It has nothing to do with me being a skitzo, but this is not the time to talk about this yet. You can do what you need to do in terms of voting or targetting me, whatever you want to do and get all tunnelly, but when a line of questioning does not benefit town, it does not matter how much you push, I'm not going to answer it.
When Odo flips scum, then you can decide whether you trust me or not. It really doesn't bother me whether you pursue me all Day.
I actually think you're probably just bad town from these posts as I don't see you going hard to defend Odo as scum and I still don't see a PM as a scum role - I know this is set up spec. But there are things you can't understand from just simply asking questions.
2012 GOAT era ever, not 2020! etc
Please stop accusing me of tunnelling because you made a dickish post earlier on the game and I'm not letting you go over it. Downplaying my game in a condescending manner because YOU don't like it is not just scummy, it's a dick move.
It has been noted that scum Xenus does not interact with scum mates D1 - you have barely interacted with Magic, someone I'm scum reading and still am, despite his "effort" in the early hours of this morn.
You also made plenty of posts about how you know so much about Magic that you can talk about how he approaches games, how he can lead agendas against players but you CAN'T give a read? How does that benefit town, at all? You refusing to give a read is detrimental to town.
What possible reason could there be that you're able to identify so much about Magic (who was trying to direct a vig to kill someone - now you said you didn't like anyone directing the vig as well) but unable to give a read? I considered it might be to do with your role but then you claimed Skitzo and IIRC skitzo gets a randomised night role
(edit for set up spec of my understanding of the role, appreciate it may be different per mod and Xenus has claimed 5 randoma ctions) You've just claimed it was a kill shot that you OMGUSed at Odo for pegging you as scum.
So two options, maybe I misread you as a chilled, nice guy and decent mafia player instead of realising you're literally just deflecting me because I'm new/shit at the game and you're being a dick - this would make sense with how you keep trying to discredit me over "tunnelling" or you're scum and you're trying to discredit me because you know I'm right