WWE: RAW Attention

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New Member
May 17, 2008
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RAW 7/4/'08

Arena at Harbor Yard

The intro for RAW starts to roll. We get to enjoy the new clip that comes with the theme song. Then we cut to the arena, where the pyro's explode.

JR: Welcome ladies and gentleman to Brideport, Connecticut. This is good old "JR" Jim Ross, alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler, and we welcome you to another night of RAW action.

King: And we follow up on the story that shocked us all. Last week, Mr. McMahon announced the end of the brand split.

JR: Let's take you back.

Highlights of last week are shown. Mr. McMahon announcing the brand reunison, Ric Flair being appointed General Manager, Firings all through the evening and Batista and other former Smackdown Superstars forming a stable.

JR: But that was not all the news.

King: Certainly not, by the end of the night, we had a Triple Threat Tag Team Championship match for Backlash and a WWE Championship match.

JR: It will be Randy Orton and The Undertaker. Who will reign supreme at Backlash?

Another recap of last week, with Undertaker tombstone piledriving Edge and Orton and Undertaker eye to eye.

The segment ends when the old Smackdown theme hits. Out come Batista, MVP, Chuck Palumbo and Chavo Guerrero.

JR: Last week, these man made a pact.

King: And I don't like any of them.

JR: You and the fans, King.

They enter the ring and Batista grabs a mic.

Batista: Last week was the worst in my life.

The crowd starts to boo and forces Batista to stop talking.

Batista: My world crumbled.

The crowd does it again.

Batista: On Smackdown, I was the Animal. On Smackdown MVP was half man, half amazing. On Smackdown Chavo was a Guerrero. On Smackdown Chuck Palumbo was, well, Chuck Palumbo. But on RAW, we are the punks, the no good sobs, that can be pushed around. And that is something you don't play on the Animal. My friends are with me, we will not be pushed around. RAW, prepare for...

But Batista gets interrupted by "Sexy Boy". Shawn Michaels comes out. He stays on the ramp.

Michaels: Batista, Chavo, Chuck, MVP, what the hell are you trying to prove? You don't want to get pushed around? Well, boehoe. You see, getting pushed around on RAW isn't because you came from Smackdown. No, it is because one is simply not good enough. But, since you clearly are looking for a fight, I took the liberty to assemble my own force. So, let me introduce you...

The Hardy Boyz theme hits and both Hardys come out.

Michaels: Matt and Jeff Hardy!

The crowd gives the brothers a huge pop.

Michaels: And for those John Travolta wannabe's...

Hardcore Holly's theme hits, with both Holly and Cody Rhodes coming out.

Michaels: Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes.

Another huge pop from the crowd.

Michaels: But I can still top that.

A count down starts. The fans know who it is. "Break the Walls down" hits.

Michaels: Y2J, Chris Jericho!

Jericho goes to stand next to Michaels, who hands him the mic.

Jericho: What have we got here? One Animal, a lame excuse for a Guerrero, a power ranger and a chump, I mean Chuck. No, seriously, what is this? Carnival?

MVP takes the mic from Batista.

MVP: You think you're funny, huh? Well, let me tell you something Y2 Zero, you're looking at the best damn team since the dawn of this business. And that is because they have me. I am the highest paid player in the game, I am half man, half amazing, MVP.

Jericho: Well, half lame, half annoying, why don't you prove your point? Tonight, you and me, one on one. Y2J vs. MVP, the ayatollah of rock 'n' rolla versus the multicoloured Power Ranger.

MVP: You're on!

Jericho: May the best man win.

MVP: Don't worry, I will.

"Break the Walls down" hits and the RAW alliance leaves the arena.

--- Commercial Break ---

King: That was huge, JR. Shawn Michaels reacted to Batista's actions last week and in what a way.

JR: It will be Chris Jericho taking on MVP later tonight, now, that will be huge.

King: But this one will be too, JR.


"Turn up the trouble" hits. Mister Kennedy comes out to a loud booing.

JR: Kennedy had a bad week last week, let's see if he can turn the tide.

King: He'll have to, if he wants the Intercontinental Championship.

Mr. Kennedy is in the ring and calls for his mic.

Kennedy: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, your next Intercontinental Champion, I hail from Greenbay, Wisconsin, Mrrrr. Kennedyyyyyyyy....


Then "My Time is Now" hits. John Cena comes out as his usual hyperactive self. The crowd gives him a slight pop.

King: John Cena is one of the most accomplished performers in the WWE. A win here tonight might get Mr. Kennedy in that Main Event spot.

JR: But if John Cena wins, he'll be on his way back to the top.

King: I'm starting to wonder why he has agreed to a match like this, it is clearly way below his league.

JR: I hope Mr. Kennedy hasn't heard that.

Mr. Kennedy vs. John Cena

Kennedy and Cena lock in. Cena easily wins this and applies a facelock. Kennedy fights back with elbows to the stomach, forcing Cena to release the hold. Cena holds his stomach in pain and fails to see a clothesline. Kennedy gets Cena down. Kennedy starts stomping away on every body part he can get to, then pulls Cena up. Kennedy locks in a DDT and hits it. He goes for the cover.


No! Kick out from John Cena. Cena gets up again and starts fighting back with some hard right hands. after the fifth, Kennedy falls to the ground. Cena goes for the high risk area and hits an elbow drop for the cover.


Kennedy manages to kick out. Both men get up. Cena goes for a shoulder block, but gets taken to the ground with a Snapmare. Kennedy smiles cockily, before pulling Cena up again. They start exchanging punches, 'till Kennedy rakes the eyes and sets Cena up for his signature move. Kennedy hits the Mic Check and goes for the pin.


"Turn up the trouble" hits again, with Kennedy celebrating.

King: He did it, Mr. Kennedy did it! He is going to become our next Intercontinental Champion.

JR: Calm down, King. We don't even know who will be his opponent.

King: If he can beat John Cena, he can beat everyone.

We get a view at the backstage area, where CM Punk and Rey Mysterio walk down the corridor.

JR: It is time for our next match. The second qualifier for the Lightweight Battle Royal.

King: CM Punk and Rey Mysterio will show Jamie Noble and Nunzio what they are made off.

"Booyaka 619" hits and out comes the team of CM Punk and Rey Mysterio.

JR: I'd say Mysterio is looking better than ever.

King: I can't argue with that, and just the fact he has gotten a superstar like CM Punk in his corner, makes me say this isn't going to last long.

Jamie Noble's theme hits and the second team comes out.

King: I am actually wondering why these two haven't been released. It is not like they are anything special.

JR: You can't have a roster purely consisting of Main Eventers, King.

King: If you say so.

CM Punk & Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble & Nunzio

Punk and Noble start things off. Noble goes for a clothesline, but Punk ducks and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Noble slowly gets up and starts a fist fight. Punk ducks a right hand and takes down Noble with a Neckbreaker. Punk covers.


Kick Out by Noble. Punk goes to his side and tags in Mysterio. Noble gets up, evades an attack from Mysterio and tags in Nunzio. Nunzio gets into the face of Mysterio. Nunzio bounces back from the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Mysterio evades. Nunzio bounces back, and gets taken down with a dropkick. Mysterio covers.


Another kick out. Nunzio gets up, storms at Mysterio, but is taken down. Nunzio lands in position and Mysterio calls for the 619. Mysterio hits it, but instead of going for the cover, he tags in Punk. Then Mysterio storms at Noble and spears him through the ropes.

In the ring, Punk has Nunzio in a Go To Sleep position. Punk hits it and goes for the cover.


CM Punk's music hits and Mysterio slides in to celebrate.

King: Mysterio and CM Punk advance to Backlash!

JR: A strong performance by these two.

King: It's not like they had a hard time doing it.

Backstage we can see Chris Jericho preparing for his match. Matt & Jeff Hardy walk in.

Jeff: Yo, Chris, you ready, man?

Jericho: I am always ready.

Matt: We just wanted to tell you, that we'll make sure those clowns will stay out of your match.

Jericho: ....

Jericho wants to react, but a familiar voice interrupts.

Flair: Wooooo!

Jericho very nearly jumps into Matt Hardy's arms.

Flair: I just wanted you to know that I am happy you guys stood up to Batista. And off course good luck, Chris.

--- Commercial Break ---

MVP is already in the ring. Jericho has just finished coming down the ramp and is entering the ring.

JR: I wonder where this match is going to go.

King: I...
MVP vs. Chris Jericho

King cannot finish, as MVP cheap shot's Jericho, who was just stepping through the ropes. Jericho falls back to the outside. MVP poses in the ring, mocking Jericho. Jericho is getting up and quickly slides in the ring. He manages to evade MVP's tries to stomp him and goes for the offence. Both men are trading punches in the middle of the ring. Jericho ups the tempo and whips MVP in the ropes. MVP bounces back and gets taken down with a Snapmare. Jericho locks in a body scissors. MVP has a hard time trying to get out, but manages to get to the ropes. MVP gets up, but gets rolled up by Jericho.


MVP manages to break free. Both men get up again. They start to exchange punches again, but suddenly MVP rakes the eyes and low blows Jericho. The referee calls for the bell.

Lillian: Your winner due to a disqualification, Y2J, Chris Jericho!

From the crowd we can see Chavo Guerrero and Chuck Palumbo coming to the ring. The three men start stomping away on Jericho. After a few seconds, Matt and Jeff Hardy come running out, forcing the trio to retreat.

King: That was so predictable.

JR: Good thing the Hardyz saved the day here.

We cut to the backstage area, where we can see Beth Phoenix lacing up her boots.

King: Look, JR, 6 Diva tag team action coming up.

JR: You are going to behave yourself, right, King?

But then Santino Marella's theme hits. Out comes the arrogant Italian with a mic.

King: Oh, no, not that Santino.

JR: Why is he coming out here?

Santino enters the ring and wants to talk, but has to wait due to a chorus of boo's.

Santino: I'm-a Santino Marella and I am-e on-e a missione. See, my Maria, she left me for Playboy. But I canne not go on without my Maria, so I want her back. And-e I will have her-e back tonight. I'm-e gonna sit next to my good friend Jerry Lawler 'till I get-e an answer.

Santino exits the ring and takes a seat next to Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Mickie James' theme hits and Candice, Mickie and Maria come out.

King: This is going to be so hot, right, Santino?

Santino: I do not-a care, Jerry Lawler, I want-e my Maria back.

King: Ah, just enjoy the show.

Beth Phoenix' theme hits and the opponents come out.

JR: The Glamazon will be more dangerous then ever. She has lost her championship last week and will be looking to get it back.

