WWE 2006: The Revival

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Ambulance Match

Worst Match: Big Show/ Rob Conway

Best Promo: The Opening one for sure...

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Poor Kane! He just got another one day reign thanks to the "Kane rip-off" Abyss lol... Good to see HBK is still at Raw, I thought he will be moved to Smackdown after it. Good Show!

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The Ambulance Match

WM: Big Show vs Rob Conway, altough we understand what a squash is and its purpose.

BP: Austin and Edge/Lita backstage


AC: Great show. Poor Kane and the irony of him again losing the belt just one night after winning it. Now Abyss is in WWE and Edge is again World Champion. I am also curious on the HHH/Orton rivalry that is starting to heat up.


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
WWE Smackdown Preview

Smackdown comes to you from San Fransisco, CA. Last week "The Animal Batista returned unexpectedly. On Smackdown Batista will go one on one with the olympic gold medalist. That is certain to be one of the best matches of the year, and a must see for all wrestling fans.

Also on Smackdown the Cruiserweight champion Kid Kash will defend his title againist Gregory Helms. On Smackdown there is going to be a huge 6 man tag team match, one team consits of Bobby Lashley and AMW, and the other is MNM and Booker T.

This is certain to be a Smackdown you do not want to miss. Tune into UPN for the show thats changing Friday Nights, Friday Night Smackdown

Confirmed Matches
Batista vs. Kurt Angle
Bobby Lashley and AMW vs. Booker T and MNM


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Eh, I didn't like this show much, just wanted to get it up sooner rather than later.


*The video package plays*

*The pyro goes off as the camera goes around the arena with the crowd going crazy*

Cole: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! Tonight we come to you from San Francisco, CA . I’m your host Michael Cole with my partner Tazz, and Tazz what a show we’ve got tonight.

Tazz: You bet ya Cole in our main event it will be the Olympic gold meadilist taking on the returning animal Batista!

Cole: Tazz that’s not all, we also have a big 6 man tag match between the team of Booker T and MNM vs. the team of Bobby Lashley and AMW.

Tazz: Tonight is going to be a rocket buster of a night, and I can assure that to all of you.

*Medal plays to a huge amount of heat*

Angle: Tonight I will be taking on the animal known as Batista.

*The crowd gives a gigantic pop hearing Batista’s name*

Angle: Cheer all you want for Batista, because tonight will be the last time you are going to be seeing him for another 3 months! Why you ask? It is simple; tonight I’m going to break Batista’s ankle in 2!


Angle: I mean why are you all getting so excited over some Animal returning when you are witnessing greatness right in front of yourselves. I mean just take one look at me, I am history right in front of your faces! Show me some damn respect!

*Animal plays to an immense amount of pops*

Angle: What the hell do you want Batista?

Batista: Oh boy, it’s good to be back baby!

*The crowd gives a big pop*

Angle: Look kid if you didn’t realize your standing in the ring with an Olympic gold meadilist, and a former 6 times World Champion!

Batista: Shut the hell up Kurt! Now to ask you your question I'm out hear to save the crowd from hearing your whiny little bitch of a voice!

*The crowd gives a huge pop*

Batista: Kurt while I was out, all I heard was you complaining about how you deserve the championship more than anyone else. Well Kurt I’m going to have to disagree with that. I’m the only champion to have never lost a championship match before, and hell I don't care who I have to go through to get my title back, and right now my target is locked on you!

*The crowd gives a great pop*

Angle: Ah Batista who the hell gives a damn about 1 freakin championship. Take a look at my damn credentials! I have 6 titles compared to your pathetic 1.

*Batsita starts to laught*

Angle: What the hell is so damn funny to you!

*Angle gets pissed and goes into Batista's face slapping the smirk right off of his face!*

Angle: Cat got your tounge monkey man!? Come on say something! No wait, you prove it to me in a ring tonight. You and me one on one in an Ultimate Submission match! You got the grapefruits to get in the ring with me? Or are you to scared I'll send you back on the injury list for another half a year!

*Wreck plays to a massive pop*

Foley: Hello San Francisco, California!

*The crowd gives a cheap pop*

Foley: Now before you to start getting into a fight, listen to me. Tonight in our Main event match up between Kurt Angle and Batista, it will be a regular match!

*The crowd gives alot of heat*

Foley: However at Judgment Day, the triple threat match will be No DQ. HAVE A NICE DAY!

*Wreck plays as Mick Foley leaves*

Angle: I’ll be seeing you, in the main event Batista. Batista you better get ready, because I’m going to kick your ass!

Commercial Break

*I love to fight plays to a decent amount of heat as Finlay comes down to the ring*

*Whatever plays to a galactic pop as Chris Benoit comes out looking fired up for his match*

Match 1
Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay

This is a very technically sound match. Benoit and Finlay lock up in the middle of the ring. Benoit takes him down into a waist lock. Benoit releases him and starts stomping on him. Benoit lifts him up, and starts chopping him into the corner. Benoit then irish wips him into the turnbuckle. Benoit then runs at him, and hits a clothesline. Benoit then throws him over the top rope. Benoit rolls out of the ring and starts stomping on Finlay. Benoit lifts up Finlay, and throws him into the barricade. Benoit goes over and starts hitting more chops on him. Benoit rolls back into the ring and starts taunting Finlay. The ref starts the count







Finlay gets back in to the ring. Benoit locks Finlay in a side headlock. Finlay then bounces Benoit off the ropes and Benoit hits a shoulder block. Benoit then puts him in an armbar. Benoit lifts Finlay up and hits a snap suplex on him. Benoit covers



Finlay gets his shoulder up. Benoit lifts up Finlay, but Finlay kick’s him in the stomach and hits a DDT. Finlay gets up at the same time as Benoit and they start to trade punches. Finlay gets the advantage and starts clubbing Benoit in the back. Finlay then hits a gutwrench suplex on him. Finlay then puts him in a bow and arrow submission hold. Benoit is screaming in pain trying to get out to no avail. Finlay finally let’s go. Finlay then hits a Northern light’s suplex. Finlay pins him



Benoit kicks out. Finlay then throws Benoit into the turnbuckle. Finlay charges at him, but Benoit moves. Benoit then turns Finlay around and puts him in the crippler crossface! Benoit starts screaming at Finlay telling him to tap. Finlay tries to get to the ropes but can’t. Finlay is about to tap, and then finally taps out!

Winner-Chris Benoit

*Chris Benoit gets up and start’s celebrating his win on each corner*

RAW Rebound/ Backlash Rebound- Footage is shown of some of the great moments of Backlash. Kane winning the title and Edge screwing HBK out of his GM job. Check out Backlash if you haven’t by MSDavis.

