WWE Aiming towards kids is a bit boring

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Ive been meaning to do a thread on this for a while now. Ok wwe is aimed towards kids over the past 8 months or so. Have they achieved anything by doing it? nothing at all, all i have to say is that vince has to do certain things for everyone to tune into his tv shows. But in my opinion wwe should go back to pg13. Yeah have a few things in it for children but cm on the rumble sucked a bit cause nothing exciting happened cause Vince didn't want any of his main stars hurt. In a way i understand it but cmon why not have a gimmick match at the rumble in one of the 4 matches? Even Matt vs swagger in an hardcore match would have gone nicely. No blood anymore kinda doesn't tell the story no more. When they are going to have blood or a bit of violence not aimed for kids then have Lillian or Justin roberts to announce before the match that it might get bloody or hasty.

They have even changed cena s moves around. His fu is called according to mike cole now going for the victory. His stfu is now the stf which its called that anyways. Did it take wwe this long to realize that cena the wwe poster boy for kids had two moves with fu in it? As in fuck you. I mean come on wwe what exactly are you doing here? I think scrap this kids stuff and go back to pg13. Open some cans off whoop as up and can you imagine edge and ortons actions under pg13?
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
If the WWE wants to be consistent - remove all extreme rules matches and any violence in wrestling. In layman's terms, scrap pro-wrestling entirely.

Utterly pathetic.


Sep 23, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Remember back when ECW first returned and Paul Heyman was still around. He said ECW would have at least one extreme-rules match per show. Now, we're lucky to get one a month.

But anyway, the WWE can have a family-friendly show that still entertains the rest. I mean, in television and movies there are several movies directed at children that still have jokes and stuff that only an adult would get, because the kid would be to naive to know. For example, Shrek is directed for kids but contains humour only an adult would understand at times, most likely so as to not bore the parents.

Hell, I was watching Pokemon 2000 the other day on Cartoon Network for nostalgic reasons, and some chick said as the camera pans past, clearly telling a joke says. "No, but I have Krabbies!" I found it funny because I interpreted it as "I have crabs" but my little cousin was looking at me and asking "What's so funny?"

It's just those little things that could make WWE stay entertaining to the more mature audience while still moving towards kids.


Jul 30, 2007
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I agree, I wish all the little kids could be like my little brother, he cheers for orton,edge and santino marella. Especially for orton coz he is a badass, seriusly when I started to watch wrestling I was 9 years old, my favorite things were the middle fingers,candy asses, drinking bald SOBs. Everything with the aliance vs wwf era, and my favorite wrestler was Stone cold coz he was a badass, but I realize that most of the kids have to cheer for lame jokes, Cena used to be my favorite wrestler but know I dont like him, he became so boring with lame jokes and so childly stuff, I wish we still could see some bad works, badass matches like bloody tlc's, hardcore or more attitude era.
Dec 23, 2008
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I'm also tired of the lack of creative storylines. If we're going to pretend to go back to the 80's and 90's Kayfabe, let's go full out. Vignettes, backstage promos, etc.

The Rated R CMStar

Ive been meaning to do a thread on this for a while now. Ok wwe is aimed towards kids over the past 8 months or so. Have they achieved anything by doing it? nothing at all
Based on what? Please give me the records for merchandise sales, ticket sales and buyrates from now and 8 months ago. You are merely especulating here.

have a few things in it for children but cm on the rumble sucked a bit cause nothing exciting happened cause Vince didn't want any of his main stars hurt. In a way i understand it but cmon why not have a gimmick match at the rumble in one of the 4 matches?

Maybe because not of the storylines asked for it? Besides, we got a No DQ match.

Being aimed for kids hasn't stopped WWE from giving us gimmick matches, but at the Rumble no match demanded to have a gimmick.

No blood anymore kinda doesn't tell the story no more

Did Jericho vs HBK in an Unsanctioned match didn't tell the story? Or hey, I mean, Edge vs Taker didn't tell the story. Blood is a nice touch, but it doesnt detract anything from the storytelling of the match.

They have even changed cena s moves around. His fu is called according to mike cole now going for the victory. His stfu is now the stf which its called that anyways. Did it take wwe this long to realize that cena the wwe poster boy for kids had two moves with fu in it? As in fuck you. I mean come on wwe what exactly are you doing here? I think scrap this kids stuff and go back to pg13. Open some cans off whoop as up and can you imagine edge and ortons actions under pg13?

