WWE Still Leaving Benoit Out

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Luke Flywalker

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Dude ok I been keeping up with this since it started and I've yet to here about a note. Also wow no sign of intrusion. Maybe the door was unlocked I mean it is happening alot lately. I see news reports about people going in to people's house when the door is unlocked and killing them. But show me the story where they say a something about there being a note.

Okay, perhaps I was misled about the note, my apologies. I read something at one point a few months after it happened.

Even still, I find it odd that he was hung. Again, why would he have virtually submitted himself? I'd rather believe Benoit would have fought back against someone else, rather than give in and hang himself for the guy (because I doubt he was dragged and forced into being hung). Everything on Benoit's body, as far as we've been given, suggests that he murdered himself. The only bruising they discussed were either from wrestling, or on his neck from the hanging. So again, why wouldn't he at least fight before he offed himself, so at least people knew it wasn't him that killed his child?

Evil Austin

Um RKO Legacy, the case isn't actually closed because they haven't put a final verdict on it. Just for now the police and investigators beleive it is Benoit. Benoit's friends and family even Jericho couldn't beleive it.

I don't beleive it was him and I don't think we will ever know the truth, but if you read something a few months after it happened it is most likely not true as even days after it happened there were thousands of internet roomers going around the place with 99% of them being false.


Sep 6, 2007
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Like I said Benoit doing it the main chance here but see this is far fetch but still possible.

I mean there is so much to this that is not known probably. Wasn't Benoit gone that day for awhile. The day Nancy died. Ok well lets say some people got in cause maybe the door was unlocked while he was gone. Killed Nancy and then did something to Daniel and just didn't kill him. Then Chris comes home and they grab him and do the same thing to him. I mean Benout can fight off one person but say he is dealing with what maybe 4 or 5 people here kinda hard to fight back. Also before you ask reason there is no markings maybe they didn't grab him hard enough to leave any marks but hard enough to stop him from getting them. Ok so next day they kill Daniel and Benoit still not able to fight back. Alright then next they drag Benoit to his weight room thinking ok if we make it look like two were killed and one killed himself maybe no one will come look for us. They make it so it looks like he hung himself. They leave and then there Benoit and them are found.

Like I said this is way far fetched and most likely not what happened. But something along these lines where more then one person had something to do with it might have. I think the case of what happened in the house needs to be re-opened.


I don't really care what you say guys, Benoit killed his family and himself the twat he is.

Evil Austin

Maybe it was a full moon? who knows, I mean it could have been a warewolf (spelling) - Benoit is the rabbiness wolverine. :laugh:

edit -

I don't really care what you say guys, Benoit killed his family and himself the twat he is.

Well that was a pretty bold statement.


Well im a pretty bold guy lol. He killed his family there is no denying it. Im glad they don't mention him. As long as hbk uses the cross face i dont care.


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I don't really care what you say guys, Benoit killed his family and himself the twat he is.

Got any proof. I don't give a damn what investigators say. They have been times where they are wrong. They need to re-open it. Take a look at every single thing.

I mean for no note to be left is strange. I mean yes someone could do all this and not leave a note. Also the story changed so many times that I can't take it for anything. Really no one will ever really know what happened so to say you know is stupid.

Evil Austin

Once again, what proof do you have on this? or do you just beleive everything you read? And even if he did do it, one thing can't take away the hard work he did for over 20 years around the world and all the physical training and disiplan he did to himself to make it to the top. I still have a tone of respect for the Chris Benoit I knew.

Luke Flywalker

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I'd believe you if we didn't know anything about Benoit. I mean, the guy was known as one of the most resilient wrestlers in the history of the sport. Guys said they almost feared wrestling with him because of his fight. And then take into consideration he was probably the most aggressive in the history of the sport as well? IMO, Chris would have had to be unconscious to not have fought back, even against 20 people. It's not like he was a pushover, the guy weighed over 200 pounds of pure muscle, and stood UNDER 6 feet tall. And someone who was so passionate about his son (at least in the eyes of everyone who knew him), and you mean to tell me his house could be raided and he wouldn't fight back?

I know my instinct if anyone in my family, even a cousin's child, were in trouble, I'd risk fighting 20 on 1 myself, and I'm probably nowhere near as big as Benoit. I cant imagine he'd be held just strong enough to restrain him and not have marks left from a struggle with someone else.

Also, what if the domestic rumors are true, and Nancy perhaps filed for divorce. Papers were recovered of a past divorce dispute, but it was dropped. Supposedly she feared for her and her son's lives then... but they reconciled. What if she brought it up again and that led him to snap? It happens elsewhere.

I'm just saying, I can't honestly believe that Chris Benoit wouldn't fight back. I doubt SERIOUSLY that he can be restrained without struggle. No evidence of being drugged has been released, and I doubt they could withhold that evidence, especially with his father working with Nowinski in his current research. You mean to tell me that his own FATHER wouldn't be aware of what happened? There's no other reason for him to work with Nowinski in these studies.


Sep 6, 2007
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I'd believe you if we didn't know anything about Benoit. I mean, the guy was known as one of the most resilient wrestlers in the history of the sport. Guys said they almost feared wrestling with him because of his fight. And then take into consideration he was probably the most aggressive in the history of the sport as well? IMO, Chris would have had to be unconscious to not have fought back, even against 20 people. It's not like he was a pushover, the guy weighed over 200 pounds of pure muscle, and stood UNDER 6 feet tall. And someone who was so passionate about his son (at least in the eyes of everyone who knew him), and you mean to tell me his house could be raided and he wouldn't fight back?

