WWE 2004: A New Beginning

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Dec 4, 2007
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Backstory: On the night before the Royal Rumble, WWE for some odd reason decided to lay off every superstar that wasn’t in the Royal Rumble. Some thought that is was cause WWE was losing money. This is just going to go on from the Royal Rumble of 2004. Every show will be in recap, except PPV’s, and they will be in extended recap (or so I will try.) And I will try to update this page regularly.

Raw Roster

Randy Orton
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Scott Steiner
The Hurricane
Booker T
Spike Dudley
Rene Dupree
Mick Foley
Chris Jericho
Rob Van Dam
Chuck Palumbo
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Ric Flair
D-Von Dudley
Bubba Ray Dudley

Raw Champions

World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton
World Tag Team Champions: Batista and Ric Flair

Smackdown Roster

Chris Beniot
Matt Morgan
Shelton Benjamin
Kurt Angle
Big Show
Charlie Hass
Billy Gunn
John Cena
Brock Lesner
Hardcore Holly
Eddie Guerrero
Chavo Guerrero
Rey Mysterio
Jamie Noble

Smackdown Champions
WWE Champion: Brock Lesner
United States Champion: Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champion: VACANT

2004 Royal Rumble

Ric Flair and Batista defeated The Dudley Boyz after Batista put D-Von through a table with a modified chokeslam

Rey Mysterio defeated Jamie Noble after the 619 and droppin the dime

Eddie Guerrero defeated Chavo Guerrero after a frogsplash

Brock Lesner and Hardcore Holly fought to a double count out, after Hardcore Holly locked in a full nelson outside of the ring

Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a last man standing match after Triple H was just about to knock Michaels lights out with the chair Michaels sprang to life and delivered a sweet chin music into the chair which connected with Triple H’s skull.

Chris Beniot won the 2004 Royal Rumble after he came in at the #1 entry, and last eliminated the Big Show to earn a spot in the main event at WrestleMania XX

Links to News and Notes
~None Yet~

Links to Shows
~None Yet~

OOC: Sorry that the roster isn't in ABC order. Show preview should be up soon.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Nick, what number BTB is this? 2004 was one of my faourite years in wrestling (don't know why) so hopefully you can add some interesting things to it.

The Mac

Mar 14, 2008
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I was thinking of doing a 2004 btb myself, I will check this out.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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Good year to pick, will like to see if U do some stuff WWE did, like Foley/Orton fued, and reuniting the Rock n Sock Connection, as well ass Brock/Goldberg WM XX Match....good luck and i will review


Dec 4, 2007
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Thanks for the replies guys! 2004 was my favorite year in wrestling, but i thought it failed a little bit after Mania, but Lesner and Goldberg leaving. Please keep the replies coming! Show up soon!


well btb number 1023 starts and i have to say Nick that you seem more confident in this one than in the others. hope you stick with this. and i'll be watching.


Dec 4, 2007
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This is actually BTB number 6 or 7. I lost count myself. lol. I do seem a lot more confident in this one, cause i actually have shows planned and stuff like that. The matches will be about 6 to 7 lines (About like usual for me) and promos will be the same, with not much detail in them. Some people might not like that, but oh well. Live with it. Or don't read this. (Just saying that, i hope a lot of people read this)

Evil Austin

well I had the bad thing of being named the btb restarter but I think you beat me and my record lol but yeah hopefully you can stick with this one....

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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Shouldn't have fired so many guys. Now no jobbers and stuff. But still, looks good, and if ya' ever need a partner, or someone to help out, I'm here buuuuuuuddy.


Dec 4, 2007
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**Just letting you all know, that the promos in this next show are not very good. They are also not in full, they are there to give you an idea of the promo**

January 26th, 2004

**Scenes from the Royal Rumble are shown. Mostly shown are the World Title Match between Shawn Michaels and Triple H, and the Royal Rumble**

JR and Jerry Lawler welcome us to Monday Night Raw! They tell is a little bit about the show, and they hype up the showdown that Triple H and new World Champion, Shawn Michaels. They then send it up to the ring where Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton’s music hits, as he makes his way to the ring. Orton has the IC Title around his shoulder. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone. He begins to speak.