Do we buy PPVs? More often than not, we are here on the net watching streams or looking for the guy to get it for free. Kids buy PPVs, they beg and beg their parents and eventually they buy them.

Do you by merchandise? More often than not, you don't because most of it is embarrasing. Kids do.

Are you suscribed to WWE Magazine? Kids bought so many mags that WWE eventually even created a magazine directed toward them.

Kids are far more appealing, whether you like it or not

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Adults and teenagers alike don't just start liking wrestling. It all happens as kids.

You could argue that ECW had it's hardcore fans, but all those fans came from the Hogan era as kids, and were adults by the time ECW rolled round.

With the way the stock market is going, this is a good idea to help keep the company afloat as a safety precaution, even though the product might suffer.

But who knows, we might even get another Attitude Era after this kid-friendly bullshit is all said and done.

Moonlight Drive

Myself, and I'd assume a lot of others, started watching wrestling as kids. The things that are being affected are minor anyway.


Do you by merchandise? More often than not, you don't because most of it is embarrasing. Kids do.

Actually i do buy it. Randy orton t shirts and hhh t shirts and hoddys. Im not embarrassed. I tell everyone that i watch wwe. I have nothing to be scared or embarrassed about. i love the wwe, its just this kid friendly thing is a bit lame. Yes is appeals to kids but a few pg 13 moments is not much to ask for?
We had a no dq match at the rumble? Oh no yeah it was awesome stuff yeah. What happened a ladder being used to hardy can fall off onto chavo. Oh we haven't seen that before. Its lame now getting boring. I'm not complaining about the product enough for you to say stop watching it if your unhappy. I will always watch wwe i just want a bit more pg13 material from time to time.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Actually i do buy it. Randy orton t shirts and hhh t shirts and hoddys. Im not embarrassed. I tell everyone that i watch wwe. I have nothing to be scared or embarrassed about. i love the wwe, its just this kid friendly thing is a bit lame. Yes is appeals to kids but a few pg 13 moments is not much to ask for?
We had a no dq match at the rumble? Oh no yeah it was awesome stuff yeah. What happened a ladder being used to hardy can fall off onto chavo. Oh we haven't seen that before. Its lame now getting boring. I'm not complaining about the product enough for you to say stop watching it if your unhappy. I will always watch wwe i just want a bit more pg13 material from time to time.

Then watch TNA. Those guys/women/ODB drop naughty words all the time.


Haha i do watch tna its shit lol. Just a bit more pg 13 thats all im asking is that to much to ask?


If the WWE wants to be consistent - remove all extreme rules matches and any violence in wrestling. In layman's terms, scrap pro-wrestling entirely.

So pro-wrestling is just extreme & violence is it?

Pretty much the entire history of the sport, bar the attitude era, says otherwise. Aside from a 5 year period, it's always been family entertainment.

As for the 'kids' stuff:

Heard this complaint SO many times, but so few peeps seem capable of acknowledging that...

a) Vince is grooming a new audience so that he'll still have viewers in 5-10 years time.

b) Some of the current WWE product is as good as it's ever been.

Get over it.


So pro-wrestling is just extreme & violence is it?

Pretty much the entire history of the sport, bar the attitude era, says otherwise. Aside from a 5 year period, it's always been family entertainment.

As for the 'kids' stuff:

Heard this complaint SO many times, but so few peeps seem capable of acknowledging that...

a) Vince is grooming a new audience so that he'll still have viewers in 5-10 years time.

b) Some of the current WWE product is as good as it's ever been.

Get over it.

Totally agree with you man. But all im saying is yes its ok now in terms of merchandise and kids and good in long run. All im saying is cause its aimed at kids don't mean sometimes they can go pg13 on our asses. That's all im saying.


I'm really sick of people whining about this child aiming stuff. All i've particularly noticed is less amounts of blading (which the wrestlers probably appreciate alot more) and some more kid orientated stuff, like Finlay & Hornswoggle dancing and stuff.

I haven't seen any drop in the "quality" of wrestling due to this new stance, and it's just getting annoying with people saying OH I WANT PG13 I WANT IT TO BE LIKE 2001. It ain't gonna happen, so just get over it.


if you didn't have a good avatar id hate you lol. Nah i see your point maybe i just thought starting this thread would show peoples opinions but its looks as if its all one sided.