WWE 2006: The Revival

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Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the reviews so far, anymore coming?


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event, Battle Royal ( HBK:))

WM: Carlito .vs. Masters

BP: Austin and Edge

WP: n/a

AI: Good show, I havent reviewed this thread yet, and il start. Good work, and il be back, oh, and I hope HBK gets the title at Vengeance!


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Smackdown Preview

This edition of Friday Night Smackdown comes to you from Portland, Oregon. This is certain to be a great show, as we have some huge matches. Tonight Batista will bet the guest on Chris Jericho's highlight reel. This is sure to be an explosive segment to say the least, and what will Chris Jericho have to say about Batista joining the Judgment Day Title match?

Also what will Kurt Angle have to say about losing to Batista last week. In other action we have another big match between JBL and Bobby Lashley. These 2 have met before, and aren't the best of friends, which is certainly a must see for all wrestling fans.

The Whole Damn Show RVD will be taking on Chris Benoit, which will be a big match up, and will sure be a treat to watch. Tune into Friday Night Smackdown this Friday Night at 8:00 ET. This is the show that's changing Friday Night's.

The Rated R CMStar

Chris Benoit vs Van Dam will be a great match, amazing potential between the two. I hope Batista shows charisma in the Highlight Reel as in real life he tends to be repetitive in those interview segments. JBL and Lashley always put interesting encounters. I will be reviewing

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Battle Royal

Worst Match: Carlito vs. Masters, but I believe this one is more of a promo]

Best Promo: Edge and others at the Backstage

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: You've got some good promos there man! I wish I can improve my promos more like you do. Edge/HBK should be a good fued as always. Smackdown should also be awesome, the RVD/Benoit match is a must see. I am looking forward to it.

CT Styles

BM: Battle Royal, and HBK is my favorite :)

WM: Carlito/ Masters

BP: I liked Austin's they were very in character IMO.

WP: well, they were all pretty good but it felt like some were missing words or something so I couldn't understand some lines but allwere good.

AC: Pretty much said all I wanted to say, good luck. And I know how you feel with the reviews, Like I think levi said keep at it they will come,this can be a great BTB, like all imo, they have potential you just have to be patient.


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
WWE Smackdown!

*Opening video plays and the pyro goes off, as the camera goes around the arena showing various signs and the crowd cheering*

Welcome to the show that’s changing Friday Nights, Friday Night Smackdown! I’m your host Michael Cole with my partner Tazz, and we are live here from Portland, Oregon. Tazz, what a show we have for you tonight.

You’re right Cole we have a monster show for you and a huge main event match between Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio.

Also don’t forget the JBL- Lashley match up.

Tazz: This is certain to be an amazing night.

*5...4...3...2...1 Break the Walls Down plays to an amazing ovation as Y2J comes down to the ring for the highlight show*

Welcome to Smackdown is Jericho!

*The crowd gives a big pop*

My guest for tonight is someone that you all know. This someone beat the living snot out of Kurt Angle last week, and this is the man who I will beat all over the arena at Judgment Day! This man is “The Animal” known as Batista!

*Big Pop*

Well before he comes out, there are some things that I have to get off of my chest… You see come Judgment Day, it is kind of obvious who was going to win between me and Kurt Angle, but wait a second. The damn gorilla back had to come back and add himself to the match.

*Mixed Pop*

Since I know your not the brightest wrestler in the WWE, to put in more simple terms, you get in the ring with me, and I’ll kick your damn ass!

*Animal plays to an amazing pop as Batista comes down to the ring in street clothes*

Well look here it’s the biggest steroid user in the WWE!

*The crowd gives a mixed reaction*

Batista: Ha ha Chris you’re a pretty funny guy know aren’t you?

Y2J: Yes, yes I am. But Batista the thing I’m here to talk to you about is, don’t you think it’s unfair that you’re automatically put into the World Championship match?

: No I don’t thin-

Y2J: Don’t even say it Batista. You’re just going to give me some crap ass excuse like “I’m the only undefeated Champion” (Y2J says mocking Batista). You’re talking to the king of the world baby!

Chris, I agree with you. I think that I should have to fight a match to be in that match.

: You’re damn right muscle head! So how about next week you go one on one with someone, to secure your title opportunity.

: You know what Chris, I know that I am the best wrestler on Smackdown, so I accept your challenge.

I know I’m better than you Jericho, and I’ll take on anyone, and I mean anyone to get that World Title around my waist. While I was out with my injury, I was watching this show go down in shambles without a leader, and hell I’ll step up and be that leader. If I have to take you down along the way, then so be it!

*Wreck plays to an amazing pop as Mick Foley comes down to the ring*

: How is every body doing here in Portland, Oregon!

*The crowd gives a cheap pop*

First off Batista you will have a match next week to decide your Judgment Day fate. I have a problem though, who should I pick? What do you think Chris?

: I have an idea Foley. How about next week Batista goes one on one with The King of the World,”Y2J” CHRIS JERICHO!

*The crowd gives a huge pop*

: I have a better idea Chris, since you are already in the match, why don’t we have another superstar have an opportunity to join the Main event at Judgment Day. So later tonight I will pick a random Smackdown wrestler to face him next week, and whoever wins that match, will go on to be the third man in the World Title Match!

*Big Pop*

Now everyone, have a nice day!

*Wreck plays as Mick Foley leaves*

Well since this all settled Batista; get your fat monkey ass out of my damn ring!

*Batista starts to laugh, but that laugh quickly turns into a frown*

Well Jericho, as much as I like to listen to you talk, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, and take me out of this ring!

*Batista charge at Y2J, and they start trading punches back and forth. Batista gets the advantage, and blocks one of Jericho’s punches, and takes him down with a vicious clothesline! Then Kurt Angle runs down to the ring with a steel chair, and nails Batista over the back with it. Angle is then kicked in the stomach by Jericho, forcing him to drop the chair. Y2J grabs his head looking for a DDT, but Angle reverses out of the predicament, and takes Jericho down with an Angle Slam! Angle is fired up as he yells to the crowd, but as he turns around he sees Batista standing up right behind him! Batista kicks him in the gut, and lifts him up with the Batista Bomb, and then plants him into the mat! Batista looks at the crowd holding his hand high in the air!*

Commercial Break​

*We come back to the show with Angle backstage holding an ice pack on his back as Shelton Benjamin comes in*

About damn time you got here Shelton!

