WS Mafia II: THE REBUILD - Game Thread

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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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All glory to God
Dec 2, 2019
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My middle name is mistake

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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sadly i am town though. but you should have this from here

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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make with the flip poyser, you smurf


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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Final Day 4 Vote Count

Brutus (1) - Barry
Doddsy (1 ) - Jeff
Jeff (5) - Kajuh, Blaine, Alco, Haza, Brutus

Jeff was lynched...

Character: Juice
Role: Godmother/1-Shot Janitor
Alignment: Newcomers

Not since Odo have we seen a player burst onto the scene with such aplomb! Making a name for yourself immediately, you’re already a key player in the section. As the most impressive of the newcomers, you can fit into the town more easily. As such, you will be the Godmother. Should you be investigated, you will show a favourable result. You are also 1x bulletproof and will survive the first attempt on your life.

After your impressive scum debut and natural talent for causing chaos and confusion, you will once this game be able to make your team’s kill a janitor.

Slay queen!

QT: :garrett

You win when the Newcomers control the majority.

WS Mafia & CraigPelton win!

Remaining characters:


Character: CamillePunk
Role: 2-Shot Cop
Alignment: WS Mafia

The very guy that ushered in the PALs era! Providing an inspirational template for all of us off the pitch for how to rebuild yourself from some low points to incredible conduct, you’ve also been on fire on the pitch. Like Jordan Henderson you go about your business with quiet efficiency and prove incredibly important to any team you wind up on. You will be important to your team this game too! Twice at night you may target a player and learn their alignment.

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Odo
Role: 1-Shot Daykill
Alignment: WS Mafia

You may have lost your smile recently with those mean scum boys killing you N1 all the time, and even moderators taking it upon themselves to kill you too! Tsk. Well, I have just the medicine to cheer you up. Revenge! Once this game during the day, you can post Kill [player] in the thread and that player will die. Have fun x

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Tweet
Role: Stump
Alignment: WS Mafia

You almost fell victim to the dreaded newcomer of the year award curse but your resilience has been shining through lately! You also provided an early contender for highlight of the year 2021 with your shenanigans as a scum stump, so we want more of that here! After you die, you will lose your vote and will not count towards the majority, but you will still be able to post. Brighten up all of our day once again :)

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Lethal
Role: Seraph Knight
Alignment: WS Mafia

One of the players that has put the most effort into improving over the last year or so! You could still make improvements (but can’t we all?), however the progress has been palpable. I have faith that the right outcome will prevail! One of your biggest tendencies is that of the tunnel, and you will use that to your advantage this game! Once at night you may target a player and assuming successful, will protect them every night for as long as you live! For any observation roles, you will be considered to be visiting your target every night you protect them.

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Alco
Role: Vanilla Townie
Alignment: WS Mafia

It’s everybody’s great Belgian friend, Alco! A mainstay, a bedrock, a cornerstone of the WF/WS Mafia section, things would never be the same without you. Unfortunately due to your tendency to miss long periods of games due to your incredible social shenanigans, I can’t trust you with a role. But that doesn’t stop you from being everybody’s favourite player! Yaaaass king!

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Junk
Role: Vanilla Townie
Alignment: WS Mafia

WrestlingSmark’s favourite lunatic, welcome back Junk! Whether it’s your off the rails plays as scum or your unorthodox town methods, you always keep everybody guessing and the people love you for it! A true pleasure to play with. Unfortunately I am a little hesitant to give you a role as we don’t want a repeat of the govorner situation, but on the upside, the pressure is off and you can have fun and live your best life!

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.


Character: Haza
Role: Community Mason
Alignment: WS Mafia

Despite still being a relative newcomer, you’ve managed to make yourself a strong town voice in games. Impressive! In terms of your potential, the sky is the limit. You also have formed quite the tight knit friendship group. During this game you will be able to communicate with your very good friends Big Man and Brutus, or people impersonating them! How well do you really know your friends? Haha. Take care!

QT: :garrett

You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.

A late identification reveals...

Character: Big Man
Role: Community Mason
Alignment: WS Mafia

One of the better players in the section, you are a fearsome foe! Outright scary at times, particularly as town :eek: You have the respect of everybody in the section for your ability to cut through the crap, even when you’re barely posting! You also have formed quite the tight knit friendship group. During this game you will be able to communicate with your very good friends Haza and Brutus, or people impersonating them! How well do you really know your friends? Haha. Take care!


You win when all threats to WS Mafia have been eliminated.

And finally...

Character: Barry
Role: Survivor
Alignment: Survivalist

Everybody’s favourite far leftie! You’re a good egg, a sensitive soul, which is probably why you lack a certain killer instinct. Whether it’s being lynched or shot, you have great trouble staying alive. We are going to work on that this game! Forget which side is gonna win or lose, the only thing you need to focus on is surviving! It must be noted, however, that if you claim to be a survivor or overtly hint at it in any way (judged by me, so feel free to check in advance), then you will only be able to win with the mafia, and your chances of winning with town will be gone. Have to put the challenge somewhere! Good luck, my small friend. I believe in you!

You win when you are still alive at the end of the game. Should you claim, then you win when you are alive at the end of the game, and Mafia control the majority.

MVP: Haza
HM: Kajuh
HM: Tweet

Jeff can obviously feel a little hard done to here as he mostly played well, but a couple of big tactical errors in my estimation. Definitely think getting sucked into that battle with tweet exposed him somewhat, and I feel like tweet definitely got the better of him. I also think genuine traitor hunting and pushing in the thread was a misfire too. That said, got a lot of really bad luck and definitely did well to turn around the performance after a poor start. Got very comfortable in the thread on D2 and again after the tweet battle and played far better. A couple of mislynches and you probably beat tweet to the other HM but I think he edges it due to winning the direct battle.

Very strong town performance overall. Haza killed it from the get go, only losing a step to a false positive cop result which is obviously understandable. Great performance all round. Tweet probably the best I’ve seen him for a while, Kajuh played great and announced himself as a player. Barry did well to not get sucked into being lynched too and fought off his wagon without having to claim which is a pretty big feat considering how easy it is to wagon him. Other than the push on tweet which I thought was pretty horrible I don’t really feel like town put a foot wrong in this game. Obviously would’ve been interesting to see how it would have went down without the modkill.

Thanks for playing everybody!

Mason QT:
Mafia QT:
Dead QT:
Mod QT: