There has to be some logic behind it though, I'm not a fan of just randomly sticking someone with arm candy. HHH and Steph worked for obvious reason, Edge and Lita the same. It really has to play into the story and actually mean something. Currently the only pairing I would possibly make is to just go with real life and try sticking Tiffany with Drew. I personally think Tiffany works extremely well in a power/talking role. I don't know if she's intentionally doing it but she sounds like everything she says she's saying completely matter of factly and slowing and dumbing it down. It really works for some reason.
Well I'm not saying that everyone should automatically be paired up with no rhyme or reason. Just that certain people might benefit from having someone on their side to act as a mouthpiece etc.
Not to be rude but, based on this and a few other threads you have made, what wrestling are you watching? Serena has done pretty much fuck all. No one even cares that she is there. Oh, wow, Punk got behind her and used her as a shield, SHE IS SO USEFUL. If she left, no one would give a shit. She isn't making any sort of impact whatsoever. She's just some bald bitch who makes stupid faces.
Well I just had caught a piece of Smackdown where she was involved in the ring with Punk, and assumed that was what was going on. Should have researched it better.
The time of valets/managers is done. They had great valets/managers in the past but they can't capture the same 'feeling', I guess you could call it. Maybe they can try out a few and hope for the best but I just don't think it would last long.
It wouldn't have to last long. And while there isn't a lot of divas who could carry it off, it would have to be better to have them involved in some sort of storyline that would benefit somebody else, instead of just having them run rampant in the divas division, when nobody cares about that.
On top of that, why did you just mention women? Jimmy Hart and Bobby Heenan are two of the biggest managers ever. They had more of an impact than all the people you mentioned altogether.
Granted, I don't know how old you are and when you started wrestling so maybe you missed that time but those are the first names that come to mind, along with Elizabeth. Even Paul Bearer.
I'm trying to create discussions. I mean, I could go ahead and throw out names like Sherri Martel, Freddie Blassie, Paul Heyman along with others that have been mentioned, but then it wouldn't leave anything for anyone else to contribute to the thread.
Valets don't do much but add eye candy, or are an accessory to a wrestler's gimmick, like Baby Doll to Jimmy Garvin.
What ALOT of WWE wrestler's need are a mouthpiece manager like a Bobby Heenan or Jimmy Hart. Jerry Lawler would be of much better use as a mouthpiece for a heel than stinking up the commentator's table, Tazz working with Joe would be better than he making Don West sound like Gordon Solie and so forth. Most valets suck. They've got lips, tits, legs and ass, but that only goes so far. Hart and Heenan helped establish so many memorable workers in the day, as did Jim Cornette, Slick and others. Look at what Flair did for Batista and Orton. People are desensitized to divas anyway for them to be effective, especially since they usually suck more on the mic than the people they are there to get over, unless it's Vickie, she gets better heat than 90% of the E roster.
Well, the divas are already there as eye candy, so why not give them a useful role? Trish started out as eye candy, got some training. and that role ultimately lead to her being one of the most successful divas in the WWE.
I wasn't so much as just giving the nod to the divas, I think the majority of them are shit in the ring as well as outside of it. But there are those rare occasions when, if paired with the right person, good things happen.
Lawler, Tazz, any of the other examples by other people are great, but is there anyone in the WWE right now who is comparable to Heenan, Hart or any of the others? That's why I asked, if a return of 'good' managers' would be a wise thing to help some of the guys who can't seem to get a connection with the fans. I made some bad examples, but I thought it would go without having to be said that it wouldn't make sense to give someone a sucky manager to help them get over.