WWE Smackdown 16th March 2012 Discussion Thread

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Christian on Johnny Ace's team was a no brainer but I like how he tried to get what was best for him by offering his services to the highest bidder. I want Johnny Ace's team to win to see him get his title shot. Kofi being on Teddy's team upsets me because it means that a tag team title match at WM is very unlikely.

Kane vs. Orton being announced now is good, no need to delay the announcement any longer when it was clear that it would happen. Both guys needed to be on the WM card and this way it gives Orton another WM win and he is working with a veteran so he doesn't have to worry about getting injured.

AJ getting a title shot I don't mind since every other face Diva has had a title shot so she should get one.

Rhodes beating Khali clean is massive and I am glad that WWE did it to make it look like he could beat a guy Big Show's size clean.

This episode is missing tag team action.


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Epico was used in a dark match against Brodus Clay prior to Smackdown.

Thought I'd note that.

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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I love to see how Khali sold that Disaster Kick because that's tough to pull for Cody. This is an interesting episode and I'm stoked to see The Peep Show. I might be going to Smackdown next week so I'm happy its going in the right direction.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Looks like a cool SD. Think i'll watch it again.


Cry About It
Dec 17, 2010
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I heard reports that Jericho was extremely careful in the match and protected Sheamus in order so he wouldn't get injured.

Must say I'll give Jericho a lot of credit for doing that.
Why should he be specially credited? That's their jobs every night they get in the ring, whether it's 2 weeks to Mania or 11 months.


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Show kicks right off with the peep show and Christian comes out to a good reaction sort of like a face and he seems like one when first coming out but eventually turns on the crowd. He has his combed hair look and is in casual clothes. He states that reported on WWE.com earlier this week that there would be a 12 man tag team match at WrestleMania featuring representatives from both Team Lauranaitis and Team Teddy Long. Out comes Johnny Ace with team captain David Otunga to great heat, sadly he still has no entrance music. WWE really need to get him some made up. :( Johnny Ace says welcome back to Christian and it's an honor to be apart of the Peep Show and Christian say's it an honor to have Mr. Excitement to occupy the same ring as Captain Charisma. Then out comes Teddy Long who is accompanied by Aksana to a good reaction from the crowd. Christian says the stakes couldn't be higher at Mania as one of them will have control of both RAW and SmackDown. He says he will put his personal and business feelings aside and tells them to convince him why he should be on their team at WrestleMania. He gives Teddy the chance to speak first. Teddy doesn't speak at first and just looks at Christian and rolls his eyes with a disgust look. Christian asks why he does that as he is a 2x champion and that Teddy might not like him but he even has to admit that he knows how good he is and that he carried SD on his back and whoevers team he is on at Wrestlemania is going to win so he better take advantage of this right now and convince him why he should be on his team, Christian suggests to Teddy that he makes this worth my while. Teddy asks worth your while? Christian says yeah and tells Teddy that he should just give him what he deserves and he knows what Christian deserves and that Big Johnny knows what he deserves and says that the Columbus is not the smartest crowd he's been in front of but they even knows what he deserves. He says he wants one more match for the World Heavyweight Championship. A small minority of the crowd breaks into "One more match!" chants. Teddy says that Christian already has what he deserves and that he respects everything he has accomplished and everything that he has done in this ring but if he expects him to get down on his knees and beg for Christian to be on his team then he's got another thing coming. Teddy then says that at Wrestlemania when Team Teddy wins and he is running both shows then if any superstar and he doesn't care who they are, if they want a championship match then they're gonna have to earn it. They are not going to get an opportunity if they start to annoy him or disrespect him. Johnny Ace interrupts and then asks what does Teddy know about respect and that he respects Christian' talents and it'd be an honor to have Christian on his team at Wrestlemania. He then says when Team Johnny wins, he gives him his word and that everyone knows his word is good as gold that Christian will have one more championship match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Teddy looks on in disgust at Ace. Christian says that is nice and he really appreciates it and when that opportunity comes, he will not fail unlike Teddy who fails at everything he does and that he just failed again right here, right now. He says tonight right here, right now will be forever known as the night that the scales tipped and the tides turned that Christian officially joins Team Johnny! Otunga then pulls out a Christian T-Shirt and hands it to Johnny Ace who then holds it up and celebrates. Teddy then interrupts their little celebration and says that he is sorry to break up this emotional moment and since Christian is back then the time for talking is all done and it's time for action and Christian will be in action tonight! Then Johnny Ace speaks up and says that is not going to happen because of Teddy, Christian is not medically cleared so it's not going to happen. He looks after the talent. Teddy then says that since Christian is unable or unwilling to compete tonight then he is going to put Johnny Ace' ambulance chasing associate (David Otunga) in a match right now. Out comes Kofi Kingston who Teddy says is the new member of Team Teddy! Kofi comes out to a good reaction alongside Santino who keeps flinching when the pyro goes off.

