WWE: RAW Attention

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New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
RAW - 28/04/'08

The Molson Center

The RAW intro plays, showing an updated version with the new superstars and the champions with their titles. We then cut to the arena, where the Pyro's go off. The Canadian crowd is already exited.

JR: Welcome to another night of RAW action. Tonight, we begin our Canadian tour.

King: A big welcome from the King also, here in the Molson Center in Montreal, Quebec.

JR: Backlash has just left us, but tensions haven't lowered.

King: On the contrary, Backlash hasn't solved anything and even managed to get us more feuds.

JR: And we are kicking it off with one of those feuds.

King: Indeed, we start the night with Matt Hardy vs. Kevin Thorn.

JR: Both men have been chosen as representatives for the John Cena vs. Umaga Match at Judgement Day.

King: Whoever wins, gets to choose the stipulations for that match.

Matt Hardy's theme hits. Both Hardy and Cena come out.

King: Hardy has been involved with the Smackdown vs. RAW battle, but tonight, he is here on request of John Cena.

JR: I'm wondering if that was a good call by Cena. Not only is Kevin Thorn a far more impressive force, but Hardy needs to watch out for Batista and his gang too.

King: That's why Cena is here. He'd do anything to make sure Hardy can get it done.

JR: I'm sure he will.

Kevin Thorn's theme, as the worshipper of Vampirism comes out. Umaga is right behind him.

JR: I don't get it. Why are Kevin Thorn and Umaga on the same page?

King: I guess Kevin Thorn was tired of sitting in the back, doing nothing.

JR: That is a possibility, but still.

Matt Hardy (w. John Cena) vs. Kevin Thorn (w. Umaga)

Thorn and Hardy start taunting each other to take the initiative. Thorn, being the less experienced, falls for it and tries to lock in a headlock. Hardy simply takes the arm and locks in a wrist lock. Kevin Thorn tries to get out, but Hardy simply holds on. After a few seconds of this, Hardy pulls Thorn's arm down hard. Thorn loses his balance and falls to the floor. Hardy locks in a side headlock. This only lasts a few seconds, as Kevin Thorn manages to pull himself up, while the headlock is still locked in. Thorn has Hardy picked up and drops him on his knee. Hardy doesn't release yet, as Thorn hits another backbreaker. After a third, Hardy finally releases and falls to the floor. Thorn covers.


Hardy gets his shoulder up. Thorn pulls him up and hits a Scoop Slam. Thorn pulls Hardy up again and hits a gutbuster drop. Hardy is clearly in pain. Umaga can be seen with a slight grin on his face. Thorn covers.


Hardy again gets a shoulder up. Thorn is getting impatient and pulls his opponent up again. He attempts to whip Hardy into the turnbuckle, but Hardy reverses and whips Thorn into the turnbuckle himself. He follows up with the corner clothesline-bulldog combination. Thorn doesn't really know where he is, as Hardy signals for the Twist of Fate. Thorn gets up again. Hardy kicks him in the gut and locks in the Twist of Fate. But Thorn manages to pull him off. Hardy lands in the ropes and bounces back, running straight into a big boot. Thorn awaits Hardy getting up and locks in a Sleeper Hold. Hardy tries to fight his way out of it, but is slowly fading away. Suddenly John Cena jumps on the apron. The referee is distracted and Hardy uses his foot to hit a low blow. Thorn releases and Hardy locks in the Twist of Fate. Hardy hits it and covers.


JR: Hardy did it!

King: He cheated, JR.

JR: Like you wouldn't do the same in his position.

King stays quiet, while the view cuts to the backstage.

Todd Grisham is standing there, awaiting his opportunity to get on TV again.

Grisham: I am Todd Grisham and standing next to me is the Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedy.

The view pans out to include Mr. Kennedy, who has the Intercontinental Championship draped around his shoulder.

Grisham: Mr. Kennedy, last night, you managed to....

Kennedy: Show Booker T the real meaning of perfection. You're right, Todd. I kicked him from pillar to post and back again, winning the Intercontinental Championship. So, I come in tonight to see the Judgment Day Card. It says Sucka T vs. Mr. Kennedyyy...Kennedy for the Intercontinental Championship. Now, I guess I didn't make myself clear before and will have to show them again. That chump isn't worth my time. He can't beat me, no matter how many times he says Can you dig it, Sucka. What is there to dig anyway? His grave?

The camera pans out again to show Booker T standing behind Mr. Kennedy.

Booker: I'm a five time WCW World Champion, a 10-time WCW Tag Team Champion and the Sixteenth WWE Triple Crown Champion, yet you say I am not worthy? What you smoking, kid?

Mr. Kennedy and Booker T get into each others faces, when security appears and tries to get them to leave each other alone.

We cut back to ringside.

King: Tension between those two Superstars is rising to new levels.

JR: I can't say I'd hate to see them going against each other again.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back with Santino Marella and Jillian Hall already in the ring. Kane's theme hits and both the Big Red Machine and Maria come out.

JR: Last night, this match was postponed due to Santino Marella bailing at the last minute.

King: I'd run too if Kane was after me.

JR: You're right, but Santino had it coming.

Kane & Maria vs. Santino Marella & Jillian Hall

Kane wants to start it out with Marella, but Marella is reluctant. In the end we can see him enter the ring, only to tag out quickly to Jillian. Kane looks at Marella with an evil grin, then tags out to Maria. Maria and Jillian lock up in the middle. Jillian manages to overpower Maria and forces her to one knee. She quickly locks in a headlock. Maria fights back, forcing Jillian into the ropes. Jillian lets go and Maria sends her towards the opposing ropes. Jillian bounces back and is send flying by Maria, who hits a back body drop. Maria covers.


Jillian kicks out. Maria pulls her up and attempts a Scoop Slam. Jillian quickly jumps of the shoulder of Maria and knocks her into the turnbuckle. She attempts to tag out to Marella, but Marella jumps off the apron and runs. Kane jumps off the apron too and starts chasing Marella through the arena again. Jillian has no choice but to turn around and Maria kicks her in the gut. she locks in a DDT and hits it. Maria covers.


Lillian: Here are your winners, Kane and Maria!

JR: Maria got it for her team!

King: But I think that the situation between Kane and Santino Marella hasn't finished yet.

JR: I have to agree, the bad blood between Kane and Marella only got worse tonight.

Mr. Kennedy's theme hits. The newly crowned Intercontinental Champion comes out, wearing his championship belt around his waist.

JR: Mr. Kennedy may be looking to prove a point here, King.

King: I have to agree. He has Booker T on his neck and will have to show him what he's made off.

CM Punk's theme hits.

JR: And what better way to do that, then to defeat the number one contender for the Lightweight Championship?

King: CM Punk is one hell of a competitor though.

Non-title Match
Mr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk

Kennedy and Punk lock into each other. Kennedy manages to get Punk to the ropes and whips him to the opposing ones. Punk bounces back and ducks a clothesline from Kennedy. Punk bounces back again, but Kennedy answers with a Shoulder Block. Punk goes down hard. Kennedy follows up by locking in a headlock. Punk struggles to get out. After a few seconds, he gets back to his feet and starts battling out of it. Kennedy has to release. Punk attempts a punch, but Kennedy ducks and gets behind his opponent. Kennedy executes a neckbreaker and covers.