I was cheated out of winning the Royal Rumble last night by a man named Mick Foley. I would have won the Royal Rumble. If it all wasn’t for Mick Foley. I could have eliminated Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, The Big Show, and especially Chris Beniot. As a matter of fact, I think I deserve to be in the main event at WrestleMania, not Chris Beniot. As a matter of fact, I have gotten permission from Eric Biscoff to invite someone to Raw next week. And you know what? Chris Beniot, I am inviting you, challenging you to come here to Raw next week, and I will prove to you that I am better than you! Orton’s music hits and he walks to the back.


**The Hurricane’s music hits and he comes out to the ring. He gets on the ring and grabs a microphone**

Now I know Eric Biscoff gave me a surprise opponent for tonight, but I just want to say, that my performance at the Royal Rumble did not work out like I wanted it to. But I promise all of you, that I will do better tonight. As a matter of fact, I guarantee-

**Kane’s music hits and he comes out to heat. Hurricane shakes his head no. Kane gets in the ring**

Match #1
Hurricane vs Kane
These two former tag team partners battled it out in a match. Hurricane had gotten no offense in during the match. Kane controlled the whole match by overpowering Hurricane. Kane whips Hurricane into the corner, and Hurricane bounces off the turnbuckle pads and staggers out into the ring, and Kane delivers a big sidewalk slam. Kane covers as it must all be over. 1….2….Hurricane manages to get a shoulder up. Kane helps Hurricane up and grabs him by his throat. Just as Kane lifts him up, the lights go off and The Undertaker’s gong is heard. The lights come back on, and Kane looks up at the entry way again. He yells “I buried you alive!” The lights go off again, and the gong is heard once more. The lights come back on and Kane once again looks at the entry way. He looks mad and scared. All of a sudden, Hurricane comes up behind him and rolls him up. 1….2….3!
Winner via Pinfall: Hurricane
Kane looks furious that he lost. Kane gets up and tries to grab Hurricane, but Hurricane scurries out of the ring fast and runs a little bit up the ramp. He ref goes to him and raises his arm, and Hurricane keeps his arm raised until the camera cuts to the back.

The Dudley Boyz are back stage. They get a huge pop from the fans. They seem to still be upset that they failed to capture the World Tag Team Championships. Eric Biscoff walks up to them to heat. Biscoff says “Just the people I am looking for. I have decided, that since you two didn’t capture the World Tag Team Championships last night, you won’t get another World Tag Team Title Shot. As a matter of fact, since you guys can’t win, I have made a way where one of you will win tonight. Biscoff then tells them that they will be in a one on one match against each other. The match receives heat.


Terri is backstage. She welcomes her guest at the time which is the new World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels! Terri asks him what it is like to once again be World Heavyweight Champion. Shawn Michaels tells her and all the fans watching that it is beyond his wildest dreams. 20 years ago, he would have never thought, that he would stand there, with the World Heavyweight Championship around his shoulder. Terri then asks him his thoughts on his meeting with Triple H tonight. Michaels replies by saying that he actually can’t wait for the meeting with Triple H. He then says if Triple H tries to do anything to me, he will feel Sweet Chin Music down his throat!

**Chuck Palumbo’s music hits and he comes out to heat**

**Scott Steiner’s music hits and he comes out to a pop**

Match #2
Chuck Palumbo vs Scott Steiner
Two very big men went at it in the ring, with both men switching the control of the match. Chuck Palumbo is having his first match, without the FBI. Palumbo’s doing well, as he is sticking with Scott Steiner. Steiner is right now in control, after Palumbo missed with a clothesline in the corner. Steiner turns Palumbo around and lays some hard right hands right in his face. Steiner then whips Palumbo into the opposite corner, and runs at him, but Palumbo boots Steiner right in his jaw. Palumbo then does something he usually doesn’t do. Palumbo climbs onto the second rope, and jumps off, but Steiner catches him in mid air with a clothesline! Steiner then helps Palumbo up, and delivers a sickening T-BONE SUPLEX! Steiner covers Palumbo. 1…2…3!
Winner via Pinfall: Scott Steiner
Steiner’s music hits and he gets up, and the ref raises his arm up. Steiner celebrates in the ring for a little while, before exiting the ring and walking to the back.

