Let me make something clear.
I don't dislike Ryback. I think he's got a terrific look, a powerful, if a bit limited, moveset, and an incredible amount of charisma.
But he should have started this phase of his career as a heel. The fans tire of faces with no background or buildup. When Vince saw Ryback, he saw Goldberg (you know it's true). Terrific look, doesn't have to talk, literally looks like he could kill somebody in the ring. Where Bischoff had it over Vince (yes, you read that right) is that Eric knew that Goldberg had to start out as a silent, destructive heel/tweener force (his first TV match was against Hugh Morrus, for Christ's sake). Then, when the crowd naturally began to cheer him, you could turn him face. Vince saw Ryback and immediately said, "Screw build-up! He's a monster face!"
The reality is that, beyond his look and charisma, there's no reason to cheer for Ryback. He can't talk beyond monosyllables. He hasn't given us any drama to think about. The only people that are cheering for him are casuals and children, two parts of the "fanbase" (or WWE Universe, if you prefer) that have extremely short memories. Once those groups tire of him (which will be a far shorter run than Cena or Sheamus, both of whom can actually talk), people will start to boo him. Then, when he should be the top face in the company, they'll be forced to turn him heel or make him irrelevant.
Don't even get me started on the Paul Heyman-Brad Maddox segment backstage, which, I guess, remains forever unexplained. Bad storytelling bothers me.