The bus driver should be dead if he targeted the pgo lmfao what the fuck does barry smoke when he’s doing these gamesI’d have killed the bus driver.
The bus driver should be dead if he targeted the pgo lmfao what the fuck does barry smoke when he’s doing these gamesI’d have killed the bus driver.
Not if it’s a bus drive m8Exactly we visited ekko not Chris
I’m also the only guy that caught scum and got them lynched soI had the DV on my scum list, though. I felt like my lynch was a poor one too, and given that scum were largely the ones driving it I'm not too upset. I don't have much nice to say about Poyser's play, so I won't say anything, except that his argument that I fit most of his possible scenarions was nonsense because, well, if he is selectively coming up with possibilities of course I'm going to appear, that's how bias works. I could also explain for hours about how claims are an important part of informing the lynch process, the bottom line is there is not only one way or form to play mafia.
I generally don't see BDs as visiting people but I can be corrected on that in the future.
I had you on D1 too but this time you actually performed your piggybacking of me to bus the shit out of your teammate wellYall gotta admit I'm getting better at scum though. No more d1 lynched jeff
Scum don’t always have crafted fakes, hence why stalling your claim is viewed as scummy. Oftentimes it’s because you’re wagoning scum that haven’t figured out their claim yet, so they refuse on the basis that “this wagon sucks!”i cant stress enough on how its more town indicative to hold ur claim than scum indicative
scum wud always rather show off their fake claims to get free cleared cuz they arent worried of being shot by mafia (altho SK is a threat for sure)
but town are generally more scared of revealing their role because they become sitting duck to both mafia and SK
it makes no sense to me why players get suspected for not claiming
its just weird cultural shock for me
You can’t outlaw talking about discord and people lol, don’t be daft. As long as they’re not linking it they can talk about whatever the fuck they wantI'm just gonna say
HM - Smark
HM - Jeff
Everyone's cool bro. Let's please not bring up the discord again btw. It is irrelevant to our site and is no longer associated in any fashion to it, we don't want it talked about on here anymore please. Same with discussions regarding banned personnel that have no association with our site. Mafia ain't that deep guys. Let's just try to have fun. For now, this chat will be locked if it keeps going.
Where else do you play? The quality of mafia is better here than on mafiac by a lotLol you don't know I had bad intentions. I repped in to help out Barry's game because there was a vacant spot. I got to make one post before being dealt with.
I then voiced my opinion on an issue that was being discussed. I'm well within my right to carry the opinion that the way the game here is played is inferior to how games I've started to play elsewhere are played. Call that what you want. It is my opinion and I'm allowed to have it.
YOU then made it a case of me being a bad player and not being able to play here and expressing you had a superior ppg etc blah blah blah. You did that.
I weighed in with my opinion on an issue that was being debated, and like Barry said, it's something that can be fixed going forward by adapting to what others prefer after trying some other games.
No issues here. No bad intentions here.
Don't know how @Maestro didn't get lynched instead of Pendex but good game as well, buddy.
but ur still scum this game T
I am town doctor
We swapped Ekko and Tweet, so anything targetted at Ekko would hit Tweet and vice versa.@Judge Barry
why did he not get protected?
Because someone else protected him as well?
I claimed.