King: I wouldn't like to be in that ring with her.

JR: Sure, King, that is believable.

Candice Michelle & Mickie James & Maria vs. Beth Phoenix & Melina & Jillian Hall

Candice and Beth start off. Candice bounces of the ropes and hits a flying clothesline. she continues to run and bounces back off the ropes. Beth is back on her feet just in time to hit a Snapmare. Candice is screaming in pain, as Beth is wrenching her arm. She drags Candice to her corner and pulls her up. Then she tags in Melina. Beth military presses Candice and drops her on the knee of Melina. The latter goes for the cover.


Mickie James interrupts the count. Beth enters the ring too and a brawl begins between the rivals. Then Maria gets involved and the two women make Beth back off. She is against the ropes. Mickie hits a Dropkick to send Beth out of the ring. The referee is trying to get everyone back into their respective corners. Mickie and Maria do so, which gives Candice the chance to tag Maria in. Maria rushes in, but gets taken down by Melina. Maria gets up again, but gets kicked in the gut. Melina then hits her signature Inverted split-leg drop bulldog and cover.


But Melina gets pulled away by Santino Marella. The referee calls for the bell, as Melina and Jillian clear the ring.

Lillian: Your winners due to a disqualification, the team of Beth Phoenix, Melina and Jillian Hall.

Beth Phoenix is standing down the ramp, holding her ribs in pain. Suddenly Mickie James comes flying off the apron. The two brawl to the back.

In the ring Maria is being helped on her feet by Candice Michelle. Santino Marella slides into the ring.

Santino: I want-e an answer, Maria. I want-e you back, what-e you say?

Maria mouths "No". This angers Santino, who starts to ramble in Italian. Then Jillian Hall attacks Maria from behind. She grabs the mic from Santino.

Jillian: You're not worth having a boyfriend like Santino. He's mine.

Santino and Jillian make out for a second, before starting to stomp Maria. The lights go out. For a second nobody knows what is happening. The lights go back on and Jillian and Santino are laid out on the canvas. Maria has disappeared.

King: What the hell has just happened.

JR: You could hit me with a cow's leg and I'd still not know.

--- Commercial Break ---

Deuce & Domino vs. Jesse & Festus

Deuce and Festus are already in the ring to start the match, with Domino and Jesse in the corners. The referee calls for the bell.


Festus rushes at Deuce, who side steps him and knocks him down with an elbow to the back of the head. Deuce shows his mean attitude when he starts taking shots at the head of Festus. The referee comes in to break up. Deuce then tags in Domino, who pulls Festus up and Scoop Slams him to the mat. He hits a running elbow drop for the cover.


Kick out. Domino picks up Festus again, but Festus breaks up the attack and starts hitting punches. He drives Domino into the ropes and whips him to the opposite ones. Domino bounces back and is taken to the outside, when Festus tosses him over his head. Domino lands with his back on the floor. The referee starts a ten-count, but as he is busy, Cherry pulls Jesse from the apron. Jesse lands hard on his head. Festus turns around because of this and gets taken down with a bulldog by Deuce. The two quickly get to there places, as Domino rolls back in and sees Festus sitting up. Domino hits the Crack em in the mouth for the cover.


King: They got it, JR!

JR: That was just blatant cheating, I can't believe the referee didn't disqualify him.

King: It is not a crime, if you don't get caught.

We get the highlights from last week's Main Event, with Undertaker taking out Edge, before we cut to the GM's office. Triple H is standing there with Ric Flair.

Triple H: Ric, I want in.

Flair: You are already in.

Triple H: I mean the WWE championship match at Backlash.

Flair: I thought so. Listen, here is what we will do. You and Randy Orton, one on one, next week. If you win, Backlash is a Triple Threat.

Triple H: I knew I could count on you, Ric.

Triple H leaves the room, where Ric Flair is standing with a huge smile.

We cut back to ringside for the Main Event of tonight.
"Metalingus" hits, with Edge and Orton coming out under a chorus of boo's.

JR: It is time for the Main Event.

King: Edge will get his revenge on The Undertaker.

"Graveyard Symphony" hits. The Undertaker comes out with his usual theatrics.

JR: I'm going to put my money on that man right there, King.

King: That is just typical JR, always backing the losing side.

Main Event
Edge (w. Orton) vs. The Undertaker

The Undertaker goes to stand in the middle of the ring, taunting Edge to attack. Edge, however, just circles the Phenom. Suddenly he dashes forward, but is taken down with a hard right hand. Edge quickly gets up with a frightened look on his face. Orton gets to him and tells him something that makes Edge smile. Edge willingly closes in on the Undertaker, who whips him into a corner. He goes for a corner clothesline, but Edge evades. Undertaker crashes into the steel. He stumbles out and Edge comes flying in with a bulldog. He covers.


Quick kick out from the Undertaker. Both men get up again. Undertaker returns with punches, sending Edge into a corner. But Edge and Orton have other plans. Edge rakes the eyes of the Undertaker and starts a discussion with the referee. This gives Orton the chance to get involved and to Low Blow the Undertaker from behind. But Undertaker doesn't move. Orton gets a surprised look on his face, as the Undertaker turns around. Orton backs down, but can not escape his fate. The Undertaker grabs him by the throat and Chokeslams him out of the ring. Undertaker turns back around and gets speared.

King: Spear! Out of nowhere! This one is over.

But then the words: "Behold the King, the King of Kings" are heard. Everyone is looking at the entrance for Triple H, but no-one comes out. Then the camera focuses back to the ring, just in time to see the Undertaker hit the Tombstone Piledriver. Cover.


Lillian: Your winner, The Undertaker.

JR: Who was backing the loser this time, King?

King: Look!

Orton is looking for a weapon under the ring. But when he has finally found one, he is standing eye to eye with the Game. Triple H kicks him in the gut and hits the pedigree. "The Game" hits, as the show comes to an end with Triple H standing over his opponent.

Quick Results

Mr. Kennedy def. John Cena
CM Punk & Rey Mysterio def. Nunzio & Jamie Noble
Chris Jericho def. MVP by DQ
Beth Phoenix, Melina and Jillian Hall def. Mickie James, Maria and Candice Michelle by DQ
Deuce & Domino def. Festus & Jesse
The Undertaker def. Edge (w. Orton)


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
RAW Preview.

At the last of the stops in Connecticut, Triple H has the chance to get himself into the Backlash WWE Title match. Will the Game live up to the moment, or will it be ruined by Orton, Undertaker or someone else?

Also, Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes seem intent to go to Backlash. To qualify they must go through Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch.

Another who has a title opportunity, is Carlito. He has to beat Super Crazy if he wants to become the Lightweight Champion at Backlash.

And also the women's division is in action again. Last week, Santino Marella and Jillian Hall were laid out after assaulting Maria. At RAW, Santino will stand in Jillian's corner, while Maria's is frightingly empty. Who has saved her last week, and who will save her on RAW?

Announced Matches:

Maria vs. Jillian Hall /w. Santino Marella

Carlito vs. Super Crazy

Holly & Rhodes vs. Cade & Murdoch

Randy Orton vs. Triple H

In the rumour mill:

- Gregory Helms will be on RAW next week and reports say, he doesn't look happy.


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
RAW 14/4/'08

New Haven Coliseum
New Haven

The RAW intro gets a hold of your TV screen. You get to enjoy some of the most memorable clips from Jeff Hardy, Triple H and Undertaker, amongst others. Following up, we go to the arena, where the pyro's go off.

JR: Another good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is our last night in Connecticut and we'll go out with a bang. I am good old "JR" Jim Ross, alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and we welcome you to RAW.

King: Tonight, Randy Orton and Triple H go against each other. If the Game wins, he gets inserted into the Main Event at Backlash.

JR: Also, we'll see Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly trying to make their way to Backlash against Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch.

King: And what will Batista's Smackdown posse do tonight?

JR: To what reaction from the Shawn Michaels' Alliance?

Maria's theme hits to a loud pop.

JR: Last week, we saw Santino Marella and Jillian Hall attacking Maria, but she was saved by an unknown superstar.

King: And tonight, she'll have to save herself against Jillian Hall, who has Santino in her corner.

Jillian Hall's theme hits, with both Jillian and Santino coming out.

JR: I can't stand people who can't take no for an answer.

King: I'm going to agree here, I hope that mystery savior is here too.

Maria vs. Jillian Hall/w. Santino Marella
Maria and Jillian Hall close in. Jillian grabs Maria's arm and pulls her closer. She starts talking trash, before slapping Maria. Maria backs down in surprise, which gives Jillian the chance to spear her. A quick cover.


Maria manages to kick out. Jillian quickly pulls her up and Scoop Slams her back to the mat for another cover.


Maria again kicks out. She manages to pull Jillian down and backs down. This makes her come close to Marella, who jumps up the apron and slams her head onto the ropes. Maria's head bounces back and she falls to the floor. The referee calls for the bell.

Lillian: Your winner due to a disqualification, Maria!

Marella and Jillian now get ready for a double team, as the arena goes all red. Kane's theme hits and the Big Red Machine comes out. Marella and Jillian clear the ring and the arena. Kane walks up to the ring and retrieves Maria. He carries her to the back.

JR: It's Kane, King.

King: For once, I am glad to see him.

Highlights from the match are shown again.

Super Crazy's theme hits.

JR: It is time for the third qualifying match for the Lightweight Battle Royal.

King: After this, we'll know four of our six competitors.

Carlito's theme hits.

JR: As much as I hate to say it, but Carlito is going into this match the favourite.

King: Super Crazy is a great wrestler, but I have to agree with you, JR, Carlito will have a relatively easy match.

Carlito vs. Super Crazy (Lightweight match)

Super Crazy rushes into the match. He uses the ropes to springboard kick Carlito. Carlito falls hard to the ground. Super Crazy wastes no time going for a springboard moonsault and a cover.


Carlito kicks out. Both men get up to their feet. Super Crazy attempts a dropkick, but Carlito sidesteps. Super Crazy seems a bit out after this and walks straight into a reverse STO. Carlito then locks in a figure four leg lock. Super Crazy is in a lot of pain, but manages to get to the ropes. Carlito doesn't release immediately, but only after the referee had to count to four. Carlito then gets up and starts stalking his opponent. Super Crazy stumbles to his feet and gets hit with a neckbreaker. Carlito covers.


No! Super Crazy gets his Shoulder up. Both men get up again. They close in on each other. They start trading punches, 'till Carlito asks for a stop. Super Crazy looks confused and gets raked in the eye. He turns around in pain and Carlito hits the Back Stabber. He covers.