Good promo from all three guys and a great display of emotion from all of them, really sold off the storyline and Christian was great on the mic but I wouldn't expect any less. Johnny Ace didn't fail with his words much compared to how he does on RAW. I guess a taping and live on TV in front of millions can change some things. I'm really interested in this storyline and it is pretty entertaining, the coming weeks shall be good..


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Commercial break is up and we're now onto David Otunga vs Kofi Kingston and Otunga wasn't wearing any ring gear so he is wrestling in trousers and dress shoes where as Kofi is in normal ring gear. Teddy Long and Johnny Ace are both on commentary for this match and have a couple back and forth arguments. This was not a very good match but still watchable. David Otunga had a lot of offense in this match and easily was in control most of the match until near the end where Kofi started building up some offense. Otungas moves look very powerful when he does them especially with his physique and Kofi sold them well. He sometimes did a pose during the match and checked on his biceps and flexed them once or twice. Christian is ejected when he grabs Kofis feet and knocks him down when is running the ropes about to hit the boomdrop. Teddy Long also brought it up to the refs attention, whilst the referee is involved with that situation Otunga goes to the corner and pulls his belt off his pants and prepares to go and hit Kofi where then Santino goes onto the ring apron and pulls the belt out of Otunga' hand and throws it on the ground outside. Otunga then punches Santino off the apron and turns around and gets caught with the trouble in paradise. Kofi wins via pinfall.


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We then cut to a backstage segment with Daniel Bryan and AJ. Daniel Bryan is waiting outside the divas locker room where AJ comes out of in a tight black dress. Daniel Bryan asks her to turn around real quick which she does. AND DAMN I MUST SAY HER BODY IS PHENOMENAL. Daniel looks and inspects it and then tells her he doesn't get it and the dress looked just so much better than the mannequin. He tells her that they're gonna be the new powerhouse couple of the WWE and that she needs to look the part. He uses couples like Macho Man and Elizabeth, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as references. He says that's he's the World Heavyweight Champion and he wants her to be a champion too which is why he pulled some strings for her and got here a match tonight where if she wins it could lead to a future Divas Championship match and D Bry will be in her corner tonight. She thanks him and then they make out, he tells her to get ready as the match is next. When she goes back into the locker room to get changed, Daniel Bryan wipes his lips then the show cuts to a commercial.

Now we have AJ vs Brie Bella, the Bellas have great bodies especially with the attire they wore, it felt like their asses were showing more which I liked. :y: :y: AJ comes out as a face with a good reaction and all happy and everything else, DAMN she is hot and very fit! D Bry's music now plays before the match starts and out he comes with his "yes! yes! yes" stuff and some of the crowd you could see did the same when they saw him come out but you couldn't hear them. I'm actually starting to like the whole yes thing, quite funny. He encourages AJ during the whole match and tells her to focus and such, Brie doesn't take her serious as the match starts and she gets on her knees and makes fun of AJ asking for a fight, etc whatever it is and then AJ lands idk some sort of kick to Brie Bella. They start wrestling and all that other stuff, Brie isn't that good of a wrestler so it isn't interesting and she was in control for most the start and AJ made a comeback midway and went up top and such. Both get a reasonable amount of offense I'd say, AJ is a great wrestler compared to most divas. Near the end The Bellas try to do the twin magic (switching) but Daniel Bryan notices it and makes sure it doesn't happen and informs the ref just in time. Brie tries to get a move on AJ and has her up but AJ reverses it into a rollup and gets the 1, 2, 3. Bryan celebrates a lot, more than AJ did.

