WWE: Big Time

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Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
WM: Layla/Kelly if you could count it as a match.
BP: N/A, I never really liked any of them tbh but 'Tkaer/Edge was most in character if I had to choose 1.
WP: Lashley/Cade, that was extremely out of character
Add. Comments: I know I may have sounded a bit harsh on your promo's but I'm just giving you criticism so it can give you something to work on, sorry if I sounded a bit harsh on you. Good show btw :)



WM: Kelly vs. Layla if of course that is counted as a match....

BP: Edge and Taker

WP: Lashely and cade way outta character

AC: Good show none the less.

Rate: 8/10


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM:: Main Event
WM:: Layla/Kelly
AC:: Need to work on the promos a bit but I can see you improving greatly good job
Rating:: 8/10

CT Styles

Thanks for all the reviews guys :)


Monday Night RAW March 3

'To Be Loved plays and the crowd are cheering and chanting for their favorite superstars.

'Sexy Boy' hits and the crowd give a massive pop. The Showstopper makes his way to the ring as he does his signature taunts down the ramp before entering the ring and receiving a microphone.

HBK: Now, John Bradshaw Layfield has proved how much of a gutless coward he is by being afraid to face me, one on one. Instead he sends out people like Big Daddy V to do his dirty work. But the Showstopper prevails. Every time. He nails all his opponents with Sweet Chin Music and pins them 1...2...3. Now John, that is exactly!... what is going to happen to you at Wrestlemania. When you take on, The Headliner, The Show Stopper, The Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania!

JBL's music hits. His limo drives out and his driver opens the door and out comes John Bradshaw Layfield in a suit and tie with a microphone in his hand.

JBL: Shawn, who the hell do you think you are!? Disrespecting someone of my caliber. I am John Bradshaw Layfield. Nobody disrespects me, because I am better than everyone. And you, Shawn Michaels are nothing! You here me nothing!

JBL then enters the ring and stands face to face with Shawn Michaels.

HBK: John, You ar...


They stare at each other for a bit longer.

JBL: Your pathetic. Your nothing but pathetic. You call yourself the Showstopper. You're called that because people want to stop the show when you're on. You're just a Has-Been pathetic Loser and Me? Well I'm a WRESTLINGGGGGGG GO...

JBL gets cut off when starts HBK punching him. JBL fires back though with some right hands. He throws HBK into the corner and unloads with heaps of punches. HBK is getting dominated, JBL stops, HBK gets a breather, JBL then unleashes a Clothesline From Hell onto HBK but JBL isn't finished he picks up HBK. Wait a minute! Chris Jericho's running down the ramp. Chris Jericho attacks JBL and starts unloading some punches and kicks into him but then Booker T runs down to the ring and starts beating up Y2J.

Eric Bischoff's music hits. He comes out with a microphone.

Eric: Alright, alright. Cut the crap! Shawn, John, Booker, Chris. Since you four just love getting the spotlight with your fights. You are all going to be in the spotlight again later tonight. Tonight we will have two Main Events, Booker, You will be taking on Shawn Michaels and John you will be taking on Chris Jericho.

JBL picks up his microphone.

JBL: Chris, Shawn you two losers are going to have to explain to your wife & kids when your in the hospital why you are all beaten up. Your explanation will be 'Well Daddy's a Loser and He disrespected people better than him' and then they will say 'Does that mean we are losers like you with no future?' and you will have to reply 'yes'.

JBL drops the mic and He and Booker make their way backstage.

Commercial Break

Vince's Office

Vince is seen sitting at his desk when the lights go out.

Vince: Hey, Hey! what the hell's going on in here!?

They come back on and Vince just goes back to work but looks up and it's The Undertaker.

Taker: I want Edge... TONIGHT!!

Taker smacks his hands on the table and Vince seems quite scared

Vince: Well, Undertaker. What about this?... Edge & World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton AKA Rated RKO taking on The Phenom, The Undertaker & Mr. Kennedy.

Taker: No Disqualification.

Vince: No Disqualification? Well alright I guess we can do that.

Taker rolls his eyes back and throws his arms in the air and the lights go out. They then come back on and he is gone. Vince just shakes his head in confusion and continues his work.

Back In The Ring

The Hardy's music hits and he gets a big pop. He comes out with his other half of the World Tag Team Champions and Brother, Jeff. They do their signature taunts as they make their way to the ring.

'I'm Comin!' hits and the crowd give some heat. MVP comes out of his inflatable and does his signature taunts and walks to the ring looking cocky.

Match 1
Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Matt Hardy w/ Jeff Hardy vs MVP

MVP & Matt circle around for a bit until they lock up. Neither gains an inch so they lock up again. MVP pushes Matt to the corner and the referee starts to make the count, 1...2...3...4 MVP lets go and lifts his arms up and steps back but then pokes Matt in the eyes and Jeff isn't very impressed by that. MVP clotheslines Matt back into the corner as he is groggy. He then starts to thrust his shoulder into the mid-section of Matt numerous times. MVP pushes Matt onto the top rope and sits him there and sets up for a Superplex. He goes for it but Matt counters it and does a front suplex slam. Matt does a tribute to his brother and does his taunts then get son the top rope and performs a Swanton Bomb!! but MVP moves. MVP covers, 1...2 Matt kicks out. MVP attempts a knee drop but Matt moves. MVP gets angry and picks Matt up and Irish Whips him to the ropes then nails a backdrop. MVP starts taunting the crowd before signaling for the Ballin' Elbow Drop. MVP does the theatrics and nails the elbow drop and covers Hardy, 1...2... Jeff puts Matt's foot on the rope. MVP glares at Jeff and Jeff just smiles at him. MVP picks up Matt and gets him in a front face lock, then points at Jeff and lifts up Matt and nails a suplex.

MVP looks at Jeff and smiles he puts his foot on the chest of Matt and the referee goes to count until Jeff distracts him. Jeff claimed that MVP was pulling Matt's hair during the suplex. The referee just rolls his eyes at Jeff and continues the count, 1...2 Matt kicks out and Jeff smiles at MVP. Jeff starts to gain some support for Matt, getting the crowd involved. MVP whips Matt to the corner then sits him up there again, this time backwards and sets him up for a Super Back Suplex. The referee is advising MVP not to do it but MVP does it and Matt's leg whacks the referee in the face knocking him back. MVP gets up and sees what has been done and has a smile on his face he exits the ring and goes to get a chair, but when he is trying to get it he is greeted by Jeff Hardy when he turns around. Jeff starts punching MVP but MVP pushes Jeff to the side of the apron and swings the chair but Jeff moves and MVP hits the apron he then manages to slide in the ring quickly and hit Matt on the head with it but Jeff gets in does a low dropkick to the back of MVP's knee and MVP drops the chair and Jeff kicks it out of the ring Jeff then grabs one of the World Tag belts and gets in the ring and points at it being cocky and when MVP gets up he hits him with it. MVP gets hit back to the ropes and is leaning on them face first then turns around and gets kicked in the gut and then receives a Twist of Fate.

Jeff goes to drag his brother onto MVP but the referee is starting to get up so Jeff has to bail. The referee is up and sees both men down and starts to count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 neither men could get up and Jeff is extremely angry on the outside of the ring kicking the steel steps.

Result - No Contest

'I'm Back' hits and the General Manager of RAW, Eric Bischoff comes out.

Eric: Well, just a quick thing. Since neither of you won your both in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 24! You're both lucky aren't you!

JR: Well that certainly was a match mostly dominated by MVP and well I guess in someways what Jeff Hardy did was good and it helped his brother get into the Money In The Bank Match at Wrestlemania.

King: Yes it was but still one more place to fill in that ladder match for RAW's half and I'm guessing it will be next week and Smackdown will also probably be holding Qualifying Matches for it aswell. But aside from that I can't wait for the Gran-Daddy of them all... Wrestlemania.

JR: Alright, Alright keep your socks on.

Commercial Break


Cody Rhodes is seen walking down a hallway he then bumps into someone walking the opposite direction, it's Intercontinental Champion Elijah Burke.

Elijah Burke: Ay, What the hell are you doin'? watch where your goin'

Cody: Hey, you walked into me man.

Elijah: Here let me explain something to ya kid. You don't want to get on my bad side. So if I was you I would keep walkin'

Cody: Or what you'll get chokeslammed by Kane again? Like you did 2 weeks ago.

Elijah grabs Cody by his shirt and pushes him into the wall.

Elijah: You better watch your back Kid!

Cody: I want you right now! In that ring. One on One!

Elijah: Ya know what kid! You got it!

Back to the announcer table

JR: Well there was a heated confrontation between superstars. And we're gonna see it continue out into the ring.

King: Yeah I love it JR! I'm rootin' for Elijah Burke.

Elijah Burke's music hits and The Intercontinental Champion makes his way to the ring with a cocky smile on his face and his Intercontinental Championship belt over his shoulder.

Cody Rhodes' music hits and he gets a surprisingly big pop. He comes to the ring with an angry stare towards Burke. He enters the ring and stand face to face with Burke. Cody pushes him then Elijah pushes back yelling 'Who the hell do you think you are?! ha?'

Match 2
Elijah Burke vs Cody Rhodes

They lock up. Burke pushes Rhodes to the corner knees him in the stomach and throws him in the middle of the ring, then taunts the crowd. He turns around and Cody is standing there, he then unloads left & right punches out of nowhere, then when Burke reaches the ropes, Cody Irish Whips him but Burke reverses it. On the rebound Cody nails a Shoulder Block then runs off the ropes to his right and performs an elbow drop on the rebound which Burke dodges. Burke starts stomping Rhodes and then performs a knee drop to the mat because Cody moved, Burke is on his knees so Cody kicks him in the face and covers, 1...2 Burke kicks out. Cody attempts to choke Burke on the second rope but Burke elbowed him in the mid-section and then used the ropes as leverage to get up. He attempted a clothesline but Cody ducked and Cody attempted a right hand but Burke blocked it, kicked Cody in the gut and locked in an Abdominal Stretch. Cody is in horrible pain, you can see it on his face he can't get to the ropes. He starts to fade. The referee lifts up his arm it drops, he lifts it up a second time it stays up. Cody manages to escape the Abdominal Stretch but is extremely tired. Cody drops to the ground, Burke covers him, 1....2..... Cody kicks out.

Cody is up and Burke delivers some Back Hand Chops before whipping him to the corner. He takes off his knee protection and signals for the Elijah Express he goes for it and... Cody moves and rolls up Burke, 1...2... Burke kicks out. Cody pins him again, 1...2 Burke kicks out. Cody is up measuring Elijah. Elijah gets up and kicks him in the gut and goes for the DDT but Elijah stays put and Rhodes falls back first to the mat. Burke covers, 1...2 Rhodes kicks out. Burke picks up Rhodes but Rhodes reverses and knees Burke in the stomach. Rhodes attempts another DDT but Burke counters into a suplex. He covers, 1...2... Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes uses the ropes as leverage to get up and Burke is running at him but Rhodes ducks and throws Burke over, but Burke landed on the apron. Cody then kneed Burke in the stomach and Burke is leaning through the ropes. Cody then gets him in a DDT position and pulls Burke out a bit so his feet are hanging on the ropes and Cody nails a second rope DDT, he covers, 1...2...3!!

Winner - Cody Rhodes via Pinfall

JR: Well Cody used a Randy Orton move to win that match and good on him for beating that loud-mouth Elijah Burke, lucky it was a Non-Title match.

King: Yeah well of course our happy the one I was going for lost!

JR: (Sighs) Well Coming up is sure to be a hell of a Match, Rated RKO take on Undertaker & Mr. Kennedy in a No-Disqualification match.

Commercial Break

Backstage With Maria

Maria: Here with me right now is World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Legend Killer' Randy Orton. Randy, how do you feel about taking on Smackdown's The Undertaker and Our very own Mr. Kennedy in a No-Disqualification match.

Orton: Well you see Maria. You should be asking them how they feel about stepping in the ring with Rated RKO Edge & Myself. Because I've heard everyone say 'Oh Undertaker, he's a true legend' and 'The Legendary Undertaker' well I've got news for everyone! Last time I checked I was 'The Legend Killer' and tonight another Legend dies!

Orton walks off. But then Shawn Michaels appears.

Maria: Excuse Me Shawn? Would you like to do an interview since Orton just left me stranded?

Shawn: Yeah why not.

Maria: Shawn How do you feel about taking on Booker T tonight?

Shawn's face goes from a smile to a very serious face. He looks directly into the camera.

Shawn: Well if Booker T or John Bradshaw Layfield thinks they can just mention my family on TV or just in general and bag them and make them look bad, well they thought wrong and unfortunately for you Booker. You're the one I'm going to be expressing my anger to. PHYSICALLY!

Shawn then just walks off. And Maria just stands there looking confused like she does after every interview.

JR: Well there is a side of Shawn Michaels we don't often see. We are used to the happy, calm, out there to have fun Shawn Michaels but this by far is a very different Shawn Michaels.

King: I have to agree with you there JR. I certainly wouldn't want to be in Booker T's shoes tonight.