Well damn Kurt, show me some damn respect, and I’ll help you out with your damn plan.

Ya whatever, come here Shelton. You want to be a star don’t you?

*Shelton shakes his head up and down*

You want to be in the Main Event, and be the star of Smackdown, don’t you? Well listen to this, and I guarantee all of that will come true.

*Angle begins to whisper in Shelton’s ear as we to back to ring side*

*We go back to the ringside with Tazz and Michael Cole*

Cole: What do you think that was about?

I don’t know, but from the looks of things, I think Shelton likes this plan Kurt’s telling him.

*One of a Kind plays to a gigantic pop as RVD comes out as the crowd chants RVD over and over*

*Whatever plays to an immense pop as Chris Benoit comes out looking really fired up*

Match 1
RVD vs. Chris Benoit

The bell rings as the match starts. RVD and Chris Benoit stare each other down, with neither man looking away. RVD extends his hand as the shake hands. The 2 of them then lock up. Benoit forces him into the corner, and starts chopping him. Benoit then bounces him to the other turnbuckle. Benoit then charges at him and RVD moves. As Benoit turns around RVD dropkicks him back into the turnbuckle. RVD then hits a monkey flip on him. RVD then jumps up onto the top rope. Then Benoit stands up, as RVD jumps off and hits a flying kick. RVD pins him



Benoit gets a shoulder up. RVD then starts stomping on Benoit repeatedly. RVD bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. RVD lifts him up and starts punching and kicking him. Van Dam then clotheslines him over the top rope. RVD then bounces off the ropes and hits a spring board plancha on him. RVD then sets his head on the barricade. RVD then jumps onto the top rope and jumps off and hits a corkscrew leg drop. RVD then rolls him back into the ring. RVD starts stomping on Benoit. RVD irish wips him, and RVD tries to hit a back drop, but Benoit reverses it into a german suplex. Chris Benoit rolls over and covers him



RVD kicks out. Benoit gets back up and puts RVD in an arm bar. Benoit then lifts RVD up and hits a dragon suplex on him. Benoit then gets him in a headlock. RVD gets up and bounces Benoit off the ropes, and then Benoit clotheslines him down. Benoit lifts RVD up and hits a huge snap suplex on the Whole Damn Show. The Crippler tries to put RVD in the crossface, but RVD fight’s out elbowing him in the stomach. RVD then bounces off the ropes, and hits a cross body. RVD then bounces off the ropes and hits the Roll of Thunder on him. RVD pins him




No! Benoit just gets a shoulder up. RVD is visibly frustrated right now. RVD then kicks Benoit in the gut. RVD then hits a double under hook face buster in him. RVD jumps to the top rope, and does his thumb taunts. RVD then jumps off and connects with a five Star Frog Splash! RVD hurt himself in the process, but fights through the pain and covers him




Winner- RVD

*RVD jumps up and down in excitement. All of the sudden Shelton Benjamin comes running through the crowd. Benjamin trades punches with RVD. RVD gets the advantage, and takes him down with a superkick. Kurt Angle then comes down the ramp and Angle Slam’s RVD. Kurt Angle then locks RVD in the Ankle lock. Batista then runs down into the ring, as Angle let’s go and runs away. Batista helps RVD up as RVD thanks him*

*We go backstage to Funaki*

: This is Funaki, Smackdown’s number one announcer! Follow me, were going to find the U.S champion Booker T.

*Funaki walks around for a bit, and then walks into a door labeled Booker T Funaki then runs in as we see Booker and his wife making out*

What the hell are you doing in here dawg? Do you have any respect for the U.S champion?

This is Funaki Smackdown number 1 announcer.

I already know that, you say it every time you’re on the air! Do you not know how to knock?

Sorry dawg, I didn’t mean to interrupt you making love with your wife.

What the hell do you want?

I just wanted to know how you felt about your match with Lashley at Judgment Day.

You want to know how I feel? Well you can meet the 5 time, 5 time WCW Champion in the ring tonight! Now can you dig that sucka!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I can dawg!

*We go back to ringside with Cole and Tazz laughing*

Can you believe Funaki Tazz!?

: Funaki s our number 1 reporter here on Smackdown, and know he can go one on one with the U.S champion tonight.

*El Nomad plays to a decent heat as Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier comes out with the French flag*

*Guilty plays to a colossal pop as James Storm and Wild Cat Chris Harris come out posing on each turnbuckle*

Match 2
La Resistance vs. AMW
Non- Title

The bell sounds as Chris Harris and Dupree start the match off. Dupree and Chris Harris lock up in the middle of the ring. Dupree backs him down into the corner. The ref then runs into the middle and breaks it up. Dupree and Harris then start to trade punches with Dupree getting the better of the exchange. Dupree then hits a powerslam onto him. Dupree then drives his knee into Harris, and pulls back his arms back. Dupree then lifts Harris up and hits a huge spine buster on him. Dupree then does the French Tickiler on him. Dupree covers him



Storm breaks it up by kicking him in the back of the head. Harris and Dupree get up at the same time again. Dupree bounces off the ropes and tries to clothesline him, but Harris back drop’s him. Harris tags Storm in. Storm then comes in and knocks Grenier off the ropes. Storm then spears Dupree down. Harris jumps back up, and goes to the top rope. Storm jumps off and hits a missile dropkick. Harris is on fire right now. Harris then puts Grenier in a leg lock. Harris lifts Dupree up and hits a reverse tornado DDT. Harris cover’s him



Dupree gets a shoulder up. Grenier comes in and hits a bulldog on him. Dupree then crawls over and tags him in. Grenier comes in and starts punching him in the face. Grenier then lifts Harris up and hits a TKO on Harris. Grenier lifts up Harris and irish wips him into the corner. Grenier then lifts Harris up to the top rope. Storm then starts punching Grenier. Grenier then falls off the top rope. Storm then jumps off and hits an elbow drop on him. Harris then comes in and knocks Dupree off the apron. Storm and Harris then hit the Death Sentence on Grenier. Storm then cover’s Grenier




Winners- AMW

*The crowd is going crazy as AMW won the match, as AMW celebrates on all 4 corner’s*

Commercial Break​

RAW Rebound- This shows HBK winning the Battle Royal to face Edge for the WHC.

