McMahon has always been one to take calculated risks.
I don't know about you, but killing their entire PPV business doesn't seem like much of a calculated risk to me. Especially considering their lowest predicted subscriber numbers were one million, and they guaranteed much more. If it was a calculated risk, shouldn't of their prediction been about where the subscriber number are now?
I'm sure down the line they will make the WWE Network successful via increasing the price and by adding advertisements, but calling this a calculated risk is giving them way too much credit. They based those subscriber number predictions on a "study" they conducted saying that there are over 90 million houses in America with at least one WWE fan,
despite the fact that there are only 4 million people in America actively watching their flagship show live. They buy into their own hype and overestimate their fanbase, I guess that's what years of gloating about how good and popular you are will do.