Alright, I got to Haza's end of day post. I'm pretty much caught up now.
So you know what that means, TFW's Night 1 reads list
I'm trying to process a lot and remember everything I just read, so forgive me you lovely people.
Town reads:
I was able to glean quite a few from Day. I'd say my core town column right now is Tweet, Dr. Professor, Lethal, Wang, Blaze, Sky Ekko and Barry. (Yes I realise that is a lot) Out of those, I'd say I feel least confident on Sky and Barry. I think with Barry I liked his early play a lot, then he felt less of a presence later on, but personally that early Barry involvement and prodding people looked good with me. Sky I'm a bit up in the air on, but I got the vibe her pushes were things she'd do as town, especially her Blaze stuff early on.
Rest are null but I have had posts I've liked from Magic and Peter to name a couple. I'm not prepared to give Magic a town read yet, but he hasn't pinged me.
My preference for pushes tomorrow would be in the group of (Junk, Jeff, Doink). Not in any particular order really, those are just who pinged me. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to pushing someone like Blaine either for more content, or Big Man/Alibaba but I think those are going to get replaced so hopefully we'll have something to read from those slots. Blaine has promised to catch-up and not done anything as yet, boy needs a firework strapped to him.

I'd say throw T-Pein in there too for pressure, but is he going to claim?
I see Junk is not vibing with Jeff either, I'd ideally like to sort one of these slots out. Gun to head, I think Jeff has looked slightly better but a lot of his play during day was bothersome to me. I didn't like the vote switching all the time, and just following people. He did get more in to the phase later, but it just felt like it was lacking from my POV.
I haven't found myself vibing with Junk at all, unless Jeff flips scum. I'm not buying her Juice vote, and thinking she'd actually hit scum there. Would like to solve that slot.
Doink has just felt super safe play wise, I also like what Professor threw down with his case on him.
TLDR colour list:
Yellows are who I'd like to pressure tomorrow
Chris Kringle
The Blaze
The Grimch
Big Man
Hans Gruber
Zinger Burger
Eggnog Frog
Lethal Banks
Jobber Doink
Wang Chung