BA Star WWE. Way to stand up to bullying Dwayne.
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I don't recall her ever being a face lol
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Here we go again confusing kayfabe with reality.
Ngl I'm loving this build up right now, Rock and Punk is gonna be an amazing match!
Anyway AWESOME work again tonight guys, we had some great post tonight, we did it guys tonight we made a good one again! Let's keep this up next week.
Kids can't make that distinction. You have the making fun of Vickie for her appearance and 6th graders are going to think it's okay too. Just saying.
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Kids can't make that distinction. You have the making fun of Vickie for her appearance and 6th graders are going to think it's okay too. Just saying.
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Kids can't make that distinction. You have the making fun of Vickie for her appearance and 6th graders are going to think it's okay too. Just saying.
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Screw the kids! If there parents can't teach them right from wrong then that's on them honestly, I mean look at the era I grew up in and how I turned out, same with anyone else who was a kid in the 90's. The kids today are too damn soft
Now I like to make it clear to anyone who read that, THAT isn't what's wrong with the WWE, it's the writers, but still the kids are too damn soft now a days.
that's where there fuckin parents come into teach them right from wrong...
fuckin sick of PC nation blaming TV, Music, Movies etc for their kids being your kids are assholes because you fucked up as a parent or because you and your spouse are assholes