I thought the show was going to be better based on the strength of the pre-show but not having 6 of the major titles defended (both men's heavyweight championships, both women's singles championships, both men's midcard belts) did get to me and make me think I was just watching a RAW or Smackdown.
So, all the no-selling and stiffing from Charlotte and women acting recklessly in another hardcore match got another woman injured badly, woah, what a surprise. I hope the Kabuki Warriors don't get punished for being cheered and for "getting the Golden Girls booed" because they did that themselves. That entire match was a big, fat, dangerous BOTCHAMANIA.
I'm not just a member of the He Man Woman's Hater Club...I'm the president...NO MORE WOMEN IN MAIN EVENTS. THEY ARE NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME.