What about Rey Mysterio? Didn't he say he wanted to be ready for Mania? And Sin Cara? I see one of these two coming back soon.
They could of thrown Sheamus in there to add some extra intrigue to the match.
Why does everyone keep saying that. He already has a title match at wrestlemania. How would that make sense
He doesn't need it. Daniel Bryan will probably win then after he's celebrating, Sheamus will run in and brogue kick him signaling that he's challenging Bryan at wrestlemania
Khali doesn't need to be there either. Sheamus replacing Khali would be a great choice just because it'll most likely give us a really good Chamber match. Have Bryan eliminate Sheamus with some shenanigans like, have Rhodes give Sheamus a Cross Rhodes, Bryan pushes Cody and then pins Sheamus.
Then, Sheamus would obviously want his revenge so he chooses Bryan to face at 'Mania.