WWE Judgment Day 2009 Discussion

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Didn't see a thread for this yet, so I figured I'd create one, seeing as there doesn't seem to be another... Discuss Judgment Day in here.

Confirmed Card:
World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (c) vs Jeff Hardy
WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs Batista

ECW Championship: Christian (c) vs Jack Swagger
Umaga vs CM Punk
John Cena vs Big Show
Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison
Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio (c) vs Chris Jericho

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I think so far its shaping up to be a pretty good PPV. I don't see it being better then Backlash thought as I loved Backlash it was awesome and I think it'd be kinda hard to outdo it. But who knows maybe JD will out do it. I hope so.


What's the confirmed card so far?

Orton vs. Batista (WWE Title) Ugh....
Edge vs. Jeff Hardy (World Heavyweight Championship)

Then I'm sure we'll have..
Big Show vs. Cena
MVP vs. Regal (US Title)
Morrison vs. Jericho???
CM Punk vs. Umaga???


My predicted card:

Orton (c) v Batista
Edge (c) v Hardy
Christian (c) v Swagger v Dreamer
MVP (c) v Regal
Mysterio (c) v Jericho
Colons (c) v Priceless
Show v Cena
Umaga v Punk

The two in italic aren't likely to happen though.


Seems an odd time to do Rey v Jericho... Would make more sense when Rey wasn't holding the IC title; giving the impression of an uppercard fued rather than a mid-card one...

As a one-off for Jericho I'd prefer Morrison getting a good run out with Jericho sneaking a win somehow (I don't believe Morrison particularly needs to be beating ME-ers just yet, just to be seen as a credible challenger and start to win the fans empathy a bit.)

...Otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing an IC 3-way between Ziggler, Morrison & Rey. I would be suprised if they left Rey off the card altogether tho'.


What's the confirmed card so far?

Orton vs. Batista (WWE Title) Ugh....
Edge vs. Jeff Hardy (World Heavyweight Championship)

Then I'm sure we'll have..
Big Show vs. Cena
MVP vs. Regal (US Title)
Morrison vs. Jericho???
CM Punk vs. Umaga???

Sounds reasonable to me, man. I think that's pretty close to what we'll be getting. The only one I'm not sure on us getting is Jericho/Morrison, because they'd have to speed up the feud pretty quickly. Hopefully they do it. It'd probably be the match of the night.
If that is the card, I predict:

Edge def Jeff Hardy
Ortondef Batista
Cena def Big Show
MVP def Regal
Morrison def Jericho
Punk def Umaga

Seems an odd time to do Rey v Jericho... Would make more sense when Rey wasn't holding the IC title; giving the impression of an uppercard fued rather than a mid-card one...

As a one-off for Jericho I'd prefer Morrison getting a good run out with Jericho sneaking a win somehow (I don't believe Morrison particularly needs to be beating ME-ers just yet, just to be seen as a credible challenger and start to win the fans empathy a bit.)

...Otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing an IC 3-way between Ziggler, Morrison & Rey. I would be suprised if they left Rey off the card altogether tho'.

I don't know where seX Power got Rey vs Jericho from either, lol. I saw the last SD, where Morrison and Jericho brawled, and it looks to me liek they'll feud. I agree with you, man, that'd be a sick feud, with awesome matches. I wonder if it'll make it to the PPV card though...


^^^^^Nah, the card's well predictable.. I haven't even seen this weeks raw, let alone read any spoilers... I started posting my list earlier but realised that it was exactly the same as this:

Edge/Jeff Hardy
Cena/Big Show

Insert womens title match & a little promo time and BOOOOM, you got it.... J'day.

I don't know where seX Power got Rey vs Jericho from either, lol. I saw the last SD, where Morrison and Jericho brawled, and it looks to me liek they'll feud. I agree with you, man, that'd be a sick feud, with awesome matches. I wonder if it'll make it to the PPV card though...

Future drafts permitting, I can very much see Rey vs Jericho happening next time Jericho holds the WHC.... Especially given the Friday night Hispanic ratings chase.


^Oh, so can I. I could see it hapening at Summerslam this year, as well. I just don't see why Sex would mention it for this particular PPV, considering they haven't had any interactionw ith eachother yet.


I honestly don't see Jericho coming that close to the WHC this year. He'll be way too busy feuding with Mysterio, Morrison and hopefully Undertaker. I think we'll mostly see CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and Edge buzzing around it for quite some time.
Although it does seem they're grooming some people to take that mid-card spot and hold the IC Title. As said, we all know they love Rey on Friday nights for the hispanic audience so as much as I hate it... we'll definately see him in the WHC picture at some point.


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Mar 22, 2009
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Jeff Hardy will become WHC and reattain GODHOOD in the WWE!


^Oh, so can I. I could see it hapening at Summerslam this year, as well. I just don't see why Sex would mention it for this particular PPV, considering they haven't had any interactionw ith eachother yet.

I was only predicting it because Jericho hit Rey with the chair in the Fatal 4 Way match which was some minor interaction that could start a feud as they both have no big programs and shouldn't be left off the card. I didn't see Chris's promo with Morrison, just the one backstage with Khali. Even so, I doubt they would put Morrison/Jericho so soon, I think it may have just been a little teaser.

Moonlight Drive

I'm quite disappointed that the confrontation between Morrison/Jericho didn't really lead that far, but I suppose JoMo got a nice rub on Superstars and he wasn't ready for the feud.

Great card I must say, Christian/Swagger have had some great outings, and Cena/Show should be a solid match. Orton/Batista will probably flop yet again, but I've gotta give a big FUCK YEAH to seeing Umaga in a PPV match for the first time in yonks.

Anyone else think Punk cashing at JD would be a little too obvious?


I am really excited about this card because these matchups, I can really relate to...

Cena vs. Big Show - Throwback to their epic WM battle where Cena got his first start.

Hardy vs. Edge - Alot of history between these two going back to TLC. Really great seeing them main event.

Batista vs. Orton - I was really big on Evolution when they were in their prime. Orton was/is my absolute fav, so seeing these two collide with Triple H anywhere near the picture is gold.

Swagger vs. Christian - First time I will see Christian live, good stuff, and I saw Swagger's first WWE dark match against Regal, his first loss, so it is going to be fun seeing him where he is now.

I couldn't give a bigger crap about Punk.

I want to see a 4 way IC title match (619* vs. Y2J vs. Benjamin vs. Morrison)

Maybe MVP* vs. Regal too, they seemed to hook those two up quite quickly.