WWE Judgment Day 2009 Discussion

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Late in with the opinions, but looks like I enjoyed much the same as everyone else...

*Rey/Jericho = MOTN!
*Punk/Umaga was good but left me wanting more (suprised to see Punk take his second clean PPV loss in a row - I pray they don't pull this underdog champ bullshit with him AGAIN!!!!).
*Morrison/Benjamin was ok... Defo had its moments, but Morrison's gotta tighten up those acrobatic moves... He came mere inches away from a savagely broken neck on that springboard 450 and 'Starship Pain' yet again saw him make impact with little more than his arms across Shelton's chest.
*Cristian/Swagger was decent, but defo the worst of their outings thus far.
*Orton/Batista was lacklustre (again) the only thing saving them was a) the finish and b) hindsight comparrison to the NEXT match....
*Cena/Show... Holy shit! That was SO gruellingly slow & dull... Intense in a bad way.
*Edge/Hardy... Another good (not quite great) match and defo saved the PPV after the previous 40mins or so of tedium. LOL at Mattt hiding behind the crowd barrier only for the covering to fall off and reveal him to the watching millions! Hahahahaha

Jeff Hardy will become WHC and reattain GODHOOD in the WWE!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed Jeff's DEFEAT.