Although I do agree that they should do a test show, first. They could make history with a minor pay-per-view like Over The Limit or TLC, first minor PPV to sell 90,000 tickets!

I guess it wouldn't sell out, but it would almost certainly be bigger than the other crowds. I've been saying, I think it'd be amazing if -
Jack Swagger (still managed by Zeb Colter) wins the WWE Championship.
Wade Barrett (babyface) wins the Royal Rumble and picks the WWE Champonship.
Vince McMahon turns heel and begins ranting about how the WWE is an American promotion and the WWE title doesn't deserve to be held by an Englishman.
Wade Barrett vs. Swagger main events 'Mania in Wembley. Colter and McMahon are in Swagger's corner and the entire British crowd are in barrett's corner. They could either give Barrett the title or they could do a rehash of the Montreal Screwjob, Swagger has Barrett in the ankle lock and Vince calls for the bell. The crowd would be insane.