Lillian: Here is your winner and the fourth entrant for the Lightweight Battle Royal, Carlito!

JR: I clearly saw Carlito cheating.

King: It isn't called cheating when the ref doesn't see it, JR.

JR: Like you believe that yourself, King.

--- Commercial Break ---

Coming off of the commercial break, we can see Gregory Helms walking through the corridor. He stops at a door, which reads:

"Ric Flair
General Manager"

Helms opens the door without knocking. We can see Flair sitting behind his desk, talking to Triple H.

Triple H: So, you've got my back?

Flair: Don't worry.

They then notice Helms standing there.

Triple H: I'll see you later, Ric.

Triple H quickly leaves the room.

Flair: Now, what do you want?

Helms: I want a title match.

Flair: You've already got one. The Lightweight Battle Royal at Backlash.

Helms: Not that title, I want a real title. I want to be a WWE Champion.

Flair: Get in line, kid.

Helms: No. I've waited in that line far too long. I want more.

Flair: Listen, kid. If you manage to beat Tommy Dreamer this week, CM Punk next week and you manage to win the Battle Royal at Backlash, I'll make sure, you get an opportunity. But if you fail to capitalize, it'll be one long time before you get an opportunity again.

Helms: That's more like it.

Helms gets out of the office, talking to himself.

Helms: I'll show them.

The camera cuts back to the ring.

JR: It seems like Gregory Helms wants to go play with the big boys.

King: I wouldn't mind seeing the WWE Championship around his waist, JR.

Hardcore Holly's theme hits.

JR: It is time for some tag team action.

King: The second of three Tag matches to determine the three teams that get a chance at the gold.

Cade and Murdoch's theme hits.

JR: It has been all about Deuce, Domino, Holly, Rhodes, London and Kendrick lately, but these men are multiple time tag team champions. I'd give them as much a chance as anyone else.

King: You're absolutely right, JR. Cade and Murdoch are of the best this business has to offer.

Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
Rhodes and Cade start it off and lock into each other straight away. Cade overpowers Rhodes and Belly to Belly Suplexes him to the mat. Rhodes holds his back in pain. Cade drags him over to his corner and tags in Murdoch. They execute their signature Leg Drop on Rhodes. Murdoch covers.


Rhodes manages to get his shoulder up. Murdoch pulls him up and hits a Scoop Slam. He then hits an Elbow Drop. Rhodes needs to make a tag, but it is Murdoch who does. Cade comes in, but Rhodes surprised them both, when getting out of the way from another Leg Drop and tackling Cade. Rhodes rushes to his side, where he tags in Holly. Suddenly Deuce and Domino appear on the stage, but they get held back by the alert Hardy Boyz. Holly doesn't need to pay any attention as he Power Bombs Murdoch out of the ring and hits the Alabama Slam on Cade. Holly covers.


Lillian: Here are your winners, Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes!

JR: It's good the Hardyz are keeping an eye on their partners, otherwise we might have seen Cade and Murdoch going through.

King: And that would have been so great, but the Hardyz really ruined that.

We are backstage with Tod Grisham.

Grisham: I am standing here with Mr. Kennedy.

The camera zooms out to show Kennedy standing there.

Grisham: You have been scheduled to wrestle for the Intercontinental Championship at Backlash, but...

Kennedy interrupts.

Kennedy: I don't know my opponent yet, isn't Tod? Well, I'm going to tell you this, I don't care whether it is John Cena, Doink The Clown, Triple H or Ric Flair himself. They all know that there is only one man that will walk out of Backlash with the Intercontinental Championship. And that man is Mrrrrrr. Kennedy!!!...

Flair: Woooo!

Flair appears in view, with Kennedy looking annoyed. He turns to Flair and whispers in his face.

Kennedy: Kennedy.

Flair is smiling.

Flair: I've gotten just the opponent for you. He'll be revealed next week. Good luck, Ken.

Flair walks away, with Grisham and Kennedy watching him go.

--- Commercial Break ---

Mickie James' theme hits, with the beautiful diva coming to the ring.

JR: Last week, Mickie James and the Glamazon engaged in their own little fight again.

King: With the Women's Championship vacant, anything can happen.

JR: You're absolutely right, King.

Mickie James has entered the ring. She starts to speak.

Mickie: Last week, I managed to injure the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix. I found her weak spot and I am going to take advantage of that. So, Beth, I hereby challenge you to a Women's title match at Backlash.

The crowd gives a nice pop, until Beth Phoenix' theme hits. The Glamazon comes out, clearly not at 100%.

Phoenix: I accept that challenge, Mickie. Your cheap shotting days are over. The Glamazon shall be Champion again.

Beth Phoenix drops her mic and leaves again.

JR: This is going to be one electrifying Backlash.

King: Indeed, title match after title match are announced.

JR: And we still have to find out in what kind of way the Smackdown and RAW war is going to influence at Pay Per View.

A promo with images from the different Superstars involved in the war hits.

Gregory Helms' theme takes over the arena.

JR: Helms has got to win tonight, if he wants to get a WWE Championship opportunity in the future.

King: I truly hope he gets it.

Dreamer's theme hits.

JR: It has been far too long since we've seen Dreamer on RAW.

King: Too bad he'll lose this match.

JR: Why are you so sure about that, King?

King: Because, unlike Dreamer, Helms has got something to fight for.

Gregory Helms vs. Tommy Dreamer
Gregory Helms surprises Dreamer with a Dropkick. Dreamer goes down. Dreamer slowly makes it to his feet again, but Helms connects with a Spinning Back Kick. Helms gets behind Dreamer and hits a Back Suplex. Helms then goes up the turnbuckle and drops the elbow. He pulls Dreamer up, but Dreamer pushes him down and hits a kick to the face. He pulls Helms up and hits a Powerslam. Dreamer covers.


No! A kick out by Helms. Dreamer quickly locks in a headlock, but Helms manages to get out of it. Helms hits a bulldog for a cover.


Dreamer kicks out and gets up. Helms hits a Superkick for another cover.


Dreamer manages to get his Shoulder up. Helms pulls Dreamer up again, but the latter kicks him in the gut. Dreamer needs a bit of time to get himself back together, but that is too much. Helms hits another Spinning Back Kick. Dreamer drops down and Helms goes back up the turnbuckle. He hits another elbow. Dreamer is out of it, but still gets up. Helms uses this to his advantage, as he hits the Shining Wizard. Helms covers.


Lillian: Here is your winner, Gregory Helms!

We're in the Smackdown Alliance's locker room. All members are sitting there. Suddenly JBL walks in, which makes all members get ready for a fight.

JBL: Wow, hold your horses, people. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to make a proposition.

Chuck: Like you've got anything we want.

JBL: Actually, I have.

Batista: And that would be?

JBL: A chance at the WWE Championship.

Chavo: What?

JBL: Well, I've got a friend who knows how to get it.

Batista: We're listening.

The camera cuts into a commercial just at this time.

--- Commercial Break ---

Triple H's theme hits.

JR: It is time for our Main Event.

King: This is the chance for triple H to get into the WWE Championship match at Backlash.

Randy Orton's theme hits.

JR: But he will have to beat Randy Orton to do so.

King: I'm still wondering what Triple H agreed with Ric Flair.

JR: I guess we'll see about that soon.

Main Event
Randy Orton vs. Triple H
Triple H and Orton lock up. Triple H is outpowering Orton, when Orton kicks against the leg of Triple H. Triple H is distracted for a second, which gives Orton time to lock in a headlock. Triple H soon drops to one knee, but regains his power and manages to get out of the headlock. He whips Orton in the ropes. Orton bounces back, ducks a clothesline, bounces off the opposing ropes and hits a spear. Orton covers.


Kick out by Triple H. Orton cockily pulls up Triple H and hits a European Uppercut. Triple H drops to the floor. Orton starts kicking the limbs of Triple H, before pulling him up again. He attempts to hit a hard right hand, but Triple H blocks. Triple H sends Orton back into the ropes and hits a Spinebuster. Triple H covers.


Orton gets his shoulder up. Triple H pulls Orton up and hits a facebuster knee smash. Triple H sets Orton up for the Pedigree, when Edge comes out of the crowd. Triple H lets go off Orton and turns his attention to Edge. Edge backs down and Triple H turns around and gets hit with the RKO. Orton covers.


JR: Edge screwed Triple H!

Edge slides into the ring and he and Orton start attacking Triple H. Suddenly the lights turn to blue and Undertaker's theme hits. The Undertaker comes out and starts brawling with Orton and Edge. Triple H gets back up and joins in.

Then "Woooooooooo" can be heard.

Ric Flair comes out with a mic.

Flair: Hold it there. Look, I can see you guys want each other. But not tonight. Next week, we'll see Randy Orton and Edge teaming up against Triple H and the Undertaker. And...We'll have Edge vs. Triple H at Backlash in a Steel Cage match!


Ric Flair leaves the men in the ring looking at each other.

JR: This is great. Next week a huge Tag Team Main Event and Backlash gets a Steel Cage match.

King: And with that, this week ends.

JR: Don't forget to tune in next week for more RAW action.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2008
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This is REALLy good stuff. I'll admit that I was not convinced by the shoddy backstory but you are good. Looking forward to the next one

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Meh, I don't have time for a proper review, and tbh, I haven't really read your shows to intently, but here's what I think.

Your matches need to be longer, I'm not really entertained by them. Your promos are alright, and need less work.

You could be good I guess, just don't believe the hype. I don't see you as anything great though. Just work hard.


New Member
May 17, 2008
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RAW - preview

The last RAW before Backlash has announced itself. This night will start out with Gregory Helms' quest to gain the oh so desirable WWE Championship. Will he shine, or will CM Punk end his dream?

Also, the last of the Lightweight Championship contenders will be announced. In tag team action, John Morrison and The Miz will look to gain entry. However, their opponents will be two men who have something to gain. Not only are they looking for another WWE contract, but they also want to show the world that they are more then they seemed. They are Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore.

However, not only the Lightweight division is in search for a champion. The tag team match between London & Kendrick and Benjamin & Haas will let us know who will be the third team in the triple threat tag team match at Backlash.

And, as if that is not exiting enough, Mickie James and Beth Phoenix will be in action. They'll team up with , respectively, Candice Michelle and Melina. Who will gain the advantage just six days away from their Women's Championship encounter?

An advantage is something Mr. Kennedy certainly doesn't have. He doesn't even know who he will have to face at Backlash. RAW will find him going up against Stevie Richards, but his focus won't be on that. Will Kennedy prevail, or will Richards make the most of his chance?