*We go backstage where Chris Benoit is in his locker room lying down after his match. Then someone knocks on the door*

Benoit: Come in.

*Rey Mysterio walks into the locker room*

Chris: Hey, how are you doing?

Rey: Chris I’m good. See I came in here for a reason. Since neither of us have a match at Judgment Day yet, why don’t me and you go 1 on 1 for Eddie.

Benoit: I like that idea lets go tell Mick Foley.

*We go back to ringside*

Cole: Wow Tazz, we just added another amazing match to an already loaded Judgment Day.

Tazz: Your damn right Cole, whenever to athletes such as Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio meet up, you know you’re in for a treat.

Cole: Up next we’ve got a big Cruiserweight Title match between Kid Kash and the arrogant Gregory Helms.

*KK Rocks plays to a decent pop as Kid Kash comes out with his Cruiserweight Title. On the way down Kash claps hands with some of the fans*

*Fire Storm plays to a fair amount of heat as Gregory Helms comes down to the ring*

Match 2
Title Match Kid Kash vs. Gregory Helms

Kash tries to lock up in the middle of the ring with Helms, but Helms pokes him in the eye. Helms then starts hitting Kash with some hard right hands. Helms then starts chopping Kash into the corner. Helms then irish wips Kash into the opposite corner. Helms then puts Kash onto the top rope. Helms goes to the top and hits a superplex. Helms then goes back onto the top rope. Helms then jumps off and hits a huge elbow drop to Kash. Helms pins him



Kash just gets his shoulder up. Helms then locks in a half Boston crab on Kash. After around 15 seconds Kash reaches the ropes and breaks the submission. Helms then lifts him up and hits a flying neck breaker on Kash. Helms gets back up and starts stomping on him. Helms lifts him up and attempts a scoop slam, but Kash slides off. Kash then bounces him off the rope and hits a standing dropkick. Kash then goes to the top rope. Kash jumps off and hits a moonsault. Kash gets up and lifts Helms up to. Kash then kicks him in the stomach, and then hits the brainbuster. Kash then covers him




Winner- Kid Kash

*Kid Kash gets up and celebrates his huge Cruiserweight title defense over Gregory Helms*

*We go backstage to Kristal Marshall with Shelton Benjamin and his momma*

Kristal: Shelton, last week you screwed RVD out of a title shot. The question is why Shelton, why?

Shelton: Kristal that is the same exact question everyone has been asking me.

Momma: Kristal girl, it’s pretty simple on why he did that.

Kristal: Sorry, but I don’t know why.

Shelton: Kristal I did it because RVD beet me in the title tournament.

Kristal: That doesn’t sound like a very good reason.

Shelton: You have never been a wrestler, you don’t know what if feels like to lose. When I beat Chris Benoit, Mick Foley came out and told me that I would take on the loser of the Y2J RVD match. I decided that I wanted revenge on RVD, so why not screw him out of his title shot. I did this because I wanted revenge on RVD.

*Foley walks into the scene*

Foley: Shelton I’m very proud of you for going through that master plan.

Shelton: Thank you Mick.

Foley: Tonight however, you will face Rey Mysterio tonight!

Shelton: I can deal with that, I’ll just beat that little jumping bean all over this arena.

Foley: Alright then Shelton, your match is next.

Commercial Break

*Aint no stopping me now plays to a mixed reaction as Shelton Benjamin comes out with his momma*

*Booyaka 619 plays to an enormous pop as Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring clapping hands with the fans*

Match 3
Rey Mysterio vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton and Rey lock up and Shelton over powers Rey into the corner. Shelton starts punching Rey in the face. Shelton then irish wips him into the opposite turnbuckle. Shelton then charges at him and hits a stinger splash. Shelton then hits a belly to belly suplex. Shelton then starts stomping on him. Shelton then goes to the top rope. As Rey gets up Shelton jumps off and hits a cross body. Shelton pins him



Rey gets his shoulder up. Shelton then lifts Rey’s knee up and slams it to the ground. Shelton then puts him in a leg lock. Shelton keeps twisting it around as Rey screams trying to get out. Rey finally gets to the bottom rope. Shelton lifts Rey up, irish wips him, and hits a Samoan drop. Shelton lifts Rey back up. Shelton kicks him in the stomach, and tries to hit a dragon kick, but Rey ducks and hits a dropkick to his back. Rey and Shelton then get up at the same time. Rey charges at him and hits a tilt a whirl head scissors. Rey then goes to the top rope. As Shelton gets up Rey hits a hurincanrana. Rey pins him



Shelton kicks out. Rey stand back up and hits a leg drop to the back of the head of Shelton. Rey then lifts Shelton up and starts punching him. Rey then kicks him in the stomach and hits a tornado DDT on him. Rey then sets Shelton up for the bronco buster. Rey runs at him but Shelton moves, and Rey’s groin goes right in to the steel post. Shelton lifts Rey up and hits a back breaker on him. Shelton then irish wips Rey off the ropes. Rey then attempts a tilt a whirl take down, but Shelton power slams him to the ground. Shelton then throws him into the turnbuckle. RVD then runs down to the ring. Shelton then tries to hit a stinger splash, but RVD moves Rey out of the way. RVD then starts punching Shelton in the face. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ-Shelton Benjamin

*After the match RVD continues to punch Shelton in the face repeatedly. Bill Alfonso then tosses a chair to RVD in the ring. RVD then hits the Van Daminator on him. RVD jumps up onto the top rope and hits a 5 star frog splash on Shelton. The security then come down to the ring and separate RVD from Shelton, who is know bleeding. Alfonso then tosses RVD a mike*

RVD: Shelton you little son of a bitch, I’m going to take your damn head off at Vengeance.

*The security guards take him away into the back*

Cole: Wow RVD is pissed off.

Tazz: To tell you the truth Cole, I don’t think I’ve seen RVD this pissed off since the old ECW days.

*We go backstage to Josh Mathews and the Cabinet*

Josh: I’m here with the Cabinet.

*The crowd boo’s as they walk into focus*

Josh: JBL, in a little over 4 weeks time you will be going one on one with The Undertaker in a buried alive match. How have you prepared for this huge match?

JBL: You shouldn’t be asking these questions to me Josh, but you should ask these questions to The Undertaker.

Josh: With all due respect JBL, you seem a little cocky going into the match. After all Undertaker did invent this match.

JBL: Josh, you’re talking to a wrestling god here. I’ve beaten him before, and I will beat him again. You people seem to forget that last year I carried Smackdown for 9 months. I had the longest title run for a WWE Champion in over 10 years! For all you people out there, that means I was the most dominant champion in 10 years. I was a champion than Kurt Angle, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Y2J, Triple H, The Big Show, Mick Foley, HBK, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, and yes, even your American hero Hulk Hogan. Now can anyone tell me you has done that? I don’t think anyone can. So Taker, you better say your prayers, eat some vitamins, and take a whole bunch of steroids, because I’m coming for you.