No! CM Punk kicks out. Both men get up again and start trading punches. It's Kennedy who seems to be gaining he upper hand. Suddenly Punk manages to grab Kennedy's arm and locks in a wrist lock. Punk kicks Kennedy in the gut and hits a Suplex. Kennedy quickly gets up, but Punk Scoop Slams him back to the mat. Punk then climbs the turnbuckle and hits a Elbow Drop. Punk covers.


Punk pulls Kennedy up with him, but Kennedy counters and locks in the Mic Check. Just at that moment, Booker T comes running down the ramp, distracting Kennedy. CM Punk takes the opportunity and gets Kennedy on his shoulders. Punk hits the GTS and covers.



Lillian: Here is your winner, CM Punk!

JR: A great effort by CM Punk.

King: Ah, com'on, he only won because Booker T distracted Mr. Kennedy.

JR: That only proves that Mr. Kennedy wasn't fully focused on the match.

------ Commercial Break -------------

Deuce & Domino and Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly are already in the ring.

JR: This is a number one contender's match.

King: Deuce and Domino will be looking for some revenge.

JR: If I remember correctly, they were the ones that tried to cheat.

Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs. Deuce and Domino

Rhodes and Deuce start it out. Rhodes manages to strike first, leaving Deuce staggering a bit. Rhodes uses the time to bounce off the ropes and hit a clothesline. Rhodes bounces off the opposing ropes and hits and Elbow Drop. He covers.


Quick kick out by Deuce. Both men get up again and start exchanging punches. Suddenly Rhodes ducks and searches for the ropes again, but...


Rhodes drops to the floor, as we see Domino standing on the apron with a steel chair. The referee calls for the bell, as both Domino and Hardcore Holly enter the ring.


Lillian: Your winners due to a disqualification, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly!

Holly has reached Deuce and Domino, but gets double teamed. Domino hits him repeatedly with the chair. HBK, Jericho and the Hardyz come running out, but get stopped by Batista and Palumbo. JBL, WWE Champion Elijah Burke, Chavo Guerrero and MVP appear behind the team. Deuce and Domino quickly join Batista and Palumbo. They get ready to fight, when...


Ric Flair comes out, holding a mic.

Flair: Hold it! I know you all can't get along and want to put each other out, but we'll have non of that right now. See, if JBL and his goons lay a hand on one of Shawn's men, Elijah Burke is stripped off the WWE Championship.

HBK starts smiling.

Flair: But, Shawn, you guys will lose the Tag Team Championships if you attack. You'll only fight when allowed. So, I suggest you get ready for the Main Event.

We cut to the back to see Booker T walking towards the ring. Suddenly Mr. Kennedy jumps his from behind and hits him with the Intercontinental championship. The screen cuts into two to see Carlito doing the same to CM Punk. Both champions walk away with a grin.

We cut back to the ring, where all participants for the Main Event but Elijah Burke are waiting.

JR: Well, seeing as Mr. Kennedy took out one of the participants of the match scheduled next, we'll have to skip ahead to the Main Event.

King: This is going to be great, JR.

JR: You always say that, King.

King: And I always mean it.

Elijah Burke's theme hits, as he comes out, holding the WWE Championship in one hand.

JR: I know one man who will want revenge on this guy.

King: But after the beating the Undertaker received from the Smackdown Alliance, I don't expect to see him soon.

JR: It's the deadman, King, don't count him out.

8-man Elimination Tag
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho & Gregory Helms vs. Elijah Burke (c), Batista, JBL & Edge

Triple H and Batista start the match. They lock in. Batista is the stronger of the two and forces Triple H on one knee. Batista then throws Triple H back. Triple H falls, but quickly gets up, only to be taken out of the ring by a clothesline. Batista starts laughing, but the laughing quickly stops, as Jericho rushes on the apron and nails Batista's head on top of the top rope. Batista falls back, as Triple H enters again. Batista stumbles to his feet again. Both men aren't thinking about each other anymore, but want the tag. Triple H tags in Gregory Helms, as Batista tags in Edge.

The tension can be felt through the arena, as both men storm at each other, taking each other out with simultaneous clotheslines. The referee starts a count, which is broken at 6 by Edge, who managed to get up first. Edge awaits Helms getting up. When he does, Edge hits the Spear. Both men tumble through the ropes and start battling on the outside. The referee starts to count them both out.


Lillian: Both Gregory Helms and Edge are eliminated!

Edge and Helms keep fighting, which gets them to the back.

In the ring, Chris Jericho and JBL take their places. They start exchanging punches, 'till Jericho ducks a right from JBL and sends him into the turnbuckle where Michaels and Triple H are standing. Jericho tags in Triple H and they go for a double team on JBL. They whip him into the ropes. JBL bounces back and manages to hit a double Clothesline from Hell. Jericho drops out of the ring, but Triple H isn't so lucky. JBL covers.


Lillian: Triple H has been eliminated!

JBL gets up, smiling triumphantly and turns around. BAM! Michaels takes JBL out with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels covers.


Lillian: JBL has been eliminated!

Michaels gets up and is taken up the shoulders of Batista, who hits the Batista Bomb. Batista now covers.

Lillian: Shawn Michaels has been eliminated!

Batista rises, but gets taken down immediately by Jericho, who hits the Codebreaker. Jericho attempts a cover, but Elijah Burke comes rushing in, knocking Jericho out. Burke now starts arguing with the referee, 'till the lights go out.

The lights come back on, to reveal the Undertaker holding the throat of Elijah Burke. Undertaker hits the chokeslam, whilst the referee calls for the bell.


The referee goes to the outside to tell his decision.

Lillian: Due to outside interference, Chris Jericho has been disqualified. The winners are the team of Elijah Burke, Batista, JBL and Edge!

In the meantime, Undertaker is cleaning the ring, as Chavo Guerrero, MVP and Chuck Palumbo have come rushing in. The show ends with Undertaker standing over Elijah Burke, holding the WWE Championship.


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
RAW - 05/05/'08

GM Palace
British Columbia

"Mrrr. Kennedyyy..."

"Turn Up the Trouble" hits, as the Intercontinental Champion comes out. He's clearly in a good mood.

JR: And we're kicking off this week of RAW with the Intercontinental Champion.

King: Last week, Mr. Kennedy was screwed by Booker T, but he got even.

JR: With the help of Carlito, he took out both CM Punk and Booker T.

King: And later tonight, he'll team up with Carlito to take on both CM Punk and Booker T in Tag Team action.

Mr. Kennedy has entered the ring and is now holding a mic.

Kennedy: Last week, I showed Booker T just what he was digging all along. See, unlike most people, I can dig it, sucka. I'm digging your grave, Booker.

"Can you dig it, sucka?"

Booker T comes out, holding a mic. He stays on the ramp.

Booker: Last week, Kennedy, I asked you what you were smoking. Now, I still don't know what it is, but it sure is some heavy sh*t, 'cause it got you thinking you could just whack me in the head with a chair. Let me give you a little piece of advise, kid, you don't do that, ever.

Mr. Kennedy now raises his mic again.

Kennedy: You talk like my grandma, Booker. And you know what I did with her? I put her in a retirement home, just like I'm going to put you in one.

Booker: Bring your best shot.

Kennedy: I will.

Booker T's theme hits and Booker disappears to the back.

The camera also cuts to the back to show John Cena getting ready for his match.

JR: Last week, John Cena won the opportunity to call the match type for his Judgment Day encounter with Umaga.

