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Apr 12, 2008
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Looks very good Alex, hey would you check out my BTB? RAW is up and ECW will be up later.


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Aug 12, 2007
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Monday 21st July 2008


Date: Monday 21 July 2008
Venue: Mohegan Sun Arena
City: Mohegan Sun, CT
Attendance: 6,200

The first Raw since Sunday’s Great American Bash Pay-Per-View kicks off with its opening credits, highlighting the Superstars and Divas of the Raw Brand, accompanied by Raw’s theme of “To Be Lovedâ€￾ by Papa Roach. Once the credits finish, the camera pans around the Mohegan Sun Arena as the screaming fans hold up signs. Finally another camera focuses on the Raw Announce Table to begin the show…


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler

[Ross] – “We are at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut and ladies and gentleman welcome to Monday Night Raw. Jim Ross and Jerry “The Kingâ€￾ Lawler at ringside, fresh off an extraordinary Great American Bash.â€￾

[Lawler] – “You couldn’t be more right JR. Last night “the Gameâ€￾ Triple H successfully defended the WWE Championship against Shawn Michaels, what a match it was.â€￾

A camera turns away from the Raw Announce Table as “The Gameâ€￾ begins to play as Triple H walks down to the ring from the back, with the WWE championship over his shoulder. The WWE Champion gets into the ring as the fans start to boo as he looks around the Mohegan Sun Arena with a huge smirk on his face.

[Triple H] - “Last night at the Great American Bash I once again proved all of you, from those in the front row, those in the nosebleeds, even those sitting at home watching that I am that damn good!â€￾

Triple H pauses for a moment as the crowd are too loud with a huge roar of boos.

[Triple H] – “You can boo all you want, but the problem is that no one can step up and take the WWE Championship away from my grasp. Today is the one hundred and seventy-sixth day in my title reign and I will pass two hundred days in thee weeks time. Do you know why? Because my next challenger will be in just under four weeks at Summerslam. But enough about Summerslam. I would like to bring out one of my closest friends. I give to you the Chairman of the WWE, Vince McMahon!â€￾

“No Chance In Hellâ€￾ begins to play, as Vince McMahon walks down to the ring from the back wearing a light grey suit. The fans boo as loud as they can to the WWE Chairman as he gets into the ring with a grin on his face.

[Vince McMahon] – “Thank you very much. Its an…â€￾

Vince is interrupted by the loud chants of “A**holeâ€￾ from the crowd of 8,000 plus in Connecticut.

[Vince McMahon] – “I don’t see Shawn Michaels anywhere in the building so who are you talking to. Anyway I’d like to continue with what I was going to say, Summerslam is in 4 weeks, and that leaves a space that needs to be filled. A space next to who will Triple H defend the WWE Championship against. Well tonight on Raw, we will have an 8-man Gauntlet to determine who takes up that space.â€￾

“No Chance In Hellâ€￾ begins to play as Vince drops the microphone and gets out of the ring and starts to strut up the entrance ramp, leaving Triple H on his own in the centre of the ring. McMahon finally makes it to the back, as the cameras turn to Triple H. Triple H walks over to the turnbuckle and raises the WWE Championship above his head.

Commercial Break

A graphic is shown on the screen showing Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton and JBL, with the title “Gauntlet to Summerslamâ€￾.

[Ross] – “Welcome back to Monday Night Raw, if you’ve just joined us our Chairman Vince McMahon has announced that later on tonight there will be an 8-man Gauntlet, the winner will take on Triple H in 4 weeks for the WWE Championship at Summerslam.â€￾

A graphic is shown of Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy.

[Lawler] – “But also tonight, Jeff Hardy takes on Mr. Kennedy in one-on-one action, with only 24 hours since his win over Umaga last night.â€￾

A camera turns away from the graphic to the entrance ramp at the Mohegan Sun Arena. “Samoaâ€￾ begins to play as Umaga walks down to the ring to a mild reaction of boos and cheers from smart fans. Umaga gets in the ring and screams some Samoan, before the cameras turn back to the entrance ramp.

“Break Down The Wallsâ€￾ begins to play as Chris Jericho walks down to the ring in his usual wrestling gear to a cheer from the fans in attendance. Chris gets in the ring and climbs up to the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd.


Chris Jericho vs. Umaga

The bell rings and the two walk out of their corners towards each other. Jericho uses his speed to get around Umaga and puts his grip around his opponent’s waist. Umaga elbows Jericho in the face. Jericho struggles to keep the hold on. Umaga elbows Jericho in the face again, releasing Jericho’s grip of Umaga. Umaga rushes to the ropes and comes back, but is hit with a Dropkick by Jericho. Jericho goes for the pin on Umaga. 1…2.. Umaga kicks out with force.

Jericho gets to his feet and kicks Umaga in the back. Jericho quickly tries to pick up both of Umaga’s legs but Umaga releases from the hold. Jericho comes back though, but is met with a Double Kick from Umaga, sending Jericho through the ropes and out of the ring. Jericho smacks onto the outside floor as Umaga gets to his feet and gets out of the ring through the bottom rope. Umaga grabs Jericho’s head and smacks it against the guardrail. Jericho stumbles around the outside of the ring. Jericho comes back with a kick to Umaga’s mid section. Jericho gets up onto the guardrail and springs off and hits a Clothesline. Umaga falls to the outside floor as the referees count reaches 6. Jericho picks Umaga up to his feet and rolls him into the ring through the bottom rope. Jericho climbs to the top rope and waits for Umaga to get to his feet. Finally Umaga gets to his feet but is able to avoid a Flying Dropkick. Jericho falls flat on his front and lies on the mat in pain. Jericho doesn’t give up though and continues, getting to his feet and trades punches with Umaga. Jericho gets the better of the exchange and runs into the ropes. Jericho comes off the ropes but is hit with a Spinning Side Slam by Umaga. Umaga rushes to Jericho and puts on a Nerve Hold on his opponent. Jericho tries to fight back but Umaga puts more pressure on the hold and eventually Jericho begins to have no energy. The referee checks on Jericho who starts to mount a comeback in the match. Jericho starts to get to his feet and elbows Umaga in the gut a few times, until Umaga’s grip on Jericho is gone. Jericho runs to the opposite corner and comes back with an attempt a Running Bulldog but Umaga pushes Jericho forward. Jericho turns around and catches the foot of Umaga who has missed a Spinning Kick. Jericho throws Umaga’s leg hard down to the mat. Jericho steps back and goes for the Codebreaker but is hit with the Samoan Spike. Umaga falls down for the cover. 1…2… Jericho finds the strength to kick out of the pin before the three count.

Umaga gets to his feet in disbelief and picks Jericho up. Jericho hits a Running Bulldog out of nowhere and runs to the ropes and springs off executing the Lionsault. Jericho goes for the pin. 1….2…. Umaga kicks out at the last possible moment.

Jericho quickly gets up and picks up Umaga’s feet for the Walls of Jericho. Umaga tries to kick Jericho off but Jericho gets out of the way and kicks Umaga in the chest, sending him back down to the mat. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho and Umaga feels the pressure straight away and begins to crawl across the ring to the ropes. But Jericho keeps the hold on and bends down further, adding more pressure. Umaga tries to reach the ropes but still has half of the ring to crawl to get to the nearest ropes. Umaga lifts one hand above him and forces it down to the mat and repeats the process three times, thus taping out.

Winner: Chris Jericho

“Break Down The Wallsâ€￾ begins to play again as the referee lifts Jericho’s hand in the air. Jericho gets out of the ring and begins to walk up the ramp to a huge cheer from the fans.

[Ross] – “Y2J Chris Jericho is victorious here tonight on Monday Night Raw, and this win over Umaga must put him in serious contention for an Intercontinental Championship Match with Jeff Hardy.â€￾

[Lawler] – “It’s a very good showing from Jericho. Here it was the Lionsault. Followed by the Walls of Jericho being locked in, and it’s very rare that we see Umaga tap out.â€￾

A camera turns away from the entrance ramp to the backstage area, where WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is walking down a corridor. McMahon continues to walk down the corridor, until an employee walks up to him.