And what with the Main Event? One thing is sure, there is some bad blood, as it seems that the only ones getting along in this match, are Edge and Randy Orton. Undertaker and Triple H will have to find a way to co-exist in order to beat the Rated-RKO threat.


Undertaker & Triple H vs. Randy Orton & Edge

Mr. Kennedy vs. Stevie Richards

London & Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas

Mickie James & Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix and Melina

The Miz and John Morrison vs. Shannon Moore & Jimmy Wang Yang

Gregory Helms vs. CM Punk


Hang on. Greogry Helms is challenging for the WWE Championship?

I think you should try and build him up before putting him in a World Championship match.


New Member
May 17, 2008
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Hang on. Greogry Helms is challenging for the WWE Championship?

I think you should try and build him up before putting him in a World Championship match.

Well, You'll just have to see what I've got planned. At Backlash it is Undertaker vs. Orton, so Helms won't be challenging before that.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Perhaps that is a bit of a jump though :X


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May 17, 2008
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RAW 21/4/'08

The Broome Country Arena
New York

The RAW intro theme hits, showing us even more great wrestling moves from the best of the business. The music makes the people get up from their seats. With a huge pyro we cut to the arena, where JR and King await us.

JR: Welcome once again, ladies and gentlemen, to an action packed RAW. I am barbeque loving "JR" Jim Ross, alongside my hall of fame partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler.

King: This is the final step on the way to Backlash. And what a step.

JR: We have a huge Tag Team Main Event between the teams of the Undertaker and Triple H and Randy Orton and Edge.

King: Rated-RKO has showed us for the last couple of weeks that they are still on the same page, but what will happen between the Undertaker and Triple H this week.

JR: Indeed, it isn't a secret that Undertaker and Hunter aren't the best of friends, but both have to take into account that a win tonight puts them one up on their respective opponents.

King: That is something that must be on Mickie James' mind also.

JR: She'd better watch out, 'cause the Glamazon is looking for some payback.

King: I'm more concerned what a Melina or Candice Michelle can do to influence the Women's championship contenders.

Gregory Helms' theme hits to a negative reaction from the crowd.

JR: But we open with the quest of Gregory Helms.

King: He longs for a championship opportunity and will do anything in his power to get it.

CM Punks' theme is greeted with some immensely loud cheering.

JR: However, he'll have to take care of this man, first.

King: And consider, this is both for Gregory Helms and CM Punk a test.

JR: Indeed, on Sunday they will meet in the Lightweight Championship Battle Royal.

King: Helms will have to go through CM Punk twice, if he wants to have a date with the WWE Championship.

Gregory Helms vs. CM Punk

Punk and Helms lock up. Punk manages to take the upper hand and locks in a headlock. Helms gets down to one knee, before finding the power to force Punk to get into the ropes. Helms uses them to whip Punk into the opposing ropes. Punk bounces back and walks straight into a clothesline. Helms goes for a quick cover.


Punk kicks out with authority. Both wrestlers get back up and start exchanging blows. Punk manages to block a right hand from Helms and takes the upper hand. He forces Helms into the ropes and whips him into the opposing ropes. Helms bounces back and kicks Punk in the face. Punk stumbles back and gets taken over the top rope by another clothesline from Helms. Helms goes outside the ring too and pulls Punk up. Helms wants to go for a Snake Eyes on the barricade, but Punk manages to get off his shoulder and pushes Helms shoulder first into the barricade. Helms is in a lot of pain. Punk picks him up and forces him back into the ring. in the ring, Punk hits a leg drop, before a cover.


Helms gets his shoulder up. Punk tries to lock in another headlock, but Helms rakes his eyes. Helms gets up and hits an Enzuigiri. Helms is looking for an opportunity to finish the match, when suddenly Edge appears on the titantron.

Edge: Hey, little girl, what are you trying to achieve? You do know you'll never be the WWE Champion, you won't even get a chance. Because, when I beat Triple H at Backlash, Ric Flair won't have any other choice to announce that I am the number one contender.

Helms is at the turnbuckles now, looking at the titantron. He has his back turned to CM Punk, who gets up again and sees his opportunity. He turns Helms around and pulls him up his shoulders. Punk hits the GTS to get the cover.


Lillian: Here is your winner, CM Punk!

Edge is still on the titantron.

Edge: Too bad, kid, too bad.

The Titantron turns to black again.

JR: I don't believe it, Edge just cost Gregory Helms a chance at the WWE Championship.

King: Edge doesn't like competition, JR.

JR: Edge should be worrying about his own matches, instead of interfering in other.

We cut to the back, where Tod Grisham is standing.

Grisham: I am standing here with my guest a this time, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

HBK comes into view.

Grisham: Shawn, last week, things were a bit quiet from the Smackdown Alliance...

HBK: Tod, I don't care what those Smackdown punks do. If they come to my ring, they will get their shows stopped. If they walk into my locker room, I offer them some Sweet Chin Music. But...

Batista appears on screen.

Batista: Shawn, you can talk all you want.

HBK: So, you actually have the nerve to show your face again.

Batista: I'm here to lay down a challenge. You and me, one on one, this Sunday.

HBK: You're...

Flair: Woooooooo.

Ric Flair walks into the view from the other side.

Flair: You two are not going to fight at Backlash.

Batista: What?

Flair: You're not going to fight one on one. No, I'm thinking of the following, it will be Batista, MVP, Chavo Guerrero and Chuck Palumbo taking on Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and the Hardyz. Good luck, gentlemen. Wooooooo.

Flair walks away with a big smile on his face.

--- Commercial Break ---

The team of John Morrison and The Miz comes out to Morrison's theme.

JR: This following match is something special.

King: Indeed, for Morrison and the Miz, this is their chance to get into the Lightweight title match.

JR: But for their opponents, this is even more important.

Jimmy Wang Yang's theme hits, as Wang Yang and Shannon Moore appear on the ramp. The appearance of these two gets the crowd to explode.

JR: Wang Yang and Moore were put into a development deal after the unison of the brands, but tonight, they get a chance.

King: They are competing for another WWE contract and a chance at the Lightweight championship.

JR: I wouldn't mind seeing either of them as the Lightweight champion.

John Morrison & The Miz vs. Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore

Morrison and Wang Yang start the match. Morrison tempts Wang Yang to attack. Wang Yang storms at Morrison, who hits a back body drop. Wang Yang drops to the mat, grabbing his back in pain. Morrison doesn't waste time to follow up with a low dropkick to the face of a seated Wang Yang. Morrison covers.


Wang Yang kicks out quickly. Morrison pulls up Wang Yang and tags in his partner. The Miz and Morrison team up on Wang Yang with an Enzuigiri/Sweep combination. Wang Yang drops down to the floor. Morrison exits the ring, as Miz goes to work on Wang Yang's face. Suddenly Wang Yang manages to block a fist and pushes the Miz off. Both men get up and Wang Yang looks to mount some offence, but suddenly the Miz sidesteps him and hits an STO. Miz covers.


Wang Yang kicks out and before the Miz can do anything, he gets a tag. Moore rushes in, taking down the Miz with a clothesline. Morrison enters the ring, but gets punches back out again. Moore is on fire and, as he sees the Miz get up again, bounces into the ropes and rushes at him. Moore really shows his skill when he hits a springboard Hurricanrana. Moore locks the Miz into a head scissors and executes a head scissors Roll Over. He sees the Miz getting up again and makes his move. He attempts the Halo and connects. Moore covers.


Lillian: Here are your winners, Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang!

JR: O my goodness!

King: They did it, JR. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang are staying!

JR: And not only that, but they get to compete for the Lightweight championship this sunday.

King: I know I'm going to love Backlash this year, JR.

JR: Me too, but first, let me take you back to last week.

A rewind of Beth Phoenix and Mickie James' encounter last week is shown.

JR: Well, tensions have risen in the Diva's locker room and tonight, it will be Mickie James teaming up with Candice Michelle to take on Beth Phoenix and Melina.

Mickie James' theme hits and both diva's come out to a nice cheer.

JR: Mickie James has managed to injure the Glamazon 2 weeks ago, but will that be enough for her to get the win at Backlash?

King: I hope so, that Beth Phoenix scares the crap out of me.

Melina's theme hits.

JR: It seems Melina is coming down here by herself.

King: I guess she wants all the eyes on her entrance.

JR: She always gets yours, isn't it, King?

King: You're damn right.

Suddenly Beth Phoenix appears on the ramp.

Phoenix: Melina, I'm sorry to have to inform you that I cannot wrestle tonight. The doctors told me that it would take at least another day for me to fully recover from my injuries, so, you're on your own.

Melina looks shocked, as the Glamazon leaves.

JR: Oh, this can't be, what kind of vile woman is that Beth Phoenix?

King: I hope I never have to find out, JR.

Mickie James is talking to Candice. Suddenly she exits the ring and goes to take a seat next to King.

King: What are you doing here, Mickie?

Mickie: Candice and I agreed it is only just that one of us didn't get involved in this match, considering what just happened.

JR: I can understand that.

Candice Michelle vs. Melina

Candice wants to strike Melina, but the latter ducks and hits a sweep. Candice lands on her back. Melina smiles and climbs to the top turnbuckle. She jumps down and hits a hard elbow to the stomach of Candice. Melina covers.


Mickie: Melina is a rather good competitor.

King: I'd love to wrestle her someday.

Mickie: And what about me, King?

King: That would be even better.

JR: Oh, boy.

While King is paying attention to Mickie James, Melina is paying attention to Candice, as she pulls her up and hits an Hurricanrana. Then Melina drops to the floor, as the referee signals for the bell. Behind Melina stands Beth Phoenix with a chair. Candice hasn't seen what has happened and gets to her feet. She too gets taken down by the Glamazon. Mickie James has taken off her headset and has slid into the ring. Beth Phoenix swings the chair, but Mickie James ducks and hits a dropkick, sending the chair into Beth Phoenix' face. Then she tends to Candice, as Lillian Garcia announces the winner.

Lillian: As a result of outside interference, the winner of this match is Melina!

JR: I can't believe the Glamazon, she wants to destroy every individual that lands on her path.

King: I hope Mickie wins this Sunday, she promised me something special if she did.

JR: Why am I not surprised?

--- Commercial Break ---

JR: Welcome back once again to one great night of RAW action.

King: We're getting ready for another tag team match.

JR: It'll be London & Kendrick and Benjamin & Haas.

King: Both teams are in the ring now, so, I'd say, Let's get it on.