*We come back to the show backstage with Josh Mathews and MNM*

I’m here with MNM. Guys in 2 weeks you will face AMW for the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Your damn right and we are getting what is rightfully ours back. AMW came in from the “B” show and think they can take our title? I don’t think so. We have been the most dominant tag team on Smackdown for the past year. The title might as well have MNM engraved in it. At Judgment Day I guarantee that we will win our titles back at Judgment Day.

Johnny Nitro
: We are the big thing around here, and ever since you guys came to Smackdown, you’ve caused us nothing but trouble!

Ya that’s right and all of our problems will end when we face you two at Judgment Day.

We can guarantee the ass whooping of a life time, and we are going to make you wish that you never came to the WWE, and stayed back down in Minor Leagues. We are M-N-M!

*We go back to ringside*

Those are some strong words from MNM.

MNM is all talk right now, once they show me something, I’ll listen to their big talk.

*Funaki’s music plays to a small pop as Smackdown’s number 1 announcer comes out*

*Can you Dig it Sucka plays to an amazing amount of heat as the U.S champion and Sharmell come out*

Match 3
Funaki vs. Booker T
Non- Title

This is basically a squash match. Booker T beat’s down on Funaki with rights and lefts. Booker then hits a Harlem kick. Booker starts stomping on him and elbow drops him. Booker then bounces him off the ropes and hits a huge spine buster on him. Booker then lifts him up, but Funaki punches him in the stomach. Funaki then hits a tornado DDT on him. Funaki rolls over and covers him



Booker kicks out. Funaki goes to the top rope. Funaki jumps off and tries to hit a crossbody, but Booker catches him and hits a side walk slam. Booker then hits a Book End. Booker then motions to the crowd saying it’s not over yet. Booker then hits a scissors kick onto him. Booker then lifts him up again and hits another scissors kick. Booker covers




Winner- Booker T

*Booker T gets back up, and does the spin a roonie. Booker then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and microphone*

Now can you dig that sucka-

*Bobby Lashley then runs down to the ring. Booker tries to hit him with the chair, but Lashley knocks it out of his hands. Booker then runs away into the crowd*

*We go backstage to Kristal with Kid Kash*

I’m here with the Cruiserweight champion Kid Kash. Kid Kash, last week you beet Gregory Helms. Is this a sign to come on who will win the title match at Judgment Day?

Hell yeah it is. I’m by far the best cruiserweight wrestler in the world. I’ve beaten Helms and London before, and at Judgment Day it will be no different.

*Paul London comes in to the scene*

Kash you’ve never beaten me one on one before, so why don’t me and you go one on one for your title belt.

London I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, I’m the best cruiserweight in the world. I will prove it to you next week. So London your on, the greatest Cruiserweight in the world, against little Paul London, get ready to have your ass whooped!

*We then head back to the ring*

*Longhorn plays to an immense amount of heat as JB and his cabinet come to the ring*

*Solider plays to a humongous pop as Bobby Lashley comes to the ring looking ready for his match*

Match 4
JBL vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley attempts to lock up with JBL, but JBL kicks him in the stomach. JBL then starts clubbing the back of Lashley. JBL then irish wips him off the ropes, and hits a big boot on him. JBL starts to stomp on him. JBL then hits the three elbow drops on him. JBL lifts Lashley back up, and starts chopping him. JBL then kicks him in the stomach and DDT’s him. JBL rolls over and pins him



Lashley kicks out. JBL then starts hitting JBL with rights and lefts to the face. JBL then lifts up Lashley and throws him into the corner. JBL runs at him and clotheslines him in the corner. JBL then lifts Lashley up to the top rope. JBL tries to superplex him, but Lashley reverses it into a front suplex. Lashley gets off of the top rope. Lashley then lifts JBL back up and hits a huge belly to belly suplex on JBL. Lashley starts stomping on him. Lashley then covers him



JBL gets his shoulder up. Lashley then bounces JBL off the ropes and hits a huge powerslam. Lashley then puts JBL in a side headlock. After a couple of seconds JBL bounces him off the ropes and Lashley hits a shoulder block on him. Lashley then lifts JBL up and places him on the second rope. Lashley then bounces off the rope and drives his knee into the back of JBL’s head. Lashley then hits a german suplex on him. Lashley then rolls JBL over and covers him



JBL kicks out. As Lashley tries to lift JBL up, JBL pokes him in the eye. JBL then tosses him into the corner where the ref is. The ref is then knocked out o the ring. Lashley then bounces off the ropes, but Birchall hits Lashley over the back with a steel chair. JBL then kicks him in the stomach and powerbomb’s him. JBL then bounces him off the ropes and hits the Clothesline from Hell on Lashley. The Gymini then throw the ref into the ring as JBL covers him




Winner- JBL

*The Cabinet gets into the ring to start the celebration. All of the sudden the lights go out. The Undertaker then appears on the big screen*

JBL your time has come, and you will look into the eyes of the dragon and you will Rest…..In……Peace!

*JBL grabs a microphone*

Damn it Undertaker, if you had any guts you would come down to the ring and face me like a man!

*Then lighting strikes the ring. JBL falls backwards onto the ground, but quickly tries to make it look like nothing happened by standing right back up*

I will not back down from you Taker. Next week if you’re so tough, then you will take on The Gymini in a handicapped match!

Your challenge has been accepted, and next week The Gymini will enter my yard, and you two will Rest…..In…..Peace!

Commercial Break

*We come back to the show with Mick Foley in his office*

Ladies in Gentlemen, it is time to select Batista’s opponent next week.

*Foley then brings in a bingo ball machine. Foley rolls it around a couple of times, and finally takes a ball out*

Batista opponent for next week is……………………. Shelton Benjamin!

*The camera cuts to Shelton celebrating in the locker room*

That’s what I’m talking about man. Next week I will beat the hell out of Batista to be added into the title match at Judgment Day.

*We go back to ringside*

Tazz that must be Shelton’s and Angle’s plan!

Ya think Cole? Of course it was there plan, and it is a pretty damn good one if you ask me.

