He's back on his shit to make a November return ... Kobe Bryant’s “Blackout” Workout
I call my workout the ‘blackout’ because I push myself until I almost black out.
- Kobe Bryant
2 hours of running
2 hours of basketball
1 hour of Cardio (boxing, jump rope, etc)
1 hour of Weights which are listed below:
Day 1 & Day 4
Bench press
Lat pull-downs
Incline press
Military press
Abdominal crunches
Day 2 & Day 5
Lateral dumbbell raises
Bar dips
Tricep press-downs
Bicep curls
Abdominal crunches
Day 3 & Day 6
Back squats/Front squats
Leg curls
Leg extensions
Calf raises
Abdominal crunches