London & Kendrick vs. Benjamin & Haas

London and Haas start it out. Haas hits a hard right, which causes London to stumble. Haas whips London in the ropes. London bounces back, ducks a clothesline attempt, bounces back and hits a bulldog. London locks in a headlock. Haas uses his size and strength advantage to get up, with London on his back. Haas drops himself, forcing London to the mat hard. Haas then tags in Benjamin. Benjamin waits 'till London gets up, bounces off the ropes and storms at London, who ducks this attack. Benjamin bounces back. London jumps over Benjamin, who bounces back once again. London connects with a drop toehold. Benjamin lands on his face. London climbs up the turnbuckles and jumps off once Benjamin has gotten back to his feet. Benjamin catches London and hits a backbreaker. Benjamin covers.


London kicks out. Benjamin pulls him up, but gets kicked in the gut. London storms at the ropes and hits a springboard Back Flip DDT. both men are out cold. It is London, who manages to get to Kendrick. Kendrick makes use of the fact that Benjamin isn't fully aware of what's happening to spear Haas through the ropes. Both men fall to the outside. Haas manages to overpower Kendrick and Benjamin joins for the double team. Suddenly Haas is taken down with a suicide dive by London. Benjamin is distracted and Kendrick takes advantage. He gets Benjamin back into the ring and hits an enzuigiri. Benjamin is groggy and Kendrick connects with the Sliced Bread no#2. Kendrick covers.


Lillian: Here are your winners, Paul London and Brian Kendrick!

JR: Great match by London and Kendrick. I'm sure they will be close this Sunday.

King: I believe they are just not strong enough to be able to take out Deuce and Domino.

JR: I don't think they should worry about those guys too much.

King: Look!

As London & Kendrick start celebrating, Deuce and Domino slide into the ring with chairs. they hit London and Kendrick. Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes come rushing to the ring, but meet the same fate. We cut to the backstage area with an image of Deuce and Domino standing tall.

Backstage we can see Mr. Kennedy standing. He's getting ready for his match against Stevie Richards. Suddenly he sees his opponent walking down the corridor. Kennedy gets an evil grin on his face, as he rushes towards Richards and hits him with a bulldog. Richards' head bounces off the concrete, while Kennedy disappears.

After a few seconds, stage hands find Stevie Richards and he gets taken away.

JR: Ow my Gawd! Mr. Kennedy just took out his opponent for tonight.

King: He must be sending a message to the man who he is going to face.

JR: I'm sure he is.

Then "Turn Up the Trouble" hits, with Mr. Kennedy coming out.

JR: If you're talkin' about the devil.

King: What?

JR: Nothing, King.

Mr. Kennedy enters the ring, with a mic.

Kennedy: As you might have noticed, I have eliminated my opponent for tonight. I did this to speed things up a bit. So, Ric, you can come out now and introduce my opponent. Which of your dinosaur friends have you called?


Ric Flair comes out, but he stops on the ramp.

Flair: Ken, My 'dinosaur friends' could kick your ass anyday. Hell, if I wanted to, I could step in the ring now and teach you a thing or two. But, that is not the order of the day. Before I go into the whole mystery superstar situation, I have to announce another match for Backlash. One that will feature both male and female competitors. That is right, at Backlash, we will see Maria teaming up with Kane to take on Jillian Hall and Santino Marella in a mixed tag team match.

JR: What?

King: This is huge, JR! a Mixed tag team match.

Flair: Wooooo.

King: Woooo indeed.

Flair: Now, Ken, the moment you have been waiting for. Your opponent tonight is a former champion. One of the greatest wrestlers ever. Ken, without further ado, meet your opponent.

"Can you dig it, ducka?"

The old Booker T theme song hits, with the 5 time WCW world champion coming out. The crowd begins to cheer for him.

Booker: White boy, you think you're though, huh? You think you're the man by attacking people from behind. Let me tell you something, punk. That Intercontinental title is as good as mine, you just don't know it yet. Can you dig that, sucka?

Booker T's theme hits again, as Flair and Booker disappear. Kennedy is standing speechless in the ring.

JR: You get what you ask for, Mr. Kennedy.

King: Booker T is back, JR!

JR: I know, King.

King: This night is getting better and better.

JR: And don't forget, when we come back, it is time for our Main Event.

--- Commercial Break ---

We come back with the last tunes of the Rated- RKO theme song. Edge and Orton are standing in the ring, waiting for their opponents.

"The Game" hits, to a huge ovation from the crowd.

JR: What star power we have in this one match.

King: Does it get any better then this?

JR: Impossible.

The Undertaker's theme song hits, with the usual theatrics. The crowd is going insane.

King: It doesn't matter how many times I see this, it keeps scaring the crap out of me.

JR: The Undertaker has that effect on people.

King: I hope for their sakes that it doesn't affect Edge or Orton.

JR: I think they are experienced enough to know how to handle this.

The Undertaker & Triple H vs. Randy Orton & Edge

Triple H and Edge start out. Triple H wants to go for a punch, but Edge bails the ring. Triple H closes in on the ropes, which gives Edge to opportunity to grab Triple H's head and force it hard against the top rope. Triple H falls back, as Edge enters the ring to go for a cover.


Triple H powers out, sending Edge flying through the ring. Triple H gets up again and runs at Edge. He hits the jumping knee strike. Edge goes down, but Triple H pulls him back up. He picks up Edge and hits a Suplex. Triple H is close to his side and Undertaker makes the blind tag. Triple H looks a bit mad, but still goes to the outside. Meanwhile Undertaker has Edge in a triangle choke. Suddenly Edge flips over and moves his body around, 'till Taker must release the hold. Edge manages to tag in Orton. Orton runs at Undertaker, who manages to duck the first strike, but gets hit with a Spinning back kick to the back of his head. Orton poses cockily, before covering.


Undertaker with the quick kick out. He tags in Triple H, who goes to work on Orton. He manages to land some punches, before sending Orton into the ropes. Orton bounces back and gets hit with a Spinebuster. Triple H poses for the crowd, but again Undertaker makes the blind tag. Triple H now starts to argue with Undertaker and has had enough. He kicks Undertaker in the gut and lands the pedigree. When Triple H turns, he gets speared by Edge. Undertaker slowly gets back to his feet, turns around and gets RKO'd. Orton covers.


Undertaker kicks out. Orton is yelling at Edge, who seemingly has enough of the Rated-RKO reunion, as he spears Orton. Edge's theme hits and the Rated-R Superstar celebrates over the lifeless bodies.

JR: Wait, Orton and Undertaker are still the legal men, but none is able to get up.

Edge turns towards the entrance and gets taken down with a clothesline. It's Gregory Helms. Helms waits for Edge to get to his knees and hits the Shining Wizard. Helms then leaves again.

JR: None of the competitors is able to get up.

King: The referee has just ended his 10 count, this match is a draw.

JR: We haven't seen the end of this.

King: To see how this ends, tune in this Sunday on Pay Per View.

Quick Results

CM Punk def. Gregory Helms
Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang def. John Morrison and The Miz
Melina def. Candice by DQ
Paul London and Brian Kendrick def. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas
Triple H and The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton and Edge ended in a Draw


New Member
May 17, 2008
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WWE Championship

Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker

Steel Cage Match

Triple H vs. Edge

Intercontinental Championship

Mr. Kennedy vs. Booker T

Lightweight Championship Battle Royal

Gregory Helms, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Carlito, Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang

Women's Championship

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Mixed Tag Team Match

Maria & Kane vs. Jillian Hall & Santino Marella.

Tag Team Championships

Deuce & Domino vs. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

Smackdown vs. RAW

Batista, Chavo Guerrero, MVP & Chuck Palumbo vs. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy


Jul 7, 2007
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West Palm Beach, FL
Heres my predictions...

WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker

Steel Cage Match
Triple H vs. Edge

Intercontinental Championship
Mr. Kennedy vs. Booker T

Lightweight Championship Battle Royal
Gregory Helms, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Carlito, Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang

Women's Championship
Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Mixed Tag Team Match
Maria & Kane vs. Jillian Hall & Santino Marella.

Tag Team Championships
Deuce & Domino vs. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

Smackdown vs. RAW
Batista, Chavo Guerrero, MVP & Chuck Palumbo vs. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy


New Member
May 17, 2008
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BACKLASH - 27/4/'08

Madison Square Garden
New York City
New York

A backlash promo takes possession of the screen. We can see parts of the matches from the past four weeks of RAW action. Then we cut to the Garden, where pyro's hit. the crowd is made exited by the official Backlash theme song, "Where do I stab myself in the ears" by Legion of Doom.

We cut to ringside, where JR and King await us.

JR: Welcome to Backlash!

King: And this Backlash has some special treats for us.

JR: That is right, not only will all the titles be on the line tonight, we also have a Steel Cage match, a Mixed Tag Team Match and a huge 8-man tag.

King: I wonder what it is that JBL has up his sleeve for the WWE Championship.

JR: That's right, he told the Smackdown Alliance he could get them the title.

King: But we'll start the night with the Women's title match.

JR: Mickie James has managed to injure Beth Phoenix, but Phoenix seems to be 100% again.

King: But is the Glamazon mentally ready to take on Mickie James? Remember, Mickie James did not only injure her, but also managed to avoid her attack last RAW, forcing Beth Phoenix to taste steel.

The Glamazon's theme hits. Beth Phoenix comes out, not looking too sure about this match. She is greeted with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Phoenix ignores them, as she makes her way to the ring.

Lillian: This match is scheduled for One Fall and is for the Women's championship. Introducing first, Beth Phoenix, the Glamazon!

Phoenix enters the ring in her usual style, dropping down from the turnbuckle. She goes to stand in the middle of the ring and awaits Mickie James.

"Obsession" quickly follows, as Mickie James comes running out. She gets cheered on by the fans, with whom she shakes hands.

Lillian: And her opponent, from Richmond, Virginia, Mickie James!

James rushes into the ring and gets toe to toe with Phoenix. The referee calls for the bell.

Women's Championship Match
Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Both diva's meet in the centre of the ring. They start exchanging blows. Mickie tries to gain the advantage, but her shots get blocked by the Glamazon. Phoenix now takes the offence, with a hard right, sending Mickie James to the ground. The latter quickly makes it back to her feet, but gets taken down again with another right. James again gets up, but gets scooped up and powerslammed to the mat. Beth Phoenix mocks her opponent, as she pulls her back up. Phoenix whips James into the corner, waits 'till she bounces back into her direction, then hits a sidewalk slam. The glamazon covers.