*Booyaka 619 plays to an enormous pop as Rey Mysterio comes out clapping hand with all the fans*

*5….4….3….2….1 Break the Walls Down plays to an amazing pop as Chris Jericho comes down to the ring*

Match 5
Y2J vs. Rey Mysterio

The 2 of them shake hands before the match begins as a sign of respect. There is a ton of Eddie chants going around. Y2J and Rey lock up. Y2J back him down into the corner and starts chopping him. Y2J then starts hitting Rey with some hard right hands. Y2J then hits a vertical suplex on him. Jericho then puts Rey in a front waist lock. Y2J then releases after a while. Y2J then hits a double under hook back breaker. Y2J then rolls over and covers him



Rey gets a shoulder up. Y2J then bounces off the ropes and elbow drops him. Y2J lifts Rey up and starts chopping him some more. Y2J then hits side suplex on Rey. Y2J then drives his knee into Rey’s back and pulls back his arms. Y2J then throws Rey into the turnbuckle. Y2J charges at him, but Rey boots him in the face. Rey then goes to the top rope and hits a huge cross body on him. Rey then goes onto the outside apron. Rey jumps off and hits a springboard hurincanrana to the outside of the ring. The ref then start the 10 count








Y2J gets back in the ring. Rey stomps on him some more. Rey then bounces off the ropes and dropkicks the face of Y2J. Rey then irish wips Y2J off the ropes and hits an arm drag. Rey then hits another, and another. Rey then puts Y2J in an armbar. Rey lifts Y2J up, and hits a body scissors bulldog. Rey then starts stomping on him some more. Rey lifts him up and hits a tilt a whirl head scissors take down. Rey then hits a standing moonsault on him. Rey covers him



Y2J kicks out. Rey then goes to the top rope. Rey jumps off and tries to hit a hurincanrana, but Y2J catches him and powerbomb’s him. Y2J then puts him in a sleeper hold. Rey then starts to fade out. After around 20 seconds Rey starts elbowing him in the stomach. Rey then hits bounces him off the ropes, but Y2J hits the Jericho spike. Y2J then bounces off the ropes and hits the lionsault on him Y2J then locks Rey in the Walls of Jericho! Rey is struggling to get out. Rey tries to make on last push, but Jericho brings him back in. Finally Rey gives up.

Winner- Chris Jericho

*Kurt Angle then comes out and starts beating on Y2J. Then Batista comes out to save him. Batista nearly take Angle’s head off with a huge clothesline. Shelton Benjamin then comes down with a chair and knocks Batista down with it. Shelton then hits the T-Bone Suplex on him. Shelton helps Angle up as the show goes off the air with Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin standing tall*


The Rated R CMStar

BM: Chris Jericho vs rey Mysterio. Ending was good as Jericho was put over winning by Submission, but since Rey fight before tapping, he was protected. Your ending makes me wonder if Benjamin will indeed defeat Batista

WM: None really, even your squash was nice. Altough if AMW were fighting the Mexicools, why did Grenier and Dupree were the opponents in the match?

BP: The opening one, nice back and forth between Batista and Jericho, with Chris even going into the tabooed steroid theme.

WP: None really. Lol at the camera showing Benjamin celebrating

AC: Nice show, it really reflected a real life SD, with the Raw Rebound and everything. Taker and JBL makes for a good non title feud. I am partways with Lashley playing double duty fighting JBL and before that running of Booker T, a backstage confrontation between Booker and Bobby would have served better. The Handicap Match and Benjamin vs Batista will make a nice show from next weeks. I will be reviewing


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Jericho/ Rey because there has been Jericho in it but RVD/Benoit was close.
Wm : Booker / Funaki, but that put booker over, smart move.
BP : I would say the Booker/Funaki, it was an effective way to book a match.
WP : it could have been the best ( opening segment ) but " Well look here it’s the biggest steroid user in the WWE! " was weird. It was really unrealistic, we'll never hear that in real life.
AC : Still a strong show. 8/10


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: The main event, Jericho and rey put on a hell of a match plus the ending helped put it over as well...

WM: if i had to say then it would be the squash...put Booker over, serving its purpose but Squashes are usually for monster heels.

BP: Tie between Opening and taker...Jericho really shined in the promo and Batista was just Batista with his speaking...The take promo almost beat out the Jericho promo simply because of the Undertaker's first line...Eye of the dragon really in character....kilt it was the "My Yard" part....ur thinkin Bad ass Taker not Demon Taker

WP: The MNM one....i jsut really did not get into it at all..liked the placement though

AC: Really enjoyed your show, pretty sure Batista will win against Benjamin but it would be one hell of a triple threat if Benjamin would win....also pls do not do ur pins like this....




Did u see how much space tha took up...really draws the readers away from the match...otherwise great show..check out ECW vs. WWE....WWE show hopefully up tonight or tommorow


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
^I donno, that's just as I do my pins, I feel it adds more of an excitement to the match, and when I read shows I don't like reading long chunks of sentences. I just like to spread things out.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
yea well that was just my opinion on the situation...go with wat u like personally


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
RAW Preview

Next Monday Night RAW, is surely going to be one that no wrestling fan will want to miss! A huge match was made for RAW last week by General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin, and that match is a Tag Team Table's Match with the team of Shawn Michaels and John Cena taking on "The Monster" Abyss and the WWE Champion Edge. This is sure to be a brutal match, as all the men in that match want a piece of each other. Who will come out with the big victory, and who will get momentum going into the title match between Edge and Shawn Michaels?

Not only will those matches will be on RAW, but not one, but two title matches will headline the show! In a feud where both men have been at each other's throats constantly, and which has turned into one of the biggest feuds in the WWE, Carlito takes on Chris Masters for the Intercontinental Championship! Expect a wild an crazy match, which no one will want to miss. In the other championship match, the women's title is on the line, when Trish Stratus takes on the Women's Champion Lita for the title. These two women have a long history with each other, and that bad blood is sure to re kindle in that match.

Triple H and Randy Orton have been at each others throats several times in the past week. Will they continue to fight each other, or will they go a separate path? Also in new we just have recieved, we have learned the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon will appear on RAW with a special message. What could that message be? Who is the message for? Find out all of this and more, on Monday Night RAW!

Confirmed Matches

Table Match
Shawn Michaels & John Cena vs. Edge & Abyss

Intercontinental Championship
Carlito vs. Chris Masters (c)

Women's Championship Match
Lita (c) vs. Trish Stratus

The Rated R CMStar

Lita vs Trish Stratus should be a nice match even if I never can get into Women's matches. Carlito vs Chris Masters was set up nicely last show and this week will explode. And how will the Edge Army be do against HBK and Cena will make a heck of a main eventing. I will be reviewing


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Monday, May 15 – Freeman Coliseum – San Antonio, Texas

The RAW opening video plays and we’re ready to go!

Shawn Michaels’ music hits and the fans erupt for the hometown hero and also the WWE Championship #1 contender! HBK takes it all in and is in no hurry to get in the ring. He grabs a mic and the fans continue cheering for a long time.


What an ovation for the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!

HBK finally speaks.


Ya know, it feels amazing to be here in my hometown of San Antonio, Texas!

The fans pop loudly.


And what’s more, I am the current #1 contender for the WWE Championship. And Edge, I want you to know that if you ‘army’ try and take me out, you shall not succeed. Tonight, we have a tag team match scheduled, and I don’t know what the condition of the Big Show is, but what I can tell you is that I have a backup plan just in case he is unable to compete, and you and Abyss will be the ones that are taken out this week in our Tables Match!

Big pops again from the crowd.

At that moment, Edge’s music plays and he comes out with the Edge Army – Abyss, James Mitchell and Lita. They climb into the ring and try to intimidate HBK, but the fan favourite stands his ground. Edge grabs a mic from somebody at ringside.


HBK, HBK, HBK. You know that we have unfinished business, after you cost me the WWE Title at Backlash. But you know something – I am now the champion, and there‘s nothing you, or anybody in that RAW locker room, can do about it.


You may be right, Edge, and a lot of that credit has to go to Abyss. But the only reason I cost you the title at Backlash was because you screwed me out of my Ladder Match against the McMahon’s.


Seriously HBK, do you think that there is anyone that would have the first idea how to run this company? Vince McMahon has built this empire, and he will now help me remain at the height of it, because of what I did for him at Backlash. And-

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music then suddenly hits and the fans erupt for another Texan. He comes down to the ring and does his usual turnbuckle poses, before grabbing a mic.


Guys, we’d love to listen to you rant on all night about whatever the hell you’re taking about, but the fact is, I have a show to run, and there’s some kick as matches scheduled for the show, so I need you to wrap this up and save it for your tag team match, which by the way, is right now!

The fans cheer and HBK smirks. Edge isn’t so pleased.


Since three of the four competitors are already out here, we’re just waiting on HBK’s partner. I have just received information that the Big Show is…unable to compete tonight!

The fans boo and Edge smirks.


So HBK, who do you want to be your partner, tonight?


Austin, there’s a lot of people back there who want to get in the ring with the WWE Champion, but I have chosen this man to be my tag team partner tonight…oh, and Edge, you know this man very well!

The fans eagerly await the entrance of the superstar Edge has chosen, and we are kept waiting for a long time, when suddenly, JOHN CENA’S music hits!

The fans explode into cheers for Cena and he comes out to the ring looking focused. Austin leaves the ring and Edge and Abyss go on the attack on HBK before Cena is in the ring.

Tag Team Tables Match

Shawn Michaels & John Cena vs. The Edge Army w/James Mitchell & Lita

Cena runs into the ring and hammers away on Edge. Abyss is stomping away on HBK in the corner and Cena sends Edge off the ropes but it is reversed. However, Cena comes back with a shoulder block. From there on, the match is just an al out brawl and there are only a couple of attempts to put opponents through the table.


8 minutes in, Edge drops HBK with the DDT and he and Abyss set the table up. This match is tornado style and Cena comes off the top rope with the axe handle on Edge. However, he walks right into Abyss’ hand and Abyss drops Cena with the Chokeslam! HBK is back up and he is taunting Abyss for the sweet chin music but when Abyss turns around, he catches Michaels’ boot, but HBK then connects with the enziguri. Edge hits HBK from behind with the Edge O’ Matic and puts him on the table. Edge goes up top and is ready to hit the diving elbow through HBK on the table when Cena crotches him on the top rope. Cena then positions Edge for the superplex and HBK climbs of the table. Cena hits the superplex on Edge but James Mitchell enters the ring and manages to push the table over before Edge crashes through it.

Abyss and HBK then go at it with hard shots and Abyss runs Michaels off the ropes and attempts the black hole slam but HBK doesn’t go down and lands on him feet. HBK ducks underneath Abyss’ lariat and comes off the ropes with a cross body block. HBK then body slam’s Edge and goes to the corner, where he starts to tune up the band. Cena is back up and he sets the table up against the turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Cena then clotheslines Abyss over the top rope and also goes out of the ring. Edge gets to his feet and HBK runs at him with the sweet chin music, but Edge lifts him into the air and slams him onto the table Cena just set up, but somehow it doesn’t break! Edge can’t believe it and he goes to the other corner and calls for the spear. HBK gets up against the table and Edge runs at him, but eats HBK’s boot. Cena comes back into the ring and Edge turns around and Cena sets him up on his shoulders. HBK puts the table in the centre of the ring and Cena gets ready to hit the F-U, but James Mitchell comes in and hits Cena with his stick! Cena drops Edge and Mitchell cracks him over the head with the stick. Mitchell misses his short on Michaels and HBK hits him with the sweet chin music! Lita runs in and goes up top. She dives onto HBK but he catches her and puts her down. He catches her slap and puts her on the outside apron. Edge runs at HBK but Michaels moves out of the way and Edge inadvertently knocks Lita off the apron! Edge turns into HBK’s sweet chin music and Michaels then sets Edge on the table. He goes up top but Abyss is back and he grabs HBK for the Chokeslam from the turnbuckle. However, Cena is back up and he low blows Abyss. He throws Abyss out of the ring and HBK dives off the top rope, connecting with the elbow drop onto Edge, who crashes through the table!
Winners: Shawn Michaels & John Cena (14:11)

HBK and Cena shake hands and celebrate together, but Abyss then cracks HBK in the back with his steel chain. Cena makes the save but gets a shot from the chain as well. At that point, the Big Show’s music hits and he walks to the ring looking pissed off. Abyss tells him to come in and once Show enters, the two giants go at it with hard shots. Big Show gets the better of the situation and after a hard lariat, he calls for the Chokeslam. Abyss gets back up and Big Show grabs him by the throat, and drills him into the mat with the Chokeslam! The fans cheer and Big Show helps Cena and Michaels to their feet. Edge, Lita and Mitchell have already backed up the ramp way and HBK signals that the WWE Title will be his at Vengeance in about 6 weeks.


