for what it's worth, I don't buy SK duo nor do I buy Magic claiming VT. He didn't really appear in game until Xenus wagon was picking up steam and lots of activity last night. I think with the character spec now we have from the flips it's a indy/scum split. This would make sense to the OP rule about draws. Mafia / SK final 2 that ends up in a draw).
Wouldn't surprise me if Magic claimed VT in the mason QT to Xenus as an attempt to stop Xenus killing Magic early on whilst Magic was just hoping to ride the VT train and try and direct the vig to shoot Chimp/Chris. Magic came straight in after seeing Chris had repped in and demanded he still be shot.
Why would you do this as town when Chris is active and playing in his new role? SK was lynched too. He's just trying to speed up LyLo and when Odo started to confront him, he vanished.
Sorry to echo my previous posts with a GOAT 2012 mafia era repeat
He also has a confirmed POE list - but is not up to date with the game. How can you confirm a POE list if you're not caught up? I think frustrated Magic slipped and has leaked either his own POE as SK (unlikely) or scums POE.
If you look at Magics POE list and see who's voted them recently, I think we'll find a scum team