King: Last week, John Cena and Matt Hardy cheated their way to victory and Kevin Thorn is out looking for some revenge.

Kevin Thorn's theme hits, as the arena darkens for the entrance of Thorn.

JR: This is one scary looking guy. I can understand why Umaga thought he would get the job done last week.

King: And if it hadn't been for John Cena, he had.

JR: How many times are you going to bring that up, King?

King: As much as I want to.

"My time is now" hits. John Cena comes out to a decent pop.

JR: You have to give John Cena some slack, it's not like you wouldn't do anything to see your pick win.

King: I wouldn't, I would have a fair match, with the best winning in the end.

JR: Why do you have to be so full of it, King?

King: It says so in my contract.

Singles Match
John Cena vs. Kevin Thorn

Thorn and Cena lock up in the middle of the ring. Thorn is clearly the stronger and forces Cena to one knee. He locks in a headlock. Cena is struggling to get out, but slowly gets taken down further. Suddenly, however, Cena gets back to one knee and starts rising. Thorn is trying to lock the headlock in more tightly, but can't stop Cena from regaining a vertical base. Cena starts hitting Thorn with his elbow, forcing him to release the hold. Cena takes over with an Irish Whip into the ropes. Thorn bounces back and Cena hits a Scoop Powerslam. Cena covers.


Thorn kicks out with authority. Both men get back to their feet. Cena attempts to throw a punch at Thorn, but his hand gets caught. Cena is astonished and gives Thorn the time needed to apply a Standing Chokebomb. Thorn hits it perfectly and covers.


The crowd goes crazy as John Cena kicks out. Thorn is astonished now. He pulls up Cena and looks to lock in and hit the Crucifix Powerbomb, but Cena manages to get a shot in. Cena starts punching away at Thorn, who gets driven back. Thorn lands in the ropes and Cena whips him to the opposing ones. Thorn bounces back and Cena hits a Spinebuster. Cena calls for the Five knuckle shuffle and hits it. Cena covers.


No! Thorn manages to get one arm into the air. Cena lets go and awaits Thorn getting up. When Thorn gets up, Cena turns him around and forces him onto his shoulders. Cena hits the F-U and covers.



Lillian: Here is your winner, John Cena!

Cena is celebrating with the crowd, when suddenly he gets hit from behind. It's the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. Umaga pulls Cena up and hits the Samoan Spike. Umaga's theme fills the arena, before we cut to a commercial break.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back with JBL standing in his locker room. Batista and Chuck Palumbo are with him.

JBL: I'm not going to be Undertaker's tackling dummy tonight.

Palumbo: And?

JBL: You guys have to do something.

Palumbo: We can't, remember?

Batista: We can't.

JBL: What are you trying to say?

Batista: The interference restriction only counts for us.

JBL: I see where you're going. We need some outside help and I know just the guy.

The camera cuts back to the ring.

King: JBL just found himself a flaw in Flair's ruling.

JR: I can't say I like the sound of that.

"Turn Up The Trouble" hits.

King: Mister Kennedy and Booker T have had a heated rivalry over these past few weeks.

JR: You can say that again, these guys would do anything to take the other out.

King: And that's what makes it so great.

Carlito's theme hits and the Lightweight Champion goes to join the Intercontinental champion in the ring.

JR: I don't see the partnership between these two.

King: That's easy, JR. Both are champions and together they stand a better chance at fending off possible contenders.

Booker T's theme hits, with both Booker T and CM Punk coming out.

JR: Booker and CM Punk will be looking for revenge.

King: They sure will. Nobody takes a chair shot lightly.

Mr. Kennedy & Carlito vs. Booker T and CM Punk

Kennedy and Punk start the match. Punk rushes at Kennedy and ducks between his legs. Kennedy is startled for a second. This gives CM Punk the needed time to hit a dropkick to the back of Kennedy, sending him into the ropes. Kennedy is in the ropes, as CM Punk rushes at him and drives his knees into the back of Kennedy. Kennedy drops down. Punk is smiling as he tags in Booker T. Kennedy is getting up and gets hit with a hard right from Booker T. Kennedy returns the favor and both men start trading punches. Suddenly Kennedy blocks one and sends Booker T towards the ropes. Booker bounces back and Kennedy hits a back body drop. Kennedy goes for the cover.


Booker T kicks out. Kennedy grabs him by the head and picks him up, delivering a Scoop Slam. Kennedy bounces off the ropes and drives his knee into the face of Booker. We can see Carlito asking for the tag, but Kennedy isn't paying attention. He picks up Booker T again, but Booker manages to fight out of the hold, knocking Kennedy down. Booker gets the tag. CM Punk now looks to further isolate Mr. Kennedy. Punk locks in a Suplex and hits it. Kennedy is holding his back in pain, as Punk looks for some high risk. Punk hits a hard elbow to the midsection of Kennedy from the top rope. Punk covers.


Kennedy kicks out and tries to make the tag, but Punk takes him down, locking in a crossface. Kennedy is looking like he's going to tap, when Carlito comes in and hits Punk in the head with his boot. Carlito helps Kennedy up and together they go over to Punk, picking him up and locking him into a Double Suplex. They hit it. Carlito goes to the corner and Kennedy covers.


CM Punk kicks out again. Kennedy gets up and tags in Carlito. The Carribean native starts stomping away on his Judgment Day opponent, before forcing him to his feet and whipping him into the turnbuckle. Carlito storms towards Punk, who jumps out of the way and gets the tag. Booker T comes in, taking down both Carlito and Mr. Kennedy with punches. Booker picks up Kennedy and throws him out of the ring. He ducks a clothesline from Carlito and kicks him in the gut. Booker bounces back from the ropes and hits the scissors kick for the cover.



Lillian: Here are your winners, the team of Booker T and CM Punk!

King: They've got their revenge.

JR: And they've finally managed to switch the momentum in their favors.

King: Still two weeks to go 'till Judgment Day, though.

JR: And this night isn't over yet, neither, as we'll have more action after this.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back from commercial break with Melina' theme. Melina comes out with her usual entrance, sparking both boo's as wow's from the crowd.

King: Puppies!

JR: Calm down, King, these girls could really hurt you, you know.

King: I'd love to wrestle Melina.

JR: Continue like this and you might get what you wish for.

Maria's theme now takes over. Maria Kanellis makes it to the ring under a chorus of cheers.

King: I'm in love.

JR: Alright, this is going too far, I want someone who can keep their cool in a match like this.

King stays quiet, as he is drooling over the Diva's.

Women's Championship number one contendersmatch
Melina vs. Maria

Melina closes in on Maria, so they are standing face to face. Melina is talking smack to Maria, but suddenly Maria slaps Melina. Due to the force, Melina drops to the floor. She has a surprised look on her face, but it quickly turns to anger. Melina gets up and starts pounding away on Maria, who can do nothing but try to fend her off. Melina forces Maria in the ropes and whips her in the opposing ones. Maria bounces back and gets taken down with a dropkick. Melina covers.


