IT MATTERS TO MEWhat does it matter what colour the person in the picture is?
IT MATTERS TO MEWhat does it matter what colour the person in the picture is?
How was I opportunistic on Blaine? I'm not even actively pushing him, nor am I reading him scum.
YES I AM WHITEGot a problem with a black man - being used to visualise, you slipping?
You can't be seriously suggesting that? You can't suggest a scum person would think to quickly go "OH THE MODKILL SKIPS DAY PHASE BE CAREFUL" rather than be quiet and see if anyone forgets to read? I know I'd do the latter.Look. The point is, Jeff went out of his way to tell us about the rules. Standard water carrying, easily fakeable, completely null for a player of his calibre. It's COMPLETELY meaningless exactly what the content of that post was so long as it looked helpful.
It felt like you might be pushing an easy direction without putting a vote down. i admit thought that nothing came of it, so that specific point isnt exactly strong anymore.
tbf last time we were scum together we had a heated interaction tooGoing to throw out a completely crackpot theory:
Their argument is taking a turn for the farcical. Perhaps it's put-on in order to make others think that they couldn't possibly be aligned.
You can't be seriously suggesting that? You can't suggest a scum person would think to quickly go "OH THE MODKILL SKIPS DAY PHASE BE CAREFUL" rather than be quiet and see if anyone forgets to read? I know I'd do the latter.