Wrestler gone too soon

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
I totally agree. I really believe now that in order for any change to happen someone is going to have to die on live television.


i wouldnt suprised if that happened one day. Or he goes roid rage and actually kills his opponent


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
Roid rage is tremendously exaggerated.

And it's not like people have never died while performing or anything, it's just never happened on live tv.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

It's horrible. Vince works them hard as fuck, and they obviously need something to dull the pain. Nice to see he gets rid of them just as the problem starts or peaks backstage, just so he's not responsible. He needs to be held liable, because he's a fucking prick.

The thing is, if you have ever gone to a house show, you have basically supported Vince in working wrestlers so hard, which I, myself have done. Things won't change for a long time because Vince continues to push guys, and fans continue to support it. It's an endless cycle.

With that said, people who have died like this are responsible for their own deaths. If they were strong enough to be like CM Punk and Colt Cabana in staying away from these vices, then they would have never passed away.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Maybe if Batista had a cardiac arrest in the middle of a wrestlemania main event for the undisputed world championship and it's found that his death was steroid related then the industry can finally change itself.

His tombstone would say "I want my rematch" and the obituary in the paper would say "Flowers are not only welcome...they're allowed."

In all seriousness the fact that Vince McMahon basically flip flops between classifying his company as Sports or Entertainment when it's convenient for him pretty much guarantees that nothing will change at least in WWE. You have to wonder how different the wrestling industry would be if Vince McMahon had been indicted on Steroid Charges. Would there be less people dying before passing 40?


Finally remember the shoot interview I was talking about. Billy Jack Haynes' Conspiracy Theory 2 talks about Vince getting guys hooked on drugs, the Benoit stuff, and everything. Incredible tbh.

Billy Jack Haynes and RF VIDEO go one on one in quite possibly the most brutal and jaw-dropping shoot in our illustrious shoot interview history.
Once in a great while, a shoot interview will come along that has everyone in the entire wrestling industry talking. The fans, the boys, the wrestling historians, the people behind the scenes…everyone. RF VIDEO's exclusive new shoot interview with Billy Jack Haynes is one of those legendary shoots. This exhaustive shoot uncovered every aspect of Billy Jack's long career and opened a floodgate of unbelievable - and never heard before - stories. Always known as a shy, soft speaker during his working days as master of the full nelson, Billy Jack lets in all hang out on this jaw dropping shoot and we guarantee that this is one of the all time great interviews.

Starting his career in the Pacific North West, Billy Jack always had that can't-miss, blue chipper aura about him. Much like the troubled Kerry Von Erich, the expectations for Billy Jack were tremendous and he quickly rose to the top of the cards. This meteoric rise to fame brought with it all the problems no one in the industry talks about on the record. RF VIDEO goes even farther back in Billy Jack's history, to the shocking revelation of his molestation by a family member and the devastating fall out. This particular segment of the shoot will affect even the most cold hearted and jaded wrestling fan. Billy Jack then talked about working for the exploding Portland, Oregon territory and gave inside stories on all the top names there including Roddy Piper, Tom Zenk and Dynamite Kid.

Moving on to Billy Jack's time in the Florida territory, we got a story on the death of Eddie Graham that has never been heard anywhere else. Billy Jack explains in detail why he feels Graham shot himself and backs up his theory by discussing the letters Graham had written to Billy shortly before his death. You want shocking? This shoot delivers in a major way. Billy also talks about all the top names in Florida at the time including "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Kevin Sullivan, Wahoo McDaniel and Barry Windham. The stories with Dusty Rhodes don't stop there as Billy Jack goes into detail about working for the Crocketts at Starrcade and an actual physical altercation between Billy Jack and Jim Crocket before Haynes went backstage looking to confront Dusty Rhodes! Old school wrestling fans are going to go out of their mind while watching this shoot and hearing all the fantastic tales of the old territories!

Many of RF VIDEO's dedicated fans have been waiting years for Billy Jack to talk about his time in the WWF and this shoot does not disappoint! Billy talks about every facet of his WWF career, including his infamous WrestleMania III match with Hercules Hernandez and why it was so stiff. Billy Jack talked about steroids, the grind on the road, and Hulk Hogan without holding anything back! WWF 80s fans, youll want to watch this to hear some stories which just might make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

If you are a fan of road stories, this DVD must be added to your video library as Billy Jack told one story after another that covered the entire range of wrestling promotions and personalities, you won't believe the night when Billy Jack went to his car at a WWF house show with the intention of shooting Vince McMahon! This story alone is worth the price of the DVD as it is one you'll never forget!