Maria kicks out. Both girls get up again and Melina is looking for some more domination. She swings at Maria, but the latter ducks and hits a neckbreaker. Maria crawls over to Melina and locks in a headlock. Melina is surprised by the usage of a submission move, but quickly gets her foot on the ropes. The referee orders Maria to release the hold. Maria now has felt she can beat Melina, as she awaits her opponent. Melina gets up using the ropes and turns around. Maria spears her through the ropes. Both girls now lie on the outside, regaining their breaths. Maria is the first one up and she enters the ring, hoping to get a win by count out. But Melina gets up too and slides in the ring at the count of nine. Melina looks to get back in the match, but Maria gets on her hands and hits the Seeing Stars. Melina is completely out of it and Maria hits the Beautiful Bulldog. Maria covers.



Lillian: Here is your winner and the NEW number one contender for the Women's Championship, Maria!

Maria is jumping like a little kid in the ring.

King: I cannot believe Maria actually pulled that off.

JR: And she was really impressive.

King: Indeed, I'm starting to think Maria can win the Women's Championship.

Then "Obsession" hits, as Women's Champion, Mickie James comes out with a mic. She stops on the ramp.

Mickie: Congratulations, Maria, on winning a chance to wrestle for the Women's Championship. I must say, you looked quite impressive in that ring and I just wanted to say good luck. Let the best girl win, right?

Maria has obtained a mic herself and answers.

Maria: I can't believe it myself, Mickie. I'm actually going to Judgment Day.

Mickie: Don't get too carried away, now. Melina's a fine competitor, but at Judgment Day, you'll have to face the most dominant female in the business today. And no, I'm not talking about Beth Phoenix. See you, later.

Mickie sends a hand kiss in the direction of Maria, before going to the back.

King: Mickie James is such a great champion.

JR: And what makes you say that, King?

King: She has nice pu....I mean, she came out here to wish her opponent good luck.

JR: I beg to differ, King. Mickie James made clear that Maria will have to earn the Women's Championship and that it won't be an easy road.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back to a view of the office of Ric Flair. Edge is entering. Ric Flair is sitting behind the desk.

Flair: And how can I help you?

Edge: Well, I was sitting in my locker room, thinking about the past weeks and I've found out I was holding myself back. See, nobody wants to see me fight Gregory Helms. No, the fans want to see me holding the WWE Championship. They don't know it themselves, but I can guarantee it. So, what I wanted to ask you is a shot at Elijah Burke.

Flair: So, let me get this straight. You want a match for the WWE Championship?

Edge: At Judgment Day, if that is not too much too ask.

Flair: No, Judgment Day doesn't suit me too well. But I can offer you a number one contenders match.

Edge: I'll take it.

Flair: Against Gregory Helms.

Edge: No, Ric, that's...

Flair: You're rejecting the chance?

Edge: No, but...

Flair: That's it then. At Judgment Day, it will be Edge vs. Gregory Helms.

Edge storms out of Flair's office, with Ron Simmons just coming down the hall. Flair has gotten up and is in the doorway. Simmons and Flair look at each other and together they say....

Simmons and Flair: DAMN!

King: I can believe that Edge hasn't gotten what he was looking for.

JR: He has a number one contenders match.

King: But he has to go up against Gregory Helms. And I think Gregory Helms has gotten under Edge's skin once too often.





"Rest in Peace" hits, as the Undertaker starts making his way to the ring.

JR: Last week, the Undertaker extracted a little revenge on Elijah Burke.

King: And tonight, he is back to show JBL the consequences of messing with the Undertaker.

JBL's theme hits, with JBL coming out, being escorted by the Smackdown alliance.

JR: What are those clowns doing here?

King: They're here to make sure that no-one interferes with the match, I guess.

JR: Thank god they can't.

King: But rumour has it that JBL has some other tricks up his sleeve.

Main Event
JBL vs. The Undertaker

The Undertaker slowly closes in on JBL. JBL backs off a bit, before landing a punch. Undertaker isn't impressed and reacts with a punch of his own, forcing JBL to the ground. JBL is holding his cheek. Undertaker isn't going to let JBL out easy, as he forces him up and drags him around. Undertaker hits another hard punch, sending JBL in the turnbuckle. Undertaker takes aim and jumps right on top of JBL. JBL stumbles out of the corner and walks into a Scoop Slam from Undertaker. Undertaker hits a leg drop and covers.


JBL gets a shoulder up. Undertaker takes hold of the arm of JBL as he gets up. He locks the arm tight and goes to the top rope. Undertaker hits Old School. JBL is holding his arm in pain. Undertaker motions for the chokeslam. JBL slowly makes it to his feet and gets grabbed by the throat. JBL manages to kick Undertaker in the gut, forcing him to release. JBL then bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker. JBL covers.


Undertaker kicks out. JBL is smelling blood, as he stays on the initiative. He pulls Undertaker to his feet and hits a Scoop Slam. JBL now gets to the top rope. Undertaker slowly gets up and JBL hits a bulldog from the top rope. JBL locks in a front facelock, but Undertaker manages to get up and break the hold doing so. Both men start trading punches, with JBL ducking one and hitting a Reversed STO. JBL covers.


Undertaker powers out. JBL is looking not too happy about it. Both men get up again and JBL attempts to land another punch, Undertaker ducks and grabs hold of JBL. Undertaker positions JBL into the Last Ride, but JBL manages to free himself by punching away on the Undertaker. JBL is looking for the Clothesline from Hell, but Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Suddenly we can see Umaga entering the ring, but Undertaker grabs him by the throat to and hits a devastating Double Chokeslam. Umaga rolls out of the ring and JBL is somewhere on another planet. He stumbles back to his feet and walks straight into the Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker hits it and covers.



Lillian: Here is your winner, The Undertaker!

Undertaker motions to Elijah Burke he is coming for the WWE Championship. On the outside, the Smackdown Alliance is furious, but they know they can't touch the Undertaker.

JR: What a victory for the Undertaker.

King: When I saw Umaga, I believed this one was over.

JR: But Undertaker wouldn't be the Undertaker if he hadn't had something up his sleeve.

King: And that concludes this week of RAW action.

JR: Next week, we'll see more of the same.

King: And more.


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May 17, 2008
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RAW Preview

On RAW, two feuds will collide, as John Cena takes sides with Gregory Helms to go up against their Judgement Day opponents, Edge and Umaga. What will come off this mixing of electricity?

And what happens when you put the Women's champion in a match with the loser of last week's number one contenders match? Will Melina find some satisfaction, or will Mickie James send a message out to Maria?

In other action, Booker T finally gets his hands on Carlito in one on one combat. Two weeks ago, Booker T was denied that chance, when he was attacked by Intercontinental champion, Mr. Kennedy. This week, however, he has a guard, as CM Punk will be in his corner, looking out for the five time WCW champion.

With all this excitement, we'd almost forget about the serious issues. This week, the Smackdown vs. RAW war takes it to the next step. Jeff and Matt Hardy team up again, this time to silence the team of Deuce and Domino. What heights will this feud reach?

And will the Smackdown Alliance be able to do battle in two fronts? Tonight, they're trying the numbers game on the Undertaker, who isn't satisfied yet. Will Chavo Guerrero and Chuck Palumbo combine well enough to escape the wrath of the Phenom?

Confirmed Matches

Main Event: John Cena and Gregory Helms vs. Edge and Umaga

Mickie James vs. Melina

Carlito vs. Booker T/w. CM Punk

Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero and Chuck Palumbo

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs. Deuce and Domino

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Look dude I know know one's posted but I've been reading.. You'r good.. Just make matches longer.. More comment's.. I will probably review RAW.. Just keep working at it man..


