WWE Submission Only PPV?

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WWE sent out emails to some members of the "WWE Universe" today. In this email, the fans were asked to respond to questions to help name a future WWE event, which would feature submission matches for all main event matches on the show. Here were the listed potential names for the event:

* WWE Total Submission
* WWE Submission Sunday
* WWE Breaking Point
* WWE Submit & Quit
What's that you say, WWE Universe? You want more gimmick only PPV's? Well, alright, here you go!

The trouble with submission matches is that it's really only for a select group of wrestlers. Everybody can do extreme rules, because anybody can swing a chair. But I wouldn't expect a guy like Rey Mysterio to win a match by submission, nor would I see Jeff Hardy make anybody tap out.

That being said, I kinda like WWE Breaking Point as a PPV name. The other three sound way too forced, and Total Submission sounds too MMA, even though that's kinda what WWE would be going for


This would be good if it was 5 or 10 years ago. Now though, whos uits a submission match? There's really no one that specializes in mat wrestling, and even after that, there's still only a few that could even make an attempt (Triple H, Edge, Orton, HBK, and Taker)... Are we supposed to see Cena, or Batista, or Jeff Hardy in a submission match?? No thanks.
Besides, do we really need another PPV?


No we don't in my opinion. I think its a god idea on paper. I think Vince wants to try and compete with MMA and UFC.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
I wouldn't expect a guy like Rey Mysterio to win a match by submission, nor would I see Jeff Hardy make anybody tap out.
Pit them against each other.

This idea could work, if they allowed extreme rules versions of the submission matches. Anyone can win a submission match convincingly if they apply a hold to a body part that they spent the past ten minutes wailing on with a chair. But really, this should be just a one-time thing, justified in kayfabe by having the storylines necessitate submission matches.
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Pit them against each other.

This idea could work, if they allowed extreme rules versions of the submission matches. Anyone can win a submission match convincingly if the apply a hold to a body part that they spent the past ten minutes wailing on with a chair. But really, this should be just a one-time thing, justified in kayfabe by having the storylines necessitate submission matches.

Look what happened with Bret and Austin. Austin wasn't a submission wreslter but heer he tore the house down so you never know how good someone is until you pit them in every angle. Matt Hardy as the evil heal is proof that you have to try everything.


LMAO...we see enough matches revolve around the two guys rolling around in fuckin headlocks for 10 minutes....fuck this shit.
They'de also have to come up with a whole shit load of recycled submission moves for guys without them to use...ugh. It would be like a grab bag at a shitty birthday party to make all the guests feel better.
"But Jericho has a submission move..why don't I!?!?"

BTW, these PPV names......SOOOOOOOOOOOO TNA.

Moonlight Drive

Looks like I'm the only one who likes this idea.

Submission > NOC

Wrestling Station

looking at it this way..
Big guys will use: Bear-hug as a submission = lol
Little guys will use: armlocks as submission = lol
average size guys will use: leg locks and spinetwisters submission.

So I think it will work for average size guys (no need to be a pure wrestler and good skilled to be involved in those sort of matches imo, I think its size issue here)


Well... since instead of trying to get pins they're going to be trying to get their opponent to tap the whole match. Which will most likely translate to failed mat wrestling matches or people stomping at their opponents knees for an entire PPV.

Moonlight Drive

Am I the only one who can read properly?

submission matches for all main event matches

Which is two, maximum three. As mentioned above Stone Cold is the opposite of a submission wrestler and had that amazing match with Bret. The WWE's current crop of ME Talent would do great in these types of matches, especially guys like Jeff Hardy or Edge, as it gives them the leeway to use some hardcore spots as well.


Lol, since when did submission match equate to mat wrestling. Undertaker and Cena win matches through submission and neither of them are mat wrestlers.

That's actually a good point. I guess it depends how WWE decides to book it though. Even though you could technically win a submission match by only using a submission hold once, and treating the rest like a mornal match, usually WWE will book a submission match to focus on mat wrestling and technical wrestling, to make it different froma normal match.
But, other times they have them like you said, where the submission only really comes into play for the ending of the matches. Hopefully they do that. If they end up doing that, it'd atually turn out good.
On a side note, when was the last time there even wa sa submission match? Seems like forever.


Uhhh...good question...
It seems submissions are quickly losing their place in WWE. Although many guys will now throw a sharpshooter or cloverleaf into their matches it rarely results in anything. Hell, even guys like Jericho usually get their wins via pinfall lately. I always quite liked tap out victories... they come out of nowhere and honestly give wrestlers great shit to run off of.
Remember when HHH tapped to B****t years back?


I disagree with a PPV with all submission matches or even more than 1 submission match on the card, but I think more submission matches should be in the WWE, especially with feuds that could support them.