Would I hide behind barry as scum tho
So why is your vote hiding behind skybox
barry can be town tooFor the record, last time Banez was town he outright refused to claim until push came to shove and while he was out there hinting a power role he admitted to just being a vanilla townie.
Him trying to start a genuine direction before anybody else is exactly the reason I said I felt good about him too. Good to see you caught upbarry can be town too
doubt he pushes anything this hard as scum
So is being Scottish, but I wouldn’t recommend itBut it's allowed.
I maintain I only bussed one of my team members until the second guy tied himself to the first guyVote Tweet
Let us perform that forbidden act of "having fun". What's up, Tweet? You scum? Planning to pull off some Junk-tier bussing this game too?
Tweet sounding like a typical German politician