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
- It has been some time since I updated this, but I've been a bit busy.

RAW - 12/05/'08

The Saddledome

"To Be Loved" hits with the usual movie theatrics. After the movie, we cut to the Saddledome arena, which is packed. Pyro's start going off. The crowd starts screaming and cheering. Slowly the camera makes his way around the arena 'till it reaches Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross.

JR: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to monday night RAW!

King: I am the King and with me is good old JR, Jim Ross.

JR: And tonight, we come to you live from the Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

King: The road to Judgment Day is past half way and already there is some bad blood to spill.

JR: That is mostly because there are some battles that have been going on since before Backlash.

King: I know, JR, I was just saying...


"Turn up the trouble" hits, with the Intercontinental champion coming out. His mood is not as good as last week, that is clear. Carlito appears behind him, Lightweight Championship on the shoulder. Both men get greeted with boo's and "asshole" and other chants. They get to the ring and enter. Kennedy grabs a mic, as does Carlito.

Carlito: Last week, Mr. Kennedy and Carlito were forced to face Booker T and CM Punk. Now, Booker T pinned me, Carlito and that is not cool.

Kennedy: I agree, that isn't very cool. Booker T got lucky, but tonight is going to be different. Tonight, Carlito is going to put Booker T on the shelf. Tonight, Booker, you're going to find out why we are the future and you are the past.

"Can You dig it, Sucka?"

Booker T's theme hits and both CM Punk and Booker T come out to a nice pop. They're holding mics.

Booker: Listen, I am not going to be bothered by the two of you talking smack like you're doing. See, I am a former champion, I am not scared of a challenge. Tonight, Carlito is going to take the fall again and come Judgment Day, you're going to have to address me as Booker T, Intercontinental Champion.

Carlito interrupts Booker and CM Punk.

Carlito: That is all nice, Booker, but what army are you going to put together to actually stand a chance against two future World Champions?

Kennedy: I think his army is standing right there.

CM Punk has had it and interrupts Kennedy.

CM Punk: You think you've got everything going your way, don't you? You think that we're pushovers, right? Well, allow me to show you that you're wrong.

CM Punk drops the mic and rushes into the ring. Kennedy and Carlito start kicking away on him, but Punk manages to get up and hits a short arm clothesline on Carlito. He turns around in order to hit Kennedy, but the latter ducks and hits the Mic Check. Carlito gets up and both men turn towards Booker, with CM Punk at their feet.

Carlito: Now that's cool.

We close in on Carlito and Kennedy, while fading out.

We cut to the back, where Shawn Michaels is walking. Suddenly he spots the Smackdown alliance. Shawn doesn't really slow down, as he knows they can't touch him.

Michaels: Good evening, boys, ready for tonight?

Batista: Shut it, Shawn. If Ric wouldn't have put such high prizes on any brawl, you'd have ran when you saw us.

Michaels: Sure, Dave. So, you still want me?

Batista: You bet I do.

Michaels: Well, what are you waiting for? Me and you, next week, what do you say.

Batista: You know full well I'm scheduled to face the Undertaker next week.

Michaels: That's true, so, why don't you team up with the WWE Champion over there and make it a Tag Team Match?

Burke comes to the front.

Burke: Wow wow, I am in no hurry to get into a match with the Undertaker. I already have one, you see.

Michaels: And I thought the WWE Champion is supposed to be the flagpole of the business. Too bad that only counts for real champions.

Burke: What are you trying to say, Shawn?

Michaels: Firstly, it is Mr. Michaels for the likes of you. and secondly, you're nothing more then a fluke champion. If it wasn't for JBL, Batista and, euh...

Michaels looks at the other members of the Smackdown alliance like he truly can't remember their names.

Michaels: ...you know, you'd never ever have been a champion.

Burke: So I'm a fluke, right? Well, I accept your challenge. I'll show you who is the fluke.

Michaels starts laughing. Then Chris Jericho appears.

Jericho: What is so funny, Shawn?

Jericho turns towards the Smackdown alliance.

Jericho: I understand, one of them opened his mouth, right?

Michaels: ...

Jericho: Wait, let me guess, you challenged the animal, who, while being the dominant male amongst these cheerleaders, actually is afraid of you, so he hid behind the fact he had to face the Undertaker in the squash match of the century. After this, you challenged him to a tag team bout with you and the Undertaker taking on him and JBL's love slave, who tried to chicken out, right?

Michaels: Close enough.

Jericho: That's not funny at all, Shawn.

Michaels: He tried to say I am a fluke.

Jericho: Oooooh.

Elijah Burke has been getting very mad and is ready to lunge at the two men.

Michaels: Hold your horses, Eli, you wouldn't want to have to give up that nice and shiny piece of metal, wouldn't you?

Elijah Burke holds back, but just barely.

Jericho: I suggest we get out of here, Shawn, there is a foul stench around here.

Michaels: See you guys next week.

Michaels and Jericho walks off, laughing and joking, while the smackdown alliance is left there, all member enraged.

--- Commercial Break ---

The Hardy Boyz' theme hits to a rockstar like ovation. Jeff and Matt Hardy come out, which sparks even more cheers. Both Hardys seems awfully focussed on this match.

King: I'm exited, JR. Having both Hardy boyz in one ring is always exiting.

JR: Both Matt and Jeff are accomplished singles competitors, but together they do have something other teams only can dream off.

King: A chemistry only brothers can have.

Jeff and Matt have entered the ring and are posing for the crowd, when Deuce and Domino come out, sparking some loud booing. They don't seem to care, as all their attention is on the Hardys.

JR: Both teams are part of the little war between former Smackdown Superstars and their Raw counterparts.

King: Well, It's hardly the RAW alliance, though. Matt Hardy is a former Smackdown Superstar.

JR: I wouldn't think he'd go up against his brother, though.

Deuce and Domino have entered the ring. The referee lets the choose who is to be first. Starting off will be Deuce and Matt Hardy. The referee calls for the bell.

Deuce & Domino vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy

Deuce and Matt lock up in the middle of the ring. Deuce is the most powerful and manages to whip Matt into a corner. Deuce rushes towards the corner and hits a clothesline. Matt drops to the floor, not knowing where he is. Deuce forces him to his feet and picks him up. He walks over to the turnbuckle and hits Snake Eyes. Matt is holding his face in pain, which gives Deuce the chance to hit a Northern Lights Suplex, bridging it into a pin.


No! Matt kicks out. Deuce drags him into the corner and tags in Domino. Domino goes straight on the attack with kicks to the stomach of Hardy. After about 7 stomps, Domino picks up Hardy and takes him for a ride. Domino hits a suplex. Hardy is holding his back in pain. Domino runs towards the ropes and bounces back. He goes for the Crack 'em in tha mouth, but Hardy manages to slide out of the way. Hardy gets up and looks to get the tag, but Domino is just a bit quicker, pulling a huge flying forearm out of his book. Hardy goes down hard and Domino covers.