JR: No neither would I King. Well that will be one of our 2 Main Events tonight. Next is Rated RKO taking on Smackdown's The Undertaker & #1 Contender for Randy Orton's World Heavyweight Championship Mr. Kennedy

Commercial Break

'Orton/Edge Mix' hits and the crowd give massive heat. Rated RKO make their way to the ring. Orton walks down smiling with his World Heavyweight Championship belt over his shoulder and Edge walks down smiling aswell. They get in the ring and taunt the crowd but get boos in return.

'Mr. Kenedyyyyy' hits and The Loud Mouth Kennedy makes is way to the ring. He taunts the crowd and gets a 50/50 reaction. He stands on the outside and stares at Orton & Edge.


Then... The bell rings once. The crowd cheers. Undertaker's music starts to play and the Dead Man, The Phenom, The Undertaker makes his way to the ring. He eventually gets to where Kennedy is and looks at him then looks at Edge and Edge seems a little scared. Kennedy & Taker enter the ring.

Match 3
No Disqualification Tornado Tag
Rated RKO (Randy Orton & Edge) vs Mr. Kennedy & Undertaker

Taker goes straight for Edge. Kennedy & Orton trade blows before Orton nails a European Uppercut followed by a kick to the mid-section and an attempted RKO but Kennedy countered and pushed Orton to the corner turnbuckle. Kennedy starts nailing some forearms into Orton's back but Orton throws his foot up and gets Kennedy you-know-where. Orton then throws Kennedy over the ropes and Kennedy lands on the mats outside the ring. Orton goes over and helps Edge. Orton grabs Undertaker from behind and tries to throw him into the corner turnbuckle but Taker sticks his hands out and elbows Orton in the face and then turns around and throws Orton into the corner and Orton turns into a human punching bag for The Phenom until Edge breaks it up with an Edge-O-Matic and Orton starts doing the Randy Orton stomp. Edge then goes to the outside and picks up Kennedy and throws him throat-first onto the barricade he then pushes him into the steel steps and Kennedy flips backwards over them. Edge grabs Kennedy by his chin and gets right in his face and points at the steel steps and rubs his face along the steel steps and then smacks his head on them. Orton just delivered a knee drop on Taker and covers him with his forearm firmly over Taker's head, 1...2 Taker kicks out.

Orton starts to taunt the crowd and then goes to pick up Taker but Taker is already standing behind him. Taker throws Orton over the ropes and exits the ring with him. Taker is stomping him, he then takes the equipment off the top of the Spanish announce table. He stands up Orton and grabs him by the throat. Crowd Pop. Orton kicks Taker in the You-Know-Where and saves himself from a chokeslam through the table. Orton rolls Taker onto the table and stands him up and attempts an RKO but Taker throws him off the table and Orton rolls into the metal pole on the corner of the ring. Meanwhile Kennedy has been busted open by Edge after being smacked and rubbed on the steel steps. Edge then strongly whipped Kennedy into the barricade and covered him, 1...2... Kennedy kicks out. Taker is standing on the table waiting for Orton to get up and when he does Taker nails a flying clothesline and covers, 1...2.... Orton gets a shoulder up. Taker stands Orton up then picks him up and delivers a snake eyes onto the metal pole!! Edge hears the thud and runs across the ring to break up the count at 2 3/4. Taker looks up and glares at Edge and Edge has second thoughts about coming over here. Undertaker stands up and walks towards Edge, Edge is backing away and ends up backing into the apron of the ring. Edge then quickly slides in the ring and escapes and Undertaker turns around. Taker goes back to Orton but Edge jumps out of the ring into the back of Taker.

Taker flies face first into the barricade and is motionless. Edge flees and brings Kennedy over there. RKO do a double-team on Kennedy they double suplex him and Orton performs a DDT onto the ground. Kennedy is motionless and Edge grabs a chair and so does Orton. Orton places his under Kennedy and Edge has his ready and... Edge nails it!! Kennedy lays there in a pool of his own blood. Orton stands him up and RKO's him onto the chair. Edge puts a foot on Kennedy and Orton watches as the Undertaker lays behind them but... The Undertaker sits up. Massive Crowd Pop 1...2... Taker breaks it up and unloads millions of punches on Edge & Orton. Taker throws Edge face-first into the metal pole and throws Orton into the barricade, then lifts him up and drops him on it and then performs a leg drop on him. Taker doesn't cover because he doesn't care about winning or losing he wants to punish Rated RKO. He places Orton in the ring but with his head hanging off the side. He then gets on the apron and performs a leg drop on Orton's head! Edge runs at Undertaker from behind and starts punching him in the back but Taker turns around and stares at him and grabs him by the throat but Edge kicks him in the mid section.

Edge clotheslines Taker then and covers him, 1... Taker kicks out. Orton is up and helps Edge take care of Taker. Taker gets up and is greeted with an RKO which he countered by stepping back and Orton landed on his back but as soon as Orton dropped Taker got speared by Edge and Edge pins confidently, 1.......2........ TAKER KICKS OUT!!! Taker uses the barricade as leverage to get up and regain composure. Edge runs at him but gets a big boot for his efforts. Taker throws Orton into the ring and Orton gets up and starts nailing some right hands on Taker followed by a dropkick and a cover, 1...2...Taker gets a shoulder up. Taker climbs up the ropes to get up turns around and Orton is running at him, Taker ducks and backdrops Orton over the ropes then goes out and collects Edge and brings him in the ring. Edge manages to poke Taker in the eye and set up a spear which Taker dodged and Edge ended up spearing the turnbuckle. When he turned around he was greeted with a Chokeslam. Orton ran in the ring and he was greeted with the same thing. Orton got up first and received a Tombstone Piledriver!! Taker went to the outside where Kennedy is and grabbed one of the chairs. He placed it in the middle of the ring and when Edge got up Taker had him in position for the Tombstone and SMASH!!! Edge gets Tombstoned onto the steel chair.

Taker goes outside the ring again and wakes up Kennedy. Kennedy gets in the ring and sees Edge. Undertaker gives Kennedy the other chair and Kennedy stands over the motionless Edge and smiles with his mouth wide open and... SMASH!!!! A Con-Chair-To to Edge. Kennedy then points at Edge and Taker kicks Edge away and drags Orton's head onto the chair. Kennedy gets his head real close to The World Heavyweight Champion's Ear and yells in it and starts insulting him before delivering another deadly Con-Chair-To to Orton. Undertaker puts a foot on Edge's chest and Kennedy does the same to Orton. The Referee makes the count, 1...2...3

Winners - Smackdown's Undertaker & Mr. Kennedy via Pinfall

Undertaker leaves the ring but Kennedy continues to talk in Orton's ear before he eventually leaves.

JR: Well good lord what a fight! Not a match a fight!! Smackdown's Undertaker had to take on both of Rated RKO for the majority of that match and yet he and Mr. Kennedy still prevailed.

King: Yes and I must say Mr. Kennedy must be very, very happy with the outcome of that match.