What chaos we have already seen tonight, and HBK just put the WWE Champion through the table to win the match.


As much as I hate to admit it, Shawn Michaels seems to have Edge’s number at the moment.

Backstage, Carlito is interviewed by Todd Grisham about his title shot later tonight.


Carlito, you managed to beat Chris Masters in under five seconds last week on RAW. Tonight, you get a match for the Intercontinental Championship. Your thoughts?


Ya know, last week, Carlito beating the masterpiece. That, that’s cool! And tonight, Carlito beating the masterpiece for the Intercontinental Championship. Now that my, friend, that is very cool. Chris Masters…wants to turn his back on Carlito…well tonight…I finally get my payback!

Carlito takes a bite of his apple and Grisham looks worried that he’ll spit it on him, but Carlito just swallows it. He pats Todd on the back.


Relax man.

Carlito laughs.

Todd calms down and Carlito leaves.



Welcome back to Monday night RAW. We have a great line-up for tonight. Later on, Matt Hardy takes on Doug Basham. Plus, we have two title matches, as Mickie James challenges Lita for the Women’s Championship, and in tonight’s main event, Carlito and Chris Masters go one on one for the Intercontinental Title!


But up next, a rematch from Backlash, as Rob Conway and Chavo Guerrero square off.

Chavo’s music hits and he gets a good pop from the fans.

Conway comes out looking cocky and the fans jeer him.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Rob Conway

Conway managed to dominate Chavo for most of the match by using underhand tactics and he has Guerrero locked in the key lock. Chavo manages to battle to his feet and he puts his leg behind Conway’s and trips him to the mat, but Conway amazingly keeps the key lock held in. Chavo rolls him up into the mahistradle pin and the ref counts,


Conway kicks out.

Chavo gets to his feet first and connects with a suplex to the Con-Man. He makes the cover again,


Kick out.

Chavo looks frustrated but keeps his cool. He sends Conway off the ropes and hits the hip toss and puts Conway in the chin lock. Conway is near the ropes and he wraps his leg around the bottom one. The ref calls for the break and Chavo keeps the hold in for a few seconds,



Chavo releases Conway.

Both men get to their feet and Chavo nails a shot to the gut. He runs Conway to the ropes but it is reversed. Chavo comes back off the ropes and ducks Conway’s boot to the face. He then hits a German suplex into the pin and the ref counts,


Conway again kicks out!

Guerrero can’t believe it and he pulls Conway up and sets him between his legs. He lifts him into the air and has him on his back for the Gory bomb, but Conway rolls off ad nails a kick to the midsection. He drops Guerrero with his finisher, the ego trip, and makes the cover!


Chavo just manages to kick out.

Conway can’t believe that he didn’t put Chavo away with the ego trip and he pulls Guerrero to his feet. Conway positions Chavo for another ego trip but Chavo pushes him into the ropes and hits the dropkick. Both men then reach their feet at the same time and Chavo is the quickest to react. He hits a boot to the knee and connects with a suplex. He spins his legs and gets to his feet and hits a second suplex. He gets back up and goes for the third amigo, but Conway hammers his stomach and comes off the ropes with a flying forearm. However, Guerrero avoids contact and then hits the third amigo! He goes up top and calls for the frog splash. The fans cheer but Conway is to his feet and punches Chavo. Conway climbs onto the second rope and goes for the superplex but Chavo pushes him down. Chavo goes for the frog splash but Conway rolls out of the way and then rolls Chavo up for the pin,


Conway grabs the middle rope for extra power!

Winner: Rob Conway (10:32)


Damn it. Conway cheated to beat Chavo in the rematch!


Yeah, but it’ll still go down as a win, and a good win at that.

Chavo is pissed that the ref didn’t see Conway use the ropes as the Con-Man is backing up the ramp, laughing.

We go to the backstage area, where Triple H and Randy Orton seem to be bickering over something.

Triple H:

Randy, I’m telling ya, I would have won that Battle Royal last week if Edge didn’t interfere.


Yeah, sure Hunter, but you’re forgetting that Edge was trying to help you win, because he didn’t want HBK to win the match.

Triple H:

But I still would’ve won.


(Sarcastically) Yeah, sure you would have.

Austin then walks into the room and the they stop arguing.


Look who it is.


How’s it going, guys? Good, I hope, because I’ve made a match for you two tonight. You’ll be tag team partners.




No, there’s no way I‘m teaming with Orton.


Yes there is. Tonight, you two will face Val Venis and Viscera.


Why do I have to team with him?


Because I know you two ain’t too fond of each other, and it’s fun watching you quarrel in that ring, so that’s why.


Austin, we’ve not really ever seen eye to eye, but you can’t do this. I don’t want to team with Orton. I’d rather team with any other member of the RAW roster.


I know, and that’s why you’re teaming with Randy. Have a good night!


I’m not going to compete in that match!




I said, I’m not-


I heard what you said, but you seem to be forgetting who the General Manager is. I make the matches, and I say that you two will face Viscera and Val Venis tonight, and that’s exactly what will happen!




And that’s the bottom line, coz Stone Cold said so!

Austin leaves looking pleased with himself and H and Orton are infuriated.


Edge is backstage being attended to by a medic and Maria comes by.


Edge, could I just get your reaction to being put through a table earlier tonight, and losing to your number one contender, Shawn Michaels?

Edge looks pissed off.


No you can’t. Get the hell out of here!


But Stone Cold sent me to interview you.


Maria, I don’t care what Austin said. Go away. If you want my reaction, the only thing I have to say is that by the time Vengeance arrives, HBK won’t even be able to walk! Now get out!

Maria leaves and Edge is pissed.

The Basham’s music hits and they get a mild boo from the fans.

The Hardy’s come out to a huge reaction and this is a one on one contest.

