yeah I bled, but you, you Brock Lesnar, tapped out like the little bitch you are!

Crowd pops.

Rock: But you did say something interesting, the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. You want to be in there uh, well, The Great One, says he wants to go one on one with Brock Lesnar!

Crowd cheers.

Brock: Hell no! I am moving on, Money in the Bank, not The Rock.

Rock: Slow down, slow down, see, I have the perfect solution, next week, I am taking this hand, I will shine it up real nicely, turn it up sideways and shove it up your ass in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match!

Crowd cheers.

Brock: (Looks a little frustrated) You’re on! You got your match!

Rock: Brock, and be sure to have your suitcase ready for your check-in the Smackdown Hotel! If you Smeeeeeeeell, what The Rock, is cooking?!


JR: We are back and you heard it folks, next week it will be The Rock and Brock Lesnar in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match!

King: And don’t forget about Batista and JBL also going at it.

JR: But now is time for our main event, after a heated exchange in the beginning of the show, Randy Orton will battle none other that the Number One Contender for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania, The Undertaker!

“The Darkest Side†plays as The Undertaker makes his way out in his usual way, with the spooky nature of it. Lights go back on with a movement on his hand when on the steps. He then enters the ring and removes his jacket and hat.

“Burning Inside my Light†breaks to a lot of boos as an arrogant Randy Orton makes his way out. He then enters the ring. The referee rings the bell.

The Undertaker vs Randy Orton

Undertaker and Randy Orton stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring. Taker finally starts his offense and advances toward Randy Orton in offensive position looking to strike him. He manages to corner Randy, and starts landing straight right hands to the head, but somehow Orton manages to block all the attempts of the Deadman by covering with both arms his head. He then escapes passing under the arm of The Undertaker. Taker turns around and Randy starts his own attack landing a right hand that lands on the forehead of his opponent, he follows up with an European Uppercut and then goes for another straight right hand, however this time The Undertaker blocks and attacks back, with a hard soupbone of his own landing fully on the facial features of the Legend Killer. He then tries to Irish Whips toward the ring ropes, however Orton reverses and he is the one throwing his opponent toward the ring ropes. The Undertaker bounces back and Randy Orton plants him with a picture perfect dropkick that connects straight on the head of The Deadman. Randy Orton makes the cover: 1…2…, The Undertaker kicks out. Randy almost explodes after seeing his pinfall attempt failed. He grabs his opponent and locks him in a side headlock. The crowd gets behind the Deadman and Taker starts regaining momentum, as slowly he starts getting back to his feet. The Undertaker finally regains a standing position and he counters the side headlock of the Legend Killer by lifting his opponent up high, then pushing him and letting him feel on the corner hitting hard against the turnbuckle. The Deadman takes impulse and he then makes a direct run toward the cornered Randy and he squashes him with a big clothesline between the turnbuckle and the humanity of Taker. Randy Orton staggers from the corner and walks right into Taker, that gets him up and hits the Snake Eyes, he then dashes toward the ring ropes and bounces back connecting a Big Boot. The Undertaker taunts to the crowd and he raise one arm up, and begins taunting for the Chokeslam. Randy Orton finally gets back to his feet, and turns around, Taker grabs him by the throat and lifts him for the Chokeslam, but Randy doesn’t goes to far up as he reverses and lands on his feet behind his opponent, then hits his Inverted Backbreaker. Randy Orton makes the cover: 1…2…, Taker kicks out. Randy gets back to his feet and he begins stomping on Taker, then ending his flurry of floored offense with a big jumping knee drop right to the sternum. He remakes the cover hooking this time both legs: 1…2…, Taker gets one shoulder up. The Legend Killer gets back to his feet and he picks his opponent back to his feet. Then sets him and connects him with suplex. Randy Orton gets back to his feet and he taunts to his opponent, getting a lot of heel heat from the live audience. He then sees The Undertaker getting slowly back to his feet. Randy then goes toward his corner and he climbs toward the top rope. The Undertaker gets back to his feet and turns around. Randy Orton immediately leaps out from the top rope and he tries to connect a crossbody plancha on The Deadman, but Taker gets out of the way making Randy crash and burn against the mat failing the high flying maneuver. Orton takes his time grabbing his gut in pain but he finally gets back to his feet and he walks right into The Undertaker, that kicks him right on the middle section. The Undertaker then sets him and plants him with a very cheered Last Ride. The Deadman collapses to his knees not being able to immediately capitalize. Out of nowhere, Triple H enters the ring with a sledgehammer in hand. He runs toward Taker and plants him with a shot right to the back with the sledgehammer. Triple H then notices Randy Orton knocked out on the canvas and he goes toward him, and starts repeatedly planting him right on the head with the sledgehammer. The camera reveals he is busted open. Triple H taunts to the crowd and he goes toward the floored Taker, doing the same he did to Orton and plants him repeatedly with the sledgehammer right on the head. Taker is bleeding as well from the skull. The referee, finally after all this melee, is able to ring the bell and make his decision.

Result: No Contest

JR: Well, Triple H just got revenge not only on Orton and from The Undertaker, and just set the tone for the Road to Wrestlemania.

King: Undertaker cleared ring earlier tonight, at the end, it was Triple H.

Triple H is celebrating with the crowd, taunting and raising the sledgehammer when out of nowhere Taker sits up. The Game notices it and goes toward him, planting him once again with the sledgehammer finally knocking him out.

Scene fades to the back with HHH taunting to the audience in the middle of the ring, with Taker knocked out on his feet.



ECW World Title Ironman match
Edge(c) vs Shelton Benjamin

Rob Van Dam and Stone Cold vs Vince and Shane Mcmahon
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
Best Match: 3 on 2 handicap match - Nicely written and was action packed. Very enjoyable read.

Worst Match: Booker vs HBK - Not really worst as in it was bad but it was my least favorite on the show mainly cause there wasn't much of a match due to HBK's outbreak.

Best Promo: Triple H promo - It was the best for me cause the dialogue was so powerful that you could really see Triple H saying it. The Rock/Brock promo was a close second.

Worst Promo: Non - Every promo was nicely done. Enough for all of them not being in the worst category.

Additional Feedback: Not much errors but there were some. Almost unavoidable so its no biggie. The show flowed smoothly and both matches and promos were very entertaining. The matches were of a nice length. Not too long not too short. Just enough for the reader to enjoy. Nice job man.

Evil Austin

I haven't read the show yet I just came back from going out but i can't wait for the wrestle mania and the matches so far announced I saw them and I can't wait I will be defiantly be reading it...
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