We come back from the commercial and the arena is already dark and Chris Jericho' entrance plays within 2 seconds and his theme song hits "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!", the pyro goes off and he does his pose with the light bright jacket. I think he is getting a nice face reaction but I think the boos have been heavily added in. If it is legit heat then damn, that is great work from Jericho. Here he is in the ring cutting a promo and says that before he dismantles Sheamus tonight he wants to address the comments he made about CM Punk and his father on RAW. He can tell from the thousands of hateful tweets that he received and the emails that a lot of you aren't happy with what he said and a lot of you want him to apologize but he is not going to do that. He says that he knows you think he is going over the line but you can never go over the line when you're telling the truth, and he told the truth about CM Punk, the truth is he is a fraud and he is the typical product of an alcoholic father and a broken home. A man that has hundreds of tattoos across his body to try and hide the fact that he has an alcoholic gene running through his veins. He writes an X on his hand to hide who he really he is but Jericho knows who CM Punk is, he has figured out the real CM Punk, he knows him better than he knows himself. He knows that he stayed up at night crying as a little child because of what his father was doing to him and he knows that every time he unleashes one of his pipe bombs that he is really wishing he could say those things to his parents, to his family. CM Punk chants break out. Jericho then says he knows that when CM Punk comes into the ring and hears all of them chanting CM Punk, hiding behind the wall of our sarcastic anti-hero that he really wishes the demons in his head would really go away but they will never go away. CM Punk wishes that he was the best in the world at what he is but he is not, Jericho says he is the best in the world at everything I do while CM Punk only pretends to be. As a matter of fact, he wishes he was Jericho, he is a Chris Jericho wannabe like all of those in attendance there tonight. Jericlones who will never be what he is because he proves it night in and night out that everything he says is true, he is going to prove it tonight when he beats Sheamus and he is going to prove it at WrestleMania when he beats CM Punk and when he leaves the stadium of Miami on the evening of April 1st he will prove it by walking out the new WWE Champion! And at the WrestleMania after party he is going to fix himself a nice stiff cocktail, he is going to take a nice big drink and is going to hold it up to the sky and is going to make an ice toast and not only to himself but to CM Punk and his pathetic father. So go ahead for one of the last times you can, go ahead and chant for your anti hero CM Punk. Chant for CM Punk, CM Punk, CM Punk and the crowd joins in but then Jericho starts slowly chanting CM Drunk over them then says Pipebomb!
Wow, this was a fucking great promo and a very lengthy one from Jericho! He is a very good speaker and knows hot to cut a great promo off his head, easily done the best ones during the Road To Wrestlemania 28 like the one between him and Punk a few weeks back on RAW that was good. I'm really loving this drinking thing that he has brought up and it's very entertaining and interesting and just adds to the Best In The World thing they're feuding over which is already feud worthy. I'm glad they brought this into the feud and I really hope their feud/storyline goes on for another couple of months because I could watch these two guys go at it a lot. Jericho drew a lot of heat from the crowd here and done it well, love the Jericlone word and how he started saying CM Drunk. I could see that chant erupting sometime during the coming weeks on RAW as a lot of people are still Jericho marks. Their match at Mania is going to be great too, both great wrestlers. This feud might have me more interested then The Rock/John Cena but it needs more TV time. This is definitely worth a watch and as I said, a great promo from Jericho.