Matt Hardy w/Jeff Hardy vs. Doug Basham w/Danny Basham

This was an even match that saw Danny Basham grab Hardy’s foot to allow Doug to gain control after a close beginning to the match. Jeff tried to help Matt but the Basham’s then double teamed him with the referee keeping Jeff out. Doug sends Matt off the ropes and locks in the sleeper. Matt begins to fade and drops to his knees. The fans and Jeff Hardy start to get behind him but he is fading fast. He drops to his back and the ref checks to see if he is out cold. The ref raises his arm and it drops. It is raised again and it falls to the mat once more. The ref raises his arm a final time and drops it…but Matt keeps it from fully falling and starts to find a second wind. He gets pumped up and battles to his feet, where he elbows his way out of the sleeper and hits some punches. He sends Doug Basham into the ropes and Doug runs into Matt’s side effect! Hardy goes to the second rope and the crowd cheer as he hits the leg drop! He calls for the twist of fate and Doug slowly gets to his feet. Danny enters the ring at that point and knocks Hardy down. The ref calls for the bell and Jeff also gets involved.

Winner by DQ: Matt Hardy (6:43)

The four of them brawl and neither team gains any advantage. Austin’s music hits and he comes out onto the stage.


Hold it guys. We need to sort this out. Next week, the four of you will compete in a tag team match, with the titles on the line!

The crowd cheer and all four look pleased with this announcement.

In the locker room, Mickie James is preparing for her title shot, and Trish Stratus swings by.


Oh hey, Trish. Have you come to wish me luck? That’s so sweet.


Uh…yeah, that’s exactly why I’m here. But also, I wanted to warn you that Lita will try anything to keep her title. You saw her match with me a few weeks ago. She got me counted out, rather than trying and pin me. So be careful, ok.


Ok Trish. Thanks!

Mickie hugs Trish and Stratus looks worried for her.



Hello once again, and it’s time for the Women’s Championship Match between Lita and Mickie James.

Mickie comes out first and gets a good pop from the fans, but the odd boo too.

Lita’s music plays and the fans roar into jeers for the champion, who has James Mitchell by her side for this match.

Women’s Championship

Lita w/James Mitchell vs. Mickie James

Lita controlled much of the match after slamming Mickie’s head off the turnbuckle post on the outside. In the ring, she hits a snapmare and locks in the headlock. Mickie manages to rolls behind Lita and lands on her feet. She drops Lita with the reverse DDT and makes the pin,


Kick out.

Mickie picks Lita up and sets her on the second rope. Mickie runs at her and wraps her legs around Lita’s head for the Stratusfear. The fans cheer but Lita grabs Mickie’s legs and then jumps off the turnbuckle, planting Mickie into the mat with a move similar to the Styles Clash! The fans jeer as Lita goes up top and lands the top rope moonsault. She rolls Mickie over and makes the pin,


Winner and still Women’s Champion: Lita (7:57)

James Mitchell comes into the ring and hands Lita the Women’s Title. They get huge heat from the fans. Lita starts stamping away on Mickie and Mitchell is spurning her on. Trish’s music hits, though, and Trish walks down and climbs into the ring. She spears Lita down and a catfight ensues. She and Lita go at it and Mickie joins in, grabbing Lita and allowing Trish to plant her with the Trish kick. Mickie and Trish leave to a good reception, but Trish looks as if she just wants all this to end.

We see Chris Masters backstage, and Todd Grisham interviews him.


Masterpiece, I would like to get your thoughts, if I may, on your upcoming title defence tonight.


Todd, there’s not a lot I can say. I mean, Carlito may have beaten me last week, but only because he attacked me before the match from behind. At Backlash, with this title on the line (holds out his Intercontinental Championship belt), I made Carlito tap out. And tonight, I’ll do it again. The Masterlock has yet to be broken. It’s been the downfall of such legends as Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, and future main event superstars, in Shelton Benjamin, and best of all, Carlito himself. You see, nobody will ever break my Masterlock, and tonight Carlito, you will find out that I’m just too good for you!

Masters stares intently into the camera.

We go back to ringside, and the announcers hype tonight’s main event.


I can’t wait to see Carlito and Chris Masters face off tonight, with the Intercontinental Championship on the line.

On the versus screen, we see Carlito and Masters.


Tonight, these two future main eventers square off. Will Masters’ power overcome Carlito’s speed, and will it come down to who wants it more?


And don’t go anywhere, because Triple H and Randy Orton must team up to face the team of Val Venis and Viscera.


Triple H’s music hits and the fans give him a lot of heat as he comes out to the ring. He has his water bottle and goes up to a fan at ringside. The fan trash talks to H but Triple H then pours some of the water over the fan. This earns the ‘king of kings’ massive heat and he continues with his usual ring entrance and awaits his partner’s entrance.

Orton comes out to the ring and gets equally as much heat as the ‘king of kings’. He climbs inside the ring and Triple H gets in his face. They start to argue but their opponents then come out.

Val Venis and Viscera get a louder pop than they usually receive.


The fans are really behind Val Venis and Viscera tonight.


You’ve gotta think that it’s mainly because of their opponents, two of the most hated wrestlers ever!

Val Venis and Viscera don’t enter the ring, where H and Orton are still bickering, but they grab microphones from ringside.

Val Venis:

Hello ladies.

The crowd pops loudly, especially the females.


Ladies, tonight me and my partner, the ‘world’s largest love machine’, go into battle for all of you. And we would like to present you with our new team name:


We are Viscera and Val Venis, the Love Machines!

The fans give a big pop and Triple H and Orton stop arguing and they smirk at their opponents’ team name. Val and Viscera enter the ring, where the heels go right on the attack.

Love Machines vs. Triple H & Randy Orton

Despite much disagreements between them, Orton and Triple H dominate the Love Machines for most of this contest, mainly singalling out Val Venis. 5 minutes in, Orton has Venis in the sleeper hold, with the face fading away. Viscera and the crowd start clapping to spurn him on, but he drops to his knees. The ref raises his arm and it drops to the mat. The ref does the same again and it drops to the mat. His arm is raised for the final third time, and it drops…but not to the ground and Venis keeps it in the air. He clenches his fist and makes it back to his feet, where he elbows Orton in the stomach and sends him off the ropes. Orton coems back but Venis ducks under his flying forearm and makes the tag to Viscera. Big Vis takes Orton down with a body slam and runs off the ropes, landing on Orton’s abdomen with a big body splash. He makes the cover,


Triple H breaks the pin fall.

