Vince McMahon said:what they need to do is make better talent :finger:
lol, what they need to do is Fire all the shit talent, and replace with fresh new talent.
Vince McMahon said:what they need to do is make better talent :finger:
Stopspot said:It doesn't make sense to pit two of Paul's guys against each other with no build to it. If they wanted to do something like that they should have Punk and Brock work together for about two months and then have one turn on the other. And Punk is more villain than hero now. He has just feuded with Cena, hurt Jerry Lawler in a cage and attacked Bret Hart. He is clearly a villain since he doesn't show any redeeming qualities.
Respect Gohan6425 said:NO IT WOULD GREAT TO DO! And Punk is still a hero he does not do diray to win like a heel would do Pual has yet to help him win matchest so no ur WRONG! The smart fans still cheer him. So yet he still an anteril hero! And it would work b/c Paul is close to both guy. And its not fair that cena can do promo 6 week and then wrestling that shuld just get it to some else u think that would wait for any one else? :NO: so that should not wait for cena!
Stopspot said:One does not need to win matches dirtily to be a villain or a heel. A heel can still win matches clean. It all comes down to what his actions are over all. Sicne RAW 1000 we have seen Punk assault one of the corner stones of RAW Jerry Lawler inside a steel cage, beating him with a chain. We have seen him attack the top babyface of the company, helping one of the top villain win, insult the crowd, insult other babyfaces and go against a face general manager and assault a well loved legend like Bret Hart. Punk is obviously a villain because he doesn't do any good guy things. Even if the smarks cheer him he is still considered a villain and Vince McMahon is apparently loving it. Punk will be a villain for a while now. Turning him back to a face just after turning him heel would be stupid.
And Cena will only miss 3 weeks of ring work. That's 3 weeks for him and Punk to have smaller matches leading up to the PPV or just have Cena run in and save whoever Punk is beating down.
Respect Gohan6425 said:And at SummerSlam Punk when in to the fans and selpebe which is a face thertd he antrial hero END OF STORY CASE CLOSED! And no that would be dumb to wrost are time like that! Have Punk feud with some else if cena can wrestle!
Stopspot said:There will obviously be a best of three series between Cena and Punk. And Punk went into Summerslam as a face because it was a slowburning heel turn is it that hard to understand? The final piece of his heel puzzle was him throwing Cena out of the ring. That solidified him as a villain. God you are thick some times no offense but Punk is obviously a heel and not a anti hero.
Stopspot said:Not since Summerslam. Since then he has been against the crowd, calling them idiots and attack people that the crowds love without attacking any heels. He is a heel.
Respect Gohan6425 said:NO HE AN ATRIAL HERO!
The GOAT Farooq said:CM Punk is not an "anti hero". If he was an anti hero he would be attacking John Cena only. He attacked a commentary man, trash talked a WWE Legend, and went with Paul Heyman. CM Punk is a heel, a villain. That's all he is, there are no traces of him being a good guy or tweener at all, he is a heel.
Leo C said:At the moment he's indeed fully a heel. He wrestles on the heel side of tag teams, just feuded with Jerry Lawler, tried to attack Bret Hart...
Respect Gohan6425 said:Uh King said he turn his back on WWE! That why he attack him! He is an anti hero!
Stopspot said:You are buying into the words CM Punk says. You are buying into the Kayfabe. It is in the nature of villainous characters to not consider themselves as villains. Of course Punk wouldn't say that he is a bad guy because that would be giving in to the opinions of the "idiots" that are the wwe universe. In Punk's mind he is the good guy. Just like for example Hitler who didn't see what he did as wrong either. Punk = Hitler in this scenario, without the genocide
The general opinion and view shown for the viewers is that Punk is evil but doesn't see himself as it.