[Employee] – “Mr. McMahon, there’s a noise coming from the ECW Locker room.â€￾

McMahon looks at the employee with a snarl.

[McMahon] – “I told you to make the ECW Locker room my second office, what’s wrong with you.â€￾

McMahon slaps the helpless employee who stumbles backwards. McMahon then walks down the corridor towards the ECW Locker room.

[McMahon] – “This is all I need.â€￾

McMahon reaches the ECW Locker room and leans in on the door and hears an ECW Chant in the room. McMahon looks worried and turns around and looks for a weapon. McMahon sees a Steel Chair behind him on the floor.

[McMahon] – “Ah.â€￾

McMahon picks up the steel chair and takes a deep breath, before storming into the ECW Locker room, yelling as loud as he can with his eyes closed. McMahon opens his eyes and sees only Ron Simmons in front of him. Simmons thinks for a moment.

[Simmons] – “DAMN!â€￾

Commercial Break

A camera fades in with Todd Grisham standing in the centre of the Interview Area.

[Grisham] – “Ladies and gentleman my guest at this time, he is “The Animalâ€￾ Batista.â€￾

The fans cheers as the camera turns to show both Grisham and now Batista.

[Grisham] – “Batista, later on tonight you are involved in an 8-man Gauntlet, where the winner will face “The Gameâ€￾ Triple H at Summerslam for the WWE Championship, but next you take on Paul London and Brian Kendrick, and your partner is….. Edge?

[Batista] – “This past week since I teamed with him last week have been asking me why I did it? Well to answer the question, it’s simple. Edge is a changed man. I know you aint going to believe this but Edge has been asking for months if he could team up with me and I declined. But when I gave him the chance last week he didn’t let me down. So that’s why this week I’m giving him another go. If he lets me down and leaves the match, or attacks me from behind, well he’s seen what I can do to people, and he’ll be a victim if he decides to betray me.â€￾

Batista walks away from the Interview Area, as the camera turns back edge is standing in the corner with a grin on his face. A camera turns to the ring where Paul London and Brian Kendrick are looking at the entrance ramp, ready for their opponents, while “Hey Youâ€￾ is heard throughout the arena.

[Lawler] – “I tell you what JR, I don’t like that smile on Edge’s face one bit.â€￾

[Ross] – “I have to agree with you on that one King. But Batista obviously believes that Edge is a changed man.â€￾

“Metalingusâ€￾ begins to play, as Edge walks down to the ring. The fans in attendance boo as loud as they can to “The Rated R Superstarâ€￾ as he gets in the ring and poses for the fans.

“I Walk Aloneâ€￾ begins to play as a camera turns to the entrance ramp where Batista walks down to the ring to a big response from the fans at the Mohegan Sun Arena. Batista gets into the ring and walks up to his partner Edge and Edge steps out of the ring onto the ring apron, while on the other corner Paul London stands on the ring apron.


Batista & Edge vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

The bell rings and Edge walks out of his corner, while Brian Kendrick walks out of his corner. Edge and Kendrick lock up and both use their full power to push the other man further back. Edge gets the advantage first, but Kendrick battles back and pushes Edge back. Finally Edge kicks Kendrick in the mid section and runs off the ropes and hits the Spear. Edge goes for the pin. 1…..2…. Edge lifts Kendrick’s shoulder up and points to Batista.

Edge picks Kendrick up to his feet and tags in to Batista. Batista gets into the ring and hits the Batista Bomb on Kendrick. Batista goes for the pin. 1…..2…..3.

Winners: Batista & Edge

“I Walk Aloneâ€￾ begins to play again as the referee lifts both Batista and Edge’s arms in the air. The referee gets out of the ring leaving Batista and Edge in the ring on their own. Edge extends his hand out to Batista. Batista looks across the arena as the fans in attendance shake their heads and tell Batista not to shake Edge’s hand. Batista smiles to the crowd and shakes Edge’s hand. The two stop shaking hands and pose for the crowd.

[Lawler] – “Hey JR. Maybe Edge has changed.â€￾

[Ross] – “It’s too early to tell King.â€￾

A graphic is shown on the screen showing Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton and JBL, with the title “Gauntlet to Summerslamâ€￾.

[Ross] – “Well King later on tonight, Mr. McMahon announced it earlier. There will be an 8-man Gauntlet to determine Triple H’s opponent at Summerslam.â€￾

A graphic is shown of Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy.

[Lawler] – “But next, he retained the Intercontinental Championship by the skin of his teeth last night, Jeff Hardy takes on Mr. Kennedy……. Kennedy. That’s next.â€￾

Commercial Break

A camera fades in showing the Raw Announce Table with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

[Ross] – “Welcome back to Monday Night Raw and we’d like to thank everyone who came to last nights Great American Bash or bought it on Pay-Per-View.

Another camera is behind them and it shows Jerry Lawler on his Laptop looking through the Great American Bash Page on WWE’s Website.

[Lawler] – “I’m looking through WWE.COM right now and if you missed the show you can catch up with all the latest news by logging on, there is the latest news, full results and interviews all on WWE.COM.

A camera turns away from the Raw Announce Table as “Turn Up The Troubleâ€￾ begins to play. Mr. Kennedy walks down to the ring from the back. Kennedy gets into the ring as the fans begin to boo him.

[Ross] – “The young man from Green Bay Wisconsin has a big opportunity tonight to get his name in contention for an Intercontinental Championship Match.â€￾

[Lawler] – “And what better way than to defeat the actual Intercontinental Champion in the process.â€￾

“No More Wordsâ€￾ begins to play, as Jeff Hardy walks down to the ring from the back with the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. The fans cheer as loud as they can as he gets in the ring and poses on the top rope.


Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy

The bell rings and Hardy and Kennedy both walk out of their separate corners, the two lock up in the centre of the ring and try to push the other backwards. Kennedy pushes Hardy into the corner and adds more pressure until the referee tells him to break it. Kennedy continues to hold on and the referee begins a count. 1….2….3….4 Kennedy releases the hold before the 5 count and nails a cheap shot to the mid section of Hardy.

Hardy holds his mid section and comes out of the corner slowly. Kennedy sees that Hardy is hurt and pushes hardy’s face away from him. Hardy has enough and quickly executes a pinning Mule Kick out of nowhere, knocking Kennedy to the floor. Kennedy slowly gets to his feet and holds his jaw before the two come back to the centre again. The two lock up and Kennedy gets Hardy in a headlock. Hardy finds strength to push Kennedy into the ring ropes. Kennedy comes off the ropes and dodges a Back Body Drop and kicks Hardy in the head. Hardy bends up in pain and is decked with a Clothesline by Kennedy. Kennedy quickly goes to the mat and puts his elbow over Hardy’s face, while going for the cover. 1…..2….. Hardy gets his shoulder up before the three count.

Kennedy sits Hardy up and locks in a Sleeper Hold. Hardy quickly tries to get out of the hold but Kennedy adds more pressure. Hardy still tries to fight back but is slowly fading away. Kennedy tightens the hold as the referee looks to see if Hardy is finished. The referee lifts up Hardy’s arm and it falls down to the mat. The referee shouts one. Kennedy loosens his grip a little bit and talks some trash talk to Hardy. The referee picks up Hardy’s arm up again and it falls down to the mat. The referee shouts two. Kennedy talks more trash talk and raises his arm in victory. The referee lifts Hardy’s arm up again but it stays up. Kennedy looks in shock as Hardy tries to fight back. Hardy slowly gets to his feet and elbows Kennedy in the mid section. Kennedy wisely lets go of the hold and knees Hardy in the face. Hardy stumbles backwards into the ring ropes and comes back. Kennedy puts his leg in front of Hardy and tries a Russian Leg Sweep but Hardy reverses and executes the Twist of Fate. Both men fall to the mat. The referee checks both wrestlers and begins a count. 1. Both men are still down on the mat with no sign of movement. 2. Still no movement. 3. Hardy suddenly rolls over and his arm lands on Kennedy’s chest. The referee starts to count. 1…..2…. Kennedy just about gets his shoulder up before the three count.