I know my instinct if anyone in my family, even a cousin's child, were in trouble, I'd risk fighting 20 on 1 myself, and I'm probably nowhere near as big as Benoit. I cant imagine he'd be held just strong enough to restrain him and not have marks left from a struggle with someone else.

Also, what if the domestic rumors are true, and Nancy perhaps filed for divorce. Papers were recovered of a past divorce dispute, but it was dropped. Supposedly she feared for her and her son's lives then... but they reconciled. What if she brought it up again and that led him to snap? It happens elsewhere.

I'm just saying, I can't honestly believe that Chris Benoit wouldn't fight back. I doubt SERIOUSLY that he can be restrained without struggle. No evidence of being drugged has been released, and I doubt they could withhold that evidence, especially with his father working with Nowinski in his current research. You mean to tell me that his own FATHER wouldn't be aware of what happened? There's no other reason for him to work with Nowinski in these studies.

I guess you missed where I said maybe he was not there and all this went on. He walks in and gets grabbed. Once someone has your arms and legs and dragging or carrying you. What are you gonna hit them with. Your arms are not free and your legs are not free. But like I said there is alot to this story they may not be known.


I'm noticing the people saying Benoit didn't do it are 15 and 17. Your yet to grow up in the real world. It happens trust me. Its like tv in a way, there are over 6 billion people on this planet and your telling me regardless of their job they cant kill no one? Gimme a break guys, when you get older you will understand. I also have a 11 month old child and i know i do anything for him. But i think Benoit killed his wife and kid after snapping after mentioning divorce. Benoit wasn't the same after Eddie died he took more pain killers and im guessing stress and tablets and his emotions made him kill his family.

Luke Flywalker

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I guess you missed where I said maybe he was not there and all this went on. He walks in and gets grabbed. Once someone has your arms and legs and dragging or carrying you. What are you gonna hit them with. Your arms are not free and your legs are not free. But like I said there is alot to this story they may not be known.

He sent texts to friends. He didn't show up to a show that Saturday because of a family issue. If he was able to leave from his house on Saturday when Nancy was murdered on Friday... and not go to police, would that not remove any suspicion of Benoit doing it himself? Why would the people doing it let him leave the house to go do something, and know he would return to accept being murdered himself?

And you're still going to put up a fight if you're being carried away. You flail, flap your arms and legs, you struggle. Often getting "burn" marks from twisting your arms and legs in their grip, or bruise from the pressure of their squeezing you so you don't slip out of their grasp.


Sep 6, 2007
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I'm noticing the people saying Benoit didn't do it are 15 and 17. Your yet to grow up in the real world. It happens trust me. Its like tv in a way, there are over 6 billion people on this planet and your telling me regardless of their job they cant kill no one? Gimme a break guys, when you get older you will understand. I also have a 11 month old child and i know i do anything for him. But i think Benoit killed his wife and kid after snapping after mentioning divorce. Benoit wasn't the same after Eddie died he took more pain killers and im guessing stress and tablets and his emotions made him kill his family.

I got an aunt who is older then you and she even agrees with me. So age has nothing to do with it ok. Tell me why all the stories changed 50 times. One min its this the next its that. One min Daniel has Fragile X syndrome the next he doesn't. If you look up stories on this each one has different things. Your gonna sit there and tell me that they can be 50 different stories on this and it be true.

He sent texts to friends. He didn't show up to a show that Saturday because of a family issue. If he was able to leave from his house on Saturday when Nancy was murdered on Friday... and not go to police, would that not remove any suspicion of Benoit doing it himself? Why would the people doing it let him leave the house to go do something, and know he would return to accept being murdered himself?

And you're still going to put up a fight if you're being carried away. You flail, flap your arms and legs, you struggle. Often getting "burn" marks from twisting your arms and legs in their grip, or bruise from the pressure of their squeezing you so you don't slip out of their grasp.

oh wow text messages. If I'm not mistakn wasn't some sent from Nancy's phone also...after she died...OMG SHE MUST HAVE DID IT.

Anyone can send a text you dummy. I could get my dad's phone right now send a message saying I robbed someone...so I guess that means my dad robbed someone.


Anyone can send a text you dummy. I could get my dad's phone right now send a message saying I robbed someone...so I guess that means my dad robbed someone.

Fucking classic line there sorry i lol'd out loud and i don't know why hahha.

Well either way Benoit was an awesome wrestler and a dick in real life then.


Aug 4, 2007
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ok, i kinda got sick of reading through all of your mumbo-jumbo about proof and stuff. I just want to say if there is any proof of Benoit murdering his family and himself it could always be wrong. My dad is one of the best forensic scientists in the world. And there was some train bombing somewhere and the FBI investigated the case and my dad later found out they were wrong because of some fingerprint, bullet pattern, or something that the FBI missed. Evidence can never be fully trusted unless there is some DNA that leads the suspect to the murder. Which if Im correct there is none leading to Benoit.

Now it couldve been somebody else. The window couldve been open or the door unlocked. We will never know. Someone couldve came into the house, killed his wife, his son, then Chris also. The person couldve been choking Benoit with some type of rope and then hung him from his weight machine. Again, we will never know the truth behind the homicides. EDIT: Somebody couldve wrote the note and sent out the texts as well

Im also not wanting them to show Chirs on TV as much as in DVD's. He's had some monumental matches and they need to put them on DVD's.