JR: of course he is and we've still got our two Main Events to come.

Commercial Break

JBL's music hits and he makes his way to the ring out of his limo looking confident.

5...4...3...2...1 'Break The Walls Down' hits and Chris Jericho does his signature stance before entering the ring with a determined look on his face. Jericho and JBL stare at each other before the referee rings the bell.

Main Event 1
Chris Jericho vs JBL

JBL goes straight for the offence and unloads some monstrous right hands which knock Jericho down. JBL picks him up and throws him in the corner and knees him in the mid-section and then sits him on the top rope. JBL goes for a superplex but Jericho manages to get out of it. Both men are still up there and JBL manages to nail a massive right hand to the side of Jericho's head and Jericho falls off the top rope and lands on the outside of the ring. The referee starts to make the count and JBL stands there and starts yelling 'He's Pathetic!'. The count gets to 5 and Jericho gets back in the ring. JBL goes for a clothesline but Jericho ducks, turns around and kicks JBL in the gut and performs a DDT and covers, 1...2... JBL kicks out. Jericho picks up JBL and whips him to the ropes and goes for a backdrop but JBL performs a spinning neckbreaker instead and pins Y2J, 1...2... Kick out. JBL is getting angry and starts yelling at the referee Jericho crawls up and grabs JBL's tights and rolls him up, 1...2... JBL kicks out then gets on top of Y2J and unleashes a series of punches on Jericho's head. JBL stops when the referee's count gets to 4 1/2. JBL gets up and starts taunting the crowd while Jericho is recovering. Jericho is up and JBL walks into a backhand chop followed by another one and about 3 more.

JBL finally reaches the ropes and Jericho Irish Whips him to the opposite ropes and runs with him, performing a running one handed bulldog. Jericho pins, 1...2... JBL kicks out. Jericho starts running out of ideas and grabs JBL's legs and attempts the Walls of Jericho but JBL kicks him into the ropes but Jericho rebounds off the ropes and performs a dropkick to JBL's face as he was getting up, he covers, 1...2 Kick out! Jericho does his signature stance signaling the Code Breaker. He is measuring JBL for it when out of nowhere its Booker T!! Booker T gets in the ring and starts attacking Chris Jericho!! The referee rings the bell but Jericho is getting beat up by JBL & Booker T. JBL gets out of the ring and grabs a chair. Booker restrains Chris and SMASH!! Jericho gets hit with a chair shot! JBL & Booker are now stomping Jericho when...

Winner - Chris Jericho via DQ

'Sexy Boy' hits The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is running down to the ring.

The Referee rings the bell when Shawn Michaels gets in the ring and the fans are confused. JBL flees the ring and HBK & Booker T exchange punches. HBK eventually clotheslines Booker out of the ring and rips his shirt off and throws it in the crowd.

Main Event 2
Booker T vs Shawn Michaels.

Booker T gets back in the ring and dodges a backhand chop from HBK and kicks HBK in the gut and clotheslines him. Booker then runs off the ropes and performs a knee drop and pins, 1...2 Michaels kicks out. Booker stands up Michaels and attempts a kick but Michaels catches his foot and performs a Leg Whip followed by a cover, 1...2 Booker kicks out. Booker goes for a right hand but HBK blocks, but Booker blocks HBK's attempt and nails hi with a right hand followed by a backhand chop followed by a few more and a whip to the opposite ropes followed by a Backdrop. Michaels shows the pain with his facial expression and Booker covers with his forearm over HBK's face, 1...2 HBK kicks out. When HBK gets up he receives a roundhouse and a leg drop. Booker takes this opportunity to taunt the crowd. Booker turns around to some Sweet Chin Music!!! but he catches HBK's foot and performs a leg whip. Booker stands up HBK and whips him again and on the rebound performs a sidewalk slam followed by a pin, 1...2... HBK kicks out again. Booker elbow drops HBK but HBK moves and Booker is on the mat. Booker gets up and receives some backhand chops followed by a whip which he reversed. HBK comes back on the rebound and nails a flying forearm and nips up.

Booker gets up aswell and gets an inverted atomic drop for his troubles followed by a few punches. HBK then scoop slams him. Crowd pop. HBK gets on the top rope. Crowd Pop. and... HBK goes for the diving elbow drop and... Booker moves. HBK lands on the mat and Booker gets an arm over Shawn Michaels, 1...2... HBK gets a shoulder up. Both men use the ropes as leverage to get up. They collide, Booker nails some rights, Michaels nails some rights. Booker nails some backhand chops, same with HBK. Booker kicks HBK in the gut and goes for the scissor kick but HBK moves. HBK then unloads some punches on Booker, they reach the ropes. HBK whips Booker, Booker reverses and bends over for a backdrop. HBK rebounds and nails a swinging neckbreaker. HBK runs off the ropes and nails an elbow drop and covers, 1...2... Booker kicks out. HBK starts tuning up the band. 1...2...3...4. But wait JBL is running down the ramp. He interferes and grabs Michaels by the legs and slides him out of the ring and starts beating him up.

'I'm Back!' hits.

Eric: Ref, Ref. Don't ring the bell. He wants to interfere fine its a handicap match, 2 on 1.

'I'm Back' plays and GM Bischoff leaves.

JBL slides Michaels back in and Booker goes to the corner. JBL gets Shawn in the opposite corner and starts beating him up with heaps of right hands. Michaels drops to the ground so JBL starts stomping him in the corner. JBL then throws him to the middle of the ring and confidently pins him, 1.........2.......... Shawn kicks out. JBL tags in Booker. Booker comes in and attempts a knee drop but HBK moves. Booker is not happy by this and grabs Michaels by the hair and starts kneeing him the face and then clotheslining him out of the ring. JBL runs across to help Booker beat up HBK on the outside again. They double whip him into the steel steps where Mr. Kennedy got smashed. Every 7 seconds or so Booker would step back in the ring to restart the count. JBL shoves HBK into the edge of the ring and then kicks him in the gut and throws him into the barricade.

'Break The Walls Down!' hits and a very angry Chris Jericho runs down the ramp. He goes straight for Booker.

Bischoff appears on the Titantro

Eric: Well, it's now a Tag Match. You're lucky Shawn, very lucky.