*The Cabinet walks away*

Cole: That was some strong words form a confident JBL.

Tazz: JBL should be confident, because all that stuff he said was true.

*Guilty plays as AMW and their tag titles come out to a massive pop as AMW looks cocky and confident for their match*

*Solider plays to a gigantic pop as Bobby Lashley walks down to the ring flexing his muscles*

*Paparazzi plays to a phenomenal amount of heat as MNM walk down to the ring, Melina does her patented entrance into the ring*

*Can you dig it sucka plays to an enormous amount of heat as Booker come out with Sharmell and his US title*

Match 4
Booker T/ MNM vs. Lashley/AMW

Wildcat Chris Harris and Johnny Nitro start the match off. Nitro and Harris lock up in the middle of the ring. Harris then starts chopping him in the chest. Harris bounces off the ropes and elbow drops him. Harris then hits a side suplex on Nitro. Harris bounces off the ropes and elbow drop’s him again. Harris starts stomping on him over and over. Harris then irish wips him into the turnbuckle. Harris charges at him and hits a spear in the corner. Harris then lifts Nitro onto the top rope. Harris then hits a superplex on him. Harris covers him



Nitro just gets his shoulder up. Harris then crawls over and tags in Storm. Nitro then starts crawling over to tag in his partner in, but Storm pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Storm then lifts Nitro up, but Nitro pokes him in the eye. Nitro then kicks him in the gut and hits a huge DDT. Nitro then walks over and tags in Booker T. Booker then walks over and then starts stomping on him in the corner. Booker then lifts him back up and starts kneeing him in the gut. Booker T then hits a top rope arm drag! Booker then rolls over and pins him



Storm kicks out. Booker then bounces off the ropes and hits an elbow drop on him. Booker then lifts Storm up and sets him against the ropes. Booker then starts punching and chopping him. Booker then irish wips him off the ropes and hits a humongous spinebuster. Booker then goes back up to the top rope. As Storm gets up Booker tries to hit a crossbody, but Storm hits a dropkick into his ribs. Storm then crawls over and tags in a hot Bobby Lashley. Lashley then runs in and clotheslines every member of the other team down. Lashley then throws Nitro into the corner where Booker is. Lashley then throws Storm into the corner as well. Lashley then charges him and hits a clothesline on them. Lashley then tosses MNM out of the ring. Lashley then hits an over the head belly to belly suplex. Lashley is dominating everyone right now. Lashley then starts stomping on him. Lashley then starts clubbing the back off Booker. Lashley then hits a delayed vertical suplex. Lashley then bounces Booker off the ropes ans hits another belly to belly suplex. Lashley covers him



Mercury breaks up the pin. Booker and Lashley get up at the same time. Lashley then charges at Lashley and tries to hit a clothesline, but Booker hits a spine buster on him. Booker then tags in Mercury. Mercury then lifts Lashley and throws him into the corner, but he knocks down the ref to. Melina then tosses 2 chairs into the ring. MNM then try to hit AMW but they duck and kick the chairs back into their faces. AMW then lift up Booker and hit a Death Sentence on Booker. Lashley then lifts Mercury up and hits the Dominator on him. Lashley covers him




Winner’s- Lashley/AMW

*Lashley gets up and is taunting Booker signaling that the title is his, AMW also celebrate looking strong for their Judgment ay match*

Cole: Tazz, could this be a sign of the future?

Tazz: I don’t know Cole, but Lashley sure as hell looked strong tonight.

Cole: That’s not all we have tonight, we also have a huge main event between Batista and Kurt Angle.

Tazz: This is Batista’s first match back in almost 3 months. I’m sure that the Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle will exploit that.

*We go backstage to Ric Flair’s locker room when Paul Birchall walks in*

Birchall: Woooooooooo! If it isn’t the Nature Boy Ric Flair!

Flair: What the hell do you want?

Birchall: I just wanted to see how watered down the limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin', son of a gun is.

Flair: Birchall you can’t even say it right, so just leave. WOOOOOOOOO!

Birchall: Flair why don’t you and I go one on one in a match at Judgment Day. WOOOOOOOO!

Flair: You’re on Paul, but you’re going to see why all the people still ride the oldest ride in the park, WOOOOOOOOOOO!

*We go back to ringside*

Cole: Tazz, we just added another great match to a stacked Judgment Day card.

Tazz: It’s old vs. new at Judgment Day between Ric Flair and Paul Birchall, will this be a passing of the torch?

Cole: I don’t know, but I know that Ric Flair isn’t done wrestling just yet.

*Medal plays to an Olympic size heat as Kurt Angle walks down to the ring to the chants off you suck. Kurt Angle tells them to shut up*

*Animal plays to a mammoth pop as Batista comes down to the ring clapping hands with some of the fans*

Main Event
Batista vs. Kurt Angle

Batista and Angle start the match off staring each other down. Angle and Batista lock up, but Angle goes around the back and takes him down with a belly to back take down. Angle keeps the waist lock locked in on Batista. Angle then lets go and locks Batista into a body scissors. Batista then starts elbowing Angle in the ribs making Angle let go. Batista then tries to hit a clothesline on Angle, but Angle ducks and this and hits a german suplex. Angle then hold’s on and hits another one, and then a release german suplex. Angle then pins him



Batista gets his shoulder up. Angle then starts stomping on Batista some more. Angle then bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop on the throat of Batista. Angle lifts Batista up and irish wips him, but Batista clothesline’s him down. Batista then starts punching Angle in the face over and over again. Batista then throws Angle into the corner. Batista then starts shoulder thrusting Angle’s ribs in the corner. Batista then hits a huge back drop on Angle. Batista then lays Angle on the ropes. Batista then bounces off the opposite rope and clothesline’s him out of the ring. Batista rolls out of the ring following Angle. Batista then spears Angle right into the steel steps. Batista rolls back into the ring as the ref starts a 10 count on a destroyed Kurt Angle







-7- Angle starts to get up



Angle rolls back into the ring. Batista starts elbow dropping the sternum of Angle. Batista then lifts up Angle and hits a sidewalk slam on Kurt. Batista then kicks Kurt in the gut, and tries the Batista Bomb, but Angle back drop’s him. Angle then falls to the ground in exhaustion. Both men get up at the same time and start to trade punches. Angle gets the better of Batista and starts chopping him into the corner. Angle then lifts Batista up to the top rope. Angle then starts punching Batista with hard right hands, and then hits a top rope belly to belly suplex! The crowd looks on in astonishment as neither man is moving. After a little while Angle rolls over and covers the lifeless Batista