Commercial break and then now a recap of Cena rapping and The Rock concert from RAW, they only showed some parts so it wasn't very long. They then show the little card matchup with John Cena vs Mark Henry for next weeks RAW.


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We now cut to Cody Rhodes backstage doing an interview with Matt Striker, Striker asks Cody how does he expect to defend his championship against an angry giant at Wrestlemania 28. Cody says that it's chess not checkers which I did not get the fuck what he meant, weird saying.. anyway he then says that Striker said the magic word which is "Wrestlemania" and that Big Show 364 days out of a year is a destroyer and may be the most dominating force in all of WWE history but on one day, that day, the grandest stage of them all, he and us both know what he is and that he is a choke artist who has never won a 1 on 1 match at WrestleMania.
Matt Striker states that Cody Rhodes vs The Great Khali is up next and we cut to commercial.

Not a very interesting match, Khali just does those stupid slaps and head punches/hits like he usually does. Cody does a fair bit of wrestling and takes Khali down and works on the arms and legs, during the match he also goes up top but Khali counters it and hits him with a big slap on the chest. Eventually Cody works the big man down and hits a beautiful disaster kick for a clean victory via pinfall.

Then Randy Orton is now shown walking backstage about to head out to the ring to speak, now another commercial.


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Randy Orton comes out to a great reaction as usual, he also has a new T-Shirt. It's a white/very light grey color with a dark grey/black design on the top part of it and the back, Randy Orton has some very nice T-Shirts and I'd consider buying it. He says that his name is Randy Orton which as always leads to a big pop. He says that usually when he has a problem with somebody he doesn't come out here and talk about it and hunts them down most of the time but for the past few weeks it feels like he is the one being hunted... by Kane. He also says they are both going down a path that leads to them destroying one another and that's fine by him but before that happens he has to know why Kane chose him, he says he isn't John Cena and that he embraces hate and intern hate embraces him. Call it morbid curiosity or whatever but he is calling Kane out and he wants him to explain himself because when the time comes and he has to put him down, he has to know why he had to do it. Kane comes out seconds later with the fire and he comes out to a pretty nice pop by the sounds of it but it seems like the WWE have edited it which is a shame. :( Kane is a monster! He says to Randy that so he is demanding an explanation and asks if it makes Randy uncomfortable living in the unknown and normally he'd enjoy watching him twist in the wind unsure of why or when or how he'd strike next but since Randy asked so politely he'll clue him in as it's obvious that Randy has forgotten all about something even though it's something Kane obsesses over. He then shows a video of a street fight between Kane and Randy from last summer where Randy won and then after the match Kane shook hands with Randy and they both showed respect/emotion towards each other. The crowd in attendance did a pretty nice pop when the handshake was shown. Kane states it was July 22nd 2011 and he watches the footage every day, EVERY SINGLE DAY TO REMIND HIMSELF OF WHAT HE HAD BECOME. A wretched, a mangled wretch of humanity, but the person that shook Randy' hand is gone, he's been replaced by someone who doesn't have a single vestige of humanity left inside of him. He's been replaced by the monster that Kane should have always been but the journey is not yet complete, the WWE isn't big enough for the both of them. Kane needs closure and will not become whole again until he utterly and completely decimates Randy Orton. Randy says that was very enlightening and thanks Kane for that, then tells him to shut his mouth and to come down to the ring and let's just see if Kane can finish what he started with a pissed off attitude. Kane pretends to walk down to the ring but stops midway and says that slaughtering him right down would not satisfy his craving for Randy' suffering. When he ends Randy he wants it to be on the biggest stage possible, he wants Randy' demise to happen at WrestleMania! Randy nods his head and Kane makes the fire go off on the turnbuckles.

Was a pretty good promo and Kane done a lot of speaking which I liked, I'm not really a fan of Randy Orton as his promos are not that interesting and his voice puts you to sleep. Very impressed with Kane lately and he has me interested in this storyline. Hope it goes til Extreme Rules or later, will be good. Randy needs something to do.


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Here comes out Drew McIntyre and he hasn't got his new gimmick just yet, they show a recap of his beat down on Hornswoggle from last weeks SmackDown. Teddy Long then appears on the titantron and welcomes Drew back and can tell that he is excited to be back on SmackDown and he knows that Drew signed a 1 year no cut contract with Johnny Ace last week on SmackDown and that he is excited he is back too as it gives him a chance to put him in a match with this man......... out comes Big Show to a good reaction! Show has been over A LOT with the fans the past couple of months, and I'm impressed when I see merch of his being wore by fans in the crowd, it's just a shame he couldn't of hold the WHC longer last year. This match is basically a squash and Show is giving Drew a beatdown, Drew barely gets in any offense and Show delivers a chokeslam and then a WMD straight after it. Big Show wins by KNOCKOUT. The match only lasted 2-3 minutes.

After the match whilst Show is celebrating/walking out they show Cody Rhodes watching him on TV backstage in his locker room.


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Now it's Mark Henry vs Yoshi Tatsu and Henry doesn't get a lot of heat as he isn't facing a credible opponent but it is still a reasonable amount of heat, Yoshi Tatsu gets the jobber entrance. Yoshi tries to get in some punches and kicks but it doesn't effect Henry and Mark delivers a headbutt then chokes Yoshi on the ropes until the 4 out of 5 count. Henry shouts at Yoshi whilst he is on the ground telling him not to put his hands on him. Basically a Henry squash and he wins via pinfall after a Worlds Strongest Slam.


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We come back from the commercial and the arena is already dark and Chris Jericho' entrance plays within 2 seconds and his theme song hits "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!", the pyro goes off and he does his pose with the light bright jacket. I think he is getting a nice face reaction but I think the boos have been heavily added in. If it is legit heat then damn, that is great work from Jericho. Here he is in the ring cutting a promo and says that before he dismantles Sheamus tonight he wants to address the comments he made about CM Punk and his father on RAW. He can tell from the thousands of hateful tweets that he received and the emails that a lot of you aren't happy with what he said and a lot of you want him to apologize but he is not going to do that. He says that he knows you think he is going over the line but you can never go over the line when you're telling the truth, and he told the truth about CM Punk, the truth is he is a fraud and he is the typical product of an alcoholic father and a broken home. A man that has hundreds of tattoos across his body to try and hide the fact that he has an alcoholic gene running through his veins. He writes an X on his hand to hide who he really he is but Jericho knows who CM Punk is, he has figured out the real CM Punk, he knows him better than he knows himself. He knows that he stayed up at night crying as a little child because of what his father was doing to him and he knows that every time he unleashes one of his pipe bombs that he is really wishing he could say those things to his parents, to his family. CM Punk chants break out. Jericho then says he knows that when CM Punk comes into the ring and hears all of them chanting CM Punk, hiding behind the wall of our sarcastic anti-hero that he really wishes the demons in his head would really go away but they will never go away. CM Punk wishes that he was the best in the world at what he is but he is not, Jericho says he is the best in the world at everything I do while CM Punk only pretends to be. As a matter of fact, he wishes he was Jericho, he is a Chris Jericho wannabe like all of those in attendance there tonight. Jericlones who will never be what he is because he proves it night in and night out that everything he says is true, he is going to prove it tonight when he beats Sheamus and he is going to prove it at WrestleMania when he beats CM Punk and when he leaves the stadium of Miami on the evening of April 1st he will prove it by walking out the new WWE Champion! And at the WrestleMania after party he is going to fix himself a nice stiff cocktail, he is going to take a nice big drink and is going to hold it up to the sky and is going to make an ice toast and not only to himself but to CM Punk and his pathetic father. So go ahead for one of the last times you can, go ahead and chant for your anti hero CM Punk. Chant for CM Punk, CM Punk, CM Punk and the crowd joins in but then Jericho starts slowly chanting CM Drunk over them then says Pipebomb!