Hardy slowly gets to his feet and climbs the top turnbuckle. Hardy takes his t-shirt off and throws it into the crowd. Hardy jumps off the turnbuckle and hits the Swanton Bomb, but Kennedy rolls out of the way before Hardy can make contact. Hardy lays motionless in the ring, as Kennedy slowly gets to his feet. Kennedy picks up Hardy and picks him up on his shoulders. Kennedy tries the Green Bay Plunge but Hardy brushes off of Kennedy and kicks him in the mid section. Hardy holds onto Kennedy’s arm and holds Kennedy in the air. Kennedy gets out of the hold by bringing his power down on Hardy and executing a DDT. Kennedy crawls for the cover. 1…..2…. Hardy kicks out before the three count.

Kennedy cannot believe he didn’t get the win and climbs up onto the turnbuckle. Kennedy points at Hardy and trash talks the fans. Hardy gets up before Kennedy has finished his trash talk and starts to hit a series of punches at Kennedy’s face. Kennedy is stunned but regains his composure and hits a few punches back at Hardy. Kennedy catches one of Hardy’s punches and pushes Hardy off of the turnbuckle. Kennedy jumps off the turnbuckle and tries a Fist Drop but Hardy kicks Kennedy in the mid section and positions Kennedy for the Twist of Fate. Kennedy pushes Hardy into the ropes. Kennedy rushes to Hardy and holds Hardy in the Victory Roll. The referee counts. 1….2... Hardy rolls Kennedy into a Small Package.
The referee starts a count. 1….2… Kennedy kicks out.

Kennedy starts to climb the top rope again. Hardy catches up with him and throws him back down to the mat. Hardy climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Kennedy to get up. When Kennedy gets up Hardy quickly jumps off the turnbuckle and hits the Whisper in the Wind into a pin. The referee starts to count. 1….2….3.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

“No More Wordsâ€￾ begins to play again as Hardy gets his Intercontinental Championship and climbs onto the turnbuckle and poses for the fans at the Mohegan Sun Arena.

[Ross] – “It’s a huge win for Jeff Hardy who looks a s good as ever. I don’t think there is anyone who can stop his momentum King.â€￾

[Lawler] – “Here it is again JR. Jeff Hardy hit the Whisper in the Wind perfectly.â€￾

“Break Down The Wallsâ€￾ begins to play as Chris Jericho walks out from the back with a microphone in his hand. Jericho stands at the entrance ramp and begins to talk once his entrance music stops.

[Jericho] – “Welcome to RAW IS JERICHO! And what’s better than seeing Chris Jericho once on Raw, it’s seeing him twice. Now Jeff you’re probably wondering why I’ve come out here. I’ll keep it simple; I have something that I need to ask you. Something I want more than anything in the world. I invite you to be my guest on next weeks Highlight Reel on Raw. So what do you say?â€￾

Jeff Hardy nods and says yes to Jericho’s offer.

[Lawler] – “What does Jericho want JR?â€￾

[Ross] – “I don’t know King, but when I do you’ll be the first to know.â€￾

Commercial Break

“Glamazonâ€￾ begins to play as Beth Phoenix walks down to the ring from the back with the Women’s Championship on her shoulder. The crowd boo the Glamazon as she gets on the turnbuckle and holds up the belt.

“With Legs Like Thatâ€￾ begins to play as Maria walks down to the ring from the back. The crowd cheer the Playboy Cover Girl as she gets in the ring.


Beth Phoenix vs. Maria

The bell rings and Phoenix circles her opponent before the two meet each other in the centre of the ring, Phoenix knees Maria in the mid section before Maria can do anything. Phoenix gets a headlock on Maria, Maria tries to push Phoenix off her into the ropes, but Phoenix is too strong for her and throws her across the ring. Phoenix glares at her opponent and goes for the cover. The referee starts the count. 1…..2…. Maria kicks out before the three count.

Phoenix picks Maria up by the hair and rolls her into the turnbuckle. Phoenix runs into the turnbuckle but is caught by two feet in the face by Maria. Maria kicks Phoenix in the mid section and holds her head. Maria executes a Running Bulldog on Phoenix. Maria quickly goes for the pin. The referee starts a count. 1…..2…. Phoenix strongly kicks out before the three count.

Maria waits for Phoenix to get up and rolls her into the ropes; Phoenix comes off the ropes and catches Maria in her arms, after Maria tried a Standing Crossbody. Phoenix keeps hold of Maria who is trying to get out of the hold. Phoenix executes a Fallaway Slam on Maria. Maria is unconscious in the centre of the ring. Phoenix picks up Maria and hits a Fisherman Suplex on her opponent. Phoenix puts her foot over Maria and poses. The referee counts the pinfall. 1…2...3.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

[Ross] – “What an impressive win for the new Women’s Champion. The Glamazon, Beth Phoenix.â€￾

[Lawler] – “I have never seen anyone as powerful as The Glamazon JR.â€￾

Mickie James runs out from the back and knocks The Glamazon down from behind, who is walking backwards up the entrance ramp. Mickie starts a series of kick to Phoenix who is down on the ramp. Melina runs down the entrance ramp and knocks down James from behind. Melina starts kicking Phoenix, but is stopped by James who knocks her don on the ramp. A series of referees come down to the ring as well as WWE Officials, who pull James and Melina away from each other.

[Lawler] – “Woah!â€￾

[Ross] – “All three of these Divas hate each others guts.â€￾

A camera turns to a locker room where Hulk Hogan is tying his wrestling boots. Triple H walks into the room and stands next to him. Hogan stops tying his boots and stands up to look at Triple H.

[Triple H] – “Here’s the plan Hogan. Whoever you are left with in the final two, both go out at the same time. So then Vince can make the match a No Contest and I don’t have a match at Summerslam.â€￾

[Hogan] – “Ok.â€￾

Triple H walks out of the room leaving Hogan to continue tying his boots.

[Ross] – “It’s the 8-man Gauntlet, the winner will take on Triple H at Summerslam, and it’s next.â€￾

Commercial Break

The camera fades in to the entrance ramp, where “Real Americanâ€￾ begins to play. Hulk Hogan walks down to the ring and is met with a series of boos from the fans in attendance. Hogan gets in the ring and arrogantly poses for the fans.

“Line in the Sandâ€￾ begins to play as Randy Orton walks down to the ring from the back to a loud amount of boos. Orton gets into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle.


8-Man Gauntlet to Determine who takes on Triple H at Summerslam
Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton vs. JBL vs. John Cena vs. Batista vs. Edge vs. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

The bell rings and the crowd is 90% Orton, 10% Hogan. The two lock up in the centre of the ring; Orton uses his power o force Hogan into the turnbuckle and applies more pressure. The referee begins a count 1. Hogan uses his power push Orton all the way across the ring to the opposite turnbuckle. Hogan applies more pressure and the referee begins a count. 1…..2…..3…..4 Hogan breaks up the hold.

Orton holds his jaw as Hogan laughs at him. Orton goes right back at Hogan with a few punches, but Hogan catches one of them and fights back with a few punches. Hogan rolls Orton into the ropes; Orton comes back off the ropes and avoids the Big Boot. Orton quickly comes off the other ropes and tries an RKO but Hogan pushes Orton forward. Orton comes back and is met with a Big Boot to the face. Hogan runs into the ropes.

[Ross] – “Here comes the trademark Leg Drop.â€￾

“Longhornâ€￾ begins to play as JBL walks down to the ring from the back; his entrance is received with a huge amount of boos from the fans in the Mohegan Sun Arena, while JBL gets in the ring.

[Lawler] – “It’s JBL.â€￾

JBL quickly goes to work and knocks Hogan down with the Clothesline From Hell before Hogan can execute the Leg Drop on Orton. Orton gets to his feet and talks to JBL. Orton extends his hand out to him, which JBL shakes and the two walk over to Hogan. Hogan slowly gets to his feet but is met with a series of kicks from both Orton and JBL. Orton shoves Hogan into the turnbuckle and holds him there. JBL runs from the opposite corner into Hogan. JBL gives some trash talk to Hogan who is using the ropes to get back up again. JBL helps Hogan up to his feet and executes a Fallaway Slam on Hogan. Hogan is lying motionless on the mat. Orton and JBL both laugh at Hogan and carry on kicking him while he is down on the mat. Hogan struggles to make it to his knees and is sent back down by Orton’s kick.

[Ross] – “What a despicable shot from the former WWE Champion.â€￾

“The Time Is Nowâ€￾ begins to play as John Cena walks down to the ring in his usual wrestling gear. Cena is met with a series of boos from the fans in attendance. Cena gets into the ring.

[Lawler] – “The keyword is former JR. All of these wrestlers are Former WWE Champions, and they won’t stop at nothing to hold the belt again.â€￾

Cena immediately aligns himself with Orton and JBL by kicking Hogan in the mid section. Cena trash talks Hogan before picking him up on his shoulders. Cena uses his power to push Hogan up in the air, only for Orton to send him down again with an RKO.

[Ross] – “I believe we have a camera in the locker room of the current WWE Champion, Triple H who is watching this match on a television set.â€￾

A camera turns to Triple H sitting down with his hands on his face watching the television.

[Triple H] – “Come on Hogan.â€￾

A camera turns back to the ring, where Hogan is in the corner and all three of the other wrestlers in the ring are hitting Hogan. Cena stands up on the turnbuckle and starts a series of punches to Hogan’s head. Meanwhile JBL comes back into the ring with a steel chair. Cena and Orton hold Hogan up on each side.

[Ross] – “They can’t do this.â€￾

“I Walk Aloneâ€￾ begins to play as Batista rushes down to the ring from the back. The fans cheer for the former World heavyweight Champion as he gets in the ring.

[Lawler] – “It’s The Animal!â€￾

Batista executes a Spear on JBL who is just about to smack Hulk Hogan with the steel chair. Orton and Cena release Hogan and go after Batista. Batista hits them both with a Double Clothesline. Batista wobbles the ropes and turns around, Orton tries to hit Batista, but he executes a Spinebuster on “The Legend Killer.â€￾ Cena is next and gets a Batista Bomb. JBL is the only one left standing and is also hit with a Batista Bomb. Batista goes to check on Hogan who is unconscious on the mat.

[Ross] – “It is too little too late for Batista. Hogan got a brutal beating.â€￾

“Metalingusâ€￾ begins to play as Edge runs down to the ring to a series of boos from the fans in the Mohegan Sun Arena. Edge gets in the ring.

[Lawler] – “This is going to be interesting JR.â€￾

Edge meets Batista in the centre of the ring and are about to fight when Orton and Cena intervene and attack Edge and Batista respectively. Orton and Cena both hit a series of punches on their opponent and roll them into the ropes. Both Edge and Batista dodge the Clothesline attempts from Orton and Cena. Batista and Edge come off the ropes and execute Spears on their opponents. The two turn around and see JBL smacking a series of steel chair shots to the back of Hogan. Batista grabs JBL backwards and Edge takes the chair from JBL. Batista holds JBL and is hit with a steel chair shot by Edge. JBL crumples to the mat. Edge picks up JBL and throws him out of the ring.

JBL is eliminated

“Rest in Peaceâ€￾ begins to play as Undertaker makes his way down to the ring slowly. The fans cheer for The Deadman while he walks down to the ring.

[Ross] – “16 and 0 at Wrestlemania, sure to be a future Hall of Famer, here comes The Undertaker.â€￾

Undertaker gets into the ring and is attacked by Batista and Edge. Undertaker shoves Edge down to the mat, and grabs Batista and throws him out of the ring. But Batista manages not to be eliminated and make his way back into the ring. Undertaker directs his attention to Randy Orton and starts to trade blows with him. Batista steps back into the ring. Edge tries to Spear Batista out of the ring but Batista realises and throws Edge out of the ring with his momentum.

Edge is eliminated

Edge can’t believe it while Batista smiles at Edge. Hogan suddenly gets up and throws Batista out of the ring from behind before falling down to the mat again.

Batista eliminated

“Sexy Boyâ€￾ begins to play as the final entrant, Shawn Michaels walks down to the ring to a huge response from the fans in the Mohegan Sun Arena. Michaels walks past the squabbling Edge and Batista and gets in the ring.

[Lawler] – “Can Shawn Michaels get his rematch with Triple H JR?â€￾

[Ross] – “I don’t know King but one thing is for sure, he has to be a favourite.â€￾

Michaels immediately makes an impact by running up to Randy Orton and executing Sweet Chin Music, sending Orton out of the ring.

Randy Orton is eliminated

The final four go into their own corner except Hogan who struggles to get to his feet. Cena goes after Hogan, while Michaels and The Undertaker begin trading blows. Undertaker locks a hand on Michaels throat and tries for a Chokeslam, but Michaels kicks Undertaker in the mid section. Michaels tries a Sweet Chin Music but Undertaker catches his foot and throws him out of the ring. But unknown to Undertaker, skins the cat and gets back in the ring. Undertaker spots that Michaels is back up but is caught by Cena who picks Undertaker up on his shoulders. Cena FU’s Undertaker out of the ring.

The Undertaker is eliminated

Cena taunts The Undertaker with his trademark pose and walks back over to Hogan. The Undertaker gets back in the ring and throws Cena out of the ring.

John Cena is eliminated.

Undertaker gets out of the ring and locks in the Gogolplata on Cena. Cena screams for help until a dozen of referees and WWE Officials come out from the back. They try and pull Undertaker off of Cena, but Undertaker keep sit on. Finally the Officials pull Undertaker off. Undertaker stands over Cena and walks to the back.

[Ross] – “Bah Gawd!â€￾ Undertaker nearly killed Cena.â€￾

Michaels sees that him and Hogan are the last two left and in a show of respect picks Hogan up and checks if he is ok. Hogan waves Michaels away and the two battle for the right to take on Triple H at Summerslam. Michaels hits a series of punches on Hogan. Hogan stumbles backwards and Michaels rolls Hogan into the ropes. Hogan is hit with a Flying Forearm by Michaels. Michaels climbs to the turnbuckle and executes the Flying Elbow. Michaels starts to tune up the band and Hogan staggers to his feet. Michaels runs over to Hogan but Hogan falls over before Michaels can execute the Sweet Chin Music.

[Lawler] – “JR I don’t know if that was instinct or just that Hogan couldn’t stand up.â€￾

Michaels goes over to Hogan who is on his knees. Michaels starts a series of punches on Hogan, Hogan catches one and starts punching back while getting to his feet. Hogan carries on punching by Michael’s punches back. Hogan shouts:


Hogan punches Michaels into the ropes and rolls him into the opposite ropes. Michael’s comes back but dodges the Big Boot. Michaels tries the Sweet Chin Music but Hogan catches Michael’s foot. Hogan rolls Michaels into the ropes and runs at Michaels and Big Boot’s Michaels out of the ring.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

“Real Americanâ€￾ plays again as Hogan falls to the mat in pain. The crowd cheer Michaels has he walks to the back, but Michaels points to Hogan, so the crowd cheer Hogan. Hogan is left in the ring and a Hogan chant begins.

[Lawler] – “How did he win JR?â€￾

“The Gameâ€￾ begins to play as Triple H walks down from the back to the entrance ramp and looks at Hogan. Hogan looks at Triple H. Triple H shakes his head.

[Ross] – “In less than 4 weeks Triple H will meet Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship at Summerslam. We’ll see you next week.â€￾​


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Best Match - Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy, length was perfecto, the writing was great, this is not what i expected (no offence), perfect.

Worst match - Edge and Batista vs Kendrik, sorry this was not good quality, i know it was ment to be a squash but still....

Best Promo - HHH and Vince McMahon, great promo seemed in character and it showed that HHH was easily not a face, i was expecting a face turn from HHH in that promo first.

Worst Promo - Triple H and Hulk Hogan, bored me, i know it was neccisarly but it wasn't a good promo.

Additonal Comments - Triple H vs Hulk Hogan at Summerslam, bring it on.

Great Show.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tuesday 22nd July 2008



Paul London and Brian Kendrick broke character after their match with Batista and Edge last night, when instead of London helping Kendrick walk up the ramp, the two started to talk to each other while they casually walked up the ramp. The two have already had enough of their position on Raw, as one of the few tag-teams on the brand, the Championships have rarely been defended by Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly and haven't even changed hands since the middle of December. London and Kendrick have been pleading with the Booking Team to move them back to Smackdown as soon as they can.

The morale backstage is said to be higher than it has ever been in the past few months. Many believe that if Raw keeps the booking like it was last night, they can pull the ratings back up to the 3 region again.

Last night was the first step in turning Hulk Hogan face. The Booking Team want Hogan to have one last World Title Reign and then retire from the WWE Ring forever.

Last nights Raw scored a 2.0. This is the highest rating it has had since the May 26 edition, just under 2 months ago.

Ooc: I'm very pleased with my first show for the BTB. I'm starting Smackdown probably tomorrow and should have it done at Friday at the earliest. I'd like to thank anyone who reviews my Raw before this post and after as your support pushes me to get better and better and please the readers.


BM: I must say, Jeff Hardy Vs Mr Kennedy was a pretty damn good match!

WM: Well Beth squashed Maria and Londrick Vs Edge and Batista want good but itwasnt the worst, the womens match was.

BP: VKM/HHH, this was a pretty good promo and it was in character...

WP: None, they all served their purpose.

AF: Well that was quite a good show, tbh I didnt know you were this talented, keep it up...6/10(im kinda harsh with ratings just so you know lol)

CP: Check out TNE if you like.


BM: Tie between the 8 Man Gauntlet and Hardy and Kennedy, both were very well written

WM: Edge and Batista vs. written none the less

BP: Vince and Triple H, they were fully in character


AC: Sorry I haven't been around for a review, I promise I will stop by more frequently, thank you for your reviews you have given me :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Thursday 24th July 2008

Courtesy of WWE.COM



Better Than You

July 25, 2008


This Friday on Smackdown, Montel Vontanious Porter will walk out into the arena still as the World Heavyweight Champion. After defeating The Undertaker at Judgment Day and now Mick Foley at the Great American Bash, MVP is on a role. And he hopes to continue that role at Summerslam when he will surely defend the belt again, but the question is who against?

Paul London pulled off a huge victory last Sunday against Vladamir Kozlov, what will the pair's next actions be as they continue their seperate paths on Smackdown.

Also Rey Mysterio retained the United States Championship against former Champion Matt Hardy, Hardy hasn't given up yet and insists he will continue to take on Mysterio and win back the gold.

Catch this and a lot more on the CW Network at 8/7CT

Ooc: I haven't been on any computer for the past few days so I haven't been able to start Smackdown, and it won't be finished for tomorrow. A realistic time will be sometime next week. I apologize for the delay but I will post a few articles to keep you up to date as well as other news.

The Rated R CMStar

Good preview. I am curious to what is next for MVP. You have made him a dominant champion which is good, and his match for Summerslam will be even better.

Check out BTW, Souled Out PPV has been posted


Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Good Preview. This is the first time taking a look at this BTB for me, and i must say i am impressed. I like MVP as the World Champion, it is something i once did on a different forum. I will try to read and review, but i got a hectic schedule right now, so i may, or may not get you a review.


BM: Kennedy vs Hard deffo. It was a good length and had good action

WM: Easily Edge and Batista vs Londrick. I know compared to Batista nand Edge they are shit but they are not that bad imo. Plus they have loads of Tag Team experience. Fairly poor match TBH.

BP: Vince/HHH. It was a pretty good promo that served it's purpose well.

WP: None but the HHH/Hogan one bored the fuck outta me. Shit load of HHH promos.

AC: Good show. The action was plentyful. I think you should just stop trying to have as many main eventers/upper mid carders in your shows. It seemed as though you just got as many as you could in there.

Length: 19/25 = 76% = B+
Realism: 22/25 = 88% = A
Matches: 15/25 = 60% = C-
Promos: 17/25 = 68% = C

Overall: 73/100 = 73% = B Nice job


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Thursday 24th July 2008

Courtesy of WWE.COM





Hello everyone its Good Ol JR here with my latest pick for the Raw wrestler of the week, and who better to pick than one of the biggest icons in the business' history. Hulk Hogan.

This week on Raw, Hogan overcome insurmountable odds to defeat seven of the best wrestlers the Raw brand has to offer. Including the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and John Cena.

Hogan has been living in Triple H and our Chairman's shadow for the last few months, hopefully the Hulkster will break away from the two and do what he does best. Entertain the millions of WWE fans.

Ooc: Smackdown should be up by Tuesday at the earliest.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Friday 25th July 2008


Date: Friday 25 July 2008
Venue: Wachovia Center
City: Philadelphia, PA
Attendance: 5,250

The first Smackdown since Sunday’s Great American Bash Pay-Per-View kicks off with its opening credits, showcasing the Superstars and Divas of the Smackdown Brand, accompanied by Smackdown’s theme of “Rise Up 2006â€￾ by Drowning Pool. After the credits finish the cameras focus around the Wachovia Center. Screaming WWE fans hold up their signs as another camera focuses on the Smackdown Announce Table to begin the show…


Michael Cole & Mick Foley

[Cole] – “Just 5 nights removed from Sunday’s Great American Bash, welcome to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole with my partner the “Hardcore Legendâ€￾ Mick Foley!

[Foley] – “Thank you Michael, but what a show we have for you tonight.â€￾

A camera turns away from the Smackdown Announce Table to the entrance ramp. “I’m All About Coolâ€￾ begins to play as Deuce and Domino walk down to the ring to a mild reaction of boos. The former WWE Tag-Team Champions get in the ring and pose arrogantly for the crowd. A camera turns back to the entrance ramp.

[Cole] – “And what better way to kick off Smackdown than with a Tag-Team Title Match.â€￾

“Biscuits and Gravyâ€￾ begins to play as Jesse and Festus walk down to the ring each with a WWE tag-Team Championship around their shoulder. The team get quite a big cheer from the fans in attendance while they get in the ring.

[Foley] – “What a unique team Jesse and Festus are Michael. Look at this transformation from Festus once the bell rings.â€￾


WWE Tag-Team Championships
Jesse & Festus © vs. Deuce & Domino

The bell rings and Festus turns from an absent-minded person to a very focused competitor and runs straight after Deuce and Domino. Domino escapes out of the ring before Festus can reach him, but Deuce doesn’t have the same luck. Deuce puts his hands in front of him as a gesture not to fight but Festus runs right after him and knocks Deuce down with a Clothesline. Domino gets back in the ring and hits a series of blows to Festus’ back. Festus feels no damage and turns around. Domino tries to get out of the ring again but Festus executes a series of brutal punches on Domino. Domino stumbles into the ring ropes and is thrown into the opposite ring ropes by Festus. Domino comes off the ropes and is hit with a Big Boot by Festus. Domino rolls out of the ring in pain as Deuce gets to his feet. Deuce runs towards Festus, trying a sneak attack but Festus sees it in time and holds him. Festus then executes a Fireman’s carry Flapjack on Deuce. Festus picks up Deuce and drags him over to his corner and tags to his partner Jesse. Jesse climbs onto the top turnbuckle and executes a Missile Dropkick on Deuce. Festus gets out of the ring and stands on the ring apron as Jesse hooks the leg for a pin. The referee starts a count. 1…..2….. Domino runs in to break up the pin and keep his teams hopes alive.

Festus gets into the ring and runs after Domino. Domino pulls down on the ring ropes as Festus’ momentum sends him out of the ring to the outside. Domino gets out of the ring onto the ring apron by the referee’s orders as Deuce takes advantage of the match for his team. Deuce picks up Jesse and rolls him into the ropes. Deuce bends down ready to execute a Back Body Drop but Jesse sees it and kicks Deuce in the head. Deuce bends up and is rolled into the ropes by Jesse. Deuce comes off the ropes and dodges the Clothesline and comes off the ropes again, executing a Running Fist Drop. Jesse falls to the mat as Deuce quickly goes for the pin. The referee starts the count. 1…..2….. Jesse kicks out before the three count.

Deuce locks in a Sleeper Hold on Jesse. Deuce adds extra pressure and Jesse begins to fade away. The referee keeps check if he should pull up Jesse’s hand. Deuce talks some trash talk to the fans in the Wachovia Center, as the referee pulls up Jesse’s hand. Jesse’s hand falls down to the mat. The referee pulls up Jesse’s hand again and it falls to the mat. The referee picks up Jesse’s hand again but it stays up. Jesse gets some energy to get to his feet. Jesse elbows Deuce in the gut but Deuce knees Jesse in the gut and rolls him into the turnbuckle. Deuce runs at Jesse who puts two feet up to block the move. By this time Festus has gotten up and is on the ring apron. Jesse tries to get to his corner but Domino walks down the side of the ring apron and knocks Jesse down to the mat. Festus rushes into the ring but the referee tells him to get back on the ring apron. While this happens Deuce and Domino double team on Jesse with a series of blows. The referee gets Festus on the ring apron and turns around to see only Deuce in the ring with Jesse. Deuce picks up Jesse and rolls him into the ropes. Jesse comes off the ropes and is hit with a Jumping Heel Kick Enzuguri by Deuce. Deuce hooks the leg and goes for the pin. The referee begins the count. 1…..2….. Festus breaks up the count after running into the ring.

The referee gets distracted by Festus again, but Jesse puts his foot in the air and it knocks Deuce backwards into his corner. Domino is tagged in my Deuce, but when the referee turns around he sends Domino out of the ring. Jesse gets to his feet and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Deuce staggers to his feet and executes a Flying Crossbody. Deuce uses his strength to pick up Jesse with Jesse’s momentum. The referee is distracted by Domino who doesn’t see the change of advantage. Festus gets in the ring and comes off the ropes with a Big Boot on Deuce. Jesse falls down on top of Deuce and hooks the leg for the pin. The referee turns around and starts a count. 1…..2…..3.

Winners: Jesse & Festus ©

“Biscuits and Gravyâ€￾ begins to play again as the bell rings turning Festus into his absent-minded self. Jesse holds up Festus’ hand while holding both the WWE Tag-Team Championships in his other hand.

[Cole] – “Jesse and Festus retain the WWE Tag-Team Titles to kick off Friday Night Smackdown.â€￾

[Foley] – “I tell ya Michael, these two are unstoppable.â€￾

A camera turns to a expensive and exclusive Locker Room. MVP is sitting down on a Sofa with the World Heavyweight Championship next to him and a glass of champagne in his hand watching Smackdown on a television screen in front of him.

[MVP] – “Jesse and Festus? I’m better than them.â€￾

The door knocks as MVP switches off the television and pours more champagne in his glass.

[MVP] – “Come in.â€￾

The camera pulls back and shows Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long walking up to MVP.

[MVP] – “Teddy what do you want? I won at the Great American Bash. I’ve beaten everyone you’ve put in front of me.â€￾

[Long] – “MVP, tonight playa will be the beginning of the Smackdown Challenge. Tonight two former World Champions go one-on-one; the winner will advance to next week and face the next opponent. Whoever ends up the final winner in 4 weeks will take on you MVP at Summerslam for the World Heavyweight Championship.â€￾

MVP looks relaxed as the crowd cheer the announcement.

[MVP] – “Come on Teddy. There’s no one left on the Roster that I haven’t beaten. Who will it end up being, the Brooklyn Brawler?â€￾

Long exits the room as MVP begins to drink his champagne. A noise his heard and MVP puts down his champagne and gets up. MVP walks behind the sofa and sees The Boogeyman and the Brooklyn Brawler playing cards.

Commercial Break

A camera fades in to the entrance ramp as “Booyaka 619â€￾ begins to play. Rey Mysterio walks down to the ring from the back with the United States Championship around his waist. The crowd in Philadelphia are going crazy for Mysterio, while he gets in the ring and raises the microphone to his mouth.

[Mysterio] – “Firstly I would like to thank everyone who supported me at the Great American Bash last Sunday, without your support I would never have been able to retain the United States Championship.â€￾

The crowd get even louder and a small “Rey Rey Reyâ€￾ chant is heard.

[Mysterio] – “Now that I have overcome Matt Hardy last Sunday I am looking for a new challenger to….â€￾

“Live For The Momentâ€￾ begins to play as Matt Hardy walks down to the ring from the back wearing a T-Shirt and Jeans. The fans give a mixed reaction to Hardy as he gets in the ring opposite Rey Mysterio.

[Hardy] – “Sorry Rey. Were you going to say new challenger? New challenger? Last Sunday you got lucky and you know it.â€￾

The crowd’s reaction towards Hardy instantly changes to boos.

[Hardy] – “Face it if you hadn’t of pulled off the Roll Up I’d be Champion.â€￾

[Mysterio] – “I think your head must hurt a little bit after I hit you with the 619!â€￾

Hardy tries a sneak attack on Mysterio but Mysterio starts a flurry of punches on Hardy. Mysterio rolls Hardy into the ropes and drops him down ready to hit the 619. Mysterio rolls into the opposite ropes, but when he comes back Hardy has exited the ring and it walking backwards up the entrance ramp.

[Cole] – “How close was Rey to hitting the 619 again?â€￾

“Booyaka 619â€￾ begins to play again as Mysterio poses on the top turnbuckle holding his United States Championship above his head, while Hardy trash talks Mysterio.

Commercial Break

A camera fades back in to Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long’s Office. Long is looking through some paperwork until Matt Hardy storms in the room. Long puts down his paperwork and looks at Hardy in confusion.

[Hardy] – “Did you see what just happened out there?â€￾

[Long] – “Yes I did and what do you want me to do about it? You attacked him first.â€￾

[Hardy] – “I want Mysterio one-on-one for the belt.â€￾

[Long] – “You know what next week on Smackdown; you will take on Rey Mysterio for the United States Championship.â€￾

The fans in attendance cheer at the announcement made by Theodore Long.

[Long] – “And it will be a Falls Count Anywhere Match.â€￾

The fans cheer even louder at the stipulation added to the match as Hardy walks out of Long’s office with a grin on his face.

[Foley] – “Falls Count Anywhere next week Michael. I can’t wait.â€￾

“Woo-Weeâ€￾ begins to play as Marsye walks down to the ring from the back to a mild reaction of boos from the fans in the Wachovia Center. Marsye steps into the ring and gets ready for her match.

[Cole] – “What an announcement we just heard Mick.â€￾

“Pretty Babyâ€￾ begins to play as the camera turns back to the entrance ramp where Cherry walks down to the ring to a mild reaction of cheers from the fans in attendance. Cherry gets in the ring.

[Foley] – “What about this match though? Divas in action on Friday Night Smackdown.â€￾


Cherry vs. Marsye

The bell rings and the two walk up to the centre of the ring to begin the match. Marsye talks trash to Cherry and shoves her backwards. Cherry looks a little surprised and is shoved back again by Marsye. Cherry has had enough and steps out of the ring and begins to walk up to the entrance ramp. The referee starts a count. 1….2….3….4…..5 Cherry still continues to walk up the entrance ramp to the crowds surprise. The referee continues his count. 6….7….8…..9….10. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Marsye via Count Out

“Woo-Weeâ€￾ begins to play again as the referee lifts Marsye’s hand up. The fans and Marsye are in shock at Cherry’s disappearance.

[Cole] – “What is this all about? Cherry has walked away from the match!â€￾

[Foley] – “I don’t have any idea Michael. It’s very unusual to say the least.â€￾

A camera turns to the Smackdown Announce Table where Michael Cole and Mick Foley begin to talk.

[Cole] – “Well anyway in 3 weeks Sunday, WWE brings to you Summerslam on pay-Per-View, and its already shaping up to be a great event.â€￾

A graphic is shown of Triple H and Hulk Hogan with the words “WWE Championshipâ€￾ written below them.

[Foley] – “That’s right Michael. On Monday Hulk Hogan won an 8-Man Gauntlet and will take on Triple H at Summerslam for the WWE Championship.â€￾

[Cole] – “Take a look at what happened when Hulkamania began again.â€￾

A video package shows the events that took place during Raw’s Main Event.

Commercial Break

The camera fades in to the entrance ramp where “Crank It Upâ€￾ begins to play as Big Show walks down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Show gets into the ring.

[Show] – “I’m not involved with the first round of the Smackdown Challenge tonight because well. I’ll be honest Teddy Long is saving me for the end. Like they say, “we save the best until last.â€￾

The crowd boo Big Show’s arrogant words.

[Show] – “But tonight I’d like to have some competition. So what that means is I am challenging anyone on the Smackdown Roster to have a match with me right here, right now.â€￾

The crowd eagerly anticipate someone to come out, but their expectations are dropped when no one comes out.

[Show] – (laughs) “I knew it. There isn’t anyone on the Smackdown Roster who can take on the 7 foot tall…â€￾

“Lambegâ€￾ begins to play as the crowd erupt in cheers. Finlay walks down to the ring with a shillelagh in his hand and his son Hornswoggle. Finlay steps in the ring and stands toe-to-toe with Big Show. Finlay snatches the microphone out of Big Show’s hand.

[Finlay] – “I accept your challenge.â€￾


Big Show vs. Finlay

Big Show hits a cheap shot, causing the microphone to fly out of Finlay’s hand. The bell instantly rings as Show takes immediate advantage of the match after his cheap shot. Show continues a series of punches to Finlay and throws him across the ring by holding Finlay’s head. Finlay crashes to the mat as Show laughs at Finlay and the fans in attendance. Show walks over to Finlay and rolls him into the ropes. Show runs to Finlay and clobbers him in the corner. Finlay stumbles forwards before falling back into the turnbuckle. Show then holds Finlay back and uses a hand gesture to signal everyone to be quiet. Show then executes a Forehand Chop. Finlay stumbles out of the corner in pain, clutching his chest. Show walks over to Finlay again but Finlay kicks Show in the bottom of his leg. Finlay continues to kick Show in the bottom leg area until Show knees him in the mid section. Show then clobbers Finlay in the back, sending Finlay crashing to the mat. Show rolls Finlay over onto his back by his foot and puts his foot on Finlay’s chest for a pin. The referee begins a count. 1……2….. Hornswoggle stands up on the ring apron with a Water Pistol and squirts Show. Show is surprised by this and stumbles backwards, breaking up the pinfall.

Show walks over to Hornswoggle angrily and tries to grab him. Hornswoggle jumps off the ring apron to the outside. Finlay waits for Show to turn around and executes a European Uppercut. Finlay takes a step back and runs at Show, hitting a Clothesline, but the momentum sends him and Show out of the ring. Finlay gets up first and while Show is getting to his feet kicks Show, so he stays down. Finlay uses the steel steps to get onto the ring apron. Finlay runs across the ring apron and executes a Running Seated Senton on Show. By this time the referee has reached a 5 count. Finlay rolls into the ring and back out, breaking up the referee’s count. Finlay keeps kicking Show down and when he is high enough hits a Single-Arm DDT. Show’s head falls straight into the mat. Finlay gets into the ring again, breaking up the referee’s new count of 3. The referee then begins to start a new count on Show. Finlay distracts the referee because he is pulling off the turnbuckle padding, while this is happening Show has gotten to his feet. Hornswoggle runs up to Show and uses his Water Pistol on Show again. Show is angered again and shoves Hornswoggle out of the way. Finlay cannot believe it and grabs his shillelagh. Show gets into the ring and Finlay instantly starts clobbering Show with the shillelagh. The referee has no other option but to stop the match by disqualification.

Winner: Big Show via Disqualification

“Crank It Upâ€￾ begins to play again as Finlay gets out of the ring and checks on Hornswoggle. Finlay shouts something that can’t be heard. A few moments later EMT’s come down to the ring with a stretcher. Show gets to his feet in the ring and rolls out clutching his head and with a smile on his face after looking at what he had done to Hornswoggle. Finlay looks up and sees Show smiling and runs towards him. The EMT’s prevent Finlay from running to Show and Finlay kicks the Steel Steps in frustration.

Commercial Break

A camera fades in to Josh Matthews with a microphone. The camera comes out while Matthews talks, showing his guest Rey Mysterio. Once the fans see Mysterio they instantly cheer.

[Matthews] – “Rey Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long announced earlier that next week you will be defending your United States Championship against Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. What are your thoughts on this?â€￾

Rey pushes his Championship up onto his shoulder as it was falling down and then begins to answer Matthews’ question.

[Mysterio] – “Well Josh. It’s not the first time I’ve been in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. I know what to do in those surroundings, and I know what to do to beat Matt Hardy. It’s just a matter of doing it. Matt can talk all the trash he wants about me beating him last Sunday was a fluke. Well after next week he won’t be able to say anything except: “619!â€￾â€￾

The crowd cheer at Mysterio’s words. A graphic appears on the screen showing Matt hardy and Rey Mysterio with the words “United States Championship Falls Count Anywhereâ€￾ below them.

[Cole] – “You just heard from the Champion, he feels that next week he’ll be keeping hold of his Championship.â€￾

[Foley] – “Michael Champions can talk as long and as much as they want, but its all about proving it in the ring and backing it up. Just like past Champions like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.â€￾

The camera then turns to the entrance ramp, as the Wachovia Center turns quiet and the lights turn off, except for one light, which shows Vladimir Kozlov walking down to the ring. The fans in attendance boo the Russian as he gets in the ring and shouts some Russian to the fans.

[Cole] – “This man is what intimidating is all about.â€￾

[Foley] – “You are right Michael; don’t let the snazzy entrance music and huge pyro display fool you. This man is intimidating.â€￾


Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jim Duggan

The bell rings and Hacksaw Jim Duggan is already in the ring. Duggan wills the crowd into a “USAâ€￾ chant. The chant gets louder and louder until Duggan and Kozlov meet in the centre of the ring. Duggan shouts “USAâ€￾ in Kozlov’s face, and the reply is a Headbutt in the face. Duggan stumbles backwards in pain. Kozlov goes after Duggan and continues the advantage with a series of punches. Kozlov rolls Duggan into the ropes and bends down. Duggan stops his momentum and kicks Kozlov in the head. Kozlov stands upright again with an angry face. Duggan runs at Kozlov and is hit with a Clothesline. Kozlov shows a little smile and waits for Duggan to get to his feet again. Kozlov walks into the corner and prepares his next move. Duggan finally gets to his feet and the chants of “USAâ€￾ are instantly changed to sounds of horror after Kozlov executes a Big Boot right in Duggan’s face. It is obvious to everyone that Duggan is finished in this match but Kozlov continues his onslaught with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. The referee even looks in shock as Kozlov doesn’t go for the pinfall. Kozlov shouts some more Russian before executing a Fallaway Slam. Finally Kozlov hits his finisher the Russian Rack. Kozlov intimidates fans by looking like he is going for the pinfall but decides not to. Kozlov picks up Duggan again and executes the Russian Rack again. This time Kozlov puts his foot on Duggan’s chest as the referee counts the pinfall. 1…..2…..3.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

A camera turns to a corridor backstage. Mick Foley starts to walk down the corridor in his wrestling gear. Foley walks past the cameras view and MVP opens his door. He stands in the middle of the corridor and sees Mick Foley in his wrestling gear. A look of fear is seen on MVP’s face.

Commercial Break

A camera fades in to the Smackdown Announce Table where Michael Cole and World Heavyweight Champion MVP are sitting. MVP’s entrance music fades out.

[Cole] – “Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole and my usual partner Mick Foley has left the Announce Table for reasons he has not confirmed. But now we have World Heavyweight Champion MVP joining me here on Commentary.â€￾

[MVP] – “Mick Foley is up to something Michael. I saw him Backstage.â€￾

The camera turns to the entrance ramp, as “Slow Chemicalâ€￾ begins to play. Kane walks down to the ring from the back to a huge cheer from the fans in the Wachovia Center. Kane walks up the steel steps and into the ring before raising his hands in the air and back down, erupting fire on all four corners of the ring.

[Cole] “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane is one of the two to start of this Smackdown Challenge, that will run throughout the next four weeks leading up to Summerslam. The last winner will take on you MVP for your Championship at Summerslam. SO MVP how would you feel if you ended up taking on Kane?â€￾

[MVP] – “If I’m honest I’d be quite happy. When I first cam to the WWE I was the greatest rookie of all-time and was still able to beat Kane. So now that I’m the greatest wrestler of all-time it would be a walk in the park.â€￾

The camera turns back to the entrance ramp, as “Wreckâ€￾ begins to play to a huge amount of cheers from the fans in attendance. Mick Foley walks down to the ring, as multiple shots are shown of MVP in shock. Foley walks up the steel steps and into the ring.

[Cole] – “How about that? Mick Foley is in the Smackdown Challenge!â€￾


Smackdown Challenge Match
Kane vs. Mick Foley

The bell rings and the two come out of their separate corners. The two meet in the centre of the ring. Kane executes a stiff Uppercut that catches Foley. Foley stumbles backwards into the ropes; Kane rolls Foley into the ropes. Foley comes off the ropes and dodges the clothesline. Foley stops his momentum and doesn’t go into the ropes; Kane goes after Foley who dodges the Uppercut with a series of punches. Foley now has Kane in front of the ropes and kicks him in the mid section. Foley runs off the opposite ropes and as Kane gets into an upright position again, is hit with the Cactus Clothesline. The two both land on the outside floor. Foley is first to his feet and sees MVP standing up in his seat. Foley starts to walk up to MVP but Kane knocks Foley down from behind. MVP laughs at Foley but Kane walks up to MVP. Foley has recovered and Clothesline’s Kane over the guardrail and into the crowd at the Wachovia Center. The two begin to trade blows in the crowd until the bell is heard.

Theodore Long walks down to the entrance ramp.

[Long] – “This match is now a No Count Out Match.â€￾

The crowd cheer at the announcement, but Kane and Foley haven’t heard the announcement and continue to brawl around the crowd. Foley rolls Kane into a wall but Kane reverses and rolls Foley into the wall. Foley crashes down to the floor in pain. Kane picks up Foley and starts to drag him back towards the ring. Kane throws Foley over the Guardrail. Foley crawls on the floor towards the Smackdown Announce Table area. Kane follows Foley but is hit with a Steel Chair from Foley. The referee signals for the bell to be rung and it is.

Theodore Long walks down to the entrance ramp again.

[Long] – “This match is now a No Disqualification Match.â€￾

The fans in attendance cheer at the announcement as the match once again continues. Foley tries another Chair shot but is distracted by MVP again. Foley swings the chair at MVP and barely misses. Kane capitalizes on the distraction and knocks Foley down to the floor with a Big Boot. Kane then starts to remove the Smackdown Announce Table Monitors.

[MVP] – “Is Kane blind? Sure he can destroy the Smackdown Announce Table, but not when MVP’s sitting behind it.â€￾

[Cole] – “It is clearly visible that both men really want a Title Match with you though MVP.â€￾

Kane then looks for Mick Foley who is just about on his feet. Kane rolls Foley onto the Announce Table. Kane signals for a Chokeslam. MVP looks on in amazement as Kane waits for Foley to get to his feet. Foley finally stands on both two feet and is instantly caught with a big right hand to the throat. Kane tries to lift Foley in the air but Foley stays on his feet. Foley elbows Kane. While the two have brawled on the Announce Table, MVP has set up two tables next to the Announce Table. Foley elbows Kane again and the grip is gone. MVP smacks a steel chair on both of Kane and Mick Foley. The two go crashing into the tables next to them.

No Contest

[Cole] – “I can’t believe what you have just done. MVP you’re gonna pay for this.â€￾

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Jesse and Festus vs DnD: Good opener for the talent you had, and the match was written as if it was very, very real. Really good.

MVP/Long: Entertaining, and MVP was in character. A bit of comedy at the end never hurts 

Matt Hardy/Rey Mysterio promo: Some nice hype to keep the feud going. Short, and to the point.

Matt Hardy/Teddy Long promo: Set up a big match for next week on SmackDown! Nice promo.

Cherry/Maryse: Um, idk what to say.

Big Show challenge: Semi in character, and sets up a good match. Nice heelish attitude from Show.

Big Show/Finlay: Feud starting finish to the match seemingly. Finlay played his usual role well, while Big Show also looked dominant. Good match.

Rey Mysterio promo: Pretty short, but still good. Rey doesn’t have much to say often anyway.

Duggan vs Kozlov: Squash, yeah.

Mick Foley vs Kane: This match was different, with the constant cange of stipulations lol. Interesting finish with MVP there. The match as a whole was pretty good, good brawling.

AC: Looking back at it, I felt the opener was your best match. I haven't seen your writing for awhile, but man have you improved. I'll try to keep reviewing.


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Aug 12, 2007
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Saturday 26th July 2008


25.07.2008 FEEDBACK

alexmoss12's Notes

I found this show really hard to right, since I got a good response for my Raw show I didn't want to dissapoint any of you by following it up with a bad show. And reading back on Smackdown I'd say I didn't do very well at all.

One of the only parts I am pleased with is the opening match for the WWE Tag-Team Championships. In all honesty that was my best match of the show.

BKB didn't have a clue what I had done with the Cherry/Marsye Match. And if I'm honest I didn't know what to right. I hadn't watched no Cherry or Marsye matches so I opted to make a storyline out of it. My only hope is this storyline can work.

After having the idea from rosewt01, I used the idea of a Big Show/Finlay Storyline, but added a twist to it as is evident in the match. In the next few weeks I'll try and add more interest and suspense to the angle so it doesn't look like JAA (Just Another Angle).

Vladimir Kozlov and Jim Duggan was a no brainer on what to do. Kozlov looks dominant.

Kane and Mick Foley I really wanted to do well, but I had too many ideas and I just tried to cram all of the ideas into it, without spreading them out and making it a longer match. I'm sorry for the lousy finish as well. But wait until the final week. You'll love it.


Smackdown News and Notes

Smackdown drew a 1.8 rating for the 25th July Edition of the show. This was expected seeing as nothing was promoted for the show. ANother reason is that MVP isn't liked as a Champion, so expect a Title Change in the next few months.

Vladimir Kozlov is still fuming over losing to Paul London at the Great American Bash. Kozlov found the booking of the angle horrendous and the finish and result of the match poor. Kozlov has been heard backstage involved in a lot of phone calls.

Jim Duggan suffered a neck injury on last weeks show. Duggan had his scan on the Sunday and is expected to be out for two months. Duggan is also considering retiring this year.​


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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BM - Rhe Main Event, I liked it better than the tag match i liked the constant action and alot of things in it but the tag match was gret too.

WM - Marsye and Cherry, I know your storyoline, I just don't like it, dunno why.

BP - Big Show open challenge, was in character, although it was short, it ws still interesting.

WP - Rey, too short and not really in character, sorry.

AC - I love the idea of Big Show and Finlay I wonder who came up with that, :shifty: Anyways another slid show, well done, :)
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