NO! Batista just gets his shoulder up in time. Angle is in shocked and is complaining to the ref that he won the match. Angle then puts Batista into a crossface chicken wing. Batista is struggling to get out of the hold and finally does when he grabs the bottom rope. Angle then lifts Batista back up and knee’s Batista in the gut a couple of times. Angle then hits a couple European uppercuts on Batista. Angle then hits another belly to belly suplex and covers him



Batista kicks out. Angle then set Batista up for the Angle Slam. As Batista gets up Angle hits a huge Angle Slam on the Animal Batista. Kurt Angle then pulls down his straps and locks in the Ankle Lock! Batista is writhing in pain trying to get to the bottom rope. As Batista gets closer to the ropes Angle just pulls him back into the center. After around 20 seconds Batista throws Angle in to the steel post! Batista just escapes the Ankle Lock! As Angle turns around Batista hits a spine buster on to Kurt Angle. Batista is pumping up, and does the ultimate warrior thing. Batista then sets up Kurt for a Batista Bomb. Batista lifts him in the air, but Angle hits a senton onto him. Angle gets up and tries to hit an Angle Slam, but Batista escapes and sets Angle up for the Batista Bomb. Batista lifts him in the air and he connects driving Angle right into the mat. Batista rolls over and covers Kurt Angle after a couple of seconds





Cole: He did it Tazz! What a match we just saw.

Tazz: Cole that match was a rocket buster of a match, and I still can’t believe that Batista pulled off the win.

Cole: This was one hell of a match, and we thank you for tuning into Friday Night Smackdown!

End of Show

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Batista/Angle

Worst Match: Kash/Helms

Best Promo: Opening one

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show! You have some sweet promos there! I really like the main event and so does the Benjamin/Mysterio one!

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Batista vs Kurt Angle

WM: I didn't like Rey vs Shelton.

BP: The first one with Angle and Tista

WM: N/a

AC: The show wasn't as bad for you to say you don't like it. I will be honest and say Raw overshadowed SD this week, but nonetheless great show. Kepp the good work and I will be reviewing


Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hey Ian, it is very good to see a familiar poster here. Save me from these strangers, lawls.

I only skimmed Smackdown, but I did spot out everything that happened. I think most of the matches were mediocre apart from the main event, which would've been huge for a Smackdown show. I'll drop off a review for the next show, WF style; let's show them how the big boys roll :p


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Lol Jae. In my opinion this is a much more relaxed enviorment rather than WF (moer bitchy). Not to mention people here actually review shows because they want to, and not just to get another review back.

Thanks for the reviews so far, I'll be hitting you guys back with reviews.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Batista vs. Angle

Worse Match: Kash vs. Helms

Best Interview/Segment: Opening Segment w/Batista and Angle

Worse Interview/Segment: Ric Flair and Paul Birchall's Segment

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a good show but as CMS pointed out Raw overshadowed SmackDown this week but your matches still delivered nonetheless as did your promos with the exception of Helms/Kash and the Flair/Birchall segment. Keep up the good work.


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the reviews so far guys. Here is the RAW Preview.

RAW Preview
May 8 – The Astrodome - Houston, Texas

This week, RAW hails from the world-famous Houston Astrodome. We have a new champ in town as Edge ended the one-day title reign of Kane with help from none other than Abyss and James Mitchell in the Ambulance Match that could go down as the most violent non-PPV Match in wrestling history! What will the new WWE Champion have to say, and will we find out why Abyss caused the ambulance, with Kane inside, to explode?

Plus, John Cena demanded to be given a #1 contenders match this week in order to get back in the hunt for a WWE Title shot. Will Stone Cold Steve Austin grant Cena his wish, and if so, who will also be in that match?

What new developments will we see regarding Randy Orton and Triple H? These two slugged it out last week, and Orton managed to pick up the win after falling on top of Triple H after both men hit each other with weapons!

Plus, will we see new tag team champions on RAW, as the Basham Brothers have been given a title shot? Or will the Hardy Boyz retain the gold they won at Backlash?

Don’t miss RAW for a night of great action!

World Tag Team Championship

Hardy Boyz vs. Basham Brothers

The Rated R CMStar

Great preview, I think that The Hardys will retain and I am curious what Edge will do, as well with Abyss. I hope Raw continues to be the top show in your BTB, and I also hope SD picks up with it this time. I will be reviewing


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Monday, May 8 – The Astrodome - Houston, Texas

The RAW opening video plays and we’re ready to go!

We see footage of the Kane vs. Edge, Ambulance Match from last week on RAW, where Kane tombstoned Edge on top of the ambulance, but then Abyss and James Mitchell appeared and Abyss black hole slammed Kane into thumbtacks, which he placed in the back of the ambulance and won Edge the WWE Championship. Afterwards, Abyss and James Mitchell blew the ambulance up with Kane inside, and the feature ends with Edge and Lita laughing at Kane, although Edge is barely conscious.

We go to ringside.

Welcome everybody, to Monday night RAW. Tonight we are live from the Houston Astrodome, and Stone Cold Steve Austin has already made some huge matches for tonight.

That’s right, hello everyone, and we know that Carlito will face Chris Masters in a rematch from Backlash, but this time the Intercontinental Title is not on the line.

That should be an amazing match. We also have a Tag Team Title defence, as the Hardy Boyz face the Basham Brothers, and I cannot wait to see that match go down. Torrie Wilson takes on Mickie James in divas action!

And not only that, but Steve Austin will announce a number one contenders match for tonight, with the winner going on the challenge for the WWE Championship at Vengeance.

I have a feeling that tonight is gonna be an awesome night of action, and let’s wait and see what happens.

Edge’s music hits and the crowd go crazy with heat as the new WWE Champion comes out to deafening jeers. He is not alone, though, as Lita is by his side, and we see Abyss and his manager, James Mitchell, come down just behind Edge. The four of them climb into the ring and Edge grabs a mic.

Ya know, last week I entered what some people are calling the most brutal match that RAW has ever seen in its ten plus year history. Me and Kane fought to the death, literally, in an Ambulance Match. I took the most sick move ever, the tombstone piledriver onto the top of the ambulance. But thanks to these guys (points to Abyss and James Mitchell), I am now the new, 2-time WWE Champion. And where’s Kane? Let’s just say that he is finally in the place where everyone always said he’d go…down in hell!

The fans boo heavily some more and chant ‘asshole at Edge’.