No! Matt manages to get an arm up. Domino pulls him back to his corner and tags in Deuce. Domino sets him up for the crack em in tha mouth. Deuce rushes at him, but Hardy ducks. Deuce hits Domino instead. Domino is out and with Deuce distracted, Matt manages to reach his brother. Jeff comes in after the red hot tag, looking to get back at the two greaseheads. Deuce tries to hit him, but Jeff ducks and hits a dropkick, sending Deuce into the ropes. Domino is getting up, not knowing what happened or is happening. Jeff clotheslines Domino out of the ring, before returning his attention to Deuce, who just regained composure. Jeff goes for a kick, but Deuce grabs the leg. Before Deuce can do anything, Jeff hits an Enzuigiri. Deuce goes down hard. Suddenly Domino appears behind Jeff. Domino grabs him and hits a neckbreaker. Jeff goes down hard. The referee, however, didn't see this, because he was trying to keep Matt out of the ring. Deuce slowly crawls towards Jeff and covers.


No! Hardy gets a shoulder up. Both teams aren't looking good right now. Arguable the best looking at this point is Matt Hardy, who is in the corner calling for Jeff to make the tag. Deuce tags out to Domino, who rushes towards Jeff to prevent him from making the tag. Domino picks up Jeff and takes him into a powerbomb position. Jeff starts to fight back and forces Domino to release. Jeff jumps to his corner and makes the tag. Matt comes in. He takes down Domino with a hard right. Deuce comes in, but Matt takes him over the top rope with a clothesline. Hardy turns around and signals for the Twist of Fate. Domino gets up and is kicked in the gut. Hardy locks in the Twist of Fate and...he hits it! Matt tags out to Jeff, who goes to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb. Jeff covers.


The Hardy Boyz' theme hits and the brother celebrate in the ring.

JR: The Hardys did it, King.

King: For a minute, I thought they wouldn't get it, but these are the Hardy boys and they showed us tonight why they are such a successful team.

JR: They really are one of the best teams ever.

King: Too bad we don't see them together that often anymore.

We cut to the backstage area, where Todd Grisham is standing with Santino Marella. Seeing the cocky Italian, the crowd starts to boo loudly.

Grisham: Goodevening, ladies and gentlemen, I am standing here with Santino Marella. Santino, over the past month or so you've been targeted by Kane. Now, you're scheduled to go one on one at Judgment Day. What are your thoughts?

Marella: Well-a, Toddy the Grisham-e, I-e am Santino Marella and I never back-e down from a-e fight. If the Kane wants-e to fight, I-e will give him-e a fight. All-e that running was a tacetice to get-e the Kane to think-e that Santino Marella is-a scar red of the huge red machina.

Grisham: Sure it was.

Marella: Toddy the Grisham-e does not believe-a Santino Marella?

Grisham: ....

Marella: Shut up-e, Toddy the Grisham-e. I-e did not allow-e you to talk-e.

Suddenly Santino Marella shuts up as he feels a presence behind him. Kane is standing behind Marella, smiling. Marella backs off, while Kane closes in. Suddenly Marella rakes Kane's eyes and runs away. Kane follows him after a few seconds. The screen cuts to a commercial break, while Todd Grisham is left standing in the ring.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back from commercial break, to see Chavo Guerrero and Chuck Palumbo in the ring, while Undertaker is finishing his entrance.

King: I don't know, JR, I know the Undertaker is formidable, but having two opponents is something I wouldn't want to do.

JR: As I see it, this isn't the first handicap match for the Undertaker and he's always one to shine when the odds are stacked against him.

Undertaker has finished his entrance. The referee calls for the bell.

Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero & Chuck Palumbo

Chavo and Palumbo look at each other and nod. Chavo rushes at the Undertaker, but is grabbed by the throat. Chavo tries to get out of it, but can't. Undertaker pulls him up, but is hit by Palumbo. Chavo takes the opportunity to get loose and hit a DDT. Taker goes down hard. Palumbo starts hitting Taker at various spots, while Chavo climbs the turnbuckles. Palumbo pulls Taker up. Chavo jumps, hitting a hurricanrana. Chavo covers.


Taker kicks out. Chavo and Palumbo pull him up and look for a double Suplex. Taker, however, manages to counter this and forces them both in the ropes. Taker hits a clothesline on Chavo Guerrero, sending him to the outside. Palumbo tries to hit Taker, but the latter ducks and hits a belly to belly suplex. Palumbo is quick to get up and lunges at Taker, who locks in an armlock. He takes Palumbo to the turnbuckle and climbs up. Taker looks for Old School and hits it. He covers.


Chavo has entered the ring and breaks up the count. Chavo starts kicking away on Taker, while he's getting up. Chavo looks to hit a Suplex, but is forced back off. Taker whips him into a turnbuckle and hits a corner clothesline. Chavo goes down hard. Taker turns around and gets speared by Chuck Palumbo. Palumbo starts to pound away on Taker's face. taker tries to fend off. Chavo has gotten up and joins Palumbo. Suddenly Palumbo gets a look on his face that shows pure fear. The camera closes in and we can see one hand around Palumbo's throat. Taker gets up with Palumbo tightly in his grip. Chavo attempts to free Palumbo, but get grabbed too. Taker hits the Double Chokeslam. He signals it is over.

The first one up is Chavo, who walks straight into a Last Ride. Then Palumbo regains a vertical base, but gets taken up for the Tombstone Piledriver. Taker covers.



Lillian: Here is your winner, The Undertaker!

The referee goes to check on Palumbo and Chavo and calls for the EMTs, while Undertaker is moving to the back. EMTs come rushing in and help the others to the back.

JR: Undertaker just finished off his opponents, King.

King: This seems to be a message towards Elijah Burke.

JR: Well, I wouldn't want to be Elijah Burke right now.

"Obsession" hits, with the Women's champion, Mickie James coming out. She gets a nice pop from the crowd.

King: Puppies!

JR: Oh, brother.

Mickie James enters the ring and poses for the crowd. She gets ready for her match. "Paparazzi" follows this. Melina Perez appears from the back, getting a chorus of boo's.

JR: Last week, Melina lost to Maria in a number one contenders match.

King: But tonight, she might get some revenge.

JR: She'll be highly motivated, that's for sure.

Mickie James vs. Melina Perez

Melina and Mickie lock up in the middle of the ring. Mickie wins the test of strength and locks in a headlock. Melina tries to fight out of it and manages to reach the ropes. She bounces off them, forcing Mickie to release. Melina runs towards the opposite ropes, bounces back and looks for a clothesline. Mickie ducks and Melina bounces back of the ropes. Mickie is ready for her and hits a Spinning Heel Kick. Melina drops down to the floor. The Women's champion takes this opportunity to go high risk. Melina gets up and Mickie drops down for a double axe handle. Melina, however, sidesteps and hits a high knee in the gut of Mickie. James is out of air, while Melina bounces off the ropes and hits a neckbreaker. Melina covers.


No! Mickie kicks out with authority. James and Perez get up and start exchanging punches. Melina ducks a right and hits a dropkick to Mickie's back. Mickie falls into the turnbuckles. Melina rushes at her and forces both her knees into the backside of the women's champion. Mickie stumbles out of the ring, while Melina backs off a bit to get ready for her next move. She rushes at Mickie and looks to hit a hurricanrana, but Mickie has the move scouted. She drops to her back, forcing Melina hard onto the mat. Melina is a bit out of it, but gets up again quickly. Mickie hits an Enzuiguri. Melina drops to the mat and Mickie covers.


Not tonight! Melina manages to get a shoulder up. Mickie drags her to her feet, but Melina starts fighting back. She hits a few punches, before bouncing back off the ropes and hit a Shoulder Block. Mickie lets herself roll through to get up quickly. She ducks a clothesline attempt, rushes at the ropes and hits a springboard crossbody. Mickie covers.


