Havent read the thread (its nearly 50 pages, gimme a break) but thought it was a real good Raw.
Missed the Danielson match as I was watching paint dry, but caught the end where Cole was trying to get him over to no avail. I'm guessing the ratings will be low for this part as 'Daniel Bryan match' is a codeword for piss break.
Barrett/Santino served its purpose, short squash match, right guy went over. Santino did his job in being funny and overselling shit Shawn Michaels_style.
Sheamus v Miz was nothing, obviously only done to further the R-Truth feud (which I love btw). Only notable point was Sheamus' stiff ass shots to Miz' chest. Sheamus looked pissed off. Loved Truth beating the shit out of Miz, and the Little Jimmy bit in the crowd. Feel sorry for Miz having to sell a water bottle to the head like a knockout blow though.
Looks like Swagger & Ryder will be feuding soon. I can dig that.
Punk v Ziggler is match of the year so far

Great stuff, some cool spots ruined by a cheap finish. It fooled quite a lot of ppl into thinking Zigs won the title even though it was a countout. If it means they go again at the Rumble though, all for it.
I've already seen a load of people elsewhere moaning that it was Jericho. I would of prefered someone else too, but it was done really well, liked the 'earthquake' bit and creepy hype vid. My problem was that he should of cut a promo, he milked the crowd far too much, and I dont believe any of this talk that it was a masterclass of trolling by Jericho. It wasnt at all.
Didnt watch the main event, sounded boring.