Kane is gone. I took him out, and last week marked a new era for RAW. My time has come, and although my first title reign didn’t last so long, this one will. And what I am out here to say is that I have assembled a unit called the ‘Edge Army’. They will keep me on the top of the mountain, and when their time arrives, I will happily hand over the WWE Championship after having fulfilled my legacy. You see, I have Abyss and his manager, James Mitchell, by my side. And more will follow later tonight. The only thing I have left to say is that Stone Cold wants to name a number one contender tonight. And that’s fine. Whoever it is will not beat me! I am the greatest wrestler alive today, and no matter who Austin puts in my path, I will overcome them at Vengeance!

The fans boo but Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music shatters through the arena and the RAW GM gets a huge pop as he comes down to the ring, and he looks angry.

Edge, let me get this straight. You have assembled…the Edge Army? Is that the best you can come up with you stinking bastard.

The fans cheer Austin.

Last week, I unfortunately had other issues to attend to whilst you and your ‘army’ took Kane out and stole his WWE Title from him. I was in the back, attending to the Big Show, Kane’s partner, who apparently was attacked from behind and didn’t see who the perpetrator was. I guess I don’t need to run any investigations because I am 100% positive it was that man Abyss! But what I did manage to do was see the ambulance after the show went off air, and this is what I saw. Roll the footage!

We see Austin and loads of medics and fire extinguishers securing the ambulance and they open the back door. We see that the thumbtacks are scattered everywhere after the explosion but Kane is not inside.

The fans in the crowd cheer and Edge and his army look pissed.

So Edge, Kane is definitely not in hell…yet, but he will be out of action for an immeasurable amount of time, and you can be sure that he’ll want revenge on all of you. But as for tonight, I am putting your new man, Abyss, in his first ever WWE match. He will go one on one with the man he attacked backstage last week…the Big Show!

The fans cheer and Abyss looks annoyed.

And Edge, if you ever do anything like what you did last week again, I will strip you of the WWE Championship, and fire your ass from RAW!

Edge and his army all scorn at Austin.

Oh yeah, and there’s one other thing. Edge, I know you aren’t able to compete tonight and if you force you into a match then I’ll probably be fired by the Board of Directors, but I’m sure you’ll be alright by this time next week. So what I’ve done is put you in a match. You will team up with Abyss to face the Big Show and the superstar who becomes he number one contender tonight.

Edge is angry and Austin’s music hits. He leaves and we head to our first commercial.


Welcome back to RAW live from Houston, Texas. We’re gonna kick the action off with a rematch from Backlash: Carlito against Chris Masters, but the Intercontinental Championship is not on the line.

Chris Masters comes out to the ring and gets a lot of heat. He steps into the ring a grabs a microphone.

It has now been two weeks since I ‘betrayed’ Mr. Money in the Bank, Carlito. And I’m still hearing people asking me why I did it. So I feel that I need to explain myself, not because Carlito deserves to hear why I turned my back on him, but to shut all of you up. You see, back to the end of last year, I found a very useful ally in Carlito. He had only made his WWE debut a few months before I debuted, and he was drafted to RAW where the two of us rose up the ranks together. We were going well, and even made it onto the RAW Survivor Series team to face SmackDown! But then, at the New Year’s Revolution PPV in January, when it was down to me, Carlito and John Cena, Carlito attacked me and pinned me. At first, this pissed me off, but I realised that Carlito was just looking out for himself, so I let it go. Then, at the Royal Rumble, he eliminated me again, and that was when I really decided that I had to take care of Carlito. It was going to happen at WrestleMania, but then I saw a chance to win the Money in the Bank title shot, only for Carlito to once again attack me. So I did it two weeks ago instead, just days before our Intercontinental Title Match at Backlash, and since then, Carlito hasn’t done anything to me. So right now, get ready to witness Carlito versus Masters II, and once again, Carlito will submit to my Masterlock!

The fans boo and Carlito’s music hits. However, he doesn’t appear and the fans boo.

I guess that Carlito realises he can’t beat me. So-

Carlito then appears behind Masters in the ring and he must have entered through the crowd. He has his Money in the Bank briefcase and cracks Masters in the back of the head with it. Masters drops to the mat and Carlito covers him.

Carlito vs. Chris Masters
The bell rings and the ref has no choice but to count the pin fall,


Winner: Carlito (0:04)

Carlito gets to his feet and the fans cheer as he just pinned Masters.

Wow, Carlito could have just won a record there for pinning Masters in under five seconds!

But that’s not fair. He cheated!

Carlito grabs the mic.

Masterpiece, you want to play dirty with Carlito. That, that’s cool!

Carlito drops the mic and takes a bite of his apple. He then spits in the face of Masters to a huge pop. Carlito picks the mic back up.

GM Austin, I want you to put me and Masters in another match next week. I just pinned the champion, and I deserve an Intercontinental Title shot!

The fans cheer and Carlito leaves.

Backstage, John Cena enters Austin’s office.

What can I do for you, Cena?

You heard what I said last week, right, about wanting you to put me in a #1 contenders bout tonight? I wanted to know if you’ve made the match yet, man.

As a matter of fact, Cena, I have made a match. Tonight’s main event is going to be a Battle Royal, and the winner will get a shot at the WWE Championship at Vengeance on June 25.

Thanks a lot man, and I won’t let you down.

Quite frankly, Cena, I don’t really care who wins that match, but you have beaten Edge before, so if you do get the title shot, AND Edge is still the WWE Champion at Vengeance, I will be rooting for you, especially after what Edge did last week. Good luck out there.

Thanks dude, I’ll catch up with you later.

Cena leaves the room and we head back down to ringside.

Vince McMahon’s music hits and the WWE Chairman comes out to huge heat.

Hello everything and welcome to MY show, Monday night RAW. I am out here to say that although HBK somehow found a loophole to get Stone Cold Steve Austin in charge of RAW, I will be continuing my investigation to will try and get Stone Cold Steve Austin off of RAW once and for all. Austin has been in thorn in the back of the McMahon family since 1997 and this has gone on long enough. The WWE Board of Directors cannot grant me my request to just simply fire Austin, but, they have told me the options I have if I wish to get him off of your screens. Option number 1 is to catch Austin using violence or intimidating the RAW superstars. If I catch Austin do any of this, I will be able to fire him. Number 2 is to have Austin produce a show that is not up to scratch. That means, if you don’t like what you see, blame Austin, and I’ll fire him. The final reason is that I can request a one on one match with the GM, and if I win, Austin is gone from RAW. However, I will not be taking the third route because of the condition I am in as a result of the Handicap Ladder Match at Backlash. But Austin, I will find a way to get rid of you, because I am Vince McMahon, and you are nothing to me!

The fans boo as Vince leaves and he struts backstage.


When we return, the Basham’s are in the ring.

The Hardy Boyz’s music hits and they get a big pop as they come out and this will be their first title defence since returning to capture the World Tag Team Titles at Backlash.