Camera cuts to the back where Triple H is walking to the arena. Camera then shows Shawn Michaels walking to the arena.


**Triple H’s music hits, and he comes out to heat. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic. He doesn’t say anything though, he waits for Shawn Michaels**

**Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes out to a pop. Michaels has the World Title around his shoulder. He gets in the ring and gets a microphone from someone from the outside of the ring**

Triple H is the first to talk. “You know what Shawn? You got lucky last night. You got extremely lucky last night.” Shawn Michaels interrupts. “Luck has nothing to do with it. I was the better man. I beat you last night in a last man standing match! And I walked out of Madison Square Garden, The Royal Rumble, The World Heavyweight Champion! And I don’t intend on losing this title any time soon!” Triple H speaks. “You See, that’s where your wrong. You say you don’t intend on losing the title any time soon? Well guess what? Next week on Raw, I am using my rematch clause and I am going to recapture my World Heavyweight Championship!” Shawn Michaels smiles and speaks. “It’s on then!”

**Shawn Michaels music hits and he gets out of the ring and walks to the back**


**Ric Flair’s music hits and he comes out to the ring with the World Tag Team Title around his shoulder**

**Goldberg’s music hits and he comes out to a big pop**

Match #3
Ric Flair vs Goldberg
The Fans where very well into this match, and where all behind Goldberg, but when Ric got in the occasional chest chop, there would be a chorus of “Wooos!” Ric had Goldberg in the corner and was giving him a few chest chops, but then he made a mistake by trying to Irish whip Goldberg into the corner. Goldberg reversed it and whipped Flair into the corner, and ran at Flair and went for a spear in the corner, however Flair got out of the way and Goldberg went shoulder first into the steel ring post. Flair gets him out of the corner and rolls him up. 1…..2……Goldberg gets his shoulder up! Flair gets up and goes to help Goldberg up to his feet, but Goldberg slips out of it, and he picks up Flair and takes him and slams him into the corner. Goldberg takes Flair into the middle of the ring and gets him in position for the Jackhammer. Goldberg lifts Flair up. JACKHAMMER! Goldberg covers. 1….2….3!
Winner via Pinfall: Goldberg
Goldberg’s music hits and he raises his arm. He gets out of the ring and walks to the back with his arm raised.

Camera goes backstage to Eric Biscoff in his office. Mick Foley walks into his office and asks him for a match tonight. He feels like he needs a match. Eric Biscoff tells him that he will have a match. But it may not be with the person that you want it to be with. Triple H walks into the office, and Eric Biscoff smiles. Mick Foley, Tonight, you will be in a match with Triple H! Triple H doesn’t look to happy about the match, and Foley looks quite satisfied. Steve Austin walks into the room and Eric Biscoff’s smile goes to a frown. Steve, get out of my office right now! Steve raises his hand as if he is going to smack Biscoff, and Biscoff flinches real big. Steve Austin speaks. Anybody breaking the law? I think you are, and he grabs Biscoff and throws him into the wall in his office. Triple H and Steve Austin have a staredown. Austin speaks. Break my law. I break your jaw! Steve Austin smiles and leaves the room.