Wow, this was a fucking great promo and a very lengthy one from Jericho! He is a very good speaker and knows hot to cut a great promo off his head, easily done the best ones during the Road To Wrestlemania 28 like the one between him and Punk a few weeks back on RAW that was good. I'm really loving this drinking thing that he has brought up and it's very entertaining and interesting and just adds to the Best In The World thing they're feuding over which is already feud worthy. I'm glad they brought this into the feud and I really hope their feud/storyline goes on for another couple of months because I could watch these two guys go at it a lot. Jericho drew a lot of heat from the crowd here and done it well, love the Jericlone word and how he started saying CM Drunk. I could see that chant erupting sometime during the coming weeks on RAW as a lot of people are still Jericho marks. Their match at Mania is going to be great too, both great wrestlers. This feud might have me more interested then The Rock/John Cena but it needs more TV time. This is definitely worth a watch and as I said, a great promo from Jericho.


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Another commercial straight after Jericho' promo, they quickly show an advertisement for the next episode of RAW where it shows all three guys (Undertaker, HHH and HBK) which the title is "The End Of An Era" which is for their promo when they're all under the same roof. Then it cuts back to Jericho in the ring with his music playing still awaiting Sheamus to come out. Sheamus comes out to an amazing reaction from the crowd as usual and I see a lot of merch and signs, super super over with the crowd and I cannot see him losing against Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. It'd be a stupid decision. I lol'd at the little kid in the crowd who had his hair spiked like Sheamus and an orange beard painted on, he had the laoch necklace and was wearing no T-Shirt. Anyway let's get into this match, the ring bell sounded a bit different here.. We start off with both guys just laying in punches and small grapples to each other inside the ring, both guys are getting in some offense early. Chris Jericho then stops on the ropes after avoiding Sheamus clothesline after an irish whip, he then exits the ring through the bottom rope and Sheamus quickly goes after him and Jericho runs back into the ring trying to fool Sheamus but after running the ropes he gets caught in a Slingshot Flying Shoulder Block. Sheamus goes for the pin but Jericho kicks out of a 2 count. Sheamus then starts beating on Jericho in the corner and Jericho reverses and starts doing the same thing, he irish whips Sheamus into the other corner and tries to go for a clothesline and Sheamus evades it and Jericho gets mixed up and goes straight into the top of the ring pole and falls outside the ring. He is quick to get up and walks over to the ringside again taking his time, Sheamus lifts him up whilst he's near and onto the apron, he does the "Musical Chairs" and gets the full 10 count and then brings him up from the apron and delivers a successful vertical suplex. Sheamus goes for the pin but Jericho kicks out at 2. Both guys get back up and Sheamus delivers some punches and tries for an irish whip but Jericho reverses it and whips Sheamus into the ropes and tries for a backdrop but Sheamus reverses now and gives him a kick, Jericho backs up into the ropes and Sheamus tries going for a clothesline but Jericho avoids it and lifts down the top rope and Sheamus goes over the top and lands ramp side but quickly gets back up and he tries to recover and is about to get back into the ring on the side but Jericho notices and goes for a baseball slide which lands and Sheamus falls into the barricade. He is down on the ground and then out comes Daniel Bryan with AJ and we cut to commercial. They are both now sitting at ringside. We're back in the ring and Jericho tries for a running bulldog but Sheamus reverses and Jericho falls into the turnbuckle. Both guys are down and recovering but both get up seconds later and Sheamus delivers multiple double axe handles to Jericho and he tries running the ropes but gets caught and Sheamus delivers an Irish Curse Backbreaker and he then goes for the pin and Jericho just gets his shoulder up at 2. Both guys are up and Sheamus eventually hits a Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam to Jericho but he kicks out at 2 again. A lot of near falls in this match, Jericho crawls to the rope and Sheamus goes after him and the ref tries to make sure Jericho is alright so he quickly just gets in between them and as the ref is not focused on either guy, Jericho delivers a thumb to the eye. Jericho goes for the codebreaker but Sheamus catches him and plants him into the corner, as Sheamus is recovering and trying to gain full vision back from the thumb to the eye he goes for the brogue kick but Jericho evades and his leg gets caught on the top rope. Jericho realizes he can capitalize on it and hits Sheamus with a Springboard Dropkick. Very nice. Sheamus then falls down onto the mat and Jericho hits a lionsault. Very nice combination. Sheamus crawls into the corner and Jericho comes over and tells him to stay down about to do some offense but Sheamus gets two kicks to the gut of Jericho who goes down and then Sheamus lifts himself up backwards onto the top turnbuckle. Jericho gets up and Sheamus is about to fly but Jericho notices it and hits the ropes causing Sheamus to lose balance and fall/sit on the turnbuckle. Jericho lays in some offense on Sheamus who is sitting up there whilst some slight Y2J chants erupt. Jericho climbs and goes for a suplex but fails and Sheamus knocks him down onto the ground and as Jericho is getting up, Sheamus delivers a flying shoulder block off the top turnbuckle and goes for the pin but Jericho kicks out once again. Sheamus gets Jericho up and sets him up for the Celtic Cross but Jericho counters and knocks him down by the legs and applys the WALLS OF JERICHO. Sheamus reaches the ropes though and Jericho releases the hold. Jericho goes away from him and as Sheamus is on the bottom ropes trying to get up Jericho goes back to him about to lay in some offense but Sheamus kicks him to the midsection and quickly gets up and puts him in the position for the Celtic Cross and he gets Jericho up in the air but Jericho slides off and then Sheamus clotheslines him outside the ring on the announcer table side. They start fighting outside and then Sheamus attempts to throw Jericho at Daniel Bryan and AJ but they both move and Jericho hits the barricade behind them. Sheamus gets Jericho back in the ring but as Sheamus is about to get back inside the ring he stands on the apron staring at D Bry and Chris Jericho runs at Sheamus and knocks him off hitting the announcer table. Chris Jericho uses a dirty tactic and pretends to go for Sheamus outside the ring which causes the ref to make sure Jericho backs up to the other side of the ring and as the ref is not looking, Bryan goes after Sheamus and hits him with a very strong running low dropkick (-- i dont know?)and Sheamus gets counted out for the 10 count. Sheamus is mad and goes after the World Champion but they run off up the ramp and Sheamus stops when they start running. As Daniel Bryan is on the top of the stage staring down at the ring smirking, Sheamus is back in the ring on the floor near the bottom rope staring at Bryan clearly disappointed/angry. He sees Jericho celebrating on the top turnbuckle on the other side of the ring and gets up and as Jericho jumps down off the turnbuckle, he turns around into a brogue kick delivered by Sheamus and the show ends with Sheamus music playing and him giving Bryan an angry stare from the ring.

Your winner: Jericho via countout.

This match was pretty good and both guys had a great amount of offense with a lot of near falls and loved all the areas they worked in with the ring, Jericho can obviously still go today and is in great shape. The ending was good and that way no guy got a clean finish so the other one wouldn't look weak as both are going into big Mania matches as challenger. Good that they also got Daniel Bryan involved to keep building their feud. I have to say though, Sheamus does no sell A LOT. I've noticed it in most his matches the past couple months.

Yeah I know I basically went through the whole match move by move and everything else but I didn't know and once I looked at it half way through, I couldn't be bothered writing up a new one and it's not like many will read this I assume.. Yeah some of it may not make sense or I didn't phrase certain terms right or know the name of every single move but I tried my best. And I'm tired and started this sometime during 2am.