No! Mickie James kicks out. Phoenix pulls her up again. She wants to go for another powerslam, but Mickie fights out, pushes her into the ropes and takes her down with a spinning heel kick. Mickie James now uses the ropes to gain speed and takes Phoenix, who had gotten up just a second before, down with a one-handed bulldog. Mickie James heads for the high risk district and attempts a leg drop, but Phoenix moves out of the way. James gets up, clearly in pain and walks straight into a belly-to-belly suplex. Mickie James regains a vertical base, but is stumbling and walks straight into a Side slam backbreaker. Phoenix covers again.


No! Mickie James isn't going to go down that easily. Phoenix is looking to finish it, as she pulls James up again. The glamazon is looking for the fisherman suplex slam. She has it set up, but Mickie James starts pounding her from the upside down position. Phoenix has to release and when she does, Mickie James reverses into a devastating Mickie-DDT. Phoenix is out, but James wants to end this in style. She pulls her opponent up and gives her the Long Kiss Goodnight. Mickie covers.


The bell rings, Mickie James has done it. The referee hands her the Women's championship belt, with which she celebrates in the ring.

King: I won!

JR: What are you talking about, King? Mickie James has won this, not you.

King: Oh, but it's me that is getting something special tonight, JR.

JR: I'm going to have to hear about that all week.

Mickie James has exited the ring and is walking over to the announcers table. She gives the King a quick kiss, before starting to make her way back to the backstage area.

We cut to the backstage area, where Batista and JBL can be seen talking.

Batista: So, you're sure he's going to do this?

JBL: I'm not only sure, I guaran-damn- tee it. You guys just hold your end of the bargain and it will turn out to be a great business deal.

Suddenly Triple H comes into the view. He goes to stand between Batista and JBL.

Triple H: So, how's it going guys? Still making plans I see. Now, it would not have anything to do with the WWE Championship match tonight, right?

JBL: I don't think that is any of your business.

Triple H loses his smile.

Triple H: When you're trying to mess with my possessions, it becomes my business.

Then Edge comes into the view too.

Edge: Now, I don't know what you chumps think, but that WWE Championship is going my way soon enough.

And also Randy Orton appears.

Orton: Hey, why are you talking about the WWE Championship? If I recall right, the only one here in this locker room that actually has a championship opportunity would be, hmm, let me think...oh yeah, me. So, you guys just sit back and watch me, when I kill the Legend of the Undertaker once and for all.

The scene comes to an end, as we cut back to the arena.

JR: What in the name of sweet pork was that all about?

King: Well, it seems that JBL's plan is being put into action tonight, after which Triple H warned....

JR: Yeah, yeah, I saw the exact same thing you saw, King, I don't need a recap.

King: But...

JR: No buts, King. You know what, just forget about it.

King: Forget about butts?

JR: Sigh. Yes, King.

"Listen, It's time!"

Gregory Helms' theme hits, which gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Helms comes out looking more focussed then ever.

Lillian: The following is a Six Man Battle Royal. The only way to win is to be the only survivor. Eliminations can happen by pin fall, submission or by throwing your opponent over the top rope.

Introducing first, from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing in at 215 pounds, Gregory Helms!

JR: Helms' dreams of becoming WWE Champion were squashed by Edge last week.

King: It's a shame, I'd love to have seen what Gregory Helms is capable of against the top of the business.

JR: It sure is a shame.

Shannon Moore's theme hits to a nice amount of cheers.

Lillian: And the opponents, first, from Whispering Pines, North Carolina, the Reject, Shannon Moore!

JR: I'm so exited seeing Shannon Moore in action, King.

King: I agree, his showing against The Miz and John Morrison really got me exited.

"Gonna Punch Someone Tonight" hits, with Jimmy Wang Yang coming out. He too gets the crowd on its feet.

Lillian: And the opponent, from Austell, Georgia, Jimmy Wang Yang.

JR: Well, I guess he'll be called RAW's resident redneck from now on.

King: I'd think that place was already taken by Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, but I have to say, you can never have enough rednecks in one show.

Cm Punk's music hits, with Punk coming out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Lillian: And, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 222 pounds, CM Punk!

JR: I believe the crowd feels that CM Punk is partially responsible for the loss of Gregory Helms.

King: Well, you can't blame him, nor the crowd.

"Booyaka 619" hits, to an amazing reception from the crowd. Rey Mysterio comes out and is hot as ever.

Lillian: From San Diego, California, weighing in at 165 pounds, the ultimate underdog, Rey Mysterio!

JR: Rey Mysterio is looking to add another title to his already impressive resume.

King: But will he be able to get it, with so many ultra focussed wrestlers in this ring. It seems that Mysterio is somewhat the only wrestler without a deeper reason to win this.

JR: How can you say that? I'm sure Mysterio is as focussed as the others. He'll need this win if he wants to get back into the Main Event scene.

"I spit in the face of people who are not cool"

Carlito makes his way to the ring last, accompanied by a chorus of boos.

Lillian: And, from the Caribbean, Carlito!

JR: Carlito has impressed me with his work more than often, but I can't say I approve of his tactics.

King: Carlito is one of those guys that would do virtually anything to win.

Battle Royal for the Lightweight Championship
Gregory Helms vs. Shannon Moore vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. Carlito

All six men begin to brawl. Wang Yang is the first to go over the ropes, courtesy of one Carlito, but manages to hold on to the ropes. Helms and CM Punk have found each other again and Helms is pounding away on the face of his opponent. Suddenly Rey Mysterio comes flying in, taking Helms down with a Crossbody. Moore follows with a Crossbody of his own on CM Punk. Then the two meet up and start exchanging punches. Moore ducks on, springboards off the ropes and hits an hurricanrana on Mysterio. Wang Yang has Carlito in a firm grip, as he has a headlock locked in. Carlito, however, manages to get to the ropes and pushes Wang Yang over to the other. Wang Yang bounces back and gets back body dropped to the outside by Carlito. But! Wang Yang manages to hold on to the ropes and can come back into the ring. There Moore and Carlito have met up. Wang Yang comes over to help his partner, as they double team dropkick Carlito into the ropes. Moore and Wang Yang look at each other and storm at Carlito. They attempt a double clothesline, but Carlito ducks, sending them both over the ropes. But once again no elimination. They just could hang on. Helms has recovered and looks to get eliminations. He rushes over, uses the back of Carlito, who was in a bend situation, to gain height and dropkick both Wang Yang and Shannon Moore off the apron.

Lillian: Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang have been eliminated.

Helms is on fire now, as he takes down Carlito with a clothesline, but gets stopped with a springboard DDT from Rey Mysterio. Mysterio sees CM Punk getting up and rushes at him. Springboard Hurricanrana attempt. But CM Punk manages to block it. Mysterio is now on his shoulders. Punk gets to the ropes and Powerbombs Mysterio to the outside.

Lillian: Rey Mysterio has been eliminated!

CM Punk turns around, but immediately gets taken over the top rope by a clothesline from Helms.

Lillian: CM Punk has been eliminated!

Helms now turns around himself, ducks a clothesline attempt from Carlito and hits a high kick to the back of Carlito's head. Carlito is out of it, turns around and gets taken down with an Enzuigiri from Helms. Helms gets up, looking on fire. He is taunting for the crowd, in which he turns around and gets Speared! Edge had entered the ring and has taken down the man that knocked him out last week. Edge exits the ring again, as Carlito makes it back to his feet. He sees the laid out Helms and sees his opportunity. He waits for him to get back on his feet and when he does, Carlito hits the Back Stabber and pins.


The referee calls for the bell and hands Carlito the Lightweight Championship Belt. Carlito quickly bails.

Lillian: The winner of this match and the NEW Lightweight Champion, Carlito!

JR: I cannot believe it, that is two weeks in a row Edge screws Gregory Helms out of a championship opportunity.

King: You'd better believe it, 'cause it's true.

- A video is played highlighting the Smackdown careers of Batista, Chuck Palumbo, Chavo Guerrero and MVP -

King: You know, seeing this makes me a little worried.

JR: Why is that, King?

King: Well, how much I'd love to believe that Shawn Michaels, Y2J and the Hardyz are going to win this encounter, I fear that the Smackdown alliance has the perfect combination of strength, speed and experience.

The old Smackdown themesong begins to play, with all four members of the Smackdown team for the 8-man tag match coming out.

JR: I wonder to which extend we're going to see interference from Deuce and Domino, and Holly and Rhodes for that matter.

King: I have to agree, you know they're going to do something.

"Sexy Boy" hits, with the Michaels' stable walking over to the ring, clapping hands with the fans.

JR: Shawn Michaels sure has some star power on that team of his.

King: I love all of them, but I still doubt they can beat their opponents tonight.

All men are now in the ring and are ready to start it, when suddenly,


Ric Flair appears on the ramp.

Flair: You know, I was thinking and I don't want to see any interference in this match. So, if anyone interferes, they will be punished. For the two tag teams, it is simple, interfere and you lose your shot. For anyone else, it's simply an indefinite suspension! Wooooooo!

Ric Flair goes back to the backstage area, leaving the men in the ring nothing but each other to worry about.

Smackdown vs. RAW
Batista, Chavo Guerrero, MVP & Chuck Palumbo vs. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Matt & Jeff Hardy

Chavo and Matt start out the match. Chavo tries to take Matt by surprise with a clothesline, but Matt ducks and hits a belly to back suplex. Both men rise to their feet quickly. Matt ducks another clothesline attempt, before locking in a side headlock. Matt takes Chavo to the RAW corner and tags in brother Jeff. Together they whip Chavo into the corner and Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion. Chavo falls down and we get a cover.


Chavo kicks out. Jeff pulls him up, but gets a right in the gut. Chavo jumps to his corner and tags in Chuck Palumbo. Palumbo takes down Jeff with a devastating clothesline. Jeff slowly makes it back to his feet, with Palumbo stalking him. Once up, Jeff gets whipped into the ropes, bounces back and lifted up into a Samoan Drop position. Palumbo hits the Samoan Drop and covers.


Jeff kicks out just in the nick of time. Palumbo tags out to MVP, who wants to make quick work of this. He attempts to put Jeff in the playmaker instantly, but the latter is helped out by Jericho, who nails MVP with a Shoulder Block. MVP and Jericho now start battling it out, with the referee trying to separate them. After some back and forth punching, that finally happens and Jericho backs down into his corner. MVP tags out to Batista. Batista picks up Jeff and throws him into a corner. He attempts a shoulder charge, but Jeff gets out of the way and gets the hot tag. Jericho can come in. He battles all four members of the opposing team, landing lefts and rights wherever he can. He hits the Inverted Atomic Drop on Batista, followed by a Single-Handed bulldog. Jericho covers.


