Yeah, I hope it works out. Same with Ted DiBiase, but he is still on Superstars. Dunno why they don't give this guy a push or something.
Jose Tortilla said:Yeah, I hope it works out. Same with Ted DiBiase, but he is still on Superstars. Dunno why they don't give this guy a push or something.
Leo C said:He's currently injured, he may come back with a push on Smackdown, could help the midcard and the lack of faces.
Jose Tortilla said:I know he is, but when he was on SD, he was nothing more then a filler with Hunico..
Leo C said:Yeah, it's true. I hope he does come back with a push though, he's OK in the ring and all.
Seabs said:Ted's too bland to get a push imo, he's good in ring but that's it.