Jericho attacks Booker and throws him into the steel steps. JBL meanwhile rolled HBK into the ring and covered him but Y2J broke it up and then went on the outside begging for Michaels to tag him in. JBL irish whipped HBk to the ropes and went for a big boot but Michaels slid under his leg and got the tag! A fresh Jericho came in the ring and grabbed JBL's head and started unloading some right hands. He kicks JBL in the gut but JBL catches his foot. Jericho counters though with an Ezuiguri and covers, 1...2... Booker broke it up. Jericho chases Booker but Booker escapes the ring. Jericho turns around back to JBL and gets clotheslined!! JBL drags him into the middle of the ring and, 1.....2....... HBK breaks it up! JBL chases HBK this time. HBK ducks and backdrops JBL over the ropes. As JBL is recovering so is Y2J. JBL gets on the apron and is about to enter when... Springboard Dropkick by Y2J!! Y2J then jumps over the ropes and takes out JBL. Booker runs in the ring when Y2J returns and nails a Houston Kick! Y2J is lying in the middle of the ring just like JBL is on the outside of the ring. JBL eventually climbs in the ring and covers him, 1.....2...... Jericho kicks out!

JBL picks up Jericho and sets him up for a Powerbomb. He lifts him up and... Jericho fights back with some punches to the head and rides him down and delivers some more punches. JBL gets up and Code Breaker!! Booker runs in the ring and... Sweet Chin Music!!! Jericho then runs to the ropes and performs Lionsault Pin and 1...2...3!!!

Winners - Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho via Pinfall

Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho look at each other in the ring and then hug. They stand over the fallen John Bradshaw Layfield and Booker T as 'Break The Walls Down' plays through the speakers.

JR: Well as much as a physical, violent match that was, to see that there just makes it all worth it in some ways. To see those two respected athletes hug and show their respect for each other really is heart warming.

King: Yes it is JR and what a very unpredictable match. First it was Shawn Michaels vs Booker T then Shawn Michaels vs Booker T & JBL and then Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho vs Booker T & JBL.

JR: Well yes and what a great match to end the night. We hope to see you all next week folks. Good Night.

King: See Ya Next Week!

RAW goes off the air.

Confirmed Wrestlemania Matches





Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score


BP: Edge and Taker

WP: Lashley and Cade, they both seemed out of character

AC: It was a good show, keep it up, All i would say is work on the promos a bit, but overall it was a good show. ill keep giving you reviews, if you review mine of course :laugh_1: So Review for Review?

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
looks like wm will be great cant wait until rand orton and mr kennedy

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM Tag Match is my Fav


BP Both


AC Great show man and thanks for fixing the promos. I liked the Tag match. Looking forward to Wrestlemania.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
BM: No DQ Tag
WM: N/a
BP: Orton, HBK, and Maria
WP: N/a
AC: Very good show man. Cant wiat for mania.

Evil Austin

bm - no dq tag

wm - ??

bp - elijah / cody

wp - ??

very good show.

CT Styles

Thanks alot man. I really apprecitate it. I'll start writing it today.

Wrestlezone.com -


CWA Reaches TV Deal with FOX. CWA will be airing on TV some time in April. This is massive for the Wrestling Promotion run by Charlie Cosgrove. It already has a roster including Chris Masters, Rikishi, Marcus Cor Von and many other former WWE & other wrestlers.

Confirmed Events for Smackdown!

US Championship Match
US Champion Lance Cade vs Bobby Lashley

Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs Carlito

Great, thanks. And hopfully maybe Elijah will get a push soon lol.

^^ Thanks SD! should be up tomoro if not the day after definetly

CWA House Show Results

Extreme Rules

Sabu & Sandman def. Cryme Tyme via Pinfall


Orlando Jordan def. Scotty 2 Hotty via Pinfall

Handicap 2 on 1
Marcus Cor Von def. Mikey & Nickey w/Rest of Spirit Squad via Pinfall

CWA Championship
Chris Masters Def. Rikishi via Submission

www.wrestlezone.com -

Breaking News, WWE Superstar Quits!
Former World Tag Team Champion Kenny Dykstra has quit WWE. "They just weren't giving me the opportunities I deserve. I've left and I'm joining my former partners 'The Spirit Squad' at Championship Wrestling Alliance".

Well, WWE has certainly lost some notable talent to CWA. Could Vince be worried?

---Seperate Announcement on wrestlezone.com---

WWE RAW This Week.
Mr. McMahon has announced on WWE.com that there is a major announcement set for this Monday's RAW. Rumors are going around that its about CWA.

www.wrestlezone.com -

More Breaking News!!
Championship Wrestling Alliance has signed a new member of the roster!! GOLDBERG!!! That's right Bill Goldberg has signed with CWA. "Well I've been thinking about returning to wrestling for a while now and I thought CWA is a fast rising promotion and I want to be apart of it."


Friday Night Smackdown! March 7 2008




'Rise Up' plays through the speakers as the crowd give a big pop.

Cole: Good Evening Ladies & Gentleman and welcome to another edition of Smackdown! Tonight we have a potential last match for WWE Legend and sure to be Hall of Famer Ric Flair when he takes on a man who spits in the face of people who don't want to be cool, Carlito.

Tazz: Yeah and good luck to Carlito I hope he ends that old farts career.

Cole: Tazz!

Tazz: What? I can have my own opinion you're not my mum!

Cole: He is one of the most respected sports entertainers in the world!

Tazz: Yeah but he's to old.

Cole: You know what, forget it. We also have the United States Championship on the line when the United States Champion Lance Cade who in my opinion became champion in controversial circumstances will defend his US Title against Bobby Lashley.

Gregory Helms music hits and he makes his way to the ring with boos. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone.

Helms: Alright. Now you all saw what happened last week, CM Punk won the WWE Hardcore Championship by last eliminating me. Now I believe that I should of won that match because I threw Punk over first and he was just lucky that he held on. So therefore I think I should be awarded the Hardcore Championship.

'This Fire Burns' plays and CM Punk comes out with the Hardcore Championship around his waist to a massive pop. He stands on the ramp with a microphone.

Punk: Helms. You know what I think your problem is?

Helms: I don't really care but what?

Punk: Your not Hardcore enough!

Helms: What the hell are you talking about?!

Punk: You. Are Not. Hardcore Enough. Did I say it slowly enough for you?

Helms: I made it to the final two in the Battle Royal and nearly eliminated you.

Punk: Yeah, you nearly eliminated me. But you didn't eliminate me. I eliminated you.

Punk points at Helms when he says that.

Helms: You know what CM, Punk, whatever you wanna be called. I'm challenging you to a match later tonight. You & Me right here in this ring. But don't worry I won't make it a title match in case you're to scared.

Punk: Fine, I'll see you in the ring.

Camera goes back to the announcer table.

Cole: Well there is a good match for us to look forward to.

Tazz: Yeah. C'mon Helms show that CM Punk who's boss!

Cole: Well next up is a Money In The Bank Qualifer Match between Shelton Benjamin & Santino Marella in a rematch from last week.

Cole: (Sigh)

Commercial Break

Backstage with Todd Grisham

Todd: Ladies & Gentleman I am here right now with Shelton Benjamin. Shelton, What are your thoughts going into your match against Santino Marella with the winner going into the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 24?