Suicide attempts. Mental institutions. The RF Video shoot interview series has produced many great shoots in the past, but this might be on of the finest shoots we have ever done. This shoot doesnt require the hype we will give it here, because the shoot will speak volumes, but we wanted to make sure every single one of our valued customers were let in on the ground floor of something great.

Were you a fan growing up
How did you break in, who trained you
What was his training like
What was the hardest thing to pick up in training
Memories of your first match
Initial memories of meeting Don Owen
What was the travel like
Did anyone mentor you
Memories/thoughts on Rip Oliver
Memories/thoughts on Buddy Rose
Memories/thoughts on Roddy Piper
Memories/thoughts on Tom Zenk
Memories/thoughts on Dynamite Kid
Did he rib you at all
Memories/thoughts on Bobby Jaggers
Memories teaming with Ricky Vaughn
Memories/thoughts on Ken Patera
Memories/thoughts on Matt Bourne
Memories/thoughts on teaming with Stan Stasiak
Memories/thoughts on Curt Hennig
Memories/thoughts on Tom Pritchard
How important were the Apter mags to your early success
What happened when you were contacted by Tom Laughlin
Were there ever any attempts early on in your career to make you an NWA champion
Memories of your matches with Ric Flair
How did you wind up down in the Florida area
Memories/thoughts on Superstar Graham
Memories teaming with Wahoo Mcdaniel
Memories/thoughts on Dusty Rhodes
Memories/thoughts on Eddie Graham
Memories/thoughts on Rick Rude
Memories/thoughts on the Windhams
Memories/thoughts on Kevin Sullivan
How influential were steroids to your look
Thoughts on steroids in the business
How did you wind up in World Class
Impressions and thoughts on Fritz Von Erich
How out of control were his sons
Thoughts on being managed by Sunshine
Why did you leave so soon
Memories wrestling the Andersons at Starrcade
Did Jim Crockett or Dusty try and keep you there full time
You went back to Portland in 86 and then abruptly left for the WWF, did you give Don Owen any notice because you were champ at the time
How were you contacted to go to the WWF
Initial thoughts on Vince
What were your expectations going in
How were you accepted by the locker room
Who did you ride and room with
How did your life change now that you were a WWF superstar
What was the travel like
Memories/thoughts on your series with Randy Savage
Memories/thoughts on Hulk Hogan
Was there any jealousy from him at all
Memories/thoughts on your series with Hercules
What was it like wrestling at Wrestlemania 3
Why do you think you never got any high profile matches on Saturday Nights Main Event other than the battle royal
At what point did you buy your gym
Is it true you were fired from the WWF after you refused to do a job and if so, what were the circumstances
In retrospect do you regret it or stand by your decision that night
What were your plans after you left
You ran a show in Oregon City a year or so later, you were accused of not paying the boys, what happened
Is it true that some of the guys threatened to kill your dog
How did you wind up in WCW
Thoughts on Jim Herd and Dusty at the time
Who came up with the Black Blood gimmick
Did it bother you that you had to wear a mask
Memories teaming with One Man Gang
Who did you ride with in that time period
What was the locker room like
What were politics like
What was it like when Ric Flair left as WCW Champ
Memories/thoughts on Lex Luger
What happened, why did your tenure there come to an end
What were your plans after you left
How different was Portland this time around when you returned
Memories/thoughts on your series with Steve Doll
Memories/thoughts on the Harris boys
Memories/thoughts on Brian Adams
Did you ever try and reach out to return to the WWF at this time
What was it like when Portland finally closed
How did you wind up in the USWA
Memories/thoughts on Jerry Lawler
Memories/thoughts on Brian Christopher
Memories/thoughts on Jeff Jarrett
Was it hard mentally from going from Wrestlemania 3 to now the USWA
Was it hard to make a living there
Memories/thoughts on Brian Armstrong
At what point did you realize your career was over
Did you become hooked on drugs or struggle with addiction
How much do you miss it
What advice would you guys to talent wanting to get a job in the WWE
Would you like to go back
Do you still follow the business
Does it bother you when you see less talented guys on television while you cant get booked in the WWE or TNA
Would you ever write a book
Best ribs you ever saw
Road stories from anytime
Are you surprised by guys like Terry Funk and Flair who have been around this long
Thoughts on the lack of kayfabe today in wrestling
Is there anyone you didn't get a chance to work with that you wished you would have
What is your favorite moment in your career.