Viscera throws Triple H to the outside and pulls Orton to his feet, but out of nowhere the ‘legend killer’ jumps into the air and drops Viscera with the RKO! Orton makes the pin and we see Triple H throw Val Venis into the barricade on the outside. The ref counts the pin,


Winners: Triple H & Randy Orton (7:55)

The ref raises Orton’s arm but Triple H comes into the ring and demands his arm to be raised as well. The ref stands between both men and holds their arms in the air, with Orton and Triple H scorning at one another.

Backstage, John Cena, the Big Show and Shawn Michaels are discussing something, when Stone Cold Steve Austin drops by.


How you guys feeling? That was a violent Tables Match earlier!


We’re doing good, Austin, and I can’t wait to get Edge in the ring at Vengeance, when I can finally reclaim the WWE Championship.


I’m sure that match will be an awesome showdown, but that’s still a while away and I have made a match for next week’s RAW. It will be an 8-Man Tag Team Match in the main event. You three will be on one team, with Carlito also on your side, and your opponents will be Edge, Abyss, Chris Masters and Randy Orton.

Big Show:

Great, I can’t wait to get back into the ring.


Next week, it’s payback time!


Well, good luck in that match, and be prepared, because Edge’s Army will do anything they can to take you guys out, and Orton and the ‘masterpiece’ ain’t so bad either.

Austin leaves and we cut to commercials.


Vince McMahon’s music hits and the boss gets a lot of heat as he makes his way to the ring.


I am out here because of my issue with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin, we all know that you don’t know how to run RAW. That is why you are making the top matches, and not thinking about the consequences. For example, let’s look at the Edge Army situation. They set an ambulance on fire, with Kane inside, and you did absolutely nothing about it. And then, when Abyss slammed the Big Show onto thumbtacks, you just sat watching on your screen, probably having a beer. And tonight, you had a Tables Match to start the show. The network aren’t going to be giving us a positive response if you allow this level of violence to continue. So what I am saying is that you tone down the level of violence on RAW, and I will not continue my ploy to get you off of RAW. What do you say Austin?

Vince waits for a long while and Austin’s music the explodes through the arena. The ‘Texas Rattlesnake’ gets a huge ovation from the fans and once he reaches the ring, he walks right past Vince on his way to the four turnbuckles. He then stands opposite McMahon and snatches his mic. He speaks slowly to McMahon.


So what you’re saying is…you want me to tone down the level of violence on RAW?

He raises the mic to Vince’s mouth.


That’s exactly what I want you to do.


And how do you suggest I do that, Vince. Perhaps I should have a quiet word with Edge’s Army and see if they listen. Or maybe I should give Abyss a little slap and politely ask him to leave the thumbtacks at home for a few weeks. Why don’t we see what these fans think, since they’re the ones paying to watch the WWE. If you want me to try and tone down the level of RAW, give me a hell yeah!

The fans barely make a sound and boo that idea.


Alright, if you want Stone Cold to continue putting on kick ass shows and making matches like tonight’s Tables Match, give me a hell yeah!

The fans scream “hell yeah!â€


Well there you go, Vince. I will continue putting on shows like I have been, and that’s the bottom line, coz Stone Cold said so!

The fans cheer.


Oh, and Vince, one more thing…

Austin then drops the mic and gives McMahon the middle finger. He then plants him with the Stone Cold Stunner to a huge applause from the fans! Austin leaves to a massive pop and we take out final commercial break.



Welcome back to the conclusion of RAW, and we are moments away from the Intercontinental Title being on the line, as Chris Masters defends against Carlito. Both superstars have one victory over the other, and tonight, the tie will be broken tonight!

Carlito comes out first with his briefcase in his hand and he gets a big pop from the fans.

Masters’ music hits and the fans boo heavily as the champion comes out for his title defence.

Carlito runs at Masters whilst the champion makes his entrance and they brawl on the ramp way.

Carlito slams Masters’ head off the guard rail and slams his back onto the steel ramp. He picks Masters up and grabs the Intercontinental Title, cracking Masters in the head with the belt. The champion is busted open and the match hasn’t even begun. Carlito is raging and he takes Masters up to the stage and runs him into the titan tron. Masters is badly hurt and Carlito continues stamping on him. Carlito walks back towards the ring and picks up his Money in the Bank briefcase. He walks up the ramp and runs at Masters, nailing him square in the face with the briefcase. Several referees come out and separate Carlito, who is absolutely furious. Loads of medics also arrive on the scene and look at Masters. Carlito gets a few stomps in but by this time, Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson and others have pulled him away and they take him backstage. Several EMT’s look over Masters for a few minutes and Austin arrives.


I guess that because Chris Masters is down and out, we won’t be seeing an Intercontinental Championship defence tonight. And Carlito, I have to say that you kind of cost yourself the title match by attacking Masters like this, but I will give you another chance. If your team beats Masters’ team in next week’s 8-Man Tag Match, you will get a title shot the following week.

Intercontinental Championship

Chris Masters vs. Carlito

Result: No Contest

Masters is helped backstage and we see Austin looking worried, as McMahon, just moments ago, warned him of this sort of thing. Shane McMahon then comes by.


How are you feeling, Steve? Are you happy? You should be, because you caused this. Vince warned you of this moments ago, and you gave him the stunner. So what I suggest is that you pack your bags and leave. You don’t deserve to be on RAW anymore.


No matter what Vince said to me earlier, those actions would have still happened. I will not be packing any bags, but what I am going to do is make another match for next week. It will be me, in my first match since WrestleMania 19, against…you!

Shane looks stunned.


And before you say any crap about you not being a member of the RAW roster, you are here now, and that means you like appearing on RAW. I’ll see you next week, Shane!

Shane looks pissed and Austin leaves laughing. Shane looks horrified as RAW closes.



Shawn Michaels & John Cena def. Edge Army in a Tables Match

Rob Conway def. Chavo Guerrero

Matt Hardy def. Doug Basham via DQ

Lita def. Mickie James

Triple H & Randy Orton def. Love Machines

Carlito vs. Chris Masters never got started

Next week

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shane McMahon

8-Man Tag Team Match

Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Big Show & Carlito vs. Edge, Abyss, Randy Orton & Chris Masters

Vengeance – July 2

WWE Championship

Edge vs. Shawn Michaels