Shelton: Todd, (Does a cocky laugh) You know who ya talking to right? The future of this business and the most athletically gifted person to grace a wrestling how do you think I feel? I feel like I'm going to win which is what I will do, Win.

Todd: Well if you win do you think you can go all the way and climb up that ladder and become Mr. Money In The Bank?

Shelton shakes his head at Todd with a cocky smile as if to say 'Your An Idiot' and walks off.

Santino's music hits and he makes his way to the ring to a 50/50 reaction.

'Ain't No Stoppin Me' hits and Shelton Benjamin comes out to boos. He walks out looking confident and smirks at the fans.

Match 1
Money In The Bank Qualifier
Santino Marella vs Shelton Benjamin

Shelton & Santino lock up. Santino pushes it to the corner and lets go but then starts landing right hands on Shelton's head until the ref breaks it up. Santino then stands back and waits for Benjamin. Benjamin gets out of the corner and does a spear-like take down on Santino and covers with his forearm over Santino's head, 1...2 Santino kicks out. Shelton waits for Marella to get up and goes for a clothesline but Marella ducks and then lands backhand chops on Shelton and then an Irish Whip followed by a back body drop and suddenly Santino is on fire and the crowd are starting to get behind him surprisingly. He covers, 1...2 Shelton kicks out but Santino gets him in an arm bar and Shelton is in pain. Shelton can't reach the ropes so he has to put up with the pain going through his left arm. Shelton then eventually counters it into an arm drag after a few elbows in the gut but Santino is back up ready to fight. He delivers a dropkick which knock Shelton through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. The referee starts to count 1...2...3...4...5 Shelton is back in at 5 and he is not happy that he is being embarrassed by this Santino Marella. Shelton gets back in but again Marella is on the offense with a kick to the gut and a running bulldog after rebounding off the ropes.

Santino then starts taunting the crowd pretending to climb a ladder and get the briefcase. But Santino does it for a bit to long when Shelton grabs Santino's tights and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes, 1...2...3!!!

Winner and 3rd Competitor So Far in the MITB Match - Shelton Benjamin

Santino cannot believe it he is looking around with shock in his face. He starts yelling Spanish gibberish to the referee and then starts hammering away at Shelton's back as he is getting up. Shelton then manages to roll out of the ring and run up the ramp and escape from a very angry Santino Marella.

Cole: What a cheap way to win a match! Santino had that won!

Tazz: Yeah but he put the crowd first instead of his opponent.

Cole: Well up next is Gregory Helms taking on Hardcore Champion CM Punk in a Non-Title Match Up.

Commercial Break

Backstage In GM Regal's Office

Regal is sitting at his table doing work when the lights go out just like they did with Vince. They come back on and Undertaker is standing in front of Regal's desk.

Taker: Regal, I want Edge at Wrestlemania.

Regal: Well, Undertaker sir. I'll have to think about that I mean I am Smackdown's General Manager.

Taker puts his hand on the desk and comes face to face with Regal.

Taker: I want Edge. At Wrestlemania.

Regal: Well another thing I'd have to ask you is are you willing to put your streak on the line?

Taker: Is it a match or not?

Regal: Undertaker, You've got it. Wrestlemania 24 it will be The Phenom, The Dead Man, The Undertaker taking on The Rated R Superstar Edge! With their Wrestlemania Streaks on the line!

Lights go out and when they are back on Taker is gone.

Cole: Well, another exciting match set for Wrestlemania, joining WWE Champion John Cena taking on #1 Contender John Morrison and the Money In The Bank Ladder Match featuring Smackdown's Shelton Benjamin so far. I can't wait!

Tazz: Yeah neither can I Cole and there will definitely be more exciting matches to come.

Commercial Break

'This Fire Burns' hits and the crowd give a massive pop as CM Punk, The Hardcore Champion makes his way to the ring with the belt around his waist. He steps in the ring and does the taunt with his hands together moving (??? dunno how to describe it)

Gregory Helms' music hits and he gets some heat. He comes down to the ring and puts on a cocky smile for Punk.

They get ready and the referee rings the bell.

Match 2
CM Punk vs Gregory Helms

They lock up. Punk gets a side headlock on Helms and holds it but after a while Helms is able to nearly get the upper hand but Punk moves back to the ropes releases the hold and runs to the opposite ropes and nails a shoulder block on the rebound he then turns right and runs off those ropes and nails a running elbow drop and covers, 1...2 Helms kicks out. Punk waits for Helms to get up and when he does Punk nails some backhand chops followed by an Irish Whip and a knee to the mid-section when Helms rebounds, Punk covers, 1...2... Helms kicks out. Punk lands a leg drop and hooks Helms' leg, 1...2 Helms kicks out. Both men are up and they lock up again. Helms pushes Punk to the ropes and knees him in the gut a few times then whips him and goes for a backdrop but Punk stops and kicks Helms and goes for a double underhook backbreaker but Helms counters with a backdrop and covers, 1...2 Punk kicks out. Helms starts measuring Punk for his finisher and when Punk gets up goes for it but Punk counters and whips Helms to the corner and nails the running knee strike and the bulldog! Punk is now measuring Helms for his finisher, the GTS he picks up Helms but Helms counters into a reverse DDT and covers, 1...2....

Both men are down and the referee starts to make the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6 Both men are up. Punk is holding his head and Helms goes for a clothesline but Punk covers and sticks his leg behind him to trip over Helms and Punk covers, 1...2 Helms kicks out. Punk is measuring Helms again for the GTS and he lifts up Helms and... Helms manages to counter again and throw Punk over the ropes. Helms then starts yelling 'That's what should of happened last week Punk!' Helms goes to the outside and grabs Punk by his hair and throws him into the stairs but Punk gets his foot out and blocks it, then elbows Helms in the head and throws Helms into the stairs and throws him back in the ring at the referee's count of 5. Punk covers Helms, 1...2... Helms kicks out. Punk looks up in frustration. As Helms gets up Punk kicks him in the gut but Helms catches and Punk goes for an Enzuiguri but Helms ducks and as Punk is in an awkward position Helms nails a kick to the mid-section and Punk shows his pain in his scream of pain. Helms has him in position for a Nightmare on Helms Street but Punk manages to get out of it. Punk whips Helms to the opposite ropes but Helms counters the Backdrop and nails a Nightmare On Elms Street! Helms covers, 1...2...3

Winner - Gregory Helms via Pinfall

Helms grabs Punk's Hardcore title and holds it next to him, then drops the belt yells at Punk before leaving the ring.

Tazz: Woah! What a match and good to see Gregory Helms get the win I think he's the future Hardcore Champion and will dethrone CM Punk and become the Hardcore Champion.

Cole: Well I personally hope to see CM Punk retain the title if He & Helms ever clash again and its for the Hardcore Championship.

