No, my reading comprehension is quite well, actuallyDo you have poor reading comprehension? Batista winning was the one part I didn't enjoy, but I knew I would happen. For me, it was the one bit of bad mixed in with a lot of good.
NAO tag champs again was cool
MOTYC opening match that put Bray over like a million bucks. The match along with attacking Cena leaves Bray post-Rumble feeling like a ME ready heel
Brock was entertaining as fuck. Pussies cry because it was predictable, I enjoy every second of Bork badassery
Cena/Orton quietly put on a decent match while the crowd buried it. I love it because the fans are saying fuck Orton and Cena, we want new faces in the WWE. The crowd was a major positive and a big reason the show entertained the hell out of me
The Rumble match itself was awesome except for the aforementioned Batista win (Again, Batsita isn't my cup of tea but it is a justifiable booking decision from WWE's perspective)
Roman Reigns came out of the match as the buzz of the wrestling industry. So any 'bad' caused by Batista winning was offset for me by Reigns becoming a superstar during the same match.
not trying to change anyone's opinion that hated the show, I really don't give a shit, just saying there was reason to enjoy the show and many did, so just because some hated and were quite vocal about it doesn't mean it was a terrible event.
you said, "People knew Batista was winning as soon as the return vignettes started. It is far from the worst thing that can happen. I don't like him, you don't like him, people in Pittsburgh don't like him, but people on Cleveland did. And there are Batista fans out there. It's not the end of the world, and whoever takes the belt off of Batista after Mania will be getting a rub from the 2nd or 3rd biggest star the WWE has created post-AE. So it's not for nothing"
You're basically saying that since everyone knew Batista was going to win that we should accept it and it's not a big deal. Hence you saying "It is far from the worst thing that can happen." In other words, it wasn't abig deal to you that it happened and that's what helped the PPV be "entertaining," correct? or maybe I missed your point? lol
You claim to not like him, yet in the same breath, you're saying, once again, it's not "...the end of the world." In other words, you felt it was alright to let him win it and it didn't bother you too much which helped make the Rumble a decent PPV.
Now that I've cleared up my comprehension, I'll respond to the rest :jbl:
NAO tag champs again was cool
Short match. Predictable. Pre show. And the crowd enjoyed it because it's nice to see the New Age Outlaws again. It was alright.
MOTYC opening match that put Bray over like a million bucks. The match along with attacking Cena leaves Bray post-Rumble feeling like a ME ready heel
I mentioned this was a good thing from the Rumble
Brock was entertaining as fuck. Pussies cry because it was predictable, I enjoy every second of Bork badassery
Stale compared to anything he's done recently--Cm Punk and Brock, for example.
Cena/Orton quietly put on a decent match while the crowd buried it. I love it because the fans are saying fuck Orton and Cena, we want new faces in the WWE. The crowd was a major positive and a big reason the show entertained the hell out of me
The crowd entertained here. Orton and Cena, although the match itself wasn't "bad," it was very stale and the same crap we've seen a 1,000 times. A guy like Punk or Ziggler can wrestle with Cena a 1,00 0 times and maybe keep it interesting, but not Randy Orton.
The Rumble match itself was awesome except for the aforementioned Batista win (Again, Batsita isn't my cup of tea but it is a justifiable booking decision from WWE's perspective)
Reigns was awesome. The Rumble was ehhhhh....lame in general. #30 spot for Mysterio, for example. And of course Batista.
Roman Reigns came out of the match as the buzz of the wrestling industry. So any 'bad' caused by Batista winning was offset for me by Reigns becoming a superstar during the same match.
I said this, too.
not trying to change anyone's opinion that hated the show, I really don't give a shit, just saying there was reason to enjoy the show and many did, so just because some hated and were quite vocal about it doesn't mean it was a terrible event
I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm just stating that the overall quality felt poor and predictable as well as lame. It also doesn't mean that because some gave it 6 or 7's because of Bray, DB, and Reigns alone, that it's a great event :dawg: