Worst things that happened at your school?

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I saw on the news today that some school here had a stabbing outside of it earlier today, actually, two stabbings.
Anyways, that's not really what this is about.
But what's the worst thing that's ever happened at your school or work in terms of stuff like shootings, stabbings, bomb threats, lockdowns, etc?

For me, when I was in grade 6, there wa slike 3 bomb threats that year at schools around us, and one time at our school, so there was a lockdown each time.
And then in grade 7, there was a stabbing outside, so again, lockdown.
Only one other time, and that was in grade 8, there was some kid who brought a pellet gun to school and shot someone with it, but I had already left for the day that time.

What's the worst that's happened at your school?


Someone vandalized the bathrooms last April with the "420: THE FUCKIN DAY" and the school board thought it was a bomb threat.

Hidden Blaze

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Well one time we had 2 bomb threats within the course of a month. Anyway with the 2nd one right like there was 4 or 5 maybe 6 fights outside while we was out there. It was crazy. I wish there was one more cause if they was there were just gonna end the school day and send us home.

Moonlight Drive

A couple come to mind.

One time, these blokes came into our school, into a classroom and started beating the shit out of a kid. The teacher didn't really do anything, but other students broke it up. Later that day people heard they were coming back with more people and weapons, so we went into lockdown.

Toilets get vandalized all the time but one time a guy shit in the basin, on another occasion another guy (I think it was the same one) smeared is shit all over the walls.

A kid fell down the stairs and got fucked up real bad. There were a lot of rumours, I think he broke his neck.

A guy came to a school dance drugged up off his face, we didn't have another one for 3-4 years. On the same train of thought, a girl in my class came to school after taking an ecstasy tablet.

THE Renegade Diesel

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Jun 26, 2008
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Well in the sixth grade, I remember being in the lunchroom which had glass doors, and there were these two girls, the thuggish kind, argueing, and it led to a slap, which led to a ruthless fight. Like I mean ruthless. One smashed the others head in the locker, and then the other was handed a weapon of some sorts by a friend, and supposeably it was a knife, and they seperated everything by then. Blood was all over the halls, and forsome reason, it wasn't even addressed to the students. At all.

Another time, there was a situation in grade eight, being that our PE field was a park outside our school, and for laps we went around these baseball fields. It was a large open space, and anyone, and everyone can come in, just not into the basketball courts which was the closest area to the school. There were rumours about two men coming to the back, and watching the students run. In particularly the girls. They had tried to pursuade one to go with them, and whatever, but one of the coaches spotted this, and rode his Golf Cart to the rescue, and had the buggers arrested. Did I just say buggers?

The other time, had to be this year. A huge fight after school happened with some crew, or whatever in our school called "Jumpstreet 21" :)confused:), and a rival crew I guess, from a high school down the street came over on early release, and supposeably there was a loaded gun, and knifes at the fight. I saw the bareknuckle part of the fight, but was told to leave by police once they arrived. The fight broke out again, across the street at a parking lot, and thats when more weapons came into play, hence the gun, and knifes deal.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Nothing actually happened while I was there but we all heard stories about this:

St. Pius X High School was the scene of one of North America's first school shootings. On October 27, 1975, student Robert Poulin went on a shooting spree in the school. Poulin, an 18-year-old St. Pius student, opened fire on his classmates with a shotgun killing one and wounding five before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide. Poulin had raped and stabbed his 17-year-old friend Kim Rabot to death prior to the incident. A book entitled Rape of a Normal Mind was written about the incident.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

School officer maced a thirteen year old girl for being late. She was crying a lot, This was back in 6th grade.

He got fired, but a lot of students including myself all attacked the officer. It tool forever for things to get under control.

Crazy times indeed.


Mar 31, 2007
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One day one we had a guy come into our school with an assault rifle, we went into lockdown and locked every door and had to sit in a corner for around.. id say an hour and a half, there was a swat team like running everywhere and you could hear there feet outside.. I was scared as fuck... Than I heard someone yell GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND and than I heard a loud bang.... the guy was than arrested

This was a year ago

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

K, nothing too bad has happened at my school. Going through the years:

In year 7, a chick in my class came to school absolutely shitfaced. Principal came in and she was expelled on the spot.

Year 8, some kid had heart failure (he was in year 11 I think). He just collapsed. They didn't want anyone to see the ambulances coming and stuffs, so period one went for about one and a half hours when it's meant to go for 45.

Year 9 nothing fun happened.

Year 10 we had a kid who was wagging get knocked out walking down a main road. Basically, he dumped his gf for cheating, she got pissed off and got some massive guy from Sandy to fuck him up. He knocked two of his teeth out and left him bleeding and knocked out on the sidewalk. People saw and called an ambulance. We also had a guy dob someone into the cops for dealing, so he was smashed in the park. That one was great because he brought it upon himself. He tried to buy some weed, so the guy gave him actual grass. Someone told him, he got pissed, he dobbed to the cops, he got smashed. There was also a few other brawls with other kids.

And Year 11 nothing has happened during school hours, though some guy from Oakleigh's gang brought a hockey stick and threatened us at 7/11. All good fun, of course.

Our science rooms also get burned down twice a year.

Yay. >_>

CT Styles

Year 10 we had a kid who was wagging get knocked out walking down a main road. Basically, he dumped his gf for cheating, she got pissed off and got some massive guy from Sandy to fuck him up.
Got a name?


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Do you two know each other or something?

Anyways once this dude bought aknife to school and got arrested, i dunno what happened to him though.

Evil Austin

Not much happened in my school in Sydney for year 7 or 8 besides something stupid that me and my two friends did.

I beleve it was in year 9 like the first day, and the new year 7's were having their first day in the highschool.

Basically it was like 9.15 or something in the morning, the bell was meant to start at about quarter too nine but I dunno some battery or something blew out and nothing big happened but it was late. No one noticed they were just in the oval or doing whatever they were doing normally, me and my friends though that it would be a funny prank to tell some of the new year 7's that the bell isn't going off because there is no school today and everyone can go home.

It took about five minutes for the gossip to go around the school, and year 7 to pass the message around and we were laughing as all the year 7's were leaving the school gate going home. The teachers and staff came running up and down the street trying to get them to come back. Man that was funny.

Oh and the science lab also got burnt quite a few times a term.

Edit - Oh and one time, the toilet was really messed up and vandalised. Like I dunno what was written on the walls or whatever but it was in the boys toilets and the principal sat us down the whole school just the boys and told us that there are no more boys toilets for like three or so weeks until we find out who did it.
Were they allowed to do that because isn't it like a law to have public toilets in an occupied area such as a school available for people not just the girls?

Though there have been some bashings and lots of toilet graffiti just wasn't exactly at the right place at the right time to tell what had happened. I just know stories from other people.