Melina rolls through!


Mickie kicks out. Melina quickly pulls her up and tries to hit a Scoop Slam. Mickie manages to get off her shoulder and hits a neckbreaker. Melina is nearly knocked out. Mickie picks her up and puts her head under her arm. She signals for the Mickie DDT, but Melina pushes her off and looks to hit a Spinning Heel kick. Mickie ducks. Melina gets up, but Mickie kicks her in the gut and looks for the Mickie DDT another time. Suddenly Maria comes down the ramp. Mickie lets go off Melina and turns her attention to her Judgement Day opponent. Melina takes the opportunity and rolls Mickie up, using the ropes for leverage. The referee doesn't see it and starts the three count.



Lillian: Here is your winner, Melina!

Maria clearly is sorry for Mickie, as she rushes to the ring to apologize. Mickie grabs her title and pushes Maria away. Mickie leaves the ring, leaving Maria there to wonder what exactly happened.

--- Commercial Break ---

"Yoyoyo, Shad Gaspard and JTG. It's Cryme Tyme!

Cryme Tyme comes out to one of the biggest pops a bunch off ghetto thugs have ever gotten. JTG and Shad are carrying some bags.

JR: I didn't know Cryme Tyme was scheduled to be here tonight.

King: They weren't. And what are they trying to pull now?

JR: Well, I for one do not mind having Cryme Tyme here now.

JTG has taken the mic.

JTG: Yoyoyoyoyoyo!

Crowd: Yo!

JTG: Yo!

Crowd: Yo!

JTG: Yo!

Crowd: Yo!

JTG hands the mic to Shad.

Shad: Tonight, Cryme Tyme presents you with the next generation of fan gear. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you've had coffee cups of your favourite celebrity, you've had lunch boxes, you've had T-shirts. But tonight, you can become your favourite celebrity. Let the people see what we've got, JTG.

He hands the mic to JTG again.

JTG: Well, tonight we have something for the big fans of John Travolta. We have an authentic leather jacket that was worn by John in the movie Grease. Now, we have got this off a man who likes to think it are the fifties, so be warned.

JTG pulls out one of the jackets of Deuce 'N Domino. It is Deuce's. JTG looks at the drawing and name on the back of the jacket.

JTG: I guess he has trouble remembering his name. Let's start the bidding at 100 dollars.

Several fans let them know they want the jacket. But it is Shad who interrupts the sale.

Shad: Wow, you guys can't be serious that you would be willing to pay that much for this? Nono, fifty is a better price to sell it for.

JTG: You're right, Shad. What was I thinking, asking 100 dollars for this?

JTG and Shad exit the ring to find a buyer. JTG stops next to a beautiful young woman.

JTG: I see you are interested, shortie. What is your name?

Woman: Priscilla.

JTG: Priscilla, nearly as beautiful as you are. But you wanted to buy this jacket for 50 dollars?

Woman: Yeah.

JTG: That is way too much for a nice lady like you. What do you say, Shad?

Shad: I'd say, give us 20 and we're happy.

JTG: 20 dollars it is. Glad you've chosen for Cryme Tyme.

He hands Priscilla the jacket.

Shad: Say, Jay, didn't we have something else on sale?

JTG: Ow, yeah.

They enter the ring again. JTG looks in the bag and brings out a piece of paper.

JTG: We have here one Tag team championship opportunity at Judgement Day, handed out to Cryme Tyme.

Shad: Jay, that's the other thing.

JTG: Ow, Damnit.

JTG goes back to the bag and pulls out sunglasses, lots of them.

Shad: You know, come to think of it, those sunglasses aren't worth anything nowadays, aren't they?

JTG: I agree. Give them away?

Shad: Sure.

JTG and Shad start throwing sunglasses into the audience, when suddenly they get ambushed by Deuce and Domino. The two teams start trading punches until security comes to pull them aside and escort them out of the arena.

We get a promo for Judgement Day.

After this we cut back to the arena, when Carlito's theme hits. The Lightweight Champion comes out, being escorted by Intercontinental champion, Mr. Kennedy. The crowd is spitting venom at the two superstars.

JR: And again, we have Carlito and Mr. Kennedy closer then I'm comfortable with.

King: Well, I don't think you'll get them off your back soon.

JR: I fear the same.

"Can you dig it, Sucka?"

Booker T and CM Punk come out to a huge pop from the crowd.

JR: Booker and Punk have been cheated by their opponents multiple times over the past weeks.

King: But you've got to hand it to both Carlito and Kennedy, they both won their title fair and square.

JR: I guess you're right.

Carlito /w. Mr Kennedy vs. Booker T /w. CM Punk

Carlito and Booker start circling each other. Carlito lunges at Booker, who sidesteps. Carlito misses and they starts circling again. This time, Booker is the first to attack. Carlito evades, grabs his arm and locks in an armlock. Carlito forces Booker into the ropes and whips him into the opposing ones. Carlito awaits Booker and hits a back body drop. Booker quickly makes it to his feet. Carlito grabs him and hits a belly to belly suplex. Booker gets up quickly again, but Carlito takes him out with a clothesline. Carlito makes the quick cover.


Booker kicks out! Carlito pulls him up and redirects him to the ground with a Scoop Slam. He then rushes to the ropes and hits a Springboard Moonsault. Carlito then tries to pull up Booker again, but the latter manages to break free. Booker forces Carlito in the ropes and hits a clothesline. Carlito drops to the outside. CM Punk manages to evade the body of Carlito, which was falling to the point where he was standing. Booker gets out of the ring as well. He pulls up Carlito and whips him in the steel ring post. Suddenly Mr. Kennedy comes flying through the ropes, trying to take out Booker T. However, he falls straight on top of CM Punk. The two start to brawl, while Booker is pulling Carlito back inside the ring.

On the outside, Kennedy blind sights CM Punk and grabs a chair. Kennedy hits CM Punk with it. CM Punk drops down to the floor, while Kennedy gets out of there.

In the ring, we can see that Booker T still has the upper hand. The referee, however, has seen CM Punk and is not paying attention to anything in the ring. Kennedy slides in the ring and turns around Booker. He turns around and....


Mr. Kennedy hits him with the chair. Booker T staggers on his feet. This allows Carlito to hit the backstabber. Kennedy exits the ring, while Carlito covers. The referee has seen this and makes the count.



Lillian: Here is your winner, Carlito!

Kennedy enters the ring again and together with Carlito, he starts kicking away on Booker T. After a few, they pull Booker up and throw him out of the ring. Kennedy and Carlito then start to celebrate, while we cut to another commercial break.

--- Commercial Break ---

We get a clip of John Cena walking towards the arena.

JR: It is time for our main event.

King: John Cena will team up with Gregory Helms to take on the team of Umaga and Edge.

JR: Tension will be high.

King: And the action great.

"My Time is Now" hits, with John Cena coming out to a decent pop.

JR: John Cena and Umaga are scheduled to do combat at Judgement day.

King: The bad blood between these two power houses has been clear ever since they went into each other's face at Backlash.

Gregory Helms' theme hits to a loud pop from the crowd.

King: But even more bad blood is generated from this feud. Gregory Helms was given the chance to prove himself and earn a spot in the WWE Championship picture, but he was screwed out of it by Edge.

JR: Ever since that, Helms and Edge have been targeting each other, costing them multiple victories.

