Still shook of this damn PPV. I was shaping up to be one of the best WrestleMania's but the show just seemed to take a nose dive a couple of hours in and never seemed to recover.
The IC match was damn good. Asuka/Charlotte likewise although I think I need to rewatch it because I saw the finish get a lot of hate. Ronda match was the highlight, she was excellent and it over delivered on all fronts. That's 3 of the first 4 matches delivering to a high level with several more big matches to come that we thought would deliver, however from here on out it basically just nosedived off a cliff.
The Cena/Taker was fine, it made sense to me in terms of storyline that Taker would essentially squash Cena instead of some 20 minute match, but in all honesty it was crap.
AJ/Nakamura under delivered but maybe that's because I had such high expectations. Don't get me wrong, it was still good and probably the best match after the original 3 I listed but it just felt so slow and lacked any heat. I was ready to write off Nakamura as a flop but I guess he can have his last chance with the turn at the end.
Everything else was just utter trash, highlighted by the "main event." I don't hate Roman, I just generally don't care for him but jesus christ they need to make up their fucking minds on him. Either he's your guy and you commit to him through whatever choppy waters that involves, or you just pull the plug and take a giant step back with him but this farcical stop start bullshit just does nothing for anyone. I was actually fine with Roman getting the belt, Brock going away and getting back to a proper, thriving title scene again.