Batista powers out, sending Jericho straight towards the ropes. Jericho lands throat first onto the ropes. He bounces back, straight into the arms of Batista, who applies a bear hug. Jericho struggles to get out, but doesn't seem to be able to. Out of nothing Michaels hits Batista in the back. The Animal lets go of Jericho and turns to Michaels. BAM! Sweet Chin Music. Batista is laid out next to Jericho. Chavo comes in and meets the same fate, as do MVP and Chuck Palumbo. The referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

Lillian: Due to a Disqualification, the winners of this match are Chuck Palumbo, Chavo Guerrero, Montel Vontavious Porter and Batista!

In the meantime, Matt and Jeff take care of Jericho, carrying him to the back. Michaels is behind them, taunting the laid out superstars in the ring.

JR: Well, Batista might have won the match, but it's Shawn Michaels who played the music.

King: I have the feeling we haven't seen the last of this.

JR: I'm sure we haven't, King. This is still undecided.

King: What do we have on the line next?

JR: Well,...

Umaga's theme interrupts JR, as the Samoan Bulldozer comes down to the ring, accompanied by a translator.

JR: What the hell?

King: I haven't seen Umaga in weeks.

In the ring, Umaga starts talking gibberish for a while. Then the translator does his work.

Translator: Umaga said that he is the Samoan Bulldozer and that he is planning on destroying the whole locker room. He also said that tonight, Umaga has a surprise for one John Cena.

Umaga and the translator start to leave again.

JR: I didn't know John Cena was here tonight.


This time King gets interrupted by "My time is now". Cena comes out holding a mic.

Cena: Hold on there, Costa Rican Bulltalker. I couldn't help but notice two major flaws in your little plan, first, you don't surprise someone when you tell him, you'll surprise him. Next, your plan of destroying the locker room, aren't we passed that? You're not unbeaten, Umaga, in fact, nearly everybody can defeat you. So, why don't you give that surprise now, so we can get it over with.

Right after this, Umaga attacks Cena and the two brawl on the ramp, until security comes out to break them apart.

JR: We just witnessed one heated confrontation between two powerful forces.

King: Well, we all know you don't threaten John Cena and think you can get away with it.

"Turn Up the Trouble" hits. Mr. Kennedy comes out to a loud booing from the crowd.

JR: Well, Mr. Kennedy is looking for Intercontinental gold tonight.

King: Last week, he finally found out who he had to face and I'm sure he wasn't happy.

Mr. Kennedy has entered the ring and gets his mic.

Kennedy: Now that I got everybody's attention, I would like to remind you that I weigh in tonight at an astonishing 246 pounds! I hail from Green Bay Wisconsin! The next WWE Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedy!!!!!!!....


"Can You dig it, sucka?"

Booker T makes his way to the arena.

Kennedy: And my opponent, a black chump that only knows the words sucka and dig it. A man, who can count to five and loves to show it. Suckaaaa T!

Booker T slides into the ring and the referee quickly calls for the bell.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Mr. Kennedy vs. Booker T

Booker T and Kennedy start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring. Booker blocks one and hits a right-left combination. Kennedy staggers and gets nailed with a hard superkick. Booker T now bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Booker again bounces off the ropes, looking for another, but Kennedy gets out of harms way. Both men get up again, but Booker is still tending to his lower back. This gives Kennedy an opening, which he uses to kick Booker in the gut and hit a DDT. Kennedy covers.


Booker kicks out. Kennedy pulls him up and hits a Scoop slam, before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a knee to the face. Kennedy then locks in a Triangle choke. Booker T is suffering, but manages to get a hand up the ropes. The ref orders Kennedy to release the hold, which he does after a 3-count. Booker gets back to his feet, using the ropes as leverage. Suddenly Kennedy rushes at Booker, who manages to back body drop him to the outside. Booker waits 'till Kennedy is back up and hits him with a baseball slide. Kennedy is catapulted into the barricade. Booker goes to the outside and grabs Kennedy by the head. He forces him towards the steel steps and hits his head on it. Then he throws Kennedy back into the ring. Booker covers.


Shoulder up. Both men get up again and Booker T looks for the Book End, but Kennedy somehow manages to turn it into the Mic Check. Kennedy covers.


Lillian: Here is your...

Kennedy: Winner and the NEW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedyyyyyy...Kennedy!

JR: Ow, my gawd, how in the world did Kennedy manage to pull that off?

King: I truly have no idea, JR, but it sure was great.

JR: It never looked like Kennedy would stand much of a chance, but that Mic Check sure is deadly.

King: When used right, any move can be deadly.

We cut to the backstage area once again, where Kane is standing. Maria comes into the view.

Maria: Euh, Mister Kane?

Kane turns around, with Maria backing down a bit.

Kane: Yes?

Maria: I, euh, want to thank you for saving me.

Kane: ...

Suddenly a stage hand comes in, looking very scared.

Stage Hand: I'm sorry, but I have to inform you that Mister Marella won't be here tonight. He claims to be held up. So, Mister Flair has ordered me to inform you that the match has been postponed.

Maria is looking furious.

Maria: That bastard.

Kane: He's in the arena.

Maria and the stage hand look questioning at Kane.

Maria: Who is?

Kane: Santino Marella, he's here.

Maria: Where?

Kane walks away, leaving Maria and the Stage hand, as we cut back to the arena.

King: So, no Mixed Tag Match?

JR: I'm afraid so, King.

King: Damn!



Ric Flair appears on the ramp once more.

Lillian: The following is a Three Team fight for the Tag Team Championships. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the RAW General Manager, Ric Flair!

The crowd answers with a "Wooo".

Flair: Tonight, three teams will battle for the Tag Team Championships. Now, they aren't going to do that at random, no. It will be like this:

First, two teams face off in normal tag team action. Now, the winner of that match will have to fight the third team. The match ends when one of the teams has beaten the other. So, if the team that wins the first match, wins the second, that team will be declared the winner. Now, if the third team wins it, they have to defeat the loser of the first match in order to gain the titles. If all teams manage to win one match, we'll have a draw. In that case, neither team gets the titles, as they will be left vacant 'till Judgement Day. Woooo!

Ric Flair leaves again.

JR: What an announcement.

King: Three matches for the price of one!

Deuce & Domino's theme hits. The crowd starts to boo as the members of the Smackdown Alliance make their way to the ring.

JR: They haven't had the opportunity to get their hands dirty yet, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind doing it right now.

King: They assume to be the rightful owners of the belts and they're looking to take them home tonight.

London & Kendrick's music hits, with the high flyers storming out.

JR: I always love seeing London and Kendrick in action.

King: They're certainly an exiting duo.

Tag Team Championships Mini-tournament
Match One
Deuce & Domino vs. London & Kendrick

London quickly attempts a spinning heel kick, but Deuce evades, grabbing London's legs and sending him into the turnbuckles. He tags in Domino and they start double teaming London. After a few seconds of vicious punches, they let go of him and London stumbles out of the corner, straight into a Spinebuster from Domino. The latter covers.


London gets his shoulder up. Domino pulls him to his feet, but London fights back. He hits some punches and they tags in Kendrick. Kendrick uses the ropes to execute a Hurricanrana. Deuce comes into the ring and attempts a clothesline. Kendrick ducks and hits a dropkick to the back of Deuce. Deuce lands hard on the middle rope. A slightly recovered London sees his chance and hits a scissors kick on Deuce. Deuce falls backwards, desperately looking for air. Domino, on the other hand, is slowly getting up again, but Kendrick hits a Spinning heel kick, sending him back to the ground. He motions for London to come down and they both whip Deuce and Domino into the ropes nearest to the ramp. They storm at them, but get send over the ropes with a back body drop. Instead of landing on the ground, however, they land on the shoulders of Batista and Chuck Palumbo, who have appeared to help their partners. Both men hit devastating Powerbombs on London and Kendrick. The referee calls for the bell.

Lillian: Due to a Disqualification, the winners of this match are Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

The referee now sends Batista and Chuck Palumbo back to where they came from and orders Deuce and Domino to take a seat at ringside. London and Kendrick are down at ringside.

Hardcore Holly's theme now hits. Both members of team RAW rush to the ring.

JR: That was sick, what in the world where Batista and Chuck Palumbo thinking?

King: I don't know, but I do know that this match isn't going to last long.

JR: You can be sure about that, London and Kendrick are out.

Tag Team Championships Mini-tournament
Match Two
Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes vs. London & Kendrick

Holly and Rhodes pull London into the ring. Holly sets him up for an Alabama Slam, but makes it an Inverted. He seems to be slamming London face first onto the mat, but it gets interrupted by Rhodes, who quickly locks in a DDT. The double team move gets executed with perfection, as Holly covers.


The referee calls for the bell again, as EMT come rushing towards the ring.

Lillian: Here are your winners, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly!

JR: A quick victory for Rhodes and Holly.

King: And now they have the upper hand. Deuce and Domino haven't got time to recover and Rhodes and Holly haven't even had to break a sweat.

Deuce rolls into the ring, while Holly exits it.

Tag Team Championships Mini-tournament
Match Three
Deuce & Domino vs. Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes

Rhodes and Deuce start circling around each other, Deuce attempts the first strike, but Rhodes ducks and hits a leg sweep. Deuce quickly gets up again and swings at Rhodes. Rhodes tries to evade, but is to slow and gets hit straight on the nose. Deuce locks in a headlock and goes to his corner to tag in Domino. Domino grabs Rhodes in a bearhug and Deuce hits the West Side Stomp. Domino releases Rhodes and covers.


Rhodes gets his shoulder up. Domino pulls him up and hits a Snapmare. He then looks for the Crack 'em in the mouth, but Rhodes rolls out of the way. Rhodes now gets up and starts blocking punches from Domino. Domino suddenly grabs the arm of Rhodes and whips him into the turnbuckle. He tags in Deuce again. While Domino holds him, Deuce goes to work on Rhodes' face. After a four count by the referee, Domino finally lets go and steps out, leaving Deuce the cover.


Again Rhodes manages to get a shoulder up. Deuce cannot believe it and pulls Rhodes back up. After a few punches, he powerslams him and tags in Domino again. Domino pulls Rhodes up and hits an astonishing Springboard Tornado DDT. Domino covers Rhodes.


And once more Rhodes shows resilience by kicking out just in time. Domino once again looks for the Crack 'em in the mouth, but again Rhodes gets out of harms way and manages to tag in Hardcore Holly. Holly storms in, giving Domino a hard right. Deuce gets involved to, but gets taken down with a right too. He gets up, but Rhodes has gotten up, turns Deuce around and hits a DDT. Domino, who had gotten up earlier, tries to attack Holly, but he manages to get Domino in the Alabama Slam, which he hits. Holly covers. The crowd is counting with the referee.