**Bubba Ray Dudley’s music hits and he comes out to a pop. He looks sad as he walks to the ring**

**D-Von Dudley’s music hits and he comes out to a pop. He also looks sad, as he walks to the ring**

Match #4
Bubba Ray Dudley vs D-Von Dudley
The match had a very slow pace, with neither men not wanting to hurt the other very much. Bubba Ray whips D-Von off the ropes, and lowers his head for a back body drop, but D-Von has it scouted and he kicks Bubba Ray in the face, then delivers a neck breaker. D-Von climbs on the cover. 1…..2…..Bubba Ray kicks out at two and a half. D-Von gets up and helps Bubba Ray to his feet, and whips him into the corner. D-Von runs at him, but Bubba Ray moves out of the way, and D-Von runs right into the turnbuckle. D-Von staggers around and Bubba Ray is there, and hits him with a hard right, then another, then another, then Bubba Ray makes the ‘suck it’ sign and then clotheslines D-Von down. Bubba Ray helps D-Von up, but all of a sudden, Batista steps into the ring and hits Bubba Ray hard on the back. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner via Disqualification: Bubba Ray Dudley
Batista continues with the assault on Bubba Ray, kicking and stomping him, until D-Von gets up and hits Batista in the back, but this doesn’t face Batista much, and he turns around and clotheslines D-Von. He then picks him up and puts his legs between his head. Lifts him up. BATISTA BOMB! Referees hit the ring to try to get Batista under control. They manage to get Batista under control, as the camera cuts to the back.

Terri is there with Triple H. She asks him about his World Title Match next week with Shawn Michaels, but then more importantly his match tonight with Mick Foley. Triple H says he could care less about his match with Mick Foley. In fact, he could tell us the outcome of the match. A Pedigree, and a victory for Triple H. He then says that Shawn Michaels better get ready to lose the World Heavyweight Championship next week, cause it will happen!


**Mick Foley’s music hits and he comes out to a pop**

**Triple H’s music hits and he comes out to a lot of heat**

Main Event
Mick Foley vs Triple H
The match had very good back and fourth action, with Mick Foley showing that he really did want a match, as he wrestled his heart out to beat Triple H. Triple H has just locked in a sleeper hold on Mick Foley. Will it work? Was it a smart move? It seems so, Mick Foley seems to be fading. Triple H puts the hold on harder, and Mick Foley seems to be out. The ref raises Mick Foley’s arm up and it falls to the mat. The ref raises Mick’s arm up again, and it once again falls to the mat. The ref lifts it up one more time, and Mick Foley’s hand hits the mat NO! Mick Foley just managed to keep his hand up right before it hit the mat. Triple H seems to be trying to get the lock in harder, but it isn’t working as Mick Foley is on one knee, trying to get up to his feet. Mick Foley manages to get up to his feet, and he comes off the ropes and whips Triple H off of him, and off the ropes, but Triple H comes off the ropes and delivers a high knee right to the jaw. Triple H stands in front of Foley, and Foley gets himself in the right position for the pedigree. Triple H gets ready for it. PEDIGREE! Triple H covers. 1…..2…..3!
Winner via Pinfall: Triple H
Triple H stands up and motions to the back for someone to come out. Randy Orton comes out and runs and slides into the ring. Orton starts right on the attack with hard rights and lefts. Triple H helps in on the attack, and he starts kicking Foley, as Orton stands up and starts kicking Foley too. Triple H gets Foley onto his knees and puts his hand over is mouth. Orton starts trash talking Foley, before hitting him with a few hard right hands. Orton gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair that Lillian Garcia was sitting on. Orton gets back in the ring, but Shawn Michaels slides into the ring and sweet chin music’s the chair right into Orton’s face. Orton falls down to the mat, and Triple H slides out of the ring fast. Shawn Michaels checks on Foley, then stands back up and points at Triple H, then Triple H motions for the World Championship, and Michaels shakes his head no.

End of Show

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I'm not going to give an official review because I do not feel it needs one. Instead, I am going to say that matches need to be way longer. And why would Bubba be wrestling D-Von? This show was not very good tbh


Dec 4, 2007
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If you would have read the show, you would have saw that Eric Biscoff put D-Von and Bubba ray in a match. And the show was in recap, and imo the matches where fairly long for a recap.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^I was saying that I doubt he would put two partners in a match together. And you can say they are long, but if you look ta the top bookers like XBA and CMS they do not write in recap

Evil Austin

Yea but don't compare him to them, I mean he is no CMS or XBA or Anigma or Levy. And he knows that.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^I am just saying that if you really want to succeed you need to write in full, not recap.