I'm not sure what this is but yeah this is something that tells me you're apart of the evil IWC.
CM Punk: He's just so thoroughly destroyed everything about his character that made him popular this summer. He got over telling us about guys like John Laurinaitis, the middle-manager who kisses Vince's ass and is destroying this company. Everything he said during his Stone Cold t-shirt promo was about how WWE was fatally flawed. How it needed to be changed. Well, now that his shirts are selling like crazy, he stopped being constructive about it and now he just calls Johnny Ace a dork. Just because they cheer doesn't mean you're doing it right. And what's with his infatuation with gay/feminine jokes lately? Johnny Ace has his balls in a purse. Daniel Bryan likes to eat....really? This was the change he wanted?
You should watch SmackDown if not purely for the D-Bry character development, it's been pretty great.I haven't tuned into an entire segment of Raw for a while so I haven't seen Daniel Bryan as a heel. I am now curious.
It's hard to label it really. He's sort of like a smart heel in the way he's managed to keep hold of his title by provoking Henry to attack him in one match, then provoking the lumberjacks which caused a mass brawl and he ended up walking out of the match. He's also been given a bit of an aggressive side too as i've seen him use a chair quite alot too. Kind of hard to explainWill do! I'm a fan of him so I am sure I will be impressed. Which kind of heel does he play? I know this may sound silly but is he humorous, serious, etc?
Im kind of Bi Polar huh?
Sometimes you get really reasonable Chad.
Sometimes you get really smart Chad
Sometimes you get complete dickhead Chad.
Well tonight, meet Chad on Xanax. This is the stupid Chad.