World Tag Team Championship
Hardy Boyz vs. Basham Brothers

In an evenly fought match that saw the Basham’s cheat lots in order to keep up with the Hardy’s, Doug has Jeff locked in the sleeper hold. The younger Hardy begins to fight his way out and digs some elbows into the abdomen of Doug Basham. He then sends Doug off the ropes and hits the mule kick. Jeff crawls towards Matt Hardy’s corner, but Danny Basham illegally comes into the ring and grabs his leg. Matt comes in but the ref stops him getting at Danny and the Basham’s double team Jeff and lay him out with a vicious double DDT manoeuvre. Doug makes the cover,


Jeff kicks out!

Doug is annoyed he didn’t get the 3 and he tags Danny in. Doug holds Jeff and Danny comes off the second rope with the axe handle and Doug leaves the ring. Danny works over Jeff with a chinlock which he switches to the side Crossface but Jeff rolls out of it and gets the cradle pin on an unsuspecting Danny Basham,


Kick out.

Both men reach their feet at the same time and they trade chops and punches. Jeff then ducks underneath Danny’s punch and goes off the ropes, but Doug digs his knee into Jeff’s back and Hardy walks into the last rites and Danny makes the pin,


Matt comes in to break the count!

The fans cheer as Matt unloads on Doug Basham, who also comes into the ring and Matt cross bodies Doug out of the ring and also falls to the outside floor. In the ring, Jeff counters Danny’s powerbomb attempt into the tornado DDT and he goes up top. The fans cheer at this sudden change in momentum. Jeff dives off and nails the swanton bomb to Danny Basham! He makes the cover and this should be over,


Doug is back up and he grabs Jeff’s boot and drags Hardy out of the ring.

The fans boo but Jeff sends Doug into the crowd barricade. Matt is in the ring and is begging Danny Basham to his feet. Danny sumbles up and turns around, only to be greeted with Matt’s twist of fate! As Jeff is the legal man, he climbs back inside to make the cover,


Winners, and still World Tag Team Champions: Hardy Boyz (11:01)

The Hardy’s celebrate the successful title defence.

Another win for the Hardy Boyz and the Basham Brothers’ dirty tricks didn’t pay off in this match.

We go backstage, to see Chris Masters enter Austin’s office.

Masters, what can I do for you?

Austin, you saw Carlito attack me last week, and then tonight, he ran through the crowd and attacked me from behind.

And then he pinned you in under five seconds. Yeah, I saw it!

Yes, Carlito DID pin me. But he had to cheat, and what he said afterwards, about getting a title shot next week. I don’t think he deserves it.

Well it’s a good job that you’re paid to wrestle, not to think then isn’t? Next week, you will be defending the Intercontinental Title against Carlito, and there ain’t nothing you can’t do to change my mind. Goodbye, Masters.

Masters looks pissed and doesn’t leave.

Y-y-you can’t just demand that I leave. Who the hell do you think you are? I-


Masters:I said who the-


You know, Mr McMahon was right. You are the biggest pain in the ever I’ve ever seen. Behind Carlito, that is. I hope we’ll soon get a decent GM on RAW, what with HBK and now you in control.


Masters is about to continue arguing but decides against it and he backs away and leaves.


Welcome back to RAW and still to come, we have a huge Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender for the WWE Championship, but coming up next, Big Show looks to get some revenge on Abyss for Abyss’ actions against Kane last week.

I have no idea when, if ever, Kane will return to RAW, but I hope Big Show gets some retribution over Abyss, as we do not accept behaviour like we saw last week!

Big Show’s music hits and the fans give a loud pop, as they cannot stand Abyss for taking out Kane last week.

Abyss’s music plays and he and James Mitchell come out and make their way down to the ring. Big Show climbs out of the ring and runs at Abyss. Abyss has his chain and he swings it at Show, but Show avoids him and nails a hard punch. Abyss drops his chain and turns into loads of punches from the Big Show, who is very angry and doesn’t let up on Abyss. Show runs Abyss into the crowd barricade and Mitchell grabs the chain and then cracks Show in the back with it. This has little effect and Show grabs Mitchell around the neck and picks him in the air, ready for a Chokeslam on the steel ramp way. However, Abyss nails Show from behind and hammers away on him. Abyss attempts to run Show into the ring apron but it is reversed and Abyss hits the apron hard. Show grabs him again and sends him into the steel steps. He finally throws Abyss into the ring and also climbs inside. The bell is rung to begin the match – officially!

Big Show vs. Abyss w/James Mitchell

After an all out brawl between these two, Big Show is calling for the Chokeslam to finish Abyss off. Abyss rises and turns around, but as Show grabs his throat, Abyss kicks him in the gut and hits a lariat. Show gets back up and Abyss sends him off the ropes and gets positioned for the black hole slam, but Show throws him away. Abyss comes off the ropes but Show clotheslines him down. The crowd are really behind Show because of Abyss’ actions last week against Kane and Mitchell is getting angry with some fans at ringside.

Abyss rolls out of the ring to catch his breath and Big Show does his signature pose in the ring. The fans pop loudly and Abyss grabs his chain from on the entrance ramp. He climbs back into the ring and wraps it around his hand, but the Big Show hits a boot to the face and then drops Abyss, as Abyss runs at him, with the side slam! Show covers,


Abyss gets a shoulder up!

Show is frustrated and he once again signals for the Chokeslam, seeing an opportunity. Abyss slowly rises to his feet and turns around, but then Edge runs down the ramp and grabs Show’s foot. Show pulls Edge up onto the apron and punches him back down. However, when Show turns around, he is greeted with Abyss’ black hole slam! The ‘monster’ makes the cover,


Winner: Abyss (8:21

Abyss gets to his feet and Mitchell, Edge and Lita all climb into the ring. The four of them all celebrate their latest coo.

This just makes me absolutely sick! I can’t believe that Edge has assembled this ‘Edge Army’. He is the WWE Champion, and I hope that no matter who wins the #1 Contenders Battle Royal, they will win the title at Vengeance!

You’re supposed to be impartial, but since you’re rooting for your favourites, I’m gonna be firmly behind Edge and his army overcoming all challengers from now on.

At that point, Big Show climbs back into the ring with a steel chair and he cracks Edge in the back with it. He stomps away on the WWE Champion but Abyss then clotheslines him hard in the back of the head and cracks the chair over his head afterwards! The Big Show is busted open and Mitchell hands Abyss the steel chain. Edge is back to his feet and he and Mitchell pull Big Show to his feet and hold him for Abyss to nail in the head with a chain shot. Lita had exited the ring and she returns with a bag, which the fans boo at as it is obvious what is contained inside. She opens the bag and pours the thousands upon thousands of thumbtacks out into the ring and Edge smiles. Abyss and Edge send Show off the ropes and Edge runs at Show and drops him onto all the thumbtacks with the spear! The fans hiss boos and ‘asshole’ chants and the ‘Edge Army’ stand tall over Big Show’s lifeless body.