Tazz: Yeah, Yeah of course you do Cole! Jeez

Cole: Well next up is a United States Championship Match with Lance Cade defending the title against Bobby Lashley.

Commercial Break


Brock Lesnar is seen getting some food from a table when he turns around at the same time as Batista does and Batista spills the food from his plate all over Brock's suit. Brock grabs Batista and starts attacking him. Batista tries to calm down Brock but Brock just loses it. He shoves Batista into a Vending Machine and a crowd starts to build up.

Brock: You did that on purpose Batista!! You did that on purpose. Beating me isn't enough. I didn't cost you the match at No Way Out so quit blaming me for it! You're a has-been, a loser and I'm sick of you blaming when you don't succeed. Yeah you may have beaten me on Smackdown a few weeks ago but you got lucky!

GM Regal runs to the scene.

Regal: What the bloody hell has happened here?!

Brock: He spilled food all over my suit sir. He's been at me ever since No Way Out. He claims I cost him the WWE Championship match and well, before I just let out all my rage towards him.

Regal: I want you two in my office now!!

Back At The Announcer Table

Cole: Well, I wonder what's going to be said during that meeting between General Manager William Regal, Batista & Brock Lesnar.

Tazz: Hopefully Lesnar comes out on top if there are any punishments.

Cole: Tazz, The man just threw Batista into a vending machine.

Tazz: Shut up, Cole.

Bobby Lashley's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. he seems very confident. He steps in the ring and starts warming up on the ropes before watching the entrance ramp.

Eventually US Champ Lance Cade's music hits and he comes to the ring. Unlike Lashley, he doesn't seem confident. Cade steps in the ring and hands the referee the title.

Match 3
US Championship
Lance Cade (C) vs Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley goes on the offense to begin with. He nails some right hands and then throws Cade into the corner and performs some shoulder thrusts followed by whipping Cade to the opposite corner and clotheslining him. He then does it again and covers, 1...2... Cade kicks out. Lashley picks up Cade by his arm and keeps holding it and thrusts his shoulder into Cade's. He then whips Cade and on the rebound Cade receives a belly to belly suplex and Cade grabs his back in pain but gets pushed back down to the mat by Lashley as he goes for a pin, 1...2... Cade kicks out again. Cade starts using the ropes as leverage to get up but when he turns around... SPEAR!!!! Lashley gets the spear but through the ropes because Cade moved. Cade gets a breather as Lashley is on the outside. Lashley comes back in at the 4 count though, so it wasn't much of a breather. Cade goes on the offense this time unloading some right hands. He goes for a clothesline but Lashley ducks and nails a German Suplex on Cade and covers, 1...2... Cade kicks out again! Lashley can't believe it and starts measuring Cade for the spear. Cade gets up and sees Lashley coming and jumps over the oncoming Lashley. When Lashley turns around Cade kicks him in the crutch. The referee rings the bell, Cade grabs his title and runs up the ramp while an extremely angry Lashley leans on the ropes watching Cade run off.

Winner - Bobby Lashley via DQ

Cade lifts up the title one last time as he escapes backstage.

When Lashley eventually recovers, starts kicking the ropes and going crazy before leaving aswell.

Cole: What!? Cade manages to screw Lashley out of the US Title again. First he nailed him with chair shots and left with the title 2 weeks ago. Now he just kicks him in the crutch to get an easy way out!

Tazz: Yeah I know, Don't ya love it Cole!

Cole: No partner, as a matter of fact I don't.

Tazz: Cole, when your in a wrestling ring you gotta do whatever it takes to win. If that means cheating then so be it.

Cole: Well I disagree with you.

Tazz: I knew you would.

Cole: Hang on. I have just received word that the meeting being held by GM Regal, Batista & Brock Lesnar was about Wrestlemania. Vince said that Brock Lesnar will be facing off against Batista at Wrestlemania and they can each pick a celebrity manager!

Tazz: I hope they pick someone like Jessica Simpson. Oh and for you maybe they will pick Carson Kressely from Queer Eye!

Cole: I'm not gay!

Tazz: So you say.

Cole: Well, up next a career threatening match. The Legendary Ric Flair taking on Carlito!

Commercial Break

We Return and it shows backstage Vince McMahon's office and you hear him talking to someone.

Vince: Alright. So at Wrestlemania you make sure he can't even get up. I want you to destroy him!!

???: Don't worry sir, I will. You do know who your talking to don't you?

VKM: Yes, yes I do. In fact just to make sure. I'm going to make your match with him have a stipulation. No-Holds-Barred...

???: What?!?!

VKM: Wait, wait. No-Holds-Barred just for you!

???: You got it!

The camera hears someone coming and hides and you see #1 Contender John Morrison leave the office.

Cole: Well, the odds will most certainly be stacked against WWE Champion John Cena at Wrestlemania now if his opponent can do whatever he wants!

Tazz: Yeah thats awesome! John Morrison as WWE Champ!

Cole: Oh god!

'Woooooooooooo' hits and 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair makes his way to the ring in his robe. He enters the ring with his game face on. He then grabs a microphone.

Ric: Now, the next match may be my last. But as Shawn Michaels said before facing Rated RKO! 'I may go down but I'm going down in a blaze of glory!'. Because I will never retire. And I will prove that tonight!

'I Spit In The Face...' hits and Carlito comes out to massive heat. He comes out with an apple.

Main Event
Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs Carlito

Ric & Carlito lock up. Carlito gets a side headlock on Ric and doesn't release it. He releases it when he reaches the ropes. On the rebound he nails a clothesline and taunts the crowd before covering Flair, 1...2 Flair kicks out. Carlito covers again, 1...2 Same result, Naitch kicks out. When Flair is back up Carlito goes for a right hand but Flair ducks and nails some backhand chops(Crowd: Wooooo) He nails about 4 before whipping Carlito to the ropes and getting ready for a backdrop but Carlito kicks Ric in the face instead, He then performs a shoulder block when Flair's head got knocked back by the kick. He goes for an elbow drop but Flair moves and Carlito hits the mat. Flair holds one hand over his face as he has a breather. But it's not long before Carlito is back up and he knees Flair in the gut and runs off the ropes to perform a running spinning neck breaker and he covers, 1...2... Flair throws his arm up. Carlito gets up and starts kicking the bottom rope. Flair grabs Carlito and does a school boy roll-up. 1...2... Carlito kicks out and is angry he jumps on top of Flair and starts unleashing punches to Flair's face until the referee's count gets to 4. Carlito gets up and argues with the referee and then pins Flair, 1...2... Flair kicks out.