King: And their Judgement Day match is for the number one contendership.

"Metalingus" hits and Edge comes out to some of the loudest boo's ever.

JR: And that doesn't sit well with Edge. He requested to get away from Helms, but instead, there is even more at stake now.

King: And I for one think it is great.

JR: Why am I not surprised?

Umaga's theme hits to a nice amount of boo's and chants.

King: Well, the last member of the main event has arrived.

JR: I wouldn't want to be the man who faces Umaga.

King: Neither would I, that's for sure.

Main Event
John Cena & Gregory Helms vs. Edge and Umaga

Cena and Edge are the first ones in the ring. They start exchanging punches. Cena gets the upper hand, forcing Edge into a corner. He grabs Edge and whips him in the opposing corner. Cena rushes at him and hits a corner clothesline, followed by a bulldog. Cena picks Edge up and hits a suplex. Edge quickly gets up from this and rushes at Cena, who hits a Snap Scoop Powerslam. Cena pulls Edge up and walks over to his corner to tag in Helms. Helms comes in, while Cena holds Edge. Helms bounces off the ropes and looks for a Spinning heel kick. Edge ducks and Helms crashes into Cena. Edge makes the tag. Umaga comes in and hits a Scoop slam on Helms. Then he picks up Cena and locks in a bear hug. After about ten seconds he releases and drops Cena to the outside. He turns his attention back to Helms, who has gotten up just before. Helms rushes at Umaga, attempting to hit a Spinning Heel kick, but it has no effect on the Samoan Bulldozer. Umaga grabs hold of Helms and pushes him into the ropes. Helms bounces back and Umaga picks him up to hit the Samoan Drop. Umaga covers.


Helms gets a shoulder up. Umaga pulls him up and takes him up for another Samoan Drop, but Helms struggles out of it. Helms looks to his corner, but sees that John Cena is still not recovered from the bear hug. Helms then rushes towards the ropes, ducks an elbow from Umaga, bounces back and hits a Lou Thesz press on the Samoan Bulldozer. Helms succeeds in taking down the monster and starts punching away at the face of Umaga. But Umaga is not so easily taken out. He pushes Helms off of him and gets up. Helms rushes at the Samoan Bulldozer again, but gets taken down with a flapjack. Umaga covers.


No! Again Helms shows resilience by getting a shoulder up. Umaga pulls him up again, but Helms starts to fight back as hard as he can. The continuous punches make Umaga stagger. Suddenly Helms hits an Enzuiguri, forcing Umaga to stagger back. Helms takes the opportunity and tags in Cena. Cena comes in on fire, taking down Umaga with a Shoulder Block. Edge and Cena start trading punches, when Cena suddenly grabs Edge and whips him towards the corner. Helms is standing there and grabs Edge to hit a flapjack, sending Edge face first into the turnbuckle. Edge staggers out and gets hit with the Shining Wizards. In the ring, Cena has Umaga up his shoulders, but the Samoan Bulldozer gets away from the FU and when Cena turns around, he gets hit with the Samoan Spike. Umaga looks at Helms, but the latter only has eyes for Edge. Umaga covers.


Helms noticed, but is already too late.



Lillian: Here are your winners, the team of Edge and Umaga!

JR: Ow, my gawd! Edge and Umaga pick up the victory after Helms let himself be distracted so he couldn't break up the pin.

King: If I were John Cena, I'd know who I would be blaming.

JR: But that is something for next week.

King: Indeed, more of the same is still to come, 'cause the road to Judgement Day still hasn't quite reached the end.

JR: Let me wish you a good night from me and the King.

King: And don't forget, don't try this at home.

The camera slowly fades into a commercial, signalling the end of the show.


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
If one or two people could find it in their hearts to review my show, I'd really appreciate it. I want to know how people think of my shows, really.

The Rated R CMStar

I'll give you some headers:

Add some more color to your shows. I am not saying go to the generic Matches-Raw Promos-Blue design, but add some more color. Your show is practically just black. I also think your should choose your match type, either you make a recap, or make your matches longer to make it in full lenght.

As for the show, I enjoyed the Cryme Tryme promo. You nailed their characters perfectly. The situation with Carlito and Mr. Kennedy with Booker T, leading into the match later on tonight was good booking and decision. THe main event was a good match and it leaves the interrogant for next week, however something was missing, I don't think you sold the Cena thing well enough. Announcers did the job but something was missing.

Also remember, don't bump for reviews.

Check out BTW, show has been posted

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Well I'm sorry I haven't been by sooner like I said I would.. Here's the review, and some comments..

Openeing Segment: I personally would open up with main eventer's if opening the show with a promo. But thats me.. The promo was ok to say the least. I'm wondering why Booker didn't go down to help Punk.. Oh well it added fire to the rivalry..

HBK, and SD! Alliance: Micheals was being a total prick here lol. Jericho, and Micheals is something I wish would happen on TV again.(Alliance).. Jericho saying squash match is sort of breaking kayfabe dont you think?

Hardy's vs. DND: Ok match. The ending wasn't to great, but it was realistic.. Good tag action..

Santino Interview: Reminded me of the Jamie Noble segments on Raw lol. Except Santino's trying to impress Todd Grisham.. :laugh:

Undertaker Squash: << 'Nuff said..

Mickie vs. Melina: Don't care to much for diva matches to be honest. It was ok I guess...

Chryme Tyme Promo: This wouldv'e been great if you did more items to sell... I wish they fened off DnD.. Oh well..

Carlito vs. Booker T: I wish this match was longer to be honest. But it wasn't :/ Oh well. Nice to see heel's win heelishly lol.. This is good build for the feud IMO..

Main Event: Shouldv'e been a lot longer man. Also, it was cool I guess seeing Helms teaming with Cena. I never thought of that.. I don't like you making Cena look weak.. But then again I understand you making Umaga look strong so it didn't really hurt your match. I guess it was your best match. Still had to have been a lot longer man..


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May 17, 2008
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On the last RAW before Judgement Day it was to be Batista taking on the Undertaker as another chapter of the revenge the Undertaker got against the Smackdown alliance. However, some harsh words from Shawn Michaels led to a change in plans. Now, The Undertaker will partner with Michaels to take on Batista and the WWE Champion, Elijah Burke, the man Undertaker will try to take the title away from at Judgement Day.

In other action, Women's champion, Mickie James will be at ringside to admire her number one contender, Maria Kanellis, who has been scheduled to take on Victoria. Maria has been on a roll lately, becoming number one contender, but will the added factor of the Women's champion change this?

And what would we be without the ever so brash Mr. Kennedy? The Intercontinental champion looks to send a message to Booker T and he wants to do this by "destroying" Jimmy Wang Yang. How will this end?

And that is not all, with all that has been going on over the last few weeks, Ric Flair wanted to shake things up even more. So, at RAW, we'll see John Cena teaming up with Gregory Helms and Cryme Tyme to take on Umaga, Edge, Deuce and Domino in an Elimination 8 men tag. Which team will find they're going to Judgement Day with the advantage?


Undertaker & Shawn Michaels vs. Batista & Elijah Burke

Maria Kanellis vs. Victoria

Elimination 8 man Tag
John Cena, Gregory Helms & Cryme Tyme vs. Umaga, Edge, Deuce and Domino

Mr. Kennedy vs. Jimmy Wang Yang