Worst things that happened at your school?

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Do you two know each other or something?

Anyways once this dude bought aknife to school and got arrested, i dunno what happened to him though.

We live near each other.


Couple of year 12s at my school got expelled for 'mucking up' on muck-up day, which makes no fucking sense tbh. It wasnt that bad, all they did was carve their names into the walls, smash up a teacher's car, throw a couple of dildos on the chapel and spray-pain their initials on the church spire.

Another thing, not bad but fucking annoying, was when a year 7 kid sprayed the fire alarm with deodorant and caused a fire drill making us all go out on the oval for like 2 hours. This was on like a 40 degree hot day as well, got the entire fuckign school pissed as hell.

Some kids were also caught dealing drugs on school property during school hours, fucking idiots. They hid behind the cricket scoreboard in the corner of the oval, lol.

Evil Austin

^ Lol, by the way I just rememberd something. On our muck up day, the year 12's did something funny.

One of the guys in year 12 got their father in the morning to come into the school before the principal did and (his father was an electrician) and he attached a door bell onto the podium floor where the principal in the morning stands on and makes his speaches to the school. Which are boring as fuck.

When he came onto the stage, suddenly he is about to open his mouth but.....*DING DONG, DING DONG* for like five minutes until he moved his foot off of the bell. It was funny shit.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Couple of year 12s at my school got expelled for 'mucking up' on muck-up day, which makes no fucking sense tbh. It wasnt that bad, all they did was carve their names into the walls, smash up a teacher's car, throw a couple of dildos on the chapel and spray-pain their initials on the church spire.

Another thing, not bad but fucking annoying, was when a year 7 kid sprayed the fire alarm with deodorant and caused a fire drill making us all go out on the oval for like 2 hours. This was on like a 40 degree hot day as well, got the entire fuckign school pissed as hell.

Some kids were also caught dealing drugs on school property during school hours, fucking idiots. They hid behind the cricket scoreboard in the corner of the oval, lol.

When you go to a public school, things like that aren't unusual.

Evil Austin

That's pretty cool, same suburb. I am sure you guys have probably bumped into each other at the Junction or something without even realizing it.

Moonlight Drive

To continue with this random off-topicness, did you guys know each other before you signed up here?

Back on topic, it's not really the worst thing, but it's something that happens a lot, especially in my year. Bitchfights, lol. Girls (who used to be like best friends and all that jazz) will just randomly yell shit out at each other in the hallways and stuff, always quite entertaining.
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
K, nothing too bad has happened at my school. Going through the years:

No surprise there mate - Australian schools are tame. A bad fart is considered big-time news.

In year 7, a chick in my class came to school absolutely shitfaced. Principal came in and she was expelled on the spot.

Strict, much? My best mate and I dared each other to turn up to morning assembly completely blind on musket (his father's barrel). We sat away from each other, and relayed a conversation by shouting. They escorted us out, and we took our shenanigans elsewhere. I was put in a cell for 6 hours to "cool off" and we both got 2 weeks suspension. But it was worth it.

Year 9 nothing fun happened.

Strange. Year 9 is usually the craziest, as we all start to "turn" in maturity by then. Our school now has their house swimming day separate of both sexes after a wave of incidents when I was in Year 9. The blokes couldn't help themselves - our female counterparts were sizzling.

Year 10 we had a kid who was wagging get knocked out walking down a main road. Basically, he dumped his gf for cheating, she got pissed off and got some massive guy from Sandy to fuck him up. He knocked two of his teeth out and left him bleeding and knocked out on the sidewalk.

Wait - so she hired a thug to touch up her ex-boyfriend because she was upset that she was dumped for cheating? Where's the logic in that? That's mildly Blue.

We also had a guy dob someone into the cops for dealing, so he was smashed in the park. That one was great because he brought it upon himself. He tried to buy some weed, so the guy gave him actual grass. Someone told him, he got pissed, he dobbed to the cops, he got smashed.

Lesson #1 in teenage dealing: you never, EVER snitch about anything to do with the dealing. And why should you? If you're smart enough, you can bluff into buying some joints dirt cheap.

And Year 11 nothing has happened during school hours, though some guy from Oakleigh's gang brought a hockey stick and threatened us at 7/11. All good fun, of course.

From my knowledge, the Oakleigh gangs are pretty soft and harmless. In fact, most teenage gangs across Melbourne are docile. They essentially tell tall stories of their horrendous acts and everyone shits themselves.

Our science rooms also get burned down twice a year.

It's hilarious because it is common in almost every school. You can't help but be amazed by a bunsen burner in Year 7/8 and then experiment with some paper.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Wait - so she hired a thug to touch up her ex-boyfriend because she was upset that she was dumped for cheating? Where's the logic in that? That's mildly Blue.
The last two words would pretty much sum that chick up. She dated a 23 year old claiming to be 18 once.
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Oh and one time, the toilet was really messed up and vandalised. Like I dunno what was written on the walls or whatever but it was in the boys toilets and the principal sat us down the whole school just the boys and told us that there are no more boys toilets for like three or so weeks until we find out who did it.
Were they allowed to do that because isn't it like a law to have public toilets in an occupied area such as a school available for people not just the girls?

Who gives a fuck? That should have been the cue for you guys to hang a leak wherever you want. Dumbass principal.

Moonlight Drive

My mate dated an 11 year old who claimed to be 14. He can never say shit now without somebody bringing it up.

Lol, my school is a bunch of softies. You can get away with anything with next to no repercussions. That guy that was high at the dance didn't even get suspended.

On the topic of paper bunsen burning, that shit never gets old :D\

Who gives a fuck? That should have been the cue for you guys to hang a leak wherever you want. Dumbass principal.
That's the mindset of about 99% of my school.

CT Styles

Moonlight Drive said:
To continue with this random off-topicness, did you guys know each other before you signed up here?
Nah, we were on MSN a while ago and I asked where in Victoria he lived and he said the same suburb as me and we were both like.. wtf?!

My school's boring, I guess. Any Aussies no of St. Leonard's?
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Some kids were also caught dealing drugs on school property during school hours, fucking idiots. They hid behind the cricket scoreboard in the corner of the oval, lol.

Reiterating what I said earlier - put the "on school property during school hours" bit aside. These are schoolkids dealing drugs. Purchasing for a quarter or even less of actual street value is a possibility.

Evil Austin

I lived in Sydney for about 12 years. It probably isn't the same St. Leonards like there are many different grammer schools but I know of one.