Carlito yells at Flair, 'It's all over Flair!' He picks up Flair and turns him around for a Back Stabber! but Flair holds onto the ropes and Carlito falls back-first to the mat. Flair covers, ...1... Carlito kicks out. Flair gets up and attempts a knee drop but Carlito moves and Flair is on his knee's Carlito then goes for a knee shot on Flair's head but Flair pulls his head back and gets back up when Carlito rebounds off the ropes, and Flair attempts a clothesline but Carlito ducks and when he rebounds again attempts a shoulder block but Flair steps out of the way and pushes Carlito more and Carlito falls out of the ring. Flair adjusts his pants as usual as he waits in the ring while the referee is counting. Carlito comes back in at 6. Carlito goes for a kick but Flair catches it and performs a leg whip and pins, 1...2 Carlito kicks out. When Carlito is up he reverses a move by Flair and whips him to the ropes and performs an arm drag followed by an arm bar on Flair. Flair is in pain and you can tell. He is reaching for the ropes but can't reach. Carlito starts hitting Flair while he has the hold locked in. He starts yelling 'Tap, Tap Ric it's over!'. Flair won't give up though.

The crowd gets behind Flair and Flair stands up and manages to spear Carlito into the corner and thrust his shoulder into Carlito's mid-section many times. Carlito pokes him in the eye though and gains a breather. He then runs to the ropes Flair is facing and performs a springboard back elbow and that's it! Carlito covers, 1.......2........ No!! Flair kicks out! The crowd give a massive pop. Carlito can't believe it and pins again, 1...2 and again, 1...2 Flair kicks out. Carlito runs to the ropes and rebounds for a running leg drop but Flair moves. Carlito is sitting on his ass when Flair does a football kick to Carlito's back. Carlito screams in pain. Flair picks up Carlito and nails some backhand chops and kicks Carlito in the gut and runs to the ropes behind Carlito and rebounds with a shoulder thrust to the back of Carlito's knee and again, Carlito screams in pain. Ric picks up Carlito's leg and taunts the crowd for the Figure-4 and twists around but Carlito kicks Flair away and Carlito lands shoulder first in between the padding of the turnbuckles. Carlito goes over and pulls Flair out and turns him around and throws him back in there. Carlito rolls up Flair, 1....2..... 2 & 7/8 Flair kicks out!!

Carlito yells at the referee. But the referee fights back. Carlito then punches the referee and the referee is knocked out! Carlito goes tot he outside and grabs a chair and gets back in the ring Flair is still on the mat. But WWE Champion John Cena is running down the ramp! Carlito doesn't notice him until he gets a fist in the face from Cena after the first chair shot. Cena starts stomping Carlito and then locks in the STFU. Carlito is tapping but #1 Contender John Morrison is running down the ramp and before Cena can release the hold Morrison performs a low dropkick to Cena's face and jumps on him unloading rights and lefts before grabbing Carlito's chair but Cena moves when Morrison swings. Carlito crawls and gets an arm over Flair but Cena tries to get over and get him off but Morrison restrains him thankfully though the referee still isn't up. After a few seconds Cena does get free but the referee is waking up Cena & Morrison have to continue their fight up the ramp the referee begins to make the count. Cena cothesline's Morrison on the ramp and starts to run to the ring at the count of 1....(Cena is nearly at the apron)...2 (Cena gets to the apron and can't believe what he is seeing, the end of Flair's career!) FLAIR KICKS OUT!!!!!

Cena can't believe it. He starts chanting for Flair and the crowd joins in but Morrison comes from behind and attacks Cena, the referee goes over and starts telling them to go away. Meanwhile Carlito is climbing up the ropes to get up. He picks up Flair and goes behind him for a Backstabber and... LOW BLOW!! Flair kicks his heel back and gets Carlito in the 'spot'!!! The crowd give the biggest pop of the night. Flair drags Carlito in the middle of the ring and taunts the crowd and goes for the Figure-4... and it's locked in!! After Cena throws Morrison into the steel steps and pretends to walk up the ramp, the referee turns around he sees the submission hold. Cena starts chanting again. The crowd are with The Legend, The Dirtiest Player in the Game, They are with Ric Flair!! Carlito's going for the ropes but can't get it and eventually taps!!

Winner - Ric Flair via Submission

Cena gets in the ring and picks Flair up and lifts his arm up, the crowd give another massive pop. Cena is pointing to Flair. He then lets go and gets on his knees and throws his arms in the air and drops them to the ground and does it a few times before leaving the ring to Flair. Flair celebrates in the ring for another few minutes before leaving up the ramp.

Cole: Well what a beautiful sight to see.

Tazz: Yeah but I was rootin' for Carlito! Damn You Cena!!

Cole: Tazz, Shut Up!!!

Tazz Shuts Up after Cole glares at him after standing up to him for like the first time ever.

Cole: Well we hope to see you nex... Wait a minute. I have just received word that Hardcore Champion CM Punk has been assaulted backstage.

Titantron shows a bloody and beaten up CM Punk. The camera moves up and Vince McMahon and Gregory Helms are beside him.

VKM: Gregory, I told you you would get a real shot at the title if you did this.

Helms: I know Vince. So should we?

VKM: Yeah, you can do it now.

Vince calls a referee who is in casual who walks past the room.

Ref: Woah, oh my god, what happened in here?!

VKM: You'll shut up if you still want a job!

Helms: Yeah!

Vince bends down and picks up the Hardcore Championship laying next to the beaten up Punk.

VKM: Alright, now for the second time tonight. CM Punk will be defending his Hardcore Championship against Gregory Helms in a Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match!!!

Crowd Heat.

Helms gets on the ground and sits next to Punk and then hooks his leg.

VKM: Alright Now Make the count or you are looking for a new job!

Ref: Yes, Sir!

1.........2......... Punk gets a shoulder up!!!

VKM: What!? You shouldn't of done that my friend!

Helms picks up Punk and takes him out side the room and throws him into a concrete wall and then stomps him heaps then stops.

Helms: Sir?

VKM: Oh thank you Gregory.

McMahon then starts stomping Punk and then holds him up while Helms knees him in the face.


Ref counts, 1....2....3

VKM: Your winner and new Hardcore Champion (VKM Laughs) Gregory Helms!!!

Crowd give massive heat.

Camera zooms in on Punk as it goes back to the announcers

Cole: Oh My God!!! He needs help!! Well I''m afraid we are going to leave it there Ladies & Gentleman. Hopefully he's okay next week.

Tazz: I have No Comment Cole

Cole: Good

Cole & Tazz: See Ya Next Week

Smackdown! goes off the air.

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
matches sound really good cant wait for carlito to beat flair and cade to beat lashley :p


Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Looks like its going to be a good Smackdown!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nice. I fyou got all those superstars back and I got some of your cruiserweights thern I could be the CWA you are talking about lol. Any I am looking forward to Smackdown
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