Lillian: Here are your winners and the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly!

Rhodes and Holly are awarded the belts and celebrate, with the rest of team RAW coming out as well.

JR: What a match.

King: My predictions came true, JR.

JR: For this one time, yes, they did, King.

King: And the members of team RAW seem very happy with this victory.

JR: I can imagine, this is a first blow for the Smackdown Alliance.

King: And hopefully, it won't be the last.

We cut back to the backstage area, where Tod Grisham is walking. Suddenly Santino Marella comes rushing from the opposite side.

Grisham: Santino, can I get an interview?

Santino: Not-e Now, Ima being followed-e by-a Kane.

Santino rushes away again, as the Big Red Machine appears from the shadows. He passes Grisham without even looking at him.

Grisham: What the?

And we go back to the arena, where everything is being set up for the next match. The Steel Cage is lowering.

JR: Santino should've acted like a man and fought.

King: Well, it's too late for that now.

The cage has been lowered and "Metalingus" hits. Edge comes out, ready for action.

Lillian: The following is a Steel Cage match. Now, the only ways to win this match are by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is the Rated-R Superstar, Edge!

JR: You have to wonder how focussed Edge will be on this match.

King: Indeed, with his recent encounters with Gregory Helms, Triple H would seem the last thing on his mind.

JR: And that can be hazardous to your health, certainly in a steel cage.

Edge has entered the cage and is looking around, when "The Game" hits.

JR: I'm sure Triple H would want nothing but the win here tonight.

King: Triple H will be looking for gold soon and the quickest way to do it, is by winning here tonight.

Triple H enters the Cage and goes to stand across the ring from Edge. The referee reminds the competitors of the rules, before calling for the bell.

Steel Cage Match
Triple H vs. Edge

Edge and Triple H lock into each other. Edge kicks Triple H in the gut and hits a facebuster. Triple H holds his face in pain, as Edge is laughing. Triple H quickly makes it back to his feet and evades a dropkick. Triple H waits for Edge to get up again and hits a chop. The crowd reacts with a 'Woooo'. Triple H hits another, which gives the same reaction. Triple H now whips Edge into the ropes, Edge bounces back and attempts a clothesline. Triple H ducks it and hits a Falling Neckbreaker. Triple H now goes for the side of the cage, trying to escape, but Edge gets up rather quick and gets to the ropes, as Triple H is standing on them. Edge then moves the ropes, so that Triple H loses his balance and drops straight onto the ropes. Triple H's eyes get big, before dropping down to the floor, holding on to his private parts. Edge has a big smile on his face, as he asks for the Cage door to be opened. He steps through the ropes. Then....


Gregory Helms has appeared from the crowd and has jammed the door shut on Edge's head. Edge drops back into the ring. Both men are now lying out cold. Triple H is the first to slowly make it to his feet. He looks a little surprised at the sight of Edge laid out, but doesn't waste much time. He pulls his opponent up and whips him into the corner. Triple H runs over and hits an elbow in the corner. Edge stumbles out and gets hit with a bulldog. Triple H covers.


Edge kicks out. Triple H pulls him back up, but Edge manages to get a shot in. Both men now start to exchange punches, Edge gains the upper hand and bounces off the ropes to get a clothesline in, but it gets turned around by Triple H, who hits a facebuster knee smash. Edge stumbles around, and gets a kick to the gut. Triple H locks in the Pedigree, but gets back body dropped by Edge. Edge looks to climb the cage, but suddenly Gregory Helms appears again, hitting Edge on the fingers with a chair. Edge must release and drops to the ring floor. He quickly gets up, holding his hands in pain. He turns around and gets hit with another kick to the gut. Triple H locks in the Pedigree again and this time hits it. He covers.


Lillian: Here is your winner, Triple H!

JR: And again, Edge gets screwed by Gregory Helms.

King: Well, if Edge hadn't started with screwing Helms, he'd never had had this happen.

JR: But now, we can get ready for our Main Event.

King: Indeed, The Undertaker will be facing Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. This is their story.

- A video package from the past 4 weeks is played, highlighting the path the two competitors have followed in order to get to the Main Event -

"Hey, Nothing you can say..."

Randy Orton comes out to an immense booing. Randy Orton doesn't seem to care about that, as he starts making his way to the ring.

JR: Randy Orton would love to reclaim, what he feels, is his possession.

King: I can't blame him, he was the WWE Champion at the time all titles where vacated.

JR: And he gets his chance to reclaim it now.

Orton has reached the ring and steps in. He goes to the ropes and poses for the crowd, who start a "You suck" chant.

Then, the lights go out, as Gregorian chants fill the room. The arena slowly turns into that Dark Blue The Undertaker is so known for. Smoke starts to fill the surroundings as flames light everything on fire. The Undertaker's theme song hits, with the crowd nearly going nuts. They await the fan favourite, who comes down for his usual entrance.

JR: No matter how many times I see it, the Undertaker's entrance keeps scaring me.

King: I know what you mean, JR, it remains one of the most impressive entrances in wrestling history.

The Undertaker finishes his entrance and gets ready for the match. The referee calls for the bell.

Singles Match for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker

Both men lock into each other in the centre of the ring. Orton tries to apply a headlock, but the Undertaker manages to get him in a fireman carry position. he slams Orton down to the mat. Orton grabs his back, but gets up nearly as fast as he went down. Undertaker uses the fact that Orton isn't paying attention to hit a Scoop Slam. The Undertaker then bounces off the ropes and hits an Elbow Drop. Taker covers.


Orton kicks out. Both men get up. Orton starts punching the Undertaker, but the latter retaliates. He hits a hard punch straight to Orton's head. Orton goes down. The Undertaker now locks in a triangle choke. Orton is suffering, but manages to get a foot on the rope. The Undertaker has to release. Both men get up again. Orton manages to kick the Undertaker in the gut and hits a DDT. He starts stomping away on all parts of the Undertaker's body. Orton then locks in a Chinlock, but the Undertaker manages to get a hand on the ropes. Both men get up again and Orton hits an European Uppercut. He covers cockily.


Undertaker gets an arm up. Orton grabs the arm and pulls up the Undertaker. He locks in a wrist lock, but Undertaker starts stomping him, forcing him to release the hold. Then he grabs hold of one of Orton's arms himself and goes for the turnbuckle. Undertaker is looking for Old School and hits it! Undertaker covers.


Orton gets his shoulder up. Undertaker starts stalking Randy Orton, he's looking for a Chokeslam. Orton gets up and manages to escape the Chokeslam attempt. Then he tries to hit the RKO, but Undertaker gets him off. Orton is a bit shaken up and put into the Tombstone Piledriver. He hits it! Cover.


Lillian: Your winner and the NEW WWE Champion, The Undertaker!

The Undertaker celebrates in his usual way, when Batista, Chuck Palumbo, Deuce and Domino appear from the crowd. JBL comes down the ramp, accompanied by Chavo Guerrero and MVP. All but JBL enter the ring and start kicking and punching the Undertaker. They pull him up and Batista hits the Batista Bomb. But it doesn't keep the Undertaker down, as he sits up. This is the sign for Domino to hit the Crack 'em in tha mouth. Then Chavo goes for the top rope and hits the Frog Splash. JBL suddenly begins talking.

JBL: Now, you must all be wondering why we are doing this. Well, firstly because we think that the Undertaker doesn't deserve the WWE Championship. And secondly, because we have this man.

"Don't waste my time" hits. Elijah Burke comes strutting down the ramp, holding the Money In The Bank Briefcase.

King: What is Elijah Burke doing here?

JR: He won the Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania XXIV.

King: I thought we were starting over.

JR: I guess we were wrong, King. The Money In The Bank still counts.

The Smackdown Alliance whips the Undertaker face first in the turnbuckle. They clear the ring as Elijah Burke enters and makes it clear he is looking to cash in. The referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

Lillian: We were just informed that Elijah Burke is cashing in his championship opportunity, so this match is for the WWE Championship.

Singles Match for the WWE Championship
The Undertaker vs. Elijah Burke

Elijah Burke quickly storms at the Undertaker and hits the Elijah Express. Burke covers.


Burke is awarded the WWE Championship, as the rest of the Smackdown Alliance comes in to celebrate.

Lillian: Your winner and the NEW WWE Champion, Elijah Burke.

JR: No matter what, the Smackdown Alliance has the last laugh tonight.

King: But these happenings will get a follow up.

JR: But that is for tomorrow.

King: This was Jerry 'The King' Lawler...

JR: ...And good old 'JR' Jim Ross.

King: Don't forget in to tune in tomorrow for another episode of RAW.

JR: But for tonight, goodnight.

King: And don't try this at home.


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
RAW - Week 5

Backlash is only 24 hours behind us, but the road to Judgement Day has already begun. After the incident at Backlash, John Cena has requested a Judgement Day match against Umaga. Tonight, they fight for the right to call the stipulations. Or better, they've found men to battle in their places, as Matt Hardy represents John Cena against Umaga's choice, Kevin Thorn.

In other action, Kane and Maria finally get their hands on Santino Marella and Jillian Hall, as the postponed Backlash match will happen, live on RAW.

The newly crowned Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly, will be in action in a rematch against Deuce and Domino. If the latter win, they get a rematch at Judgement Day.

And the other champions, Lightweight champion Carlito and Intercontinental champion Mr. Kennedy will exchange opponents, as Carlito will face Booker T and Mr. Kennedy faces CM Punk.

But the most important match is the Main Event, where Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Gregory Helms team up against JBL, Batista, Edge and WWE Champion Elijah Burke.


- Singles Match
Matt Hardy (w. John Cena) vs. Kevin Thorn (w. Umaga)

- Mixed Tag Team Match
Kane & Maria vs. Santino Marella & Jillian Hall

- Non-title Match
Cody Rhodes (c) & Hardcore Holly (c) vs. Deuce & Domino

- Non-title Match
Carlito (c) vs. Booker T

- Non-title Match
Mr. Kennedy (c) vs. CM Punk

- 8-man Elimination Tag
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho & Gregory Helms vs. Elijah Burke (c), Batista, JBL & Edge​


New Member
May 17, 2008
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WWE notes

- Triple H is looking to get some time off. After this weeks RAW, he's going off air 'till after Judgment Day.

- Rey Mysterio is out for the next months. In the Lightweight Battle Royal, Mysterio landed wrong and injured his arm. Expect him to return somewhere between Vengeance and the Great American Bash