Oh my, h-who the hell is going to stop this force?


Edge and his ‘army’ are all backstage and Edge looks pleased with himself.

Guys, another great night. I love it when a plan goes right. Haha, I guess Big Show could be joining Kane on the injured list. Who’s next?

A-hahaha. The Edge Army will dismantle every other force on RAW until we are the only souls remaining. Next, Edge, is the victor in the #1 contenders Battle Royal. No matter who it is, we will make sure they are unable to compete when Vengeance arrives.

Abyss does his usual scream and they all laugh.

How about taking things a little easy tonight, Edge. We could, uh, check into a hotel, and…

I know where this is going. Hell yeah, I’ll make some arrangements.

A familiar voice is then heard and it is Austin.

Did I hear a hell yeah?

Edge’s face turns from happy to sad in an instant.

Austin, what the hell do you want?

I wanted to congratulate you on your latest antics. Your ‘army’, is doing a good service to you. But I need to tell you something. I know I said that next week you would team with Abyss to face the Big Show and tonight’s Battle Royal winner, but because of what you did to the Big Show, I am unsure as to whether he will be fit to compete next week. If he is not, then I will allow the Battle Royal winner, and your next number one contender, to choose any partner they want.

Edge looks pissed off.

Austin, you know that I’m not going to be able to compete next week. I’m still concussed from last week’s Ambulance Match.

So you want me to cancel the match?

Yeah, sure I do!

Ok, I’ll cancel the match.

Edge smirks.

On one condition…you dissemble your ‘Edge Army’.

Edge’s smirk turns to a frown.

No, no, you can’t do that! I won’t do it.

Then the match next week, is still on.

Edge and Lita look like they don’t know what to do. Abyss is in the background grunting.

And that’s the bottom line…cause Stone Cold said so!

Edge looks pissed and Austin turns to leave. Abyss gets in his face and Austin gives him the middle finger.

Oh, and one other thing…next week’s match, is a Tables Match!

Edge can’t believe it but as he is about to speak, Austin puts his middle finger right in Edge’s face and Edge realises he should keep quiet. Austin leaves.

Trish is in the women’s locker room and Mickie James enters the room.

Hey Mickie, what’s up?

Trish, and just wanted to let you know that I saw Lita cheat to retain her Women’s Title against you last week, and I’ve just seen Stone Cold Steve Austin earlier and he’s given me a title shot next week on RAW.

Mickie jumps up and down with excitement and Trish doesn’t seem so happy.


Trish fakes a smile and Mickie is ecstatic.

And Trish, I’m going to dedicate that match to you!

Trish is looking very annoyed but Mickie hugs her and we see that Trish cannot believe how Mickie got the title shot.


When we return, Mickie James is in the ring and Torrie Wilson comes down with Victoria and Candice Michelle by her side.

Mickie James gets a Women’s Title Match next week against Lita. But she has to go through Torrie Wilson first.

Mickie James vs. Torrie Wilson w/Victoria & Candice Michelle

Mickie outwrestled Torrie for much of this short match but interference from Victoria and Candice allowed Torrie to connect with a clothesline and she even suplexes Mickie. Torrie makes the cover,


Kick out!

Torrie pulls Mickie up and sends her off the ropes. Mickie ducks Torrie’s clothesline and connects with the Mick kick. Torrie falls to the mat and Mickie covers her,


Winner: Mickie James (4:07)

Candice and Victoria run into the ring and attack Mickie, with Torrie soon joining in for the 3-on-1 beat down. Trish runs out to make the save and she tosses Candice and Torrie out of the ring. Victoria nails Trish from behind and then sets her up for the widow’s peak, but Stratus rolls over her and connects with the Stratusfaction! However, Lita then runs down and cracks Trish across the head with the Women’s Championship belt. The fans boo and Mickie attends to Trish whilst Lita backs up the ramp looking pleased with herself.

Backstage, Randy Orton is preparing for tonight’s main event when Triple H swings by. Orton immediately stops what he is doing and goes nose to nose with H.

Triple H:You know, Randy, you may have gotten lucky last week. But tonight, I will win the Battle Royal, and go on to Vengeance to become the 11-time WWE Champion.

Orton smirks.

Don’t kid yourself, Hunter. The only way you’ll win that Battle Royal, is over my dead body. It is my destiny to once again become the WWE Champion. I was the youngest champion in history, and tonight, my quest for the title begins again.

Is that so?

Yeah, you’re damn right it is!

They stare down intensely and we cut to a commercial break.


Welcome back and it is time for the main event. 30 minutes remain in tonight’s broadcast, and we’re about to find out who will challenge Edge for the WWE Championship at Vengeance on July 2!

I’m predicting the ‘king of kings’, Triple H, to walk out of here as the #1 contender.

Well in that case, I’m choosing Shawn Michaels to win! What about you, Joey?

I’ve got to give the edge - no pun intended – to John Cena. He demanded this match and he held that WWE Championship that Edge is wearing for the majority of 2005.

‘It wasn’t my fault’ blasts through the PA and Snitsky and Tyson Tomko make their way out to the ring quickly.

The following make their entrances in this order:
Cade and Murdoch
Val Venis and Viscera
Regal and Eugene
Chavo Guerrero
Rob Conway
Randy Orton
Chris Masters
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
John Cena

The bell rings and all 16 superstars brawl in the ring.

16-Man Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contender to the WWE Championship at Vengeance
John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. William Regal vs. Eugene vs. Lance Cade vs. Trevor Murdoch vs. Viscera vs. Snitsky vs. Tyson Tomko vs. Val Venis vs. Rob Conway

Carlito and Masters go at it with ferocious shots and Masters is pissed that he lost to Carlito in four seconds earlier, and he defends his IC Title against him next week. The tag teams all brawl each other, with Regal/Eugene battling Snitsky/Tomko, Val/Viscera fighting Cade/Murdoch. Meanwhile, Chavo and Conway square off and Cena/Triple H and Orton/HBK battle it out. Viscera clotheslines both Cade and Murdoch to the mat and they get to their feet against the ropes. Val Venis runs at them and clotheslines them both out of the ring and they are the first eliminations.
Eliminated: Lance Cade (2:01)
Eliminated: Trevor Murdoch (2:02)

Viscera then runs at his own tag team partner and sends Val out of the ring!
Eliminated: Val Venis (2:16)

Val can’t believe it but he touches knuckles with Viscera, showing that there’s no hard feelings.

Orton attempts the RKO on HBK but it is countered into a reverse back breaker. Triple H stomps a mud hole into Cena in the corner and they stares down with Orton. Viscera nails H from behind and tries to throw him out, but H clings onto the rope. Orton then dropkicks Viscera and sends him into the ropes, but Viscera stays in. Triple H and Orton then both run at Viscera and clothesline him, but he stays on his feet and doesn’t go over. At that point, everyone in the match gang up on Viscera and they eventually all throw him out!
Eliminated: Viscera (5:28)

Chavo then plants Conway into the match with the gory bomb and pulls him to his feet. He sends Conway over but the con-man manages to hold on. We go to our final commercial break.


When we return, we see footage of HBK ducking underneath Tyson Tomko’s boot, which sends Tomko to the outside apron, and then avoiding the oncoming Snitsky, who inadvertently runs into Tomko and eliminates him!
Eliminated: Tyson Tomko

Snitsky then gets HBK in a powerbomb position, but HBK counters into the back body drop, sending Snitsky to the outside floor, onto Tomko.
Eliminated: Snitsky

Back with the action, Triple H and Orton teaming up and hit a double suplex on Cena. They share odd looks at one another and hammer away on HBK. Eugene then hits Chavo with the Rock bottom but Regal then sends Eugene over the top and the fans can’t believe it!
Eliminated: Eugene (11:51)

However, Conway then connects with the ego trip to Regal and avoids Chavo’s top-rope dropkick. He pulls Regal to his feet and tries to eliminate him, but Regal remains in the ring. Chavo then dropkicks Conway in the back and Conweay falls to the floor!
Eliminated: Rob Conway (13:02)

Chavo mocks Conway but Regal, who was on the mat almost directly underneath Chavo, pushes him up and drops him out of the ring!
Eliminated: Chavo Guerrero (13:41)

Chavo and Conway start brawling up the entrance ramp to the back area.

Meanwhile, Triple H is holding Cena for Orton to nail with hard punches and Carlito and Masters are still going at it. HBK then comes off the top rope with a dropkick to both Carlito and Masters. They both fall back into the ropes, and H and Orton are quick to clotheslines them out of the ring!
Eliminated: Chris Masters (15:00)
Eliminated: Carlito (15:00)

The remaining combatants are Triple H, Orton, Cena, HBK and Regal. H and Orton turn their attention to Michaels and double team him, whilst Cena is down on the mat from the beating he received from H and Orton. Regal pulls Cena up and sets him between his legs for the Regal bomb. He pulls Cena up for the powerbomb but Cena drops down and lands on his feet. He kicks Regal in the gut and sends him off the ropes, connecting with the spinebuster! Cena tells Regal, “You can’t see me!†and comes off the ropes, nailing the five-knuckle shuffle! The fans cheer as Cena pumps up his boots and waits for Regal to rise. However, Orton hits Cena from behind and drops Cena’s back over his neck. Triple H then drops Regal with the pedigree and he and Orton pick him to his feet and send him out of the ring.
Eliminated: William Regal (17:41)

The final four, HBK, Cena, Orton and Triple H, all go to separate corners. They decide that it will be Cena and HBK against Orton and H for the time being. H squares off with Cena and Orton faces off with HBK. Triple H grabs a side headlock on Cena and switches to an armlock beside Cena’s back. Orton takes HBK to the mat and digs some knees into the ribs. Meanwhile, Cena has sent H off the ropes and hits a shoulder block. He then runs off the ropes but runs into Orton’s back elbow. Orton picks Cena to his feet and tries to send him out of the ring, but Cena counters and Orton goes over onto the outside apron. Cena stomps away, hoping to send Orton out, but Triple H then nails him in the back of the head and Cena drops to the outside floor!
Eliminated: John Cena (19:22)

It is down to HBK, Orton and Triple H. Triple H mocks Cena’s “You can’t see me†pose and turns around, where HBK greets him with punches. They trade blows and H backs HBK into the turnbuckle, but HBK dodges H’s punch and stomps away on him with H now against the turnbuckle. HBK runs to the other side of the ring and is about to run towards H, but Orton grabs him by the hair from behind and HBK drops to the mat. Orton climbs up top and attempts the cross body block, but Michaels moves out of the way, only for Orton to connect his cross body to Triple H! Orton shows a sneaky laugh and then receives the body slam from HBK. Michaels goes up top and connects with the diving elbow. He goes into a corner and starts tuning up the band, but Edge races down to the ring. HBK fights him off but then turns into Orton’s RKO! Randy pulls HBK to his feet and gets ready to eliminate him, but Triple H, pissed off that Orton hit him with the cross body, comes from behind and ends Randy over the top!
Eliminated: Randy Orton (23:00)

It’s down to Triple H and Shawn Michaels. HBK is groggy after the RKO and H nails a boot to the midsection and positions him for the pedigree. However, Michaels counters into the back body drop but Edge nails him with some punches. HBK pushes him away but Edge comes off the ropes with the spear! However, HBK avoided contact and HBK then runs Edge into Triple H, who falls towards the ropes. HBK then hits Edge with the sweet chin music and the Rated R Superstar is sent into Triple H, with the impact sending H out of the ring!
Winner and #1 Contender for the WWE Championship: Shawn Michaels (25:52)

The fans cheer loudly as HBK celebrates his victory and he will face Edge at Vengeance on July 2! Edge’s WWE Title is lying outside the ring and HBK climbs out and picks it up. He re-enters the ring and holds the title in the air, saying he will be the new champion. Edge is down from the sweet chin music and HBK stands tall as we go off air.


Carlito def. Chris Masters

Hardy Boyz def. Basham Brothers to retain the World Tag Team Titles

Abyss def. Big Show

Mickie James def. Torrie Wilson

Shawn Michaels won the Battle Royal to become the #1 Contender for the WWE Title at Vengeance

Next week
Women’s Championship
Lita vs. Mickie James
Intercontinental Championship
Chris Masters vs. Carlito
Tag Team Tables Match
Shawn Michaels & (either Big Show, or a partner of his choosing, depending on Big Show’s condition) vs. The Edge Army – Edge & Abyss

Vengeance – July 2
WWE Championship

Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score

WM: Carlito match, gets the fued over but not a good match

BP: Edge ones

WP: None

AC: The show was good, really like your Edge army, is there a new member? as Edge promised in his opening promo.

Rating: 7/10

CP: Check out part 1 and 2 of ECW vs WWE's Royal Rumble

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main event Battle Royal

WM: Carlito vs Masters, but we do understand its purpose

BP: Every Austin promo was well done


AC: great show, HBK and Edge "feud" was put in dormant after Backlash, and now it will really kick off, especially with the title on the line