the downtown chuckers training facility opened it's doors today, and the fans and media poured in, eager to get a first look at their new team. the biggest story of the day had to have been the play of jr smith, who connected on 21-24 3's, including 1 stretch where he knocked down 12 straight over the outstretched arms of nicolas batum. smith showed why he's such a valuable asset as a tremendous dead eye shooter in this league, however when questioned about his awe inspiring performance, gm shutupchico wasn't too impressed. "it's obvious this guy is an exceptional talent, nobody can deny that. who else can make those kinda shots? the problem is, they're all contested. this team is all about good shot selection, and if jr can't accept that, he'll have to understand he's not irreplaceable. for someone with that kind of value, if u don't play by my rules, well then i just can't rule a trade out, man." there was also a lot of talk about some of the so called gambles and questionable decisions chico made in the draft, as for the 1st time since the inaugral season of the wcf, he isn't being looked at as any kind of threat. one columnist even picked him to finish last in his division. "expectations, they're low, but i don't feel low. gordon and bargnani, they're both all stars. u think they're gonna get injured again this year? no way. lightning already struck twice, it can't strike 3. green fell to me, ariza fell to me, most of em fell to me. they can fall, u can lock in, or u can reach. u gotta understand, bad gm's, they don't notice these things. they locked in on their picks, or they reaching like idiots on guys who should've gone rounds later. 1 through 13, man, ain't a team we can't compete with. don't forget whose got the #1 waiver in this league. u gonna see a great player get dropped by one